daphnia cucullata
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Martin Horstmann ◽  
Linda C. Weiss ◽  
Ralph Tollrian

Inducible defenses are a wide-spread defensive mechanism in Daphnia. For example, D. cucullata is known to form different adaptive morphologies under changing environmental conditions. In this species, predator presence elicits defensive helmets. Defended animals perform better and survive more frequently in predation attempts. Another peculiarity of D. cucullata is that they develop these defenses also in response to turbulence. The mechanisms that underly this defensive effect are so far unclear. Therefore, we investigated the three-dimensional morphology of the typical, the turbulence- and Chaoborus-exposed morph and analyzed their surface and volume alterations. We furthermore measured the swimming velocities of these morphs. With the determined shapes and the measured velocities, we simulated the drag force under different angles of attack and determined the energy necessary to move through the water. In the light of previous findings and hypotheses we here discuss biomechanical mechanisms that improve D. cucullata’s fitness in the investigated environments.

2021 ◽  
Manuel E. Muñoz-Colmenares ◽  
Juan M. Soria ◽  
Eduardo Vicente

AbstractThe European Water Framework Directive implements the policies to achieve a good ecological status of all European waterbodies. To determine the ecological potential in freshwater environments, abiotic (morphology, physical and chemical variables) and biotics (algae, fishes, etc.) metrics are used. Despite their importance in trophic web, zooplankton was not included as one of the Biological Quality Elements (BQE) to determine the water quality. In the present research, we studied the zooplankton species that can be considered as indicators of trophic status and ecological potential for more than 60 water reservoirs. The data were obtained from more of 300 samples collected during 10 years from reservoirs at Ebro River watershed, which is the largest basin in Spain. According to their physicochemical and biological elements, the trophic status and ecological potential of these reservoirs were established. More than 150 zooplankton species were identified during the study. The results from this research indicate that species that are related with low water quality are: Acanthocyclops americanus, Ceriodaphnia spp., Daphnia cucullata, Daphnia párvula, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Brachionus angularis, Keratella cochlearis and Phompolyx sulcata. An indicator of moderate quality was Bosmina longirostris, while Daphnia longispina, Ascomorpha ovalis and Ascomorpha saltans were considered as indicators of good water quality. The data obtained suggest that zooplankton species can be used as a valuable tool to determine the water quality status and should be considered, in a near future, as one more of the BQE within the WFD metrics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Hüseyin Güher ◽  
Burak Öterler

This study was carried out to determine the diversity, abundance and seasonal distribution of planktonic microcrustaceans (Cladocera, Copepoda) in Kayalıköy Reservoir. Cladocera and Copepoda samples were collected from May 2018 to April 2019 at three stations in the reservoir and some environmental parameters were measured. The qualitative evaluation of the samples revealed presence of 40 species, 24 from Cladocera and 16 from Copepoda, in the reservoir. The quantitative evaluation of the samples showed that 52690 ind./m³ zooplankton on average was found in the reservoir. The most common species in the reservoir were Daphnia cucullata, D. longispina, D. pulex, Bosmina longirostris and Chydorus sphaericus from Cladocera, and Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii, Acanthocyclops robustus and Thermocyclops crassus from Copepoda. According to the water quality standards, the measured values of water temperature, dissolved oxygen, sulfate, salinity and chloride indicated the first quality of water, while the light permeability, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, ortho-phosphate and chlorophyll-a values indicated the second and third quality of water levels. According to these results, we conclude that Kayalıköy Reservoir has a mesotrophic character in terms of the microcrustacean fauna and the physicochemical parameters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 ◽  
pp. 106585
Maciej Karpowicz ◽  
Łukasz Sługocki ◽  
Joanna Kozłowska ◽  
Agnieszka Ochocka ◽  
Carlos López

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
Maciej Karpowicz ◽  
Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin ◽  
Adam Więcko ◽  
Andrzej Górniak ◽  
Adam Cudowski

The factors that influence plankton distribution in lakes are currently widely debated. The primary objective of this study was to determine a combination of factors that influence the three-dimensional distribution patterns of both rotifer and crustacean communities in a pelagic ecosystem. We compared the abiotic (temperature, oxygen and nutrients) and biotic (phytoplankton) factors that affect the horizontal and vertical distribution of zooplankton in different habitat conditions in Lake Wigry. The results of our study indicate that the vertical gradient in a water profile is much more important for microcrustaceans than horizontal changes in environmental conditions, whereas Rotifera showed a strong spatial autocorrelation when connected with differences in trophic status. Generally, large zooplankton prefer cold, darker waters of the metalimnion-hypolimnion, while smaller zooplankton prefer the warm epilimnion. This niche segregation in water profiles promotes a large diversity of pelagic zooplankton. The vertical distribution of dominant Daphnia cucullata was strongly related to the phytoplankton distribution. Moreover, we found that the large-bodied Daphnia cucullata prefers the lower water layers, despite the presence of less optimal food resources, while smaller individuals clearly prefer the warm surface water with high quality resources.

Michał Solis ◽  
Barbara Pawlik-Skowrońska ◽  
Małgorzata Adamczuk ◽  
Renata Kalinowska

Species composition and quantitative structure of small-sized Cladocera community and their algal diet before, during and after cyanobacterial blooms were studied in highly eutrophic lake. The objective of the study was to investigate, how the mass development of toxin-producing cyanobacteria affect the abundances of small-sized Cladocera and their preferences within consumed algal cells. Cyanobacterial blooms were predominantly constituted by microcystin-producing genera Planktothrix, Dolichospermum, Microcystis. The concentration of intracellular microcystins in lake water ranged 0.0–23.61 μg dm−3. Bosmina longirostris, B. coregonii, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Daphnia cucullata were dominant in Cladocera community. The highest abundances of B. longirostris occurred in periods without cyanobacterial blooms and B. coregonii during blooms and after them. The maximum abundances of D. cucullata were observed before and after the cyanobacterial blooms, while the abundance of D. brachyurum was the highest at the beginning of blooms. Small Bacillariophyceae, small Chlorophyceae and Cryptophyceae were the most abundant among identified algal cells detected in digestive tracts of the Cladocera dominants. Tracts of D. cucullata, B. longirostris and B. coregonii contained the highest number of Bacillariophyceae always before blooms. During cyanobacterial blooms, cells of small Chlorophyceae predominated in tracts of D. cucullata. After bloom, cells of Cryptomonas spp. were mainly consumed both by D. cucullata and by B. coregonii. Fragments of Dolichospermum spp., besides Bacillariophyceae and Cryptomonas spp. cells, were occasionally found in tracts of D. brachyurum. Our study indicated that blooms constituted by toxin-producing cyanobacteria may influence quantitative and qualitative structure of the small-sized Cladocera community.

2012 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Tomasz Brzeziński ◽  
Jan Fronk ◽  
Joanna Trzcińska-Danielewicz ◽  
Piotr Dawidowicz

AbstractPopulations of three sympatric species (Daphnia cucullata, Daphnia galeata, and Daphnia hyalina (Daphnia longispina complex)) inhabiting three lakes in northeastern Poland (Roś, Mikołajskie, Wigry) were checked for interspecific hybrids. Hybrid Daphnia coexisting with parental individuals were detected in each of the investigated lakes. Several classes of hybrids (F1, F2, backcrosses), including D. cucullata×galeata×hyalina individuals, have been detected. Hybrids constituted a substantial (13%–38%) part of the total abundance of individuals of the D. longispina complex. Deficiency of heterozygotes (hybrids) detected may indicate the existence of barriers for gene flow between the sympatric Daphnia taxa.

Biologia ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (5) ◽  
Dafina Guseska ◽  
Orhideja Tasevska ◽  
Goce Kostoski

AbstractThe composition and temporal abundance patterns of zooplankton community in Lake Prespa pelagic zone were studied throughout an annual cycle (October 2008–September 2009). Eighteen species (10 Rotifera, 5 Cladocera, 2 Copepoda, 1 Mollusca) were evidenced. It includes Arctodiaptomus steindachneri, an endemic calanoid of the Western Balkans. The zooplankton density varied during the investigated period and certain seasonal successions in temporal transpositions of their maximal development were noticed. The total zooplankton density was much higher in spring and summer period. The representatives of subclass Copepoda were dominant during the whole year. The dominant species was A. steindachneri. At the second place (with exception of the winter period) were the Cladocera representatives. The dominant species was Daphnia cucullata. At the third and fourth place were rotifers and larval form of Dreissena polymorpha, respectively. The quantitative presence of the Copepoda representatives was significantly lower in terms of the previous investigations. The Cladocera quantity reached high values during this period, particularly in summer. Such altering in the quantitative ratio between Copepoda and Cladocera in favor of the Cladocera, especially high quantitative presence of D. cucullata, typical for eutrophic lakes, imply of significant changes in zooplankton community and changes of the water quality in Lake Prespa pelagial.

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