descriptive solution
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2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 1275-1288
Abd El-Mohsen Badawy ◽  
Miroslav Haviar ◽  
Miroslav Ploščica

AbstractThe notion of a congruence pair for principal MS-algebras, simpler than the one given by Beazer for K2-algebras [6], is introduced. It is proved that the congruences of the principal MS-algebras L correspond to the MS-congruence pairs on simpler substructures L°° and D(L) of L that were associated to L in [4].An analogy of a well-known Grätzer’s problem [11: Problem 57] formulated for distributive p-algebras, which asks for a characterization of the congruence lattices in terms of the congruence pairs, is presented here for the principal MS-algebras (Problem 1). Unlike a recent solution to such a problem for the principal p-algebras in [2], it is demonstrated here on the class of principal MS-algebras, that a possible solution to the problem, though not very descriptive, can be simple and elegant.As a step to a more descriptive solution of Problem 1, a special case is then considered when a principal MS-algebra L is a perfect extension of its greatest Stone subalgebra LS. It is shown that this is exactly when de Morgan subalgebra L°° of L is a perfect extension of the Boolean algebra B(L). Two examples illustrating when this special case happens and when it does not are presented.

1965 ◽  
Ernesto S. Lindgren ◽  
C. E. Lindgren

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