molecular substances
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (40) ◽  
pp. 185-186
Elzbieta Malarczyk

Introduction: The fungal and bacterial materials are very useful for testing the influence of low and very low doses of low molecular phenolic effectors on enzymatic system of phenoloxidases when they are incubated together in the reaction space. Aim: Searching for the model useful biological systems to study the action of diluted low molecular substances on living organisms, which is based on common physical and biochemical analytical procedures. Methods: The fungal and actinomycetal bacterial materials from laboratory cultures as a source of common phenoloxidases, laccase, peroxidase and O-demethylase as well as the pure plant peroxidase were used in experiments described earlier [1-5]. Subsequent dilutions of low molecular phenolic metabolites, appropriate for studied enzymatic systems, prepared in 75% ethanol in the proportion of 1:100 (centesimal) and dynamized by shaking in accordance with homeopathic procedures were prepared in our laboratory. During experiments with bacterial and fungal materials and a pure plant peroxidase, which were incubated together with subsequent dilutions of proper phenolic effector, different analytic methods were used including a gel (PAGE) [4] and capillary (MEKCE) electrophoresis [5], spectral and colorimetric methods [1,2,3] as well as the electron microscopy [5]. Results: In the light of presented data [1-5], the incubation of biological material with diluted phenolic effectors induces various effects on tested enzyme activity. It changed in sinusoidal manner with an gradual growth of dilution rate of tested effectors, which was distinctly visible on the diagram when the number of dilutions was localized on abscissa and biological activity on the ordinate. Exemplary results of the chosen experiments will be presented. For tested enzymes: laccase, peroxidase and O-demethylase, the distance between maximal points of enzymatic activity, shown on a sine curve, repeats more often every 10 subsequent centesimal dilutions. Along with the extension of incubation period the displacement of maximal and minimal points on curve were noticed, which revealed a dynamic aspect of studied phenomenon. Conclusions: Fungal and bacterial cells seem to be a very convenient material for studying the action of diluted metabolites on enzymatic systems because their popular presence in environment. Results of all experiments confirmed the same nature of the mentioned observations. Because other authors had similar conclusion concerning human [6,7] and plant materials [8,9], the described relations seem to be common in natural world. It could also be stressed that the therapeutic effect of homeopathic remedies could be based on the mechanism described above and it is highly probable that it leads to a normalisation of disturbed enzyme systems in the living organisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (5) ◽  
pp. 052037
M Boiko ◽  
T Boiko ◽  
I Kolesnikov

Abstract The boundary lubrication mode is usually implemented in conditions of low sliding speeds and high loads. The formation of strong boundary lubricating films under this friction mode determines the operability and durability of the friction units. It is believed that the formation of surface boundary films during friction includes the stages of the lubricant oxidation, and the aldol condensation reaction of oxidized molecules. As a result, high-molecular substances called “friction polymers” are formed. The paper studies the formation of surface films in the presence of substances with different reactivity in the aldol condensation and Claisen condensation reactions. Sunflower oil, bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate (DEHS), triisodecyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate (TC) were used as lubricants. It is shown by ATR IR-spectroscopy of that the common thing for the studied oils is that the C=O and C-O groups participate in the formation of boundary films in these oils. The addition of substances, active in aldol condensation reactions, into lubricants does not accelerate the formation of boundary films. Additives that can chemically interact with iron contribute to the dissolution of the surface oxide film and accelerate the formation of boundary layers. The formation of “friction polymers” occurs when the lubricant molecules interact with the metal surface.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-39
Ирина Михайловна Абрамова ◽  
Наталья Евгеньевна Головачёва ◽  
Светлана Семеновна Морозова ◽  
Любовь Павловна Галлямова ◽  
Наталья Александровна Шубина ◽  

При приготовлении ликероводочных изделий на основе натурального сырья применение малиновых спиртованных соков и спиртованных морсов взамен пищевых ароматизаторов весьма актуально для повышения качественных показателей напитков. Проведенные исследования по ферментативной обработке ягод малины быстрозамороженной перед процессом настаивания показали эффективность использования ферментных препаратов: пектолитического действия - Фруктоцим Колор и грибной целлюлазы - Брюзайм BGX для обработки быстрозамороженной малины при приготовлении спиртованных морсов. Исследованы мультиэнзимные композиции ферментных препаратов для обработки мезги малины быстрозамороженной. Анализ полученных экспериментальных данных показал, что предварительная обработка ягод малины быстрозамороженной при получении сока существенно влияет на его выход. Более эффективной обработкой для биокатализа высокомолекулярных веществ мезги малины является использование мультиэнзимной композиции Фруктоцим Колор и Брюзайм BGX. Физико-химические и реологические показатели ферментализатов по сравнению с контрольным вариантом были выше: выход сока увеличился в 3 раза, вязкость снизилась в 4 раза, мутность уменьшилась в 6 раз в результате полного гидролиза пектиновых веществ. Применение мультиэнзимной композиции ферментных препаратов Фруктоцим П6Л и Брюзайм BGX было менее эффективно: гидролиз пектиновых веществ прошел не до конца, и как следствие выход сока и сока-самотека был меньше. Увеличение массовой концентрации растворимых веществ, содержания общих фенольных веществ и антоцианов свидетельствует о более полном истощении сырья за счет гидролиза клеточных стенок. Увеличение антиоксидантной активности в ферментализатах подтверждает высвобождение красящих веществ (антоцианов) и витаминов, обладающих биологической активностью. When preparing alcoholic beverages based on natural raw materials, the use of raspberry alcoholic juices and alcoholic drinks, instead of food flavors, is very important to improve the quality of drinks. The conducted studies on the enzymatic processing of quick-frozen raspberries before the infusion process have shown the effectiveness of the use of enzyme preparations: pectolytic action-Fructocim Color and mushroom cellulase-Brusaym BGX for the processing of quick-frozen raspberries in the preparation of alcoholic drinks. Multienzyme compositions of enzyme preparations for the treatment of quick-frozen raspberry pulp were studied. The analysis of the obtained experimental data showed that the pretreatment of raspberries with quick-frozen juice significantly affects its yield. A more effective treatment for the biocatalysis of high-molecular substances of raspberry pulp is the use of the multi-enzyme composition Fructocim Color and Bruzaym BGX. Physico-chemical and rheological properties of terminalization compared to the control was higher: the juice yield increased 3 times, the viscosity of the juice decreased by 4 times, the turbidity of the juice decreased by 6 times as a result of the complete hydrolysis of pectin substances. The use of the multienzyme composition of the enzyme preparations Fructocim P6L and Bruzaym BGX was less effective, the hydrolysis of pectin substances was not complete, and as a result, the yield of juice and juice self- flow was less. An increase in the mass concentration of soluble substances, the content of total phenolic substances and anthocyanins indicates a more complete depletion of raw materials due to the hydrolysis of cell walls. The increase in antioxidant activity in fermentalizates confirms the release of coloring substances (anthocyanins) and vitamins with biological activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Wenjie Wang ◽  
Mengran Zhang ◽  
Binxia Zhao ◽  
Linxue Liu ◽  
Ruixuan Han ◽  

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to improve the degradation efficiency of Rhodamine B (RhB) by new photocatalytic materials. Design/methodology/approach Binary Z-scheme g-C3N4/Bi2WO6 photocatalytic material was synthesized by the one-step hydrothermal reaction. The construction of Z-scheme heterojunction led to the rapid separation of photogenerated electrons and holes, which would degrade RhB into small molecular substances to achieve the purpose of degradation. Findings It was found that Bi2WO6/25%g-C3N4 displayed the highest photocatalytic activity, which was about 1.44 and 1.34 times higher than that of pure Bi2WO6 and g-C3N4, respectively. According to the trapping experiments, the superoxide radical (·O2−) was the major active species of the RhB decomposition in Bi2WO6/g-C3N4 catalysts. Originality/value The successful synthesis of Z-scheme Bi2WO6/g-C3N4 provides new ideas and references for the design of catalysts with high photocatalytic activity, which should have wide applications in the future.

Thimoteus Speer ◽  
Paul M Ridker ◽  
Arnold von Eckardstein ◽  
Stefan J Schunk ◽  
Danilo Fliser

Abstract Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with high cardiovascular risk. CKD patients exhibit a specific lipoprotein pattern termed ‘uraemic dyslipidaemia’, which is characterized by rather normal low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high triglyceride plasma levels. All three lipoprotein classes are involved in the pathogenesis of CKD-associated cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Uraemia leads to several modifications of the structure of lipoproteins such as changes of the proteome and the lipidome, post-translational protein modifications (e.g. carbamylation) and accumulation of small-molecular substances within the lipoprotein moieties, which affect their functionality. Lipoproteins from CKD patients interfere with lipid transport and promote inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction as well as other features of atherogenesis, thus contributing to the development of CKD-associated CVD. While, lipid-modifying therapies play an important role in the management of CKD patients, their efficacy is modulated by kidney function. Novel therapeutic agents to prevent the adverse remodelling of lipoproteins in CKD and to improve their functional properties are highly desirable and partially under development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (19) ◽  
pp. 306-308
I.M. Abramova ◽  
S.S. Morozova ◽  
L.P. Gallyamova

The effectiveness of the use of pectolytic enzyme preparations - Fructocim P6L and fungal cellulase - Bruzaym BGX for biocatalysis of high-molecular substances of dried apricot pulp in the preparation of food ingredients (alcoholic juices and fruit drinks) for alcoholic beverages is shown.

2020 ◽  
pp. 039139882096178
Sebastian Koball ◽  
Christina Westphal ◽  
Silvius Frimmel ◽  
Michael Hinz ◽  
Sebastian Klammt ◽  

Background: Albumin is important for the transport of protein-bound substances (PBS). Albumin binding capacity (ABiC) is reduced in dialysis patients. This can contribute to worsening of uremic symptoms. It is presumed that open-porous middle cut off filters that is, HDx (Baxter-Theranova) remove high molecular substances more efficiently than conventional treatment. To evaluate HDx for the improvement of ABiC and removal of PBS, HDx was compared to hemodiafiltration (Fresenius-FX80, HDF). Methods: We included 32 chronic patients on HDF. After inclusion patients were treated with HDx for 14 days. Blood samples were drawn before/after treatments at study entry, first HDx and sixth HDx, to determine ABiC and other study parameters. Results: ABiC improved in HDx (68.4% vs 72.4%) and HDF (69.9% vs 72.4%) without differences between both therapies. No reduction of albumin concentration during HDx treatment was observed. Conclusion: HDx is accepted as a safe and equally efficient therapy for removing albumin bound uremic toxins compared to HDF with high flux dialyzers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 168-173
София Николаевна Червяк ◽  
Нонна Владимировна Гниломедова ◽  
Антонина Валерьевна Весютова ◽  
Ольга Алексеевна Чурсина

Потеря растворимости виннокислых солей калия и кальция является причиной выпадения кристаллического осадка в вине. Одним из способов стабилизации вин является внесение высокомолекулярных веществ в готовый к розливу продукт. Коллоидные вещества не препятствуют образованию ядер кристаллизации битартрата калия, но обладают ингибирующим действием по отношению к росту кристаллов. В то же время предлагаемые вещества имеют особенности, которые необходимо учитывать при выборе схемы обработки: метавинная кислота эффективна для всех типов вин, однако сохраняет свои свойства непродолжительное время; КМЦ наибольшее действие проявляет в белых винах, при этом может спровоцировать выпадение фенольных веществ в красных винах; маннопротеины не отличаются стабильным результатом. Гуммиарабик проявляет протекторные свойства не только в отношении фенольных веществ, но и эффективно блокирует рост кристаллов битартрата калия. Защитное действие гуммиарабика и полиаспартата калия недостаточно освещено в научной литературе, что обусловливает необходимость дальнейших исследований в экспериментальных и производственных условиях. Loss of solubility of tartaric salts of potassium and calcium is the cause of precipitation of crystal sediment in wine. One of the ways to stabilize wines is to introduce high-molecular substances into the product ready for bottling. Colloidal substances do not prevent the formation of crystallization center of potassium bitartrate, but possess an inhibitory effect on the growth of crystals. At the same time, the proposed substances offer properties that must be taken into account when choosing a treatment scheme: metatartaric acid is effective for all types of wines, but retains its properties for a short period of time; CMC demonstrates maximum effect in white wines, while it can provoke the sedimentation of phenolic substances in red wines; mannoproteins do not show steady result. Arabic gum shows protective properties not only in relation to phenolic substances, but also effectively blocks the growth of potassium bitartrate crystals. The protective effect of arabic gum and potassium polyaspartate is not sufficiently covered in the scientific literature, which necessitates further research in experimental and industrial conditions.

Holzforschung ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 74 (5) ◽  
pp. 469-475
Yinling Zhao ◽  
Shengling Xiao ◽  
Jinquan Yue ◽  
Dingyuan Zheng ◽  
Liping Cai

AbstractIn this study, poplar chemi-mechanical pulp was used as a raw material to investigate the effect of enzymatic hydrolysis lignin (EHL) content on the tensile strength and hydrophobicity of molded fiber materials (MFMs). The tensile strength and hydrophobic properties of the fabricated MFMs with different EHL contents were evaluated, and changes in their microstructure, chemical structure, and thermal stability were characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, respectively. Results show that under the experimental conditions used herein, the addition of EHL could increase the tensile strength and surface water contact angle of MFMs up to 20.3 MPa and 95.0°, respectively. The SEM observations indicate that the addition of EHL expanded the contact area between the EHL and fibers, thereby reducing the holes between fibers. The FTIR and TG analyses indicated that hot-pressing degraded EHL to form small molecular substances and improved the reaction with aldehydes produced via carbohydrate degradation, improving both the inter-fiber bonding strength and hydrophobicity of the MFM surface.

V. Kofman

В КНР ведутся активные исследования по разработке технологии ферментации избыточного активного ила с получением водорода. Процесс анаэробной ферментации состоит из трех основных стадий: гидролиз, образование водорода и кислот, образование метана. На стадии гидролиза происходит образование низкомолекулярных веществ из высокомолекулярного крахмала, волокон и белков. На стадии образования водорода и кислот гидрогеногенные и ацидогенные бактерии ферментируют низкомолекулярные вещества с образованием ряда органических кислот, водорода и диоксида углерода. На стадии образования метана метаногенные бактерии метаболизируют продукты, образовавшиеся на предыдущих стадиях с выделением метана и диоксида углерода. В результате получить водород можно только путем ингибирования активности метаногенных бактерий, не оказывая при этом воздействия на активность гидрогеногенных бактерий. С учетом этих обстоятельств разрабатывают способы интенсификации производства биоводорода. Основные усилия в данной области направлены на поиск штаммов с высокой эффективностью анаэробной ферментации. Другим направлением является выбор способа предварительной обработки активного ила из числа тепловой, кислотной, щелочной, СВЧ-обработки, стерилизации и ультразвуковой обработки. Значительные перспективы связывают с использованием консорциума микроорганизмов и смешанного субстрата, содержащего наряду с осадками сточных вод пищевые отходы, солому или навоз. В Индии получило развитие направление обработки сточных вод различных промышленных производств с получением обогащенной липидами биомассы для последующего производства биодизельного топлива. Исследования проведены с использованием бактерий Rhodococcus opacus, дрожжей Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae и микроводорослей Desmodesmus sp.In China, active research is underway for developing a technology for excess activated sludge fermentation to obtain hydrogen. The process of anaerobic fermentation includes three main stages: hydrolysis, formation of hydrogen and acids, and methane generation. At the hydrolysis stage, the formation of low-molecular substances from high-molecular starch, fibers and proteins. At the stage of the hydrogen and acids formation hydrogenogenic and acetogenic bacteria ensure the fermentation of low-molecular substances with the formation of a number of organic acids, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. At the stage of methane generation, methanogenic bacteria metabolize the products formed in the previous stages with the release of methane and carbon dioxide. As a result, hydrogen can be obtained only by inhibiting the activity of methanogenic bacteria eliminating the impact on the activity of hydrogenogenic bacteria. Considering these circumstances methods are being developed to enhance the production of biohydrogen. The main efforts in this area aim at finding strains with high efficiency of anaerobic fermentation. Another direction is choosing a method of activated sludge pre-treatment from among thermal, acid, alkaline, microwave treatment, sterilization and ultrasonic treatment. Significant prospects are associated with the use of a consortium of microorganisms and mixed substrate containing, along with wastewater sludge, food waste, straw or manure. In India, the technologies of processing various types of industrial wastewater with the production of biomass enriched with lipids for the subsequent production of biodiesel have been on the march. The studies have been performed using Rhodococcus opacus bacteria, Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae yeast and Desmodesmus sp microalgae.

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