discordant twins
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 247-247
Deborah Finkel ◽  
Ida Karlsson ◽  
Malin Ericsson ◽  
Tom Russ ◽  
Anna Dahl Aslan ◽  

Abstract Socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the most robust predictors of health. The source of SES-health associations is heavily debated; one approach is investigating neighborhood-level environmental characteristics. Challenges include selection effects and the possibility of reverse causation: people choose their neighborhoods. Longitudinal twin research can overcome these issues by assessing location choice over time as well as twin similarity; however, few existing twin studies have incorporated neighborhood-level data, and none of those focus on aging. Using longitudinal data from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging, the current study examined the impact of location at various points in life. Location at birth and in 1993 were available for 972 participants. Birth years ranged from 1926 to 1948; mean age in 1993 was 54.55 (range = 35-67). Thirty-nine percent of the sample had moved to a different county between birth and midlife: individuals who moved had significantly higher parental SES and had achieved significantly higher education. Moreover, identical twin concordance for geographic mobility (77%) was significantly higher than fraternal twin concordance (65%), indicating a modest but significant genetic contribution. Geographic mobility did not impact identical twin similarity on a functional aging factor (corrected for age and education), but fraternal twins concordant for mobility were more similar than discordant twins, suggesting genetic contributions to mobility may also impact health. Ongoing retrieval of location information for twins born 1900-1925 and geocoding of location information available at 9 waves of data collection will allow for expanded investigation of the SES-health relationship at the neighborhood level.

2021 ◽  
Hyun Mi Kim ◽  
Hyun-Hwa Cha ◽  
Won Joon Seong ◽  
Mi Ju Kim

Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between the estimated fetal weight discordancy, which was measured by ultrasound during pregnancy, and maternal pregnancy complications and neonatal outcomes in dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies.Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of the medical records of 320 twin pregnancies delivered at Chilgok Kyungpook National University Hospital between January 2011 and February 2020. This study included dichorionic diamniotic twin mothers who delivered between 32+1 and 38+0 weeks of gestation. Mothers who had one fetal demise, a major anomaly, or twin-specific complications were excluded. At 20–24 weeks and 28–32 weeks of gestation, participants were divided into 2 groups: discordant twins with an estimated fetal weight difference of more than 20% and concordant twins with a weight difference of less than 20%. The maternal complications and neonatal outcomes were compared between the two groups. Results: The incidences of preeclampsia and placenta previa were significantly higher in discordant twins measured between 20 and 24 weeks compared with concordant twins, but no statistical significance was found in the neonatal outcomes between the two groups. Delivery times were earlier and neonatal weights were lower in discordant twins measured between 28 and 32 weeks. Neonatal outcomes such as ventilator use and neurodevelopment were also significantly different. Conclusion: Discordance in estimated fetal weight measured by ultrasound between 20 and 24 weeks is a risk factor for maternal preeclampsia and placenta previa, whereas discordancy at 28–32 weeks can predict poor neonatal outcomes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003232172110087
Stig Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen ◽  
Aaron Weinschenk ◽  
Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard ◽  
Jacob von Bornemann Hjelmborg ◽  
Robert Klemmensen

In this article, we examine the nature of the relationship between educational attainment and ideology. Some scholars have argued that the effect of education on political variables like ideology is inflated due to unaccounted-for family factors, such as genetic predispositions and parental socialization. Using the discordant twin design and data from a large sample of Danish twins, we find that after accounting for confounders rooted in the family, education has a (quasi)-causal effect on economic ideology, but not social ideology. We also examine whether the relationship between education and economic ideology is moderated by levels of economic hardship in the local context where individuals reside. We find that the (quasi)-causal effect of education on economic ideology increases in economically challenged areas.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ximena Orozco-Quinga ◽  
Fabricio González-Andrade

Abstract There are few studies on twins in Ecuador and Latin America. It requires a better understanding of perinatal conditions, especially from an ethnic perspective. This work aims to assess perinatal factors related to twin pregnancy in Ecuadorian Mestizo individuals. We performed an epidemiological, observational and cross-sectional study at the Hospital San Francisco and Hospital Nueva Aurora in Quito, Ecuador, from November 2019 to January 2020. It included 203 newborns from twin pregnancies, including mothers with and without pathological history. The average gestational age was 31 weeks, and the APGAR score at first minute was 6.86, with significant differences. Regarding the metabolic balance, the mean pH was 6.14; and bicarbonate was 11.57, with significant differences. Twins had intrauterine growth restriction in 6.9% of cases, with significant differences (p = .003); 81.4% required supplemental oxygen, with significant differences (p = .002); 93% required noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV), with significant differences (p = . 003); 93% required inotropic and sedation, with substantial differences; 69% required antibiotics (≥21 days), with significant differences (p = .014); and 17.2% needed between 8 to 14 days of hospitalization, and 51% more than 28 days, with significant differences. The studied mothers’ demographic profile was mostly Mestizos, with an average age of 32 years, and 93% had a poverty status. Most of the twins were diamniotic monochorial and were discordant twins. It found jaundice, premature anemia and sepsis in 100% of twins and hyaline membrane disease in 89.66% of twins. Twins of women with relevant prenatal care had more premature births (30.4 ± 2.6 weeks), more acid−base imbalance, APGAR at ≥7 min in 90% of cases, and patent ductus arteriosus in all. There was also a greater need for double intensive phototherapy than twins of healthy women.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Lioba Schmitz ◽  
Sandra Schulte ◽  
Birgit Stoffel-Wagner ◽  
Peter Bartmann ◽  
Michaela Plamper ◽  

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Adverse prenatal conditions can exert a long-lasting impact in later life. <b><i>Patients and Methods:</i></b> Thirty-eight post-pubertal monozygotic twin pairs (16 female pairs) with divergent birthweight (bw) due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome were examined at a median of 15.1 years. Auxological and endocrine parameters were measured. To evaluate effects of intra-twin bw and hormone differences on mental health, adolescents and their parents completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), identifying psychological problems. Twins answered the questionnaire on health-related quality of life (HrQoL, KIDSCREEN-52). <b><i>Results:</i></b> Parents attributed a higher number of psychological challenges to the formerly smaller twins, for example, total difficulties (8.8 vs. 6.5, <i>p</i> = 0.009). Differences in bw were associated with differences in parental evaluation of problems, for example, peer relationship problems (<i>r</i> = −0.57 and <i>p</i> = 0.0001). In contrast, bw differences did not affect subjects’ self-assessment of psychological factors but on physical well-being (<i>r</i> = 0.42, <i>p</i> = 0.017). The formerly smaller discordant twins showed significantly lower HrQoL regarding psychological well-being (24.9 vs. 26.6, <i>T</i><sub>1,15</sub> = −2.2, and <i>p</i> = 0.043) and moods and emotions (29.8 vs. 32.0, <i>T</i><sub>1,15</sub> = −2.3, <i>p</i> = 0.039). Higher concentrations of androstenedione were linked to greater psychological well-being (<i>r</i> = 0.39 and <i>p</i> = 0.036) in all twin pairs. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Our results show that the prenatal environment leading to bw differences exerts a long-lasting impact on diverging parental evaluation of mental health. Formerly smaller discordant twins showed significantly lower HrQoL regarding psychological well-being and moods and emotions. Higher androstenedione concentrations were linked to greater psychological well-being.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Abdullah Aamir ◽  
Helen J. Kuht ◽  
Rebecca J. McLean ◽  
Gail D. E. Maconachie ◽  
Viral Sheth ◽  

AbstractInfantile nystagmus (IN) may result from aetiologies including albinism and FRMD7 mutations. IN has low prevalence, and twins with IN are rare. Whilst discordant presentation has been previously reported for IN, we present for the first time the comprehensive assessment of diagnostically discordant monozygotic twins. From a cohort of over 2000 patients, we identified twins and triplets discordant for nystagmus. Using next-generation sequencing, high-resolution infra-red pupil tracking and optical coherence tomography, we characterised differences in genotype and phenotype. Monozygotic twins (n = 1), dizygotic twins (n = 3) and triplets (n = 1) were included. The monozygotic twins had concordant TYR variants. No causative variants were identified in the triplets. Dizygotic twins had discordant variants in TYR, OCA2 and FRMD7. One unaffected co-twin demonstrated sub-clinical nystagmus. Foveal hypoplasia (FH) was noted in four of five probands. Both co-twins of the monozygotic pair and triplets displayed FH. In three families, at least one parent had FH without nystagmus. FH alone may be insufficient to develop nystagmus. Whilst arrested optokinetic reflex pathway development is implicated in IN, discordant twins raise questions regarding where differences in development have arisen. In unaffected monozygotes therefore, genetic variants may predispose to oculomotor instability, with variable expressivity possibly responsible for the discordance observed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Zike Martha

The parang pisang tradition is an activity that falls into the category of ritual communication. In this tradition there is a meaning to commemorate the birth of discordant twins so it is believed that there will be no feelings of love for one another. The reseacrh aims to determine the meaning and symbols contained in the parang pisang tradition and the understanding of the younger generation in interpreting this tradition. In this research, information was obtained through 7 (seven) speakers who fit the research criteria. The method used in this research is a qualitative method using syimbolic interactional theory.The results of the study indicate that there are verbal dan non verbal symbols in the tradition of this parang pisang. Verbal symbols in the form of minang rhymes used in the process of communicating during the event. As for non verbal symbols, there are obejcts and equipment used where every object used contains meaning.Kayworld : Tradition, Ritual Communication, Parang Pisang, Nagari Surantih

2021 ◽  
Xi Yongzhi ◽  
Xiaopu Zhang ◽  
Yuying Sun ◽  
Fei Liang ◽  
Junwen Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Kimball Zhang ◽  
Jingqin Zhu ◽  
Emilie Terebessy ◽  
Ivy Fong ◽  
Teresa To

Open Medicine ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Duško Kljakić ◽  
Miloš Z. Milosavljević ◽  
Milan Jovanović ◽  
Vesna Čolaković Popović ◽  
Saša Raičević

AbstractSeveral Serratia species are widely distributed in nature, but Serratia marcescens is the only species frequently isolated in hospitals. This pathogen is mainly responsible for nosocomial infection, mostly in immunocompromised hosts. A 26-year-old woman with a twin pregnancy, regularly controlled, was hospitalized at 24 + 5 weeks of gestation due to scant vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain, and body temperature up to 37.5°C. Gynecological examination revealed bleeding accompanied by dilatation of the cervix. The laboratory analyses revealed leukocytosis with elevated C-reactive protein (CRP). Treatment was initiated with intravenous antibiotic administration. After admission, fetal membranes spontaneously ruptured, and an extremely preterm dichorionic female twin birth occurred at 25 + 0 weeks of gestation. Both infants died two days after labor. Pathological and microbiological analyses revealed chorioamnionitis caused by S. marcescens. According to the antibiogram, antibiotic treatment was continued for the next 7 days. The examination of cervical and vaginal discharge samples was negative three days and two weeks after therapy. S. marcescens may cause spontaneous miscarriages and, in this important case, caused loss of discordant twins in an extremely preterm birth by an immunocompetent patient. Infection by S. marcescens cannot be excluded as a cause of discordant growth and needs to be confirmed by further research.

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