fourth column
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Injury ◽  
2021 ◽  
Mitchell Breitenbach ◽  
Amy Phan ◽  
Mina Botros ◽  
David Paul ◽  
Robert Molinari ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3C) ◽  
pp. 354-359
Viktoria V. Tikhaeva ◽  
Irina V. Bgantseva ◽  
Irina A Tislenkova ◽  
Valeria A. Buryakovskaya ◽  
Ekaterina V. Vlasova ◽  

The article examines the process of formation and development of the system of additional adult education in Germany in the second half of the 20th century. The historical, eco-nomic and political prerequisites that influenced the formation of the adult education system are analyzed. Special emphasis is placed on the value and importance of the legislative acts on adult education adopted by the German Government. It is established that adult education in Germany is “the fourth column” of the education system after primary, secondary and higher education. The principle of unity of the educational system serves as the basis for obtaining a high-quality and satisfying all the emerging needs of a rapidly developing modern society.

Bioimpacts ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-249 ◽  
Preetham Jinadatta ◽  
Sharath Rajshekarappa ◽  
Kiran Sundera Raja Rao ◽  
Sujan Ganapathy Pasura Subbaiah ◽  
Sudhesh Shastri

Introduction: Gnetum ula is a notable medicinal plant used to cure various ailments. The stem part of the plant is used traditionally to treat jaundice and other disorders. The present work is to investigate the in vitro hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of stem of G. ula (GUE) and its isolated compound gnetol. Methods: Column chromatography was carried out for GUE and various column fractions were obtained. DPPH and reducing power assays were performed for GUE and column fractions. The potent fraction was characterized, interpreted and tested for in vitro hepatoprotective activity on the BRL3A cell line. In silico docking studies of gnetol compound on the protein TGF-β (transforming growth factor – β) and Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) was carried out. Results: DPPH scavenging and reducing power assay showed that the fourth column fraction has antioxidant potential than other fractions. The fourth column fraction was characterized to obtain gnetol compound. BRL3A cell line was used for the toxicity study of GUE and gnetol. Both, the extract and the isolated compound were found to be nontoxic with CTC50 value more than 1000 µg/mL. At the concentration of 200 µg/mL, GUE and gnetol offered cell protection of 50.2% and 54.3%, however, silymarin showed 77.15% protection at 200 µg/mL concentration against CCl4 treated BRL3A cell line. The docking results of the ligand molecule TGF-β showed that gnetol has the binding affinity of -7.0 and standard silymarin being -6.8. TGF-β showed good hydrophobic interactions and formed two hydrogen bonds with the amino acids. For PPARα protein, gnetol showed the binding affinity of -8.4 and silymarin with -6.5. Hydrogen bonding and good hydrophobic interactions against the amino acid molecules in relation to the PPARα protein are shown. Conclusion: Gnetum ula stem extract and its isolated compound are safe and offered significant hepatoprotection against CCl4 induced toxicity. Isolated compound gnetol exhibited a potent antioxidant activity offering protection to liver damage. However, in vivo studies need to be carried out to validate the traditional use of G. ula.

Leo Tolstoy

At eight o’clock Kutuzov rode to Pratzen at the head of the fourth column, Miloradovich’s, the one that was to take the place of Przebyszewski’s and Langeron’s columns which had already gone down into the valley. He greeted the men of the foremost regiment...

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-195
Alfonso Archi

AbstractA fragmentary Hittite tablet (a late copy of an Old Hittite original) describes the soul's journey in the Netherworld, unwilling to travel “the great road . . . the road that makes things disappear”, even though aware that “to the gods belongs the soul”. This is the belief, or cry of hope, that runs through the entire history of humanity, which a popular poem in Des Knaben Wunderhorn expresses in this way: “Ich bin von Gott und will wieder zu Gott”. Despite this, the soul does not want to “undergo the perdition of the mortal”. The journey starts in the second column (of which only a few words remain). It is not clear whether the narrative is interrupted here by a ritual act. At the end of the second column and up to the start of the third, the desolation of souls in the Netherworld is described. However, the fate awaiting this soul is different, but the text breaks of without telling us anything more definite. The fourth column contains a brief section of the ritual.

2005 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-339 ◽  
Benjamin E Wickland ◽  
G Ward Wilson

Mixtures of waste rock and tailings are compared with unmixed waste rock and tailings in a column study of self weight consolidation. Standard practice for surface mine waste disposal produces the two individual waste streams of waste rock and tailings. Waste rock dumps offer high strength and low compressibility characteristics but are prone to oxidation and metal leaching because of their high permeability and unsaturated conditions. Tailings deposits typically have low permeability and slow time rate consolidation properties but also have end land use issues and long term stability problems related to shear strength. Three mixtures of waste rock and tailings were loaded into columns and monitored for settlement, drainage, and pore-water pressure response for 100 days. A fourth column was built with waste rock only as a control. Mixtures with approximately 5:1 waste rock to tailings by dry mass were found to have a hydraulic conductivity similar to tailings alone and total settlements similar to waste rock alone. Mixture materials also remained saturated during the 100 day test. Results indicate that mixing waste rock and tailings for disposal is a promising idea that may help eliminate problems arising from current practices in mine waste disposal.Key words: co-disposal, hydraulic conductivity, self weight consolidation, tailings, waste rock.

1994 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16 ◽  
E. Robbins

The papyrus text of the Partheneion, discovered in 1855 and now in the Louvre, consists of 101 lines in three columns. Of these the first 34 lines (column i) are badly mutilated owing to the disappearance of the left-hand side of the column, whereas lines 35–101 (columns ii and iii) can be restored with almost complete confidence. Of a fourth column nothing is legible, though a coronis opposite the fifth line of column iii shows that the poem ended only four lines after our text runs out. The lengths of the existing columns are 34 lines (i), 34 lines (ii), 33 lines (iii). If a full column of 35 lines has been lost before our column i—a pre-eminently reasonable hypothesis—the entire poem will have consisted of 140 lines. Since each strophe consists of fourteen lines, we may thus imagine the whole to have consisted of ten strophes. By a curious coincidence the part of the poem which is almost intact and which deals with the occasion consists of five strophes or seventy lines: it seems to be the case, thus, that the lost or damaged part also consisted of five strophes or seventy lines of choral lyric and dealt with myth: what we can make out, certainly, appears to be exclusively myth and attendant moralising.

Proc. R. Soc. Lond . A 430, 433-438 (1990) The Teukolsky-Starobinsky constant for arbitrary spin By Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Page 436, equation (16), third row and fourth column of the determinant, for σiσ read 6iσ.

1985 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 101-113 ◽  
J P. G. Loch ◽  
P. Lagas

The mobilization of heavy metals in river water and sediment by NTA during river bank filtration was investigated in the laboratory under oxygen-deficient conditions. Four PVC-columns, 1.20 m long, 0.18 m diameter, filled with river bed sediment, were percolated for 7 months with river water spiked with NTA. Water and sediment were collected from a branch of the river Rhine, where the sediment has high metal contents. The percolation rate was 10 cm. day−1. Supply water for three columns was kept oxygen-deficient. Water for the fourth column had an oxygen content of 6−3. To the anoxic river water NTA was added to concentrations of 0, 100 and 600 µ−3 respectively. The oxic water obtained an NTA-concentration of 100 µg/l. Leachate and pore water were analysed for heavy metals, inorganic macroparameters and NTA. After percolation the sediment was analysed for bound metals. When river water and sediment contained adapted micro-organisms, NTA was degraded within two weeks in all columns. Degradation was nearly absent during the first three weeks of percolation, due to the necessary adaptation. Except for the first month, NTA was not detected in the pore water below 10-30 cm. In the first month it penetrated into the leachate. Within the concentration range considered, neither NTA- nor O2-content of the supply water affected the mobilization of the heavy metals considered.

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