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2021 ◽  
Komeil Nosrati ◽  
Juri Belikov ◽  
Aleksei Tepljakov ◽  
Eduard Petlenkov

Abstract Effective and accurate state estimation is a staple of modern modeling. On the other hand, nonlinear fractional-order singular (FOS) systems are an attractive modeling tool as well since they can provide accurate descriptions of systems with complex dynamics. Consequently, developing accurate state estimation methods for such systems is highly relevant since it provides vital information about the system including related memory effects and long interconnection properties with constraint elements. However, missing features in transforming structures such as violation of constraints in non-singular versions of such systems may affect the performance of the estimation result. This paper proposes the state estimation algorithm design for the original and non-transformed stochastic nonlinear FOS system. We introduce a deterministic data-fitting based framework which helps us to take steps directly towards Kalman filter (KF) derivation of the system, called extended fractional singular KF (EFSKF). Using stochastic reasoning, we demonstrate how to construct recursive form of the filter. Analysis of the filter shows how the proposed algorithm reduces to the nominal nonlinear filters when the system is in its usual state-space form making said algorithm highly flexible. Finally, simulation results verify that the estimation of nonlinear states can be accomplished with the proposed EFSKF algorithm with a reasonable performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 219-221
Sava Kolev

Radon gas has high mobility and is driven by advection and diffusion with the soil gas throughout connected and water-unsaturated pores and/or cracks in permeable rocks and soils. Hence the radon potential of the area could be dependent on not only geology as a constant source of radon but also from the changes of the saturation state of the ground. The loess complex, characterized by its permeability and usual state of unsaturation, covers 10% of the Bulgarian territory. The study deals with the principles of unsaturated domain modeling. An attempt of generic vertical infiltration model coinciding with the most upper part of loess vadose zone was performed.

Robin Piedeleu ◽  
Fabio Zanasi

AbstractWe develop a fully diagrammatic approach to finite-state automata, based on reinterpreting their usual state-transition graphical representation as a two-dimensional syntax of string diagrams. In this setting, we are able to provide a complete equational theory for language equivalence, with two notable features. First, the proposed axiomatisation is finite— a result which is provably impossible for the one-dimensional syntax of regular expressions. Second, the Kleene star is a derived concept, as it can be decomposed into more primitive algebraic blocks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Chaitanya Pradeep N ◽  
Sumyrah Afreen Khan

The Pandemic cracked the fragile mold of what was decided as the norm and pushed countries to resort to survival. Tourism, a mechanism proven to bridge gaps between cultures was worst affected on a global level and the only flotation device utilized were policies. Yet, States with different political ideologies, how have they responded in reality? Which ideology has become a tool to design the policy to address tourism crisis caused by the pandemic? remained an unexplored field of research. To address these questions there is a need to look at the policies initiated by selected countries representing varied political spectrum to analyse the pragmatically working ideology during/after the pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to observe the complexities of crisis management and the shift of ideology between the usual state of government to the adoption of a foreign even opposing ideology to rebuild after an unprecedented catastrophe. To enunciate its shift, the methodology divides its countries into ideologies based on liberal, socialist, and conservative categories and selects two countries each of which are contributing a major portion of GDP share to the tourism industry. The study had adopted the ideological approach to examine the select policies formulated by the respective countries to revive their tourism industry such as what are the bail-out programmes, financial aids, etc. The present study relied on a meta-analysis approach to identify, summarize, and analyze how the selected countries adopted different models to identify and define policy problems. Based on the findings of the meta-analysis, the study establishes that countries adopted ideologies that pragmatically worked and rejected ideologies that are inherently adopted as the state’s governing principle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Chaitanya Pradeep N ◽  
Sumyrah Afreen Khan

The Pandemic cracked the fragile mold of what was decided as the norm and pushed countries to resort to survival. Tourism, a mechanism proven to bridge gaps between cultures was worst affected on a global level and the only flotation device utilized were policies. Yet, States with different political ideologies, how have they responded in reality? Which ideology has become a tool to design the policy to address tourism crisis caused by the pandemic? remained an unexplored field of research. To address these questions there is a need to look at the policies initiated by selected countries representing varied political spectrum to analyse the pragmatically working ideology during/after the pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to observe the complexities of crisis management and the shift of ideology between the usual state of government to the adoption of a foreign even opposing ideology to rebuild after an unprecedented catastrophe. To enunciate its shift, the methodology divides its countries into ideologies based on liberal, socialist, and conservative categories and selects two countries each of which are contributing a major portion of GDP share to the tourism industry. The study had adopted the ideological approach to examine the select policies formulated by the respective countries to revive their tourism industry such as what are the bail-out programmes, financial aids, etc. The present study relied on a meta-analysis approach to identify, summarize, and analyze how the selected countries adopted different models to identify and define policy problems. Based on the findings of the meta-analysis, the study establishes that countries adopted ideologies that pragmatically worked and rejected ideologies that are inherently adopted as the state’s governing principle.

Alex D’Amico ◽  
Nabiel Mir ◽  
Hunter Wilkerson ◽  
Efstathia Andrikopoulou ◽  
Julie Kanter

Abstract Background  Individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD) are at risk for painful crises and long-term cardiopulmonary morbidity. Echocardiogram is recommended if signs or symptoms of cardiopulmonary disease develop in previously asymptomatic patients, or worsen in those with known disease. Second-generation echocardiogram contrast agents (ECAs) improve the diagnostic capacity of echocardiogram; however, these agents have risks in SCD populations that have yet to be investigated. Case summary  We report a case series of two patients who experienced vaso-occlusive crises following administration of the ECA, Definity. Both patients were referred for echocardiogram from our institution’s sickle cell clinic because of concern for SCD-related cardiopulmonary complications. Both patients were in their usual state of health at the time of their exams. The first patient experienced acute back and hip pain minutes after receiving Definity and was diagnosed with acute vaso-occlusive crisis requiring admission for 6 days for pain management. The second patient developed dyspnoea and chest pain within 90 min of her echocardiogram. She was diagnosed with acute chest syndrome and admitted for further management. Her hospitalization was complicated by hyper-haemolysis and multiple organ failure syndrome. After 13 days, she was discharged home. Discussion  The safety profile of ECAs has not been fully evaluated and warrants further study in individuals with SCD. Proposed mechanisms for our observations include the release of pro-inflammatory metabolites from Definity contrast agent’s shell and ultrasound-induced haemolysis secondary to ECA administration. Alternative imaging modalities and proper precautions should be considered when evaluating cardiopulmonary function in this patient population.

2020 ◽  
Hye Kyung Lee ◽  
Ludwig Knabl ◽  
Lisa Pipperger ◽  
Andre Volland ◽  
Priscilla Furth ◽  

Abstract To investigate prevalence of ongoing activation of inflammation following asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection we characterized immune cell transcriptomes from 43 asymptomatic seropositive and 52 highly exposed seronegative individuals with few underlying health issues following a community superspreading event. Four mildly symptomatic seropositive individuals examined three weeks after infection as positive controls demonstrated immunological activation. Approximately four to six weeks following the event, the two asymptomatic groups showed no significant differences. Two seropositive patients with underlying genetic disease impacting immunological activation were included (Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Nuclear factor-kappa B Essential Modulator (NEMO) deficiency). CF, but not NEMO, associated with significant immune transcriptome differences including some associated with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection (IL1B, IL17A, respective receptors). All subjects remained in their usual state of health from event through five-month follow-up. Here, asymptomatic infection resolved without evidence of prolonged immunological activation. Inclusion of subjects with underlying genetic disease illustrated the pathophysiological importance of context on impact of immunological response.

2020 ◽  
Hye Kyung Lee ◽  
Ludwig Knabl ◽  
Lisa Pipperger ◽  
Andre Volland ◽  
Priscilla A. Furth ◽  

To investigate prevalence of ongoing activation of inflammation following asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection we characterized immune cell transcriptomes from 43 asymptomatic seropositive and 52 highly exposed seronegative individuals with few underlying health issues following a community superspreading event. Four mildly symptomatic seropositive individuals examined three weeks after infection as positive controls demonstrated immunological activation. Approximately four to six weeks following the event, the two asymptomatic groups showed no significant differences. Two seropositive patients with underlying genetic disease impacting immunological activation were included (Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Nuclear factor-kappa B Essential Modulator (NEMO) deficiency). CF, but not NEMO, associated with significant immune transcriptome differences including some associated with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection (IL1B, IL17A, respective receptors). All subjects remained in their usual state of health from event through five-month follow-up. Here, asymptomatic infection resolved without evidence of prolonged immunological activation. Inclusion of subjects with underlying genetic disease illustrated the pathophysiological importance of context on impact of immunological response.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-90
Annina Gagyiova

In the field of consumption history there is growing interest in informal shopping practices, smuggling, and black-market activities in state socialist societies. Yet, little emphasis has been placed on how the foremost socialist workplace, the factory, became a crucial hub for smuggled goods and the extent to which workers played a role within it. This article explores local Budapest court cases from the beginning of the 1960s using the methodological insights of everyday history (Alltagsgeschichte). The cases show that white-collar workers (and in rare cases blue-collar workers) with a command of foreign languages frequently acted as middlemen in making transactions. This specific cultural capital put white-collar workers in a position to gain profit over and above their usual state salary, often contradicting wage hierarchies set by the state. At the same time, blue-collar workers embraced informal shopping possibilities at the factory in a climate of diversifying consumer expectations. This article examines how informal practices of selling and obtaining goods transformed relations among workers and created a new social hierarchy within working-class communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 352-377
Efrén Honrubia ◽  
Ángel S. Sanz

Quantum teleportation plays a key role in modern quantum technologies. Thus, it is of much interest to generate alternative approaches or representations that are aimed at allowing us a better understanding of the physics involved in the process from different perspectives. With this purpose, here an approach based on graph theory is introduced and discussed in the context of some applications. Its main goal is to provide a fully symbolic framework for quantum teleportation from a dynamical viewpoint, which makes explicit at each stage of the process how entanglement and information swap among the qubits involved in it. In order to construct this dynamical perspective, it has been necessary to define some auxiliary elements, namely virtual nodes and edges, as well as an additional notation for nodes describing potential states (against nodes accounting for actual states). With these elements, not only the flow of the process can be followed step by step, but they also allow us to establish a direct correspondence between this graph-based approach and the usual state vector description. To show the suitability and versatility of this graph-based approach, several particular teleportation examples are examined in detail, which include bipartite, tripartite, and tetrapartite maximally entangled states as quantum channels. From the analysis of these cases, a general protocol is devised to describe the sharing of quantum information in presence of maximally entangled multi-qubit system.

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