industrial state
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2021 ◽  
Gyles Iannone ◽  

Although it certainly comes with a unique set of challenges, the small number of projects carried out across Southeast Asia to date have demonstrated the efficacy that settlement archaeology holds for expanding on our traditional understandings of the region’s pre-industrial state formations. This discussion presents a brief historiography of the settlement archaeology projects that have focused on the “classical” states of Southeast Asia, and in doing so highlights the theories, methods, applications, and outcomes of these investigations. The need for more excavations to be carried out in the context of commoner habitation sites is underscored. အ ခြေ ေျ ခေ ထို င် ြေ င်း များ ခေ့ ော ော ရာ တွ င် စိ ေ် ခေါ် မှု များ စွာ ရှိ ခေ မ ည် ြြ စ် ခော် ေ ည်း၊ အခရှ့ခတာင် အာရှခေေတွင်ြြုေုြ်ေဲ့ကြေည့် ေုခတေေေုြ်ငေ်းအေည်းငယ်မှ ထွြ်ခြါ်ောခော နှစ်ေြ်တမ်း တွြ်ေျြ်မှုများေည် မမို့ြြမထွေ်းြားမီအခကြာင်းအ ရာများြို ြိုမိုေားေည်ေခောခြါြ်ောခစရေ် အတွြ် အခထာြ်အြူြြုေျြ်ရှိေည်။ ယေုခွွးခနွးတင်ြြမည့် အခြေေျခေထိုင်ြေင်းွိုင်ရာ ခရှးခောင်းေုခတေေခေ့ောမှုေ မိုင်းအြျဉ်းေျုြ်ေည် အခရှ့ခတာင်အာရှခေေရှိ ဂန္ထဝင်တွင်ခော မမို့ြြနိုင်ငံကြီးများြို အဓိြထားခေ့ောထားမြီး၊ ေီအိုရီများ၊ ေည်းေမ်းများ၊ ေြ်ခတွ့ခွာင်ရွြ် ေျြ်များနှင့် ထွြ်ခြါ်ောေည့် ရေေ်များြို တင်ြြမည်ြြစ်ြါေည်။ ခရှးခေတ်ောမာေ်အရြ်ေားများ ၏ အိမ်ယာအခြေေျခေထိုင်မှုများြို ခြာ်ထုတ်နိုင်ရေ်အတွြ် ထြ်မံေိုအြ်ခေမည့် တူးခြာ်ခေ့ောခရး ေုြ်ငေ်းများအခကြာင်းြို တင်ြြေွားမည်ြြစ်ြါေည်။

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Rabia Tabassum ◽  
Nazish Amjad ◽  
Faiza Malik ◽  
Munazza Saleem

BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Crossbite is a commonly occurring malocclusion. It may be anterior or posterior, and it may occur either unilaterally or bilaterally. This study determined the prevalence of crossbite in children of different schools of Sundar industrial state and Raiwind. METHODOLOGY: Nine hundred (428 male and 472 female) children of various schools of Raiwind and Sundar Industrial State, Lahore, were examined. Information regarding age, sex, and crossbite were noted. The recorded data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20. Frequency distribution was used for the descriptive analysis. Statistical level of significance using student’s t-test was p< 0.05. RESULTS: Out of 900 children, 117(13%) were noted to have at least one tooth in crossbite, which was more frequent in permanent (13.2%) than in mixed dentition (12.3%). The prevalence of crossbite was slightly greater in female subjects (16.1%) than in male subjects (9.1%).  Crossbite was seen more frequently in the posterior (6.3%) than the anterior region (5.9%). Combined anterior and posterior crossbite was found in 7(0.8%) children. Unilateral crossbite on the left side was found to be more frequent (6.6%) than on the right side (4.6%), and the bilateral crossbite was found to be in 1.9% of children. Buccal crossbite was more prevalent (6.8%) than lingual crossbite (5.8%). Combined lingual and buccal crossbite was found to be in 0.4% of children. CONCLUSION: Crossbite is a frequently occurring malocclusion in school children of Sundar industrial state and Raiwind, Lahore. Posterior crossbite is more prevalent than anterior crossbite.

2021 ◽  
Isabel L. McCoy ◽  
Daniel T. McCoy ◽  
Robert Wood ◽  
Christopher S. Bretherton ◽  
Leighton Regayre ◽  

&lt;div&gt; &lt;p&gt;The change in planetary albedo due to aerosol-cloud interactions (aci) during the industrial era is the leading source of uncertainty in inferring&amp;#160;Earth's&amp;#160;climate sensitivity to increased greenhouse gases from the historical record. Examining pristine environments such as the Southern Ocean (SO) helps us to understand the pre-industrial state and constrain the change in cloud brightness over the industrial period associated with aci. This study presents two methods of utilizing observations of pristine environments to examine climate models and our understanding of the pre-industrial state.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt; &lt;p&gt;First, cloud droplet number concentration (&lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt;) is used as an indicator of aci. Global climate models (GCMs) show that the&amp;#160;hemispheric contrast&amp;#160;in liquid cloud &lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt; between the&amp;#160;pristine SO&amp;#160;and the polluted&amp;#160;Northern Hemisphere observed in the present-day can be used&lt;strong&gt; &lt;/strong&gt;as&amp;#160;a proxy for the increase&amp;#160;in &lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt; from&amp;#160;the pre-industrial. A hemispheric difference constraint&amp;#160;developed from MODIS satellite observations indicates that pre-industrial&amp;#160;&lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt; may have been higher than previously thought and provides an estimate of radiative forcing associated with aci between -1.2 and -0.6 Wm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt;. Comparisons with MODIS &lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d &amp;#160;&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt;highlight significant GCM discrepancies in pristine, biologically active regions.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt; &lt;p&gt;Second, aerosol and cloud microphysical observations from a recent SO aircraft campaign are used to identify two potentially important mechanisms that are incomplete or missing in GCMs: i) production of new aerosol particles through synoptic uplift, and ii) buffering of &lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt; against precipitation removal by small, Aitken mode aerosols entrained from the free troposphere. The latter may significantly contribute to the high, summertime SO &lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt; levels which persist despite precipitation depletion associated with mid-latitude storm systems. Observational comparisons with nudged Community Atmosphere Model version 6 (CAM6) hindcasts show low-biased SO &lt;em&gt;N&lt;sub&gt;d &amp;#160;&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/em&gt;is linked to under-production of free-tropospheric Aitken aerosol which drives low-biases in cloud condensation nuclei number and likely discrepancies in composition. These results have important implications for the ability of current GCMs to capture aci in pristine environments.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/div&gt;

2021 ◽  
pp. 165-179
Michael G. Hillard

This chapter deals with the national and international competition that was eroding companies' pricing power and market shares by the mid-1980s. It talks about workers in a mature industrial state like Maine who were expected to see their paper industry jobs disappear as production moved overseas and work was automated at home and abroad. It also discusses how the national companies that owned Maine's mills made radical demands on workers and attacked traditional union contracts outright. The chapter cites that Boise Cascade and International Paper Company (IP) provoked strikes by making extreme, untenable demands on workers in their Rumford and Jay, Maine, mills in 1986 and 1987. It probes the union-busting campaigns conducted by Boise Cascade and IP that defined what economists call the low road, which clobbered workers in the quest to quickly raise profits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 244 ◽  
pp. 03019
Abduraim Toshboev ◽  
Dilshod Mamadiyarov ◽  
Shokhrukh Baymuradov ◽  
Uchkun Alimov ◽  
Sanjarbek Iskandarov

The aim of the study is to study global economic problems that focus on the cultivation of agricultural products and the provision of food for consumption by the population. The article examines the future sustainable development of food production in our country, at the level of state policy and requires new approaches and reforms. The main guiding methods chosen in this study include: method of analysis, method of comparison, method of statistics, method of grouping, method of planning and forecasting. The object of the article is the agricultural state of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since the Republic of Uzbekistan is an agro-industrial state, where more than 49.5% of the population lives in rural areas, and almost half of the entire employed population works in the agricultural sector. The subject of the research is the agricultural sector of the Gallaorol region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result of the study, it was revealed that in the Gallaorol region, where the research was carried out, the industry was not developed, and the income of the population was formed only due to agricultural products. In the conclusion, new opportunities for increasing the socio-economic well-being of the population are proposed through the formation of agribusiness in the region and appropriate recommendations are given.

A. A. Ermolina ◽  
D. A. Stepanenko ◽  

The study is devoted to the development of methods of state stimulation of innovative activity of industrial enterprises. The aim is to develop proposals for improving state policy of increasing the innovative activity of industrial organizations, their systematization and the creation of a classification of methods. The article examines the regulatory framework for the implementation of innovative activities, analyzes the indicators characterizing the innovative activity of enterprises, identifies the obstacles to their innovative development, analyzes the effectiveness of the current industrial state policy and trends in its change. Conclusions are drawn about the low innovative activity of industrial enterprises due to the ineffectiveness of industrial policy and government incentives. We proposed the new methods of state stimulation of innovative activity and we made their classification. The implementation of the developed approaches and methods will increase the innovative activity of enterprises and the competitiveness of the national economy

Marina V. Sharueva ◽  

This article covers an analysis of socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the present time. The author reviews the main formation milestones for an independent state from 1991. He shows that the process was accompanied by a radical breakdown of the previous administrative command system, privatisation and demonopolisation, the introduction of various forms of market relations, and the creation of new industries. The author highlights, in particular, successful and unsuccessful attempts of the country’s leaders to raise the profile of the industrial sector of the economy and to make Uzbekistan an industrial state. The author sets a task to characterise the structure of Uzbekistan’s economy, to analyse indicators of gross domestic production, and to study the features of its development. The article discusses in detail the main parameters of the socio-economic situation in the country in 2018 – early 2020 and highlights the key factors contributing to the crisis trends in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the author, cyclical global crises and the coronavirus pandemic, as well as mass labour migration to neighbouring countries, should be recognised as key factors in that case. Special attention is paid to the analysis of various aspects of multifaceted cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan and joint projects implemented in various sectors of the national economies of both countries. The author emphasises that a new impetus to these relations was given by Vladimir Putin’s state visit to Tashkent in October 2018.

Nataliia Fedoruk

In this paper the problem of inconsistency between current principle of Public Law and principles of humanity and anthropocent -rism, which is defined by the shortage of due diligence of scientists to the problem of essence transformation and functions of modernstate as the target of research of Public Law is investigated.Fundamental beliefs of domestic science of Public Law correspond to the traditional (industrial) awareness of a state as verticallyintegrated management system, it has an expressive hierarchic structure with a pyramidal distribution of power on the territory of itsinfluence and prescribes certain rules (laws), which are mandatory.A post-industrial, human-centered state is an institution of civil society (namely, the highest form of its organization), which distinguishesit from a traditional state, where there is a single source of “state administration” – is a group of people or one person whorepresents the leadership. The act becomes a law not because the act is issued and provided by the state, but because such activity ofthe state is legitimized by the society. That is, the state appears as one of the instruments of legal regulation, but only under the conditionof its public legitimacy. In such a state, law is not the output of governmental power aimed at regulating and managing society, but atthe means of regulating and limiting governmental power, which is created by people for human activity, and the state itself becomesan active participant in law-making and guarantor of proper implementation of legal norms.It has been determined that the awareness of the essence of the modern state in the domestic science of Public Law correspondsto the model of traditional (industrial) state-legal relations, while domestic Legal science and practice of Public Law requires changesin existing fundamental beliefs that would reflect the essence of post-industrial (information) state.

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