philosophical origin
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2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 802-807
Min Niu ◽  
Thawascha Dechsubha

Contemporary Pragmatics has the semiotic features from the respects of disciplinary naming, the means of development, and theoretical source to research object and method. It is not only an independent linguistics and language science, but also an interdisciplinary field and paradigm. This paper is to explore the semiotic features and dimensions of Pragmatics for tracing back the origin and the theoretical resources from semiotic perspective, and to define its research scope and clarify the connotation of its conception. As Semiotics has a triad dimension of semiosis, one of which is the “pragmatic dimension”. Therefore, contemporary pragmatics includes at least three semiotic dimensions: scientific semiotics, linguistic semiotics and social semiotics. The semiotic analysis of Pragmatics could be conducive to clarify and fix the semiotic and philosophical origin, definition, disciplinary connotation and meaning of Pragmatics, which is also theoretically helpful for clarifying the concepts for the study of philosophical pragmatism, pragmaticism, semiotics, semantics and syntax.   Key Words: Semiotic, Pragmatics, Pragmaticism

2021 ◽  
pp. 630-638
Kripa Sigdel ◽  
Sujan Shrestha

There is a widespread belief and allegation that Psychology is a Western product. This paper examines this allegation looking at its philosophical origin, scientific advancement and contemporary development. The Western perspective on Psychology is contrasted against Eastern perspective. The paper reviewed several literatures on the history and advancement of Psychology. It also reviewed the literatures on indigenous and multicultural psychology. The paper concluded that until 20th century Psychology was exclusively Western product. The recent emphasis on the role of culture in human psychology has given the space for Eastern perspective. We can be hopeful that Psychology will be more inclusive, diverse and global in future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-17
振华 刘

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Olga Lucía León Corredor ◽  
Adriana Lasprilla Herrera

La relación entre ética y educación no es un tema nuevo, hay un interés permanente por responder a la pregunta: ¿qué presencia tiene la ética en cada sociedad? En el campo de la educación también se mantiene la pregunta ¿qué educación es necesaria para cada sociedad? Ética y educación se vinculan en los procesos transformadores de las sociedades. La pregunta que orienta la escritura de este artículo es ¿qué caracterización de ética es necesaria en el campo de la educación matemática? Se presenta inicialmente una caracterización de origen filosófica con aportes de la teoría de la argumentación, a continuación se profundiza en la relación ética-educación matemática, estableciendo un vínculo inmediato con la teoría de la objetivación, y finalmente se presentan voces de profesores y estudiantes señalando la necesidad del componente ético en el campo de la educación matemática.Approaches Necessary for Reflection about a Community Ethics in Mathematical EducationThe relationship between ethics and education is not a new issue; there is a permanent interest in answering the question: what is the presence of ethics in each society? In the field of education, the question remains: what education is necessary for each society? Ethics and education are linked in the transforming processes of societies. The question that guides the writing of this article is what characterization of ethics is necessary in the field of mathematics education? It is presented initially a characterization of philosophical origin with contributions of the theory of the argumentation, then deepens in the relation ethics-mathematical education, establishing an immediate link with the theory of the objectification, and finally presents the voices of professors and students pointing out the need for the ethical component in the field of mathematical education.Handle: record and citations

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 111-133
Przemysław Staniewski

Precedent phenomena in the poetic language world byYuri Andrukhovych: functional and typological peculiaritiesThe article deals with a detailed review and analysis of the peculiarities of precedent phenomena in the poetic work of Yuri Andrukhovych.The author concludes that in his poetry Yuri Andrukhovych has actively used precedent phe­nomena with different typological characteristics: on the precedentity level there are represented socio-precedent units, nationally precedent and universally precedent ones; on the verbalization form there are shown names anthroponyms, goronyms, oikonyms, urbanonyms, hydronyms, oro­nyms, theonyms, geortonyms, ekklesionyms, cosmonyms, statements, a text, and a situation; units of literary, biblical, mythological, folklore, historical and philosophical origin; on the basis of trans­formality there are found some examples which have not been modified while introduced into the poetry text, as well as those that function as modified variants obtained by structural and semantic truncation, addition, structural and graphic, and actually semantic modification; on the basis of attribution / non-tribution there are found units with attribution and without it, which constitute the majority of the analyzed examples. The mentioned precedent phenomena in the poetic texts by Yuri Andrukhovych perform the following functions: informative-signal, nominative, organizational and compositional, ludic, forecasting, characterizing and metaphoricizing ones. The foregoing gives grounds to assert that the analyzed precedent phenomena presented in the poetic works are their organic component, and represented as an active text-forming and stylistic unit.

Pólemos ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jan-Patrick Oppermann

Abstract The first part of this essay means to make a modest contribution to the critical – that is to say investigative and non-traditional – study of the philosophical origin, sense, and parameters of the concept of equity. Its focus will at first be on Aristotle. Then I will seek to widen the Aristotelian concept of equity by a consideration of the moral and intellectual capacity of “enlarged mentality” as found in Hannah Arendt’s interpretation of Kant. In doing so, I will actively seek to loosen the legal or judicial bonds of this concept, instead allowing it to freely enter a larger conceptual space involving the political and the psychological. In the second part of the essay, this larger conceptual space leads me to a wider meditation with speculative moments concerning the possibility of an ontological extension of a trans-legal interpretation of equity through a consideration of some aspects of the work of French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, particularly his notion of “exscription.” In the third part of the essay, I then supplement this Nancean meditation with a psychological turn focusing on Nancy’s commentary on Freud’s remark on the “extension of psyche.” I offer these speculative moments to step beyond Aristotelian and Arendtian/Kantian constraints and also in order to advance possible philosophical exploration of equity and justice against overly narrow containers in “legal philosophy” including “critical legal theory.”

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