twin peak
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
Bo Gao ◽  
Xue-Mei Deng

AbstractWe investigate neutral and charged test particles’ motions around quantum-corrected Schwarzschild black holes immersed in an external magnetic field. Taking the innermost stable circular orbits of neutral timelike particles into account, we find that the black holes can mimic different ranges of the Kerr black hole’s spin |a/M| from 0.15 to 0.99. Our analysis of charged test particles’ motions suggests that the values of the angular momentum l and the energy $$E^{2}$$ E 2 are slightly higher than Schwarzschild black holes. The allowed regions of the $$(l,E^{2})$$ ( l , E 2 ) demonstrate that the critical energy $$E^{2}_{c}$$ E c 2 divides the charged test particle’s bounded trajectory into three types. With the help of a Monte Carlo method, we study the charged particles’ probabilities of falling into the black holes and find that the probability density function against l depends on the signs of the particles’ charges. Finally, the epicyclic frequencies of the charged particles are considered with respect to the observed twin peak quasi-periodic oscillations frequencies. Our results might provide hints for distinguishing quantum-corrected Schwarzschild black holes from Schwarzschild ones by using the dynamics of charged test particles around the strong gravitational field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (8) ◽  
Javlon Rayimbaev ◽  
Sanjar Shaymatov ◽  
Mubasher Jamil

AbstractIn this paper, we investigate circular orbits for test particles around the Schwarzschild–de Sitter (dS) black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter. We determine the region of circular orbits bounded by innermost and outermost stable circular orbits. We show that the impact of the perfect fluid dark matter shrinks the region where circular orbits can exist as the values of both innermost and outermost stable circular orbits decrease. We find that for specific lower and upper values of the dark matter parameter there exist double matching values for inner and outermost stable circular orbits. It turns out that the gravitational attraction due to the dark matter contribution dominates over cosmological repulsion. This gives rise to a remarkable result in the Schwarzschild–de Sitter black hole surrounded by dark matter field in contrast to the Schwarzschild–de Sitter metric. Finally, we study epicyclic motion and its frequencies with their applications to twin peak quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) for various models. We find the corresponding values of the black hole parameters which could best fit and explain the observed twin peak QPO object GRS 1915+109 from microquasars.

Douglas W. Arner ◽  
Evan Gibson ◽  
Janos Barberis

2020 ◽  
Vol 493 (3) ◽  
pp. 4229-4255
D Pugliese ◽  
Z Stuchlík

ABSTRACT We consider agglomerates of misaligned, pressure supported tori orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole. A leading function is introduced, regulating the toroids distribution around the central static attractor – it enables us to model the misaligned tori aggregate as a single orbiting (macro-)configuration. We first analyse the leading function for purely hydrodynamical perfect fluid toroids. Later, the function is modified for presence of a toroidal magnetic field. We study the constraints on the tori collision emergence and the instability of the agglomerates of misaligned tori with general relative inclination angles. We discuss the possibility that the twin peak high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HF-QPOs) could be related to the agglomerate inner ringed structure. The discrete geometry of the system is related to HF-QPOs considering several oscillation geodesic models associated to the toroids inner edges. We also study possible effect of the tori geometrical thickness on the oscillatory phenomena.

2020 ◽  
Mengqing Xu ◽  
Chong Cao ◽  
Xiao Jun Wang ◽  
Qi Hang Yin ◽  
Ke Sun ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 492 (2) ◽  
pp. 1755-1760 ◽  
M Ortega-Rodríguez ◽  
H Solís-Sánchez ◽  
L Álvarez-García ◽  
E Dodero-Rojas

ABSTRACT Given the peculiar and (in spite of many efforts) unexplained quasi-periodic oscillation twin peak phenomena in accretion disc power spectral density observations, the present exploratory analytical article tries to inquire deeper into the relationship between discoseismic modes and the underlying driving turbulence in order to assess its importance. We employ a toy model in the form of a Gaussian white noise-driven damped harmonic oscillator with stochastic frequency. This oscillator represents the discoseismic mode. (Stochastic damping was also considered, but interestingly it was found to be less relevant for the case at hand.) In the context of this model, we find that turbulence interacts with disc oscillations in interesting ways. In particular, the stochastic part in the oscillator frequency behaves as a separate driving agent. This gives rise to 3:2 twin peaks for some values of the physical parameters, which we find. We conclude with the suggestion that the study of turbulence be brought to the forefront of disc oscillation dynamics, as opposed to being a mere background feature. This change of perspective carries immediate observable consequences, such as considerably shifting the values of the (discoseismic) oscillator frequencies.

OSA Continuum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 3102 ◽  
Avi Klein ◽  
Shir Shahal ◽  
Sara Meir ◽  
Hamootal Duadi ◽  
Kfir Sulimany ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S356) ◽  
pp. 348-350
Eva Šrámková ◽  
K. Goluchová ◽  
G. Török ◽  
Marek A. Abramowicz ◽  
Z. Stuchlík ◽  

AbstractA strong quasi-periodic modulation has recently been revealed in the X-ray flux of the X-ray source XMMUJ134736.6+173403. The two observed twin-peak quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) exhibit a 3:1 frequency ratio and strongly support the evidence for the presence of an active galactic nucleus black hole (AGN BH). It has been suggested that detections of twin-peak QPOs with commensurable frequency ratios and scaling of their periods with BH mass could provide the basis for a method intended to determine the mass of BH sources, such as AGNs. Assuming the orbital origin of QPOs, we calculate the upper and lower limit on the AGN BH mass M, reaching M ≍ 107–109M⊙. Compared to mass estimates of other sources, XMMUJ134736.6+173403 appears to be the most massive source with commensurable QPO frequencies, and its mass represents the current observational upper limit on the AGN BH mass obtained from the QPO observations.

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