literary text
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Todd Reynolds ◽  
Leslie S. Rush ◽  
Jodi Patrick Holschuh ◽  
Jodi P. Lampi

Purpose The purposes of this study is to expand on previous work in English language arts (ELA) disciplinary literacy and to unpack literary text reading processes across three different participant groups. Design/methodology/approach The authors recruited literary scholars and first-year college students to read literary texts aloud and voice their thoughts. Transcripts were collaboratively coded and analyzed using a priori and emergent coding. Findings This study presents the findings in two ways. First, this study grouped the codes into four categories, namely, background knowledge, comprehension, disciplinary knowledge and building an interpretation. This described the differences in frequencies among the participants’ strategy use. Next, to more fully describe how participants read literary texts, this study presents the data using three processes, namely, generating, weaving and curating. These findings indicate a continuum of strategies and processes used by participants. Practical implications The study suggests using the ELA heuristic for instruction, which includes moving students beyond generating and weaving by asking them to do their own interpretive work of curation. This potential roadmap for instruction avoids a deficit mindset for students by recommending low-stakes opportunities that meet students where they are as they build their capacity for interpretive moves. Originality/value The findings help the field to gain an understanding of what novices and experts do when they read literary text, including both strategies and processes. This study also provide an ELA heuristic that has instructional implications. This study adds to the body of knowledge for disciplinary literacy in ELA in both theoretical and practical ways.


La literatura fantástica de Cristina Fernández Cubas muestra una peculiar inclinación hacia espacios en que ciertos personajes se refugian para distanciarse de un mundo con el que no se identifican. La habitación de Nona (2015) ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre este tipo de espacialidad que hemos denominado espacio-santuario, recurrente en la producción de la autora desde la publicación de su primer volumen de cuentos en 1980. En este artículo exploramos la doble dimensión de este lugar de protección y alienación apoyándonos en la teoría de los borderscapes, las aportaciones antropológicas referentes al símbolo del santuario y el refugio, y mediante una perspectiva espacial del texto literario que supedita el concepto de trama al de dominio espacial.  Abstract: Cristina Fernández Cubas’s fantastic fiction shows a peculiar preference towards spaces in which certain characters take refuge to distance themselves from a world with which they do not identify. La habitación de Nona (2015) offers new perspectives on this type of spatiality, which we have called sanctuary-space, recurrent in the author’s production since the publication of her first volume of stories in 1980. This article explores the double dimension of this place of protection and alienation with the support of the theory of borderscapes, through anthropological contributions regarding the symbol of the sanctuary and refuge and, from a spatial perspective on the literary text that subordinates the concept of plot to that of spatial domain.

2022 ◽  
pp. 096394702110627
Matthias Bauer ◽  
Judith Glaesser ◽  
Augustin Kelava ◽  
Leonie Kirchhoff ◽  
Angelika Zirker

This article introduces a test for literary text comprehension in university students of English as a second language. Poetry is especially suited for our purpose since it frequently shows features that offer challenges to comprehension in a limited space. An example is Shakespeare’s Sonnet 43, on which our test is based: it is suited for assessing not only if a text has been understood but also the ability of respondents to reflect on their own comprehension skills. We show that the test’s psychometric properties are satisfactory, and we demonstrate its validity by analysing relevant external indicators. Thus, we can show a direct link between general reading experience and text comprehension as tested: the more students read, the better do they perform. The collaboration of literary studies with psychometrics moreover allows for a statistically valid identification of specific challenges to comprehension and thus advance our knowledge of what readers find difficult. This will be of interest not only in a hermeneutic and linguistic perspective but also with a view to addressing those difficulties in an educational context. For example, asking someone whether they have understood an utterance (in this case: a line of poetry) does not elicit reliable answers. Being able to say how one has established the meaning of a line seems to be a more reliable indicator of actually having understood it.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-38
Dr. Keshav Raj Chalise

The question of the relation between the history and the literature is a central question of historicism and new historicism. Literature is not possible without the influence of the time; past or present. The depiction of the past is the picture of history in the text, and the portrayal of present becomes the history in the future, hence the literary text is not free from the history in any way. Furthermore, some tests intentionally present the history, not as exactly as the history, but as the interpretation of the history, hence the mode of new historical way of understanding the text. Yogesh Raj's Ranahar provides the lost history of Malla dynasty, primarily the history of the last Malla king, Ranajit. The book is not a pure imagination, neither is it a pure history, but it has the combination of the historical facts and his imagination. Reading this novel, as a fiction, just as pure imagination is an injustice to the veiled part of its history. With the background of the history of Bhaktapur, this article examines the novel Ranahar from historical and new historical perspective on how literature has become a medium to reveal the lost history, the textuality of history.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1004-1024
Núria Hernández-Castillo ◽  
Maria Pujol-Valls

This chapter is a contribution to teacher education and teacher development studies in the field of plurilingualism and intercultural development through critical reflection. It presents a teaching proposal based on the use of a multimodal literary text for the promotion of intercultural awareness and translanguaging practices at its heart. The teaching proposal, which was implemented in a primary education class from a multilingual school in Catalonia in 2015, was designed ad hoc on the basis of relevant research works on TLA, plurilingualism, and intercultural awareness, and in the light of the interviews conducted before and after the implementation in the workfield. The study was carried out in an English as an additive language class to look into the teaching opportunities of storytelling and picture books to foster interculturality and effective language learning practices with a communicative approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Mildred M. Crisostomo ◽  
Mark Joseph B. Layug

Under Gender Criticism, the researchers analysed Carlos Bulosan’s My Father Goes to Court to unveil the biases, stereotypes, issues, and tendencies as regard gender through the roles played by the characters in the story. Results show that on the surface, the male characters portrayed their roles based on what the society and culture accorded or dictated to them as authoritative, powerful, and dominant. Similarly, female characters were projected as powerless, weak, affective, and secondary to men. However, consciously or unconsciously, both characters crossed the borders and the lines of each other by performing roles not expected of them. On the one hand, male characters growled down to others, laughed their hearts out, and were protected. Then, on the other hand, female characters exercised power, showed leadership, manifested decision-making skills, and served as protectors. The researchers further revealed that gender is not a role to be played but an activity to be complete to avoid setting limits to any person’s tendencies. A study using the same literary text is recommended to continue its afterlife.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-96

The article is devoted to the evolution of Victor Domontovych’s creative thinking in his last novel Without Foundation. This work of art became a resume of his writing and an intertext for his philosophical and culturological research in scientific and critical articles from this period. The basic theme of this novel is the end of the epoch; the author addresses the theme of the exhaustion of modernity’s value and aesthetic systems, which formed the basis of his early artistic works. The analysis of Domontovych’s perception of the epoch boundary, his exhaustion of the cultural paradigm of modernism and the embodiment of his conclusions in the works make the research relevant, especially in terms of the changing landmarks of modern global culture. The research is based on the structural-semiotic methodology of literary text interpretations, which allows the different levels of the text organization to be reviewed, thus reaching wider cultural generalizations. This study helps to better understand the author’s concept of the culture crisis and the poetics of the novel Without Foundation.

Halimova Firuza Rustamovna

Abstract: The world picture in a literary text is created by linguistic means, while it reflects the individual picture of the world in the mind of the writer and is embodied in the selection of elements of the content of the work of art; the selection of the language means used; in the individual use of figurative means. The artistic picture of the world is a secondary, mediated the world picture, and it is mediated twice - by language and individually - by the author's conceptual picture of the world. Keywords: artistic reality, worldview, methodological characteristics, reality, linguistic approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-396
Uthman Idrees Kankawi

الملخصهذا البحث يرصد دراسة مناجيات البروفيسور زكريا إدريس أوبو حسين، دراسة أسلوبية، للوقوف على قدرة الكاتب في رسم المشاهد المختلفة في حالات النفس الإنسانية، والكشف عن مستويات المناجيات النصية، والتقديم لدلالات ما خلف النص بوصفه نصاً أدبياً خاضعاً للقراءة والتأويل. وقد تناولت الدراسة كتب مناجاته في مستوياتها الصوتية والتركيبية والدلالية محاولة لإجراء الدراسة الأسلوبية عند كل مستوى، فقد أورد البروفيسور الاستعارات والتشبيهات والكنايات بشكل تفاعلي مع الجو الملائم لكل مناجاة، وأهمية هذا البحث تظهر في قلة أمثاله في المكتبات التي تستقري مثل هذه النصوص الإسلامية الشريفة، والتي تستحق لفت النظر. وتم تقسيم الدراسة إلى أربعة مباحث، سبقهم ملخص، ومقدمة، وفي الخاتمة تم تسجيل أهم النتائج فضلا عن المصادر والمراجع، والله المستعان. AbstractProfessor Zakariyau Idrees Oboh Oseni, is one of the prominent figures of Arabic and Islamic literature in Nigeria, working with University of Ilorin in Nigeria as an exemplary teacher, a writer and even a Critical critic. His poetic talent, literary ability, linguistic wealth, knowledge of the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah, made him succeed in the Art of Munajat, and succeed as a sincere scholar who raises the nation a high-level education. This Research aims to study the Munajat (Monologues) of Professor Zakariyau Idrees Oboh Oseni as a stylistic study, to determine the writer›s ability to draw different scenes in cases of the human soul, to reveal the levels of textual Monologues, and to present the implications of what is behind the text as a literary text subject to reading and interpretation. The Study dealt with his Monologue books in their phonetic, structural and semantic levels, an attempt to conduct a stylistic study at each level. This approach includes a set of principles and procedures that aid the study of the text as a scientific study, through method analysis. The research is divided into three sections, preceded by a summary, followed by a conclusion.

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