sexual attitudes
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 473-503
Laura Alonso-Martínez ◽  
Davinia Heras-Sevilla ◽  
Lucy Charilaou ◽  
Jesús Puente Alcaraz ◽  
María Fernández-Hawrylak

Objective: To evaluate whether attitudes towards sexuality acquired by students during a Spanish nursing degree are sufficient for their performance in professional practice. Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, and quantitative study based on a self-completion survey composed of standardized scales that compare sexual attitudes among 101 first-year students with 86 fourth-year students. The 187 nursing students, 24 men and 163 women were between 18 and 60 years old (Mage=21.21, SD=5.48). The evaluative instrument was an anonymous questionnaire that consisted of sociodemographic questions and two standardized scales: Attitudes Towards Sexuality Scale (ATSS-28) and Double Standard Scale (DSS). Results: Comparison between cohorts using the Mann-Whitney U test proved to be close to being significant in the ATSS, U=3625.50, z=-1.95, p=.052 and significant in DSS, U=3560.50, z=-2.13, p=.034. These findings indicate that fourth-year students have more positive attitudes towards sexuality and less rigid adherence to gender roles. In addition, a medium negative correlation, rs=-.307, p=.001, between ATSS and DSS was obtained, showing a positive association between attitudes and less adherence to gender roles. These results suggest that nursing degree training had a positive impact on sexual attitudes. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals are centrally involved in the care of patients and families. Nurses’ attitudes towards sexuality are important in terms of patient comfort and the accessibility and acceptability of care. Implementation of training in sexuality has a positive effect on nursing care and favours the establishment of global health strategies. Objetivo: Evaluar si las actitudes hacia la sexualidad adquiridas por los alumnos durante el Grado en Enfermería son suficientes para su desempeño profesional.Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal basado en una encuesta compuesta por escalas estandarizadas que comparó las predisposiciones sexuales entre 101 alumnos de primer curso con 86 de cuarto. Los 187 estudiantes de enfermería, 24 hombres y 163 mujeres tenían entre 18 y 60 años (Medad=21.21, DT=5.48). El instrumento utilizado para su evaluación fue un cuestionario anónimo que estaba constituido por preguntas sociodemográficas y las dos siguientes escalas, la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Sexualidad (ATSS-28) y la Escala de Doble Estándar (DSS). Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos estuvieron cera de ser significativos por curso en la ATSS, U=3625.50, z=-1.95, p=.052 y significativos en la DSS, U=3560.50, z=-2.13, p=.034. Estos hallazgos indicaron que los alumnos de cuarto tuvieron actitudes más positivas hacia la sexualidad y una menor adherencia a los roles de género. Además, se obtuvo una correlación negativa moderada, rs=-. 307, p=.001, entre la ATSS y la DSS que mostraba asociación entre las actitudes positivas y la menor adhesión a roles de género. Estos resultados sugieren que la formación enfermera tuvo un impacto positivo en sus actitudes.Conclusión: La enfermería está involucrada de manera central en el cuidado de los pacientes y sus familias. Sus actitudes hacia la sexualidad son importantes en términos de comodidad del paciente, accesibilidad y aceptabilidad de su atención.

Bryana Williams ◽  
Elizabeth Duda ◽  
Keziah Daniels ◽  
Jason S. Schneider

Órla Walsh ◽  
Elizabeth Dettmer ◽  
Andrea Regina ◽  
Stella Dentakos ◽  
Jennifer Christian ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 605-605
Allyson Graf ◽  
Kinsey Bryant-Lees ◽  
Tracy Cohn ◽  
Maggie Syme

Abstract Recent research suggests increasingly permissive attitudes towards sexual activity in later life. Harboring more conservative beliefs especially as one reaches older age, however, may translate into how one views and navigates sexual health changes. A sample of participants (N = 706; Mage = 52.72 years, SD = 9.57, range = 36-79; 60.8% male) was recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to complete a survey on sexual beliefs about age and aging. Participants completed two versions of the Relative Sexual Attitudes Scale (RASA), wherein they were prompted to consider either “someone their own age” or “an older person” in response to items assessing sexual attitudes. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the original five-factor structure, reduce the total items from 31 to 25, and establish measurement equivalence for the 36-54 year-old and 55+ year-old samples. Through a series of profile analyses investigating each subscale, scores did not significantly differ between the two prompts, although significant age-group differences were found with the 36-54 year-old age group reporting more open attitudes than the 55+ year-old age group across all subscales, except the traditional mores subscale. Sexual attitude subscale scores also differed by gender, engagement in partnered sexual activity, and whether one had spoken to a health professional about their sexual health in the past year. The findings support use of the RASA for adults 36 and older and highlight applications to understanding differences in sexual health into later life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
Ming Guan

Abstract Background Although several studies have attempted investigating sex-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices among young people in China, deeper insights were still needed to further understand how this population could be supported to make healthy and safe sexual choices. Against this background, this study used a large set of secondary data to examine associations among sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge, sexual attitudes, and sexual behaviour. Methods A cross-sectional study was employed to explore the associations among SRH knowledge, sexual attitudes, and sexual behaviour with a publicly available survey data among the 1196 university students from freshmen to Ph.D. candidates. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of the university students by gender. Associations of sociodemographic factors with sources and categories of SRH knowledge, categories of contraceptive knowledge, sexual attitudes, and sexual behavior were explored with Poisson regressions and logistic regressions, respectively. The mediating effects of sociodemographic factors on the associations between SRH knowledge and sexual behavior, observed sexual attitudes on the associations of SRH knowledge with sexual behavior, and latent sexual attitudes on the relationship between SRH knowledge and sexual behavior were analyzed in order. Results Descriptive analysis showed that the sample was dominated by age group (18 to 24 years), undergraduates, females, limited contraceptive knowledge, unfavorable sexual attitudes, and insufficient knowledge sources. Regression analyses showed that sociodemographic factors had significant associations with SRH knowledge, sexual attitudes, and sexual behavior. Subsequently, the mediating effects of sociodemographic factors on the associations of SRH knowledge and sexual attitudes with sexual behavior were confirmed. Controlling for sociodemographic factors, the effects of sexual attitudes on the associations between SRH knowledge and sexual behaviour could be verified. Structural equation modeling indicated that the linear sequence of sources and categories of SRH knowledge → sexual attitudes → sexual behaviour model and the triangle mediating effects of sexual behaviour → sexual attitudes → SRH knowledge model existed. Conclusions Sociodemographic factors and observed sexual attitudes mediated the associations between SRH knowledge and sexual behaviour. The sequence relationship: sources and categories of SRH knowledge → sexual attitudes → sexual behavior and the mediating relationship: sexual behavior → sexual attitude → sources and categories of SRH knowledge & sexual behavior → sources and categories of SRH knowledge and sexual behavior → sexual attitude → categories of contraceptive knowledge & sexual behavior → categories of contraceptive knowledge were confirmed in the sample. This study also identified an urgent need for the university students to access to SRH comprehensive knowledge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
David S Reid ◽  
Wendy G. Macdowall ◽  
Ruth Lewis ◽  
Bernie Hogan ◽  
Kirstin R. Mitchell ◽  

Nantje Fischer ◽  
Cynthia A. Graham ◽  
Bente Træen ◽  
Gert Martin Hald

AbstractSolitary sexual activity is a free, safe, and accessible way to experience sexual pleasure. Despite these advantages, research on masturbation in later life is highly understudied. Using data from a cross-sectional probability-based survey of 3816 European adults (mean age 67 years; range 60–75 years), we explored several sociodemographic, health, attitudinal, and sexual behavioral factors associated with reported masturbation frequency. Across all countries, between 41% and 65% of men and 27% and 40% of women reported any masturbation in the preceding month. Satisfaction with sexual activity and attitudes related to disapproval of sex without love were significant predictors of reported masturbation in almost all countries and in both genders. Age, education, self-perceived health, and depression were for the most part predictive of men’s reported masturbation, but not women’s. Generally, those believing sex is beneficial to older people were more likely to masturbate, while less permissive attitudes decreased the likelihood of reporting masturbation. To improve healthy sexual aging, misinformation about masturbation and sexual attitudes in older people need to be addressed.

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