reasoning skill
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Jurnal Elemen ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 250-262
Ismi Nurazizah ◽  
Zulkardi Zulkardi

This study aims to use the Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) approach to measure the mathematical reasoning ability of grade VII students in answering PISA-like mathematics problems on number content in the context of COVID-19. This study employs descriptive research with 34 participants from a junior high school in Palembang, Indonesia. Tests, interviews, and observations were utilized to collect data. The method of analysis adopted is descriptive. Google Meet is used to facilitate learning. Learning the PMRI technique was accomplished in this study by assigning sharing and jumping tasks. That is, assignments for students to discuss with each other have different levels of difficulty, followed by two exam questions. In the context of COVID-19, the test questions are PISA-like maths problems. The results show that students’ average mathematical reasoning skill is 63,037, with mathematical manipulation a common indicator. Most students have exhibited indications for presenting conjectures. However, only a few students have put down indicators for drawing logical conclusions, so drawing logical conclusions is an indicator that students rarely see. Overall, grade VII students' mathematical reasoning skills in answering PISA-like mathematics questions on number material in the context of COVID-19 utilizing the PMRI approach is good since students are used to modeling contextual problems such that mathematical manipulation indicators occur.

Kiyoshi Shikino ◽  
Mana Iwasaki ◽  
Ayaka Takahara ◽  
Naoki Kogayo ◽  
Shoichi Ito ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-430
Ceylan Şen ◽  
Zeynep Sonay AY ◽  
Gürsel Güler

This study investigated the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning (IBL) approach in ratio and proportion on the mathematics reasoning skill of seventh-grade students. The study was carried out in a seventh-grade mathematics course in a middle school located in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey during the 2016-2017 academic year. The IBL content was prepared and implemented about the ratio and proportion topics on which the reasoning skill is effective in the 7th grade curriculum. The IBL teaching implementations were conducted with 30 seventh grade students, but nine students, who represented different math achievement levels, were selected for the study’s analysis. Course video recordings, worksheets, student interviews, and diaries were used as data collection tools. The results showed that the students' predictive, explanation, generalization and justification skills emerged as indicators of reasoning skill. Students made different predictions and generalizations based on their existing knowledge and they developed solutions to problems using different strategies in IBL process. According to these findings, it was concluded that students' reasoning skill were effective during IBL. Keywords: Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics (IBL-M), Reasoning skill, Ratio and proportion, Middle school students

Kreshnik Nasi Begolli ◽  
Ting Dai ◽  
Kelly M. McGinn ◽  
Julie L. Booth

AbstractProportional reasoning failures seem to constitute most errors in probabilistic reasoning, yet there is little empirical evidence about its role for attaining probabilistic knowledge and how to effectively intervene with students who have less proportional reasoning skills. We examined the contributions of students' proportional reasoning skill and example-based practice when learning about probabilities from a reformed seventh grade curriculum. Teachers in their regular classrooms were randomly assigned to instruct with a reformed textbook (control) or a version revised to incorporate correct and incorrect example problems with prompts to explain (treatment). Students' prior knowledge in proportional reasoning skill separately predicted probabilistic knowledge at posttest, regardless of their prior knowledge in probability or minority status. Overall, students in the treatment condition improved more in their probabilistic knowledge, if they started with less proportional reasoning skills. Our findings suggest that example-based practice is beneficial for students with less prior knowledge of proportions, likely a key concept for developing probabilistic knowledge.

Sugiono Sugiono

The purpose of the study is to explore possible strategies to ‘insert’ themes of care into Indonesia’s English curriculum. It is stipulated that the English curriculum containing themes of care, ethics and morality can contribute to the advancement of students’ engagement in learning and enable moral reasoning skill toward the generation of responsible members of society upholding values of tolerance and respect for difference of others. This is a library research, employing a qualitative content review of related literature to find strategies for integrating themes of care into English curriculum.  It is found that integrating themes of care into curricular subjects, including English, is very possible to undertake, and provides students with higher order thinking skills in a functional manner. It is of great importance to students as they get benefits from being taught the ways to approach and eventually solve complex, real-life moral problems by applying particular skills drawn from the PAVE moral reasoning strategy. The English curriculum addressing such a long-term outcome for the application of the integration incorporates teaching students how to attain balanced competence, academically, socially and morally all at once.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Zeynel Kablan ◽  
Aslıhan Günen ◽  

Abstract: Reflective thinking skills are thought to be an important factor affecting the success of problem solving both routine and non-routine science problems. This research aimed to determine the relationship between eighth-grade students’ reflective thinking skills toward problem-solving and their level of solving routine and non-routine science problems. Determining this relationship can form a basis for the decisions teachers make in courses and contribute to increasing teaching quality. A correlational and regressional research design was used in this study. A total of 408 eighth-grade students from four secondary schools in Kocaeli, Turkey constituted the sample group. The correlational results showed that, as the students’ reflective thinking towards problem solving scores increased, which were identified as questioning, reasoning and, evaluating, their level of solving routine and non-routine problems also increased. But multiple regressional results showed only the evaluation skill was a significant predictor in solving routine problems and only the reasoning skill was a significant predictor in solving non-routine problems. Therefore, students should also be equipped with reasoning skill such as examining the cause-and-effect relationships by investigating the reason behind the decisions made while solving a problem, to contribute to the solution of non-routine problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Nur Arviyanto Himawan ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi ◽  
Edy Purwanto

AbstractReasoning skill is essential for students to have to face the challenges of the 21st century. This study aims to determine the percentage of students' reasoning skills based on deductive hypothesis, inductive hypothesis, and reflective abstraction. This research used a descriptive method involving 26 students of Islamic Senior High School 4 Bantul. The data from tests were analyzed quantitatively, while the data from interviews were analyzed qualitatively as supporting data. The results showed that the indicators of deductive hypothesis: Aspects of explaining a fact, there are 62% of students explained the facts correctly but were incomplete and 38% of students explained the facts incorrectly; Aspects of making conclusions deductively, there are 77% of students made correct conclusions but were incomplete and 23% of students made incorrect conclusions. Based on inductive hypothesis indicators: Aspects of making conclusions inductively, all students can make conclusions, but incorrect in associating equations; Aspects of giving reasons, all students gave incorrect reasons. Based on indicators of reflective abstraction: Aspects of developing concepts, there are 50% of students who can connect concepts in a case correctly and 50% of students incorrectly connect concepts in a case. This showed that students' reasoning skill is still low. AbstrakKemampuan penalaran penting dimiliki oleh siswa untuk menghadapi tantangan abad 21. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase kemampuan penalaran siswa berdasarkan hipotesis deduktif, hipotesis induktif dan abstraksi reflektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang melibatkan 26 siswa MAN 4 Bantul. Data dari tes dianalisis secara kuantitatif, sedangkan data dari wawancara dianalisis secara kualitatif sebagai data pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada indikator hipotesis deduktif: Aspek menjelaskan fakta, terdapat 62% siswa yang menjelaskan fakta secara tepat namun kurang lengkap dan 38% siswa kurang tepat dalam menjelaskan fakta; Aspek membuat kesimpulan secara deduktif, terdapat 77% siswa membuat kesimpulan dengan tepat namun kurang lengkap dan 23% siswa membuat kesimpulan yang kurang tepat. Berdasarkan indikator hipotesis induktif: Aspek membuat kesimpulan secara induktif, semua siswa dapat membuat kesimpulan, namun tidak tepat dalam mengaitkan persamaan; Aspek memberi alasan, semua siswa memberikan alasan yang kurang tepat. Berdasarkan indikator abstraksi reflektif: Aspek pengembangan konsep, sebanyak 50% siswa mampu menghubungkan konsep dalam suatu kasus secara tepat dan 50% siswa kurang tepat dalam menghubungkan konsep pada suatu kasus. Hal ini menunjukkan kemampuan penalaran siswa masih rendah. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Claire Elaine Kirsty Vinten

Abstract Clinical reasoning is the process by which veterinary surgeons integrate a multitude of clinical and contextual factors to make decisions about the diagnoses, treatment options and prognoses of their patients. The brain utilises two methods to achieve this: type one and type two reasoning. Type one relies on shortcuts such as pattern-recognition and heuristics to deduce answers without involving working memory. Type two uses working memory to deliberately compute logical analyses. Both reasoning methods have sources of errors, and research has shown that diagnostic accuracy is increased when they are used together when problem-solving. Despite this, it appears unlikely that clinical reasoning ‘skill’ can be improved; instead, the most effective way to improve reasoning performance experimentally appears to be by increasing and rearranging knowledge. As yet, there is no evidence that overall clinical reasoning error can be reduced in practice.  

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