communication board
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2021 ◽  
Jayr A. Pereira ◽  
Jaylton A. Pereira ◽  
Robson do N. Fidalgo

Alternative Communication Boards (ACB) are used to compensate for the difficulties faced by people with complex communication needs. These boards facilitate the construction of telegraphic phrases through visual cues, using colors and pictograms to represent the grammatical class and the meaning of the words, respectively. In this paper, we present the combination of three essential materials to construct a semantic ACB. In this context, a Semantic ACB is a communication board that uses a semantic script to guide the message authoring. The proposal was evaluated using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a basis. The results demonstrate that caregivers are more interested in a semantic ACB that is useful than in one that is easy to use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-120
Rina Nopianti ◽  
Prastika Tjeng Suwandi ◽  
Leni Triana

Pelawad Village is one of the villages in the Ciruas sub-district, Serang Regency, where the majority of the population is Muslim. Pelawad Village has eight mosques. In the management of mosque finances, based on preliminary information received from the BKPM (Mosque Youth Communication Board) it has not been carried out properly. Almost all mosques do not yet have a good bookkeeping system. This activity aims to provide simple financial bookkeeping training with the theme Financial Management Training for Empowerment of Mosque Youth. The method used in this community service activity is an action study through a training approach for youth and adolescents in the Pelawad-Ciruas village environment. To make this happen, BKPM has collaborated with several Bina Bangsa University lecturers. The partnership cooperation between BKPM and Abdimas team at Bina Bangsa University is carried out with the following agreements: BKPM is responsible for providing training facilities and infrastructure as well as coordinating training participants. The community service team served as resource persons and provided training materials. This activity has an outcome that must be achieved, namely increasing the ability of mosque-based financial management. The activity was carried out by after isha considering that the participants were mosque administrators and BKPM members who were caretakers of the mosque, and lasted for 3 days while still observing strict health protocols.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Melis Temel ◽  
Rodrigo Lozano ◽  
Maria Barreiro-Gen

Governance is instrumental to the implementing sustainability in organisations (civil society, companies, and public sector ones). Seven governance factors have been identified to achieve this: vision and mission, policies, reporting, communication, board of directors, department, and person in charge. However, their importance and interrelations are still under-researched. A survey was sent to 5,299 organisations, with 305 responses. The responses were analysed using descriptive statistics, rankings, comparison between organisation types, correlations, and centrality. The results provide the ranking of the factors, where vision and mission, person in charge, and reporting were highest ranked. The analysis also reveals that the seven factors are interrelated, albeit some more than others. The research provides a comparison of the rankings and interrelations between the organisation types. Each factor and its relation to other factors can contribute to better governance for sustainability, and better governance can contribute to a more holistic implementation of sustainability in organisations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 201
Mahendra Wibawa ◽  
Anita Wulan Suci

Deaf childrens are children with hearing limitation that can be fully or partial hearing function problems. Deaf childrens can communicate using movement pattern combinations (sign language), accompanied by face expression dan lips reading that can be studied using eyesight. For moslem deaf children, they have limitation on understanding and memorizing hijaiyah alphabets. One of the factors that make it hard to learn is the learning media limitation on Al-Quran for deaf childrens. Media that usually use to learn hijaiyah alphabets is Iqro books, the weak side of this book is there’s no procedure on how to pronounce Al-quran from letters of alphabets or in hijaiyah sign. Start from this limitation on deaf childrens and iqro book’s weaknesses, the idea to designing illustration book of hijaiyah alphabet introduction for deaf children was emerge. The media for the design is a book titled “Komunikasi dalam Isyarat” (“Communicate in sign”) in 20 x 20 cm size with 53 pages and soft covered, the content pages will be in HVS 100g paper. This book will contain hijaiyah alphabets, hijaiyah sign, exercises, evaluation test, and puzzle pieces that will be included in puzzle container.Keywords: book, illustration deaf, sign, hijaiyah.AbstrakAnak tunarungu merupakan anak dengan keterbatasan pendengaran yang kurang berfungsi dengan baik maupun tidak sama sekali. Anak tunarungu berkomunikasi dengan cara menggunakan kombinasi pola gerakan tertentu, juga disertai dengan ekspresi wajah dan gerak mulut yang bisa dibaca secara visual melalui indera penglihatan. Bagi anak tunarungu muslim, keterbatasan lainnya yaitu sulit memahani dan menghafal huruf huruf hijaiyah. Salah satu faktor penyebab sulit memahami huruf hijaiyah adalah keterbatasan media belajar Al-Qur’an khusus untuk anak tunarungu. Media yang selama ini digunakan untuk belajar huruf hijaiyah adalah buku Iqro’, kelemahan pada buku ini karena di dalamnya tidak ada cara membaca Al-Qur’an melalui huruf abjad maupun isyarat hijaiyah. Berawal dari keterbatasan anak tunarungu dan kelemahan pada buku Iqro’, muncullah ide merancang buku ilustrasi pengenalan huruf hijaiyah untuk anak tunarungu. Media yang dirancang merupakan buku berjudul “Komunikasi dalam Isyarat” berukuran 20 cm x 20 dan memiliki 53 halaman, cover buku menggunakan soft cover, dan lembaran halaman menggunakan bahan kertas HVS 100g . Buku ini berisi tentang materi huruf hijaiyah, isyarat hijaiyah, latihan soal, soal evaluasi, dan potongan puzzle yang diletakkan ke dalam puzzle container.Kata Kunci: buku, ilustrasi, tunarungu, isyarat, hijaiyah. Authors: Mahendra Wibawa : Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia MalangAnita Wulan Suci : Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia Malang References:38 Lineart. (2019). Kid Knowledges 1. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).Darulashom. (2020). Bahasa Isyarat Hijaiyah. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).Figuree Studio. (2019). Play Kidz. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).Geswein, K. (2017). kg she persisted. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).Gumelar, G., Hafiar, H., & Subekti, P. (2018). Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia Sebagai Budaya Tuli Melalui Pemaknaan Anggota Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tunarungu. NFORMASI: Kajian Ilmu Komunikasi, 48(1), 66-67.Huda, N. (2019). Aplikasi Bahasa Isyarat Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyah Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Tuna Rungu. Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer), 8(1), 1-6.., M. (2021). Huruf Hijaiyah: 30 Huruf Arab yang Luar Biasa [PENJELASAN LENGKAP]. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).Monica, M., & Luzar, L. C. (2011). Efek Warna dalam Dunia Desain dan Periklanan. Humaniora, 2(2), 1084-1096., D. (2018). Kajian Estetika Melalui Bentuk Keseimbangan Ilustrasi Durga Dengan Teknik Sablon Discharge Sederhana. Jurnal Bahasa Rupa, 1(2), 73–80., A. (2014). Pembelajaran Menggambar Ilustrasi Kartun Siswa Kelas VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Keling Kecamatan Keling Kabupaten Jepara. Eduarts: Jurnal Pendidikan Seni, 3(1), 45–53., S. E. (2006). Metode Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Periklanan. _______ : Dimensi.Sasongko, M. N., Suyanto, M., & Kurnaiawan, M. P. (2020). Analisis Kombinasi Warna pada Antarmuka Website Pemerintah Kabupaten Klaten. Jurnal Teknologi Technoscientia, 12(2), 153–158.Sesdiawan, M. (2013). Perancangan Media Buku Pop-Up Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Perilaku Anak Usia 7-12 Tahun Berisiko Obesitas Di Bandung the Design of the Media Book Pop-Up Behavior Prevention Efforts As Thechildren Aged 7-12 Years Are At Risk of Obesity in. e-Proceeding of Art & Design, 2(2), 388–395.Setywan, D. I., Tolle, H., & Kharisma, A. P. (2017). Perancangan Aplikasi Communication Board Berbasis Android Tablet Sebagai Media Pembelajaran dan Komunikasi Bagi Anak Tunarungu. Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, 2(8), 2933–2943.The Little Hijabi Homeschooling. (2020). Poster Isyarat Hijaiyah. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).Wibawa, M., & Suci, A. W. (2021). "Kumpulan Foto dan Gambar Penelitian". Hasil Dokumentasi Pribadi: 26 Februari 2021, STIKI Malang.Wisnuwardani, D. P. (2019). Ada 4, Kenali Ragam Disabilitas. Liputan6.Com. (diakses tanggal 09 Juni 2021).

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 346-364
Kay-Tze Hong ◽  
Siew-Imm Ng ◽  
Raja Nerina Raja Yusof ◽  
Shivee Ranjanee Kaliappan

The purpose of this study is to discover elements or contents of a Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) campaign’s communication board that may attract consumers to participate in the CRM program. This study focuses on the design of a CRM campaign communication board exclusively based on the perceptions of Malaysian consumers in the hypermarket context. Besides that, this study also identifies social causes applicable for hypermarkets in Malaysia. Employing a qualitative approach, the data in this study were obtained through focus group interviews and were analysed using a content analysis method. The study has identified seven themes that Malaysian consumers would like to see in a communication board, which were hypermarket initiative, communication, tagline and logos, timeframe, types of support (funds handled by NGOs), company-cause fit, and CRM products that are not limited to local products. These elements, if incorporated into a CRM communication board, will appeal to Malaysian consumers. The findings provide insights into the study of CRM communication board content that appeals to hypermarket consumers in Malaysia. This study also contributed to the CRM literature by exploring the applicability of a fairly new social cause (e.g. supporting underprivileged individuals) that can be championed and supported by the hypermarket. This research also offers practical implications for hypermarket managers. Hypermarkets can incorporate the seven elements (hypermarket initiative, communication, tagline and logos, timeframe, types of support, company-cause fit, and CRM products that are not limited to local products) while designing a CRM communication board.

Vannesa T. Mueller

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL4) ◽  
pp. 86-90
Vignesh S ◽  
Parimala L ◽  
Kalabarathi S

Communication is a crucial component and fundamental segment of nursing in all zones that renders it exercise to practice every one of its intercessions, including prevention, treatment, recovery, instruction and wellbeing advancement. Communication is a basic part of successful consideration in clinic setting, particularly in ICU where patients can encounter adjusted Communication capacities because of their basic sickness. Patient's results are impacted by the patient's capacities to impart successfully and take an interest in their consideration. Hence the present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of high-tech communication board on patient response and level of satisfaction among mechanically ventilated patients in an intensive care unit. True experimental - Post-test only design was employed with 60 patients in which 30 were allotted to the experimental and 30 to the control group. Demographic variables data were collected by using a structured questionnaire followed by assessing the response of the patients using patient response scale after using High-tech communication board. Patient's satisfaction was assessed after usage of High-tech communication board using a satisfaction scale. The findings of the study revealed that most of the patients had a good response in the experimental group than the patients in the control group in which the comparison between the two groups showed a significant difference between the mean scores. Based on findings, comparative studies can be conducted with other High-Tech Communication Board in different settings with large samples.

Dr. Metilda ◽  
Dr. A. Jaganath

Mechanical ventilation is widely used to treat patients with critical conditions. This treatment is usually applied for difficulty in breathing. The use of mechanical ventilation devices has unique benefits to the patient. However, it can also cause various problems. Reduction in communication rank as one of the most negative experiences in mechanically ventilated patients. Effective communication with ventilator-based patients is essential. Nursing management of a mechanically ventilated patient is challenging on many levels, requiring a wealth of high technical skills. The Patient Communications Board improves communication, maintains information and creates a comfortable, attractive setting for patient, family and health care workers. The research methodology used for the study is a Quasi experimental approach, post-test only design with a comparison group to assess the effect of the communication board on the level of satisfaction over communication among clients on mechanical ventilator. The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique and included 30 (experimental group-15, control group-15), mechanically ventilated patients in PESIMR hospital, Kuppam. The control group patients were provided with routine communication methods, while the experimental group were communicated with communication board. The level of satisfaction on communication was assessed by a 15items rating scale. Data was analysed using both the descriptive and inferential statistics. There was a significant difference in the level of satisfaction on communication among the patients who were communicated using communication board compared to the routine method of communication. The communication board had significantly improved the communication pattern and increased the satisfaction among the patients who are mechanically ventilated.

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