georg lukács
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-160
K. N. Evdokimova

Turning to this topic, one cannot but take into account the fact that some thinkers and philosophers who understand the philosophy of J.-P. Sartre, agreeing with him, are the young intellectuals of France, namely, Hervé Bazin, Pierre Courtade and others. Others do quite the opposite: they are categorically critical in their works, for example, Henri Lefebvre, "L'Existentialisme" (1946), Henri Muzhin "La Sainte famille existentialiste" (1947), Jean Canap "L'Existentialisme n'est pas un humanisme" (1947), Georg Lukacs "Existentialisme ou marxisme?" (1948) and others. In this situation, the question arises of where J.-P. Sartre was a follower of Marxism and where not. Besides, researchers usually do not fully take into account all stages of the development of J.-P. Sartre’s philosophy. Sartre. However, this is a necessary condition for understanding how Marxism influenced the last stage of Sartre's work (we define it as starting from about 1950). The lack of agreement between researchers on the Marxist component of Sartres’s work demonstrates, in our opinion, a lack of attention to all its stages. Of course, the volume of our article does not allow us to make up for this deficiency in full. But we tried, at least briefly, to take into account all the essential points that determine the specifics of the Marxist component in the work of J.-P. Sartre.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Aline Laureano Machado ◽  
Juscilene Silva de Oliveira

O escopo do resumo consiste em analisar, de modo geral, as contribuições teóricas e filosóficas de Lukács para a compreensão do trabalho como categoria fundante do ser social, bem como analisar os complexos sociais da educação e da linguagem que surgiram e desenvolveram-se concomitantes ao trabalho. Nesse sentido, entende-se que esta pesquisa ergue-se mediante algumas indagações: quais as necessidades de compreensão a respeito dos complexos há pouco mencionados? Como o trabalho poderia ser parte fundante do desenvolvimento social desses complexos?.A pesquisa é de natureza teórico-bibliográfica, referenciadas em autores marxistas clássicos e contemporâneos, tendo o materialismo histórico dialético como método balizador.

Horizontes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. e021059
Valci Melo

O artigo analisa o discurso dos livros didáticos de Sociologia acerca das desigualdades sociais. A investigação se deu à luz da Análise do Discurso pecheutiana, em sintonia com as contribuições teóricas de Georg Lukács acerca da ideologia. Ao longo do texto, demonstra-se que os livros didáticos de Sociologia do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) de 2015 materializam um discurso de caracterização das desigualdades sociais como relações de privilégio, explorando sua origem, seus fundamentos e suas configurações sócio-históricas. Por fim, conclui-se que o discurso sobre as desigualdades sociais materializado nos livros didáticos de Sociologia oferece aos jovens estudantes brasileiros uma importante ferramenta para os embates teóricos e práticos da vida cotidiana.

2021 ◽  
pp. 143-164
Cornel West

Christine Magerski

Abstract The paper reconstructs a crucial moment in the history of literary studies: the transference of formal sociology, as developed by Georg Simmel around 1900, into literary studies by his pupil, the young Georg Lukács. First, formal sociology will be explained in order to outline the ways in which Lukács adapts it. Then the formal method Lukács developed will be illustrated using the drama as an example. Finally, the paper will analyze Caroline Levine’s highly acclaimed study Forms (2015) in the context of the history of the formal method outlined, and briefly discuss the impasse in which this method currently finds itself.

Signótica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
Manfred Rommel Pontes Viana Mourão ◽  
Roseli Barros Cunha

Tanto Georg Lukács (1885-1971) como Mikhail Bakhtin (1895- 1975) desarrollaron teorías de la novela (en 1916 y mediados de la década de 1930, respectivamente), que aún hoy están consagradas en el mundo occidental. Aunque se pueden encontrar similitudes en sus obras, se observan algunas disparidades. Para aclararlas, pasamos a una sinopsis de estas ideas, centrándonos en la relación entre historia y romance. Así, dividimos nuestro argumento en tres momentos: primero, investigamos la idea de conciencia histórica en las teorías de la novela analizadas; segundo, desarrollamos el concepto de forma histórica; y tercero, establecimos la diferencia entre las versiones de la historia en los dos autores.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-80
Cristian Nichitean

"This text attempts to trace the evolution of the political and philosophical thought of Georg Lukács, after his magnum opus History and class consciousness, as well as the influence that historical events had on this evolution. Against the dominant consensus that dismisses Lukács’s late work as an effect of his alleged “reconciliation with reality”, I argue that the line of continuity in his thought was the idea of peaceful coexistence, derived from the objective conditions – the isolation of the Soviet Union and the stabilization of Western capitalism. So, rather than explaining his choice to defend coexistence, or “socialism in one country” as a consequence of his reconciliation with, or surrender to Stalinism, one should see his compromise with Stalinism as a consequence of this choice. His commitment to the coexistence thesis shaped his final version of Marxism in a number of ways. From a political perspective, a readjustment of the temporal scale of the transition to socialism in post-revolutionary society constrained him to advocate a more realist strategy that combined revolutionary movements with evolutionary processes – this was reflected in his option for the Popular Front strategy and later in his support for the Western pacifist movements. His late philosophical work also bears the marks of this enduring political choice. Keywords: Coexistence, Marxism, irrationalism, Stalinism, democratization, socialism "

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (29) ◽  
pp. 232-244
Ulisses Augusto Guimarães Maciel

A partir de uma realidade devastada pelos extremos do pensamento reacionário da primeira metade do século XX, Samuel Beckett (1906-1983) propõe uma ruptura com o realismo moderno, de modo a evidenciar o avançado estágio de decadência do modelo ideológico burguês. No presente artigo, discutimos justamente a influência desse contexto histórico-social no processo de composição da literatura beckettiana entre os anos de 1932 e 1953, sendo Dream of fair to middling women (1932), Murphy (1939), Molloy (1951), Malone morre (1951) e O inominável (1953) os romances que orientaram esse estudo em diálogo com a filosofia de Georg Lukàcs (1885-1971), dando ênfase às obras Marxismo e a teoria da literatura (1968) e The meaning of contemporary Realism (1969).

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