elastic neutron scattering
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Massimo Bonini ◽  
Emiliano Fratini ◽  
Antonio Faraone

Neutron scattering methods were employed to study the microscopic structure and dynamics of Bio Crude Oils (BCOs) and their lignin fractions. The structure of the carbonaceous aggregates was investigated using Small Angle Neutron Scattering to reveal a fractal hierarchy as well as a growth of the aggregates as the aging of the BCO proceeds. Elastic Neutron Scattering measurements indicate that BCO liquid phase, comprised of water and other hydrogenated molecular liquids, is in a state of extreme confinement. Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering yields information on the molecular motions, indicating that long range translational diffusion is suppressed and only localized dynamics take place on the tens of picosecond time range. The obtained results provide quantitative information on the molecular activity, as aging proceed, in these reactive materials of relevance as potential renewable energy sources.

ACS Nano ◽  
2021 ◽  
Maximilian Jansen ◽  
Fanni Juranyi ◽  
Olesya Yarema ◽  
Tilo Seydel ◽  
Vanessa Wood

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
G I Vasilyev

Abstract Gamma-ray quanta, which occur during solar flares due to the interaction of accelerated protons with the photosphere and deeper layers of the sun, enter interplanetary space from a thickness of several tens of g/cm2. In the presented work, gamma quanta with energies of more than 511 keV are considered. This makes it possible to exclude from consideration the dependence of the probability of ortho- and parapositronium formation on the temperature and density of the solar matter. And also do not consider the probability of annihilation by two or 3 gamma quanta. Thus, the reactions of thermal neutrons remain dependent on the temperature. As the ambient temperature increases, the average number of elastic neutron scattering before capture increases. This leads to a more likely penetration of neutrons to a greater depth or their departure into the interplanetary space. The high temperature of the Sun below the photosphere may be one of the reasons for the absence of the 2.223 MeV line in solar flares with registered protons in the PAMELA and AMS2 experiments. Using the GEANT4 package, the spectra of gamma-quanta arising in nuclear interactions are calculated. The temperature-dependent features of the gamma-ray spectra are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
Taiki Tominaga ◽  
Masae Sahara ◽  
Yukinobu Kawakita ◽  
Hiroshi Nakagawa ◽  
Takeshi Yamada

For quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) studies, sample cells made of pure or alloyed aluminium are frequently employed. Although the Al surface is protected by a passivating film, this film is not robust. Therefore, when the sample is an aqueous solution, chemical interactions between the Al surface and sample, promoted by corrosive entities such as chloride ions and certain conditions of pH, can compromise the integrity of the cell and interfere with the experiment. In this study, the corrosion susceptibilities of Al and its alloys were investigated by subjecting them to various treatments; the results were compared with those of other candidate materials with low chemical reactivity. This work showed that alloys with higher Al content and boehmite-coated surfaces are resistant to corrosion. In particular, for Al, the resistance is due to a reduction in the contact area achieved by reducing the surface roughness. QENS measurements of empty sample cells made of these materials revealed two results: (1) the profile of the cell fabricated with a copper-free Al alloy showed a minor dependence on the scattering vector magnitude Q and (2) reducing the real surface area of Al effectively suppresses its scattering intensity, while boehmite coating strengthens the scattering. Cells fabricated with Mo, Nb and single-crystal sapphire can be used as alternatives to Al because of their low scattering intensity and reduced dependence on Q.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Antonio Benedetto ◽  
Gordon J. Kearley

AbstractQuasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS)—based on the seminal work of Nobel Laureate Brockhouse—has been one of the major methods for studying pico-second to nano-second diffusive dynamics over the past 70 years. This is regarded as an “inelastic” method for dynamics. In contrast, we recently proposed a new neutron-scattering method for dynamics, which uses the elastic line of the scattering to access system dynamics directly in the time domain (Benedetto and Kearley in Sci Rep 9:11284, 2019). This new method has been denoted “vHI” that stands for “van Hove Integral”. The reason is that, under certain conditions, the measured elastic intensity corresponds to the running-time integral of the intermediate scattering function, $$I\left( {Q,t} \right)$$ I Q , t , up to a time that is inversely proportional to the energy band-width incident on the sample. As a result, $$I\left( {Q,t} \right)$$ I Q , t is accessed from the time derivative of the measured vHI profile. vHI has been supported by numerical and Monte-Carlo simulations, but has been difficult to validate experimentally due to the lack of a suitable instrument. Here we show that vHI works in practice, which we achieved by using a simple modification to the standard QENS backscattering spectrometer methodology. Basically, we varied the neutron-energy band-widths incident at the sample via a step-wise variation of the frequency of the monochromator Doppler-drive. This provides a measurement of the vHI profile at the detectors. The same instrument and sample were also used in standard QENS mode for comparison. The intermediate scattering functions, $$I\left( {Q,t} \right)$$ I Q , t , obtained by the two methods—vHI and QENS—are strikingly similar providing a direct experimental validation of the vHI method. Perhaps surprisingly, the counting statistics of the two methods are comparable even though the instrument used was expressly designed for QENS. This shows that the methodology modification adopted here can be used in practice to access vHI profiles at many of the backscattering spectrometers worldwide. We also show that partial integrations of the measured QENS spectrum cannot provide the vHI profile, which clarifies a common misconception. At the same time, we show a novel approach which does access $$I\left( {Q,t} \right)$$ I Q , t from QENS spectra.

Santhosh K. Matam ◽  
C. Richard A. Catlow ◽  
Ian P. Silverwood ◽  
Alexander J. O’Malley

AbstractMethanol dynamics in zeolite H-ZSM-5 (Si/Al of 25) with a methanol loading of ~ 30 molecules per unit cell has been studied at 298, 323, 348 and 373 K by incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS). The elastic incoherent structure factor (EISF) reveals that the majority of methanol is immobile, in the range between 70 and 80%, depending on the measurement temperature. At 298 K, ≈ 20% methanol is mobile on the instrumental timescale, exhibiting isotropic rotational dynamics with a rotational diffusion coefficient (DR) of 4.75 × 1010 s−1. Upon increasing the measurement temperature from 298 to 323 K, the nature of the methanol dynamics changes from rotational to translational diffusion dynamics. Similar translational diffusion rates are measured at 348 and 373 K, though with a larger mobile fraction as temperature increases. The translational diffusion is characterised as jump diffusion confined to a sphere with a radius close to that of a ZSM-5 channel. The diffusion coefficients may be calculated using either the Volino–Dianoux (VD) model of diffusion confined to a sphere, or the Chudley–Elliot (CE) jump diffusion model. The VD model gives rise to a self-diffusion co-efficient (Ds) of methanol in the range of 7.8–8.4 × 10–10 m2 s−1. The CE model gives a Ds of around 1.2 (± 0.1) × 10–9 m2 s−1 with a jump distance of 2.8 (either + 0.15 or − 0.1) Å and a residence time (τ) of ~ 10.8 (either + 0.1 or − 0.2) ps. A correlation between the present and earlier studies that report methanol dynamics in H-ZSM-5 with Si/Al of 36 is made, suggesting that with increasing Si/Al ratio, the mobile fraction of methanol increases while DR decreases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (20) ◽  
pp. 2170152
Minji Jung ◽  
Jaewoo Park ◽  
Raeesh Muhammad ◽  
Jin Yeong Kim ◽  
Veronika Grzimek ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 2007412
Minji Jung ◽  
Jaewoo Park ◽  
Raeesh Muhammad ◽  
Jin Yeong Kim ◽  
Veronika Grzimek ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Umbertoluca Ranieri ◽  
Stefan Klotz ◽  
Richard Gaal ◽  
Michael Marek Koza ◽  
Livia E. Bove

AbstractMethane, the principal component of natural gas, is an important energy source and raw material for chemical reactions. It also plays a significant role in planetary physics, being one of the major constituents of giant planets. Here, we report measurements of the molecular self-diffusion coefficient of dense supercritical CH4 reaching the freezing pressure. We find that the high-pressure behaviour of the self-diffusion coefficient measured by quasi-elastic neutron scattering at 300 K departs from that expected for a dense fluid of hard spheres and suggests a density-dependent molecular diameter. Breakdown of the Stokes–Einstein–Sutherland relation is observed and the experimental results suggest the existence of another scaling between self-diffusion coefficient D and shear viscosity η, in such a way that Dη/ρ=constant at constant temperature, with ρ the density. These findings underpin the lack of a simple model for dense fluids including the pressure dependence of their transport properties.

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