line amplitude
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2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-80
Sheyla Rossana Cavalcanti Furtado ◽  
Daniela Virgínia Vaz ◽  
Leandro Barbosa de Moura ◽  
Tatiana Pessoa da Silva Pinto ◽  
Marisa Cotta Mancini

Objetivos: descrever mudanças na função motora de dois adolescentes com diplegia espástica, sendo um deles participante de um protocolo de fortalecimento muscular isolado (FMI) e o outro de protocolo de fortalecimento com tarefas funcionais (FTF). Métodos: desenho experimental de caso único, metodologia que revela a temporalidade do perfil de mudanças ao longo e após a terapia. Este desenho incluiu fases de baseline, de intervenção e de followup com quatro, seis e três semanas, respectivamente. Participantes foram duas adolescentes com displegia espástica submetidas, cada uma, a um protocolo de intervenção: fortalecimento muscular isolado (FMI) ou fortalecimento com tarefas funcionais (FTF). Os protocolos de intervenção incluíram exercícios de fortalecimento muscular isolado de extensores de quadril, extensores de joelho e flexores plantares (para a participante do FMI), ou de exercícios funcionais para as mesmas musculaturas (para a participante do FTF). Mensurações três vezes por semana avaliaram força muscular, velocidade de marcha, tempo para subir e descer escadas, tempo para se levantar do chão e tempo no teste Timed Get Up and Go. Os dados foram analisados com Celeration Line, Amplitude de Dois Desvios Padrão e Análise Visual. Resultados: ganhos de força muscular de membros inferiores foram observados nas adolescentes submetidas a ambos os protocolos. Mudanças nas atividades motoras foram observadas em 2 das 4 tarefas testadas em somente uma das adolescentes (p<0,05). Conclusões: a especificidade funcional do protocolo de fortalecimento FTF produziu modestos efeitos no desempenho de atividades motoras de uma das adolescentes com PC, em acréscimo aos ganhos de força muscular produzidos por ambos os protocolos.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 28029 ◽  
Andrew J. Metcalf ◽  
Victor Torres-Company ◽  
V.R. Supradeepa ◽  
Daniel E. Leaird ◽  
Andrew M. Weiner

2013 ◽  
Vol 284-287 ◽  
pp. 557-561
Jie Li Fan ◽  
Wei Ping Huang

The two-degrees-of-freedom VIV of the circular cylinder with high mass-ratio is numerically simulated with the software ANSYS/CFX. The VIV characteristic is analyzed in the different conditions (Ur=3, 5, 6, 8, 10). When Ur is 5, 6, 8 and 10, the conclusion which is different from the cylinder with low mass-ratio can be obtained. When Ur is 3, the frequency of in-line VIV is twice of that of cross-flow VIV which is equal to the frequency ratio between drag force and lift force, and the in-line amplitude is much smaller than the cross-flow amplitude. The motion trace is the crescent. When Ur is 5 and 6, the frequency ratio between the drag force and lift force is still 2, but the main frequency of in-line VIV is mainly the same as that of cross-flow VIV and the secondary frequency of in-line VIV is equal to the frequency of the drag force. The in-line amplitude is still very small compared with the cross-flow amplitude. When Ur is up to 8 and 10, the frequency of in-line VIV is the same as the main frequency of cross-flow VIV which is close to the inherent frequency of the cylinder and is different from the frequency of drag force or lift force. But the secondary frequency of cross-flow VIV is equal to the frequency of the lift force. The amplitude ratio of the VIV between in-line and cross-flow direction is about 0.5. When Ur is 5, 6, 8 and 10, the motion trace is mainly the oval.

La´szlo´ Baranyi

This numerical study investigates a circular cylinder placed in a uniform stream and moving along a slender figure-8 path. A 2D computational method based on the finite difference method was used. Two aspects were investigated separately: the effect of in-line amplitude of oscillation and the effect of the frequency ratio. Computations for varying amplitude values were carried out at Re = 150, 200 and 250. Time-mean and rms values of force coefficients yielded smooth curves and tended to increase with amplitude. When plotted against frequency ratio in the domain of 0.69 to 0.98 at Re = 250, a jump was found in the time-mean values of lift and torque. This was also present in the energy transfer curves, and positive and negative values were found. Limit cycle curves from before and after a jump were symmetric, mirror images, and quite complex. Vorticity contours also showed a mirror image pre- and post-jump. These results indicate the possibility of symmetry-breaking bifurcation.

1974 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 335-339 ◽  
I. K. Dascalov ◽  
D. B. Chavdarov
On Line ◽  

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