psychological factor
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Da Silva Luiz Escobar Passos ◽  
László Balogh ◽  
József Márton Pucsok

Although beach soccer has become increasingly popular in recent years an only a minimal number of scientific research has been conducted in this area. The beach soccer is characterized by high intensity (HR max above 90 %) intermittent movements, which primarily requires the involvement of the anaerobic metabolic system. The objective of this study was: (i) to analyze the incidence of goals in the Hungarian Beach Soccer Championship in relation to the periods of the game that tend to occur; (ii) to identify the team that scored the first goal of the game, analyzing the influence of this event  on the final result  (iii) to identify and quantify the periods of the match won by the winner team. We examined all the goals (n = 1.065) in the Hungarian Championship (2016-2017) of beach soccer. We found that nearly 38 percent of goals are scored in the last period of the matches, the team that scores the first goal of the game features an average 74.44 percent probability of winning.  We observed, that almost 24 percent of the teams, which achieved overall success also earned the 1st and 3rd periods. Thus, it is suggested that the higher incidence of goals in the 3rd period of the matches is associated mainly with the interaction of physical and psychological factors. Regarding the influence of the first goal on the final result, we assumed that the psychological factor appears to interfere with greater relevance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-92
Nurbaya Nurbaya ◽  
Muh. Arfah Pattenreng ◽  
Yulia A. Hasan

Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji efektivitas pembagian harta bersama terhadap perceraian di pengadilan agama sungguminasa kelas IB. Jenis penelitian hukum normative. Jenis data sekunder yaitu Putusan Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Gowa Nomor 79/Pdt.G/2017/Pa.Sgm. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum Studi Kepustakaan. Analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efektivitas pembagian harta Bersama berasarkan putusan nomor 79/PDT.G/2017/PA. SGM telah efektif yang ditunjau berdasar kedudukan Hukum (legal standing) yang diperoleh penggugat serta partisipasi Pemerintah dan Aparat dalam membantu penggugat mendapatkan haknya efektif karena telah memenuhi mekanisme hukum yang ada. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas pembagian harta bersama terhadap perceraian pada putusan nomor 79/PDT.G/2017/PA. SGM meliputi pada factor sosiologi yaitu penetapan putusan dan adanya pendukung seperti fasilitas. Sedangkan factor psikologi meliputi pada ketidakadilan ini sangat berkaitan dengan pola padang suami selaku penanggungjawab keluarga terhadap istri selaku ibu rumah tangga serta pengaruh budaya dan ideologi yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam memberikan hak seorang istri. The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the sharing of joint assets on divorce in the class IB sungguminasa religion court. This study is normative legal research. The type of secondary data is the Decision of the Religion Court of Gowa Regency Number 79 / PDT. G / 2017 / Pa. Sgm. The technique of collecting legal materials used in this research is Library Research. The data analysis used is qualitative analysis. The results showed the effectiveness of sharing joint assets based on decision number 79 / PDT.G / 2017 / PA. SGM has been effective based on the legal standing obtained by the plaintiff and the participation of the Government and the Apparatus in helping the plaintiff get his / her rights effectively because it has fulfilled the existing legal mechanisms. The factors that affect the effectiveness of the sharing of joint assets include sociological factors, namely the decision making and the existence of supporters such as facilities. While the psychological factor covering this injustice is closely related to the perspective of the husband as the head of the family and the wife as a housewife, as well as the influence of culture and ideology that are considered in giving the rights of a wife.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 496-505
Elinda Umisara ◽  
Abdurrachman Faridi ◽  
Henrikus Joko Yulianto

Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly observed by considering several aspects. It can trigger the students’ anxiety as a psychological factor to communicate foreign language with others. This case has become a unique phenomenon to be analysed because anxiety has a relevance with foreign language abilities. This study aims to evaluate the psychological factor influencing the students’ anxiety in speaking English by using a qualitative approach. The data were collected by using observations, open-ended questionnaires, and interviews. There were 17 students in the ninth-grade of junior high school in Brebes Regency  participating in this research. Three major phases of data analysis, namely data reduction, display, and conclusion drawing established to analyse the data. The researchers found three factors triggering the students’ anxiety in speaking English, namely communication apprehension, test-anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation which were influenced by the situation-specific anxiety. The situation could represent an uncomfortable experience emotionally and physically for some students to speak English in the class. The students felt anxious, frustrated, fearful, nervous, worried when they were unable to speak English. It made the students afraid of making mistakes and like to underestimate their abilities so that this prevents them from doing verbal activities. Therefore, this research discusses waysreduce the specific psychological factors that cause students’ anxiety in speaking English. This result can be used as guidance in managing learning conditions, learning materials, and learning strategies to deal with students’ anxiety in learning English. The teacher can use this research as a reference for analyzing the students’ anxiety symptoms during learning English in order to increase the students’ motivation and confidence in speaking performance.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1307-1317
Afifah Amatullah ◽  
Roza Mulyana

Because of the rise of life expectancy, the older adults are now a big part of world’s population. In United States, prevalence of adults aged more than 65 years old increased from 36.6 million in 2005 to 47.8 million in 2015. In Indonesia, percentage of older adults increased two-fold from 1971 – 2019 as much as 9,6% or more than 25 million people. Along with this aging population, eating problems and malnutrition are getting more frequent. Aging causes several changes and degradation of body function which physiologically lead to anorexia and eating difficulty in older adults. Moreover, the other age-related factors such as social factor, economic factor, psychological factor, diseases and polypharmacy also have significant impact on food intake in older adults. Prevalence of inadequate energy intake and malnutrition in older adults are increasing, which lead them to become susceptible to acute and chronic diseases or worsening of their disease, increase hospitalization, and increase mortality rate. Even so, the signs of malnutrition of older adults are often late to be recognized, whereas the recovery of malnutrition in older adults is much more complicating than in younger adults. This review discusses about problems encountered by older adults that decrease their intake and cause malnutrition, to help clinicians recognize the cause of malnutrition in older adults earlier.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hyunjin Kang ◽  
Wonsun Shin

This study examines how three different motivations for using an SNS (i.e., self-expression, belonging, and memory archiving) influence multi-facets of privacy boundary management on the platform mediated by self-extension to it. In recognition of the fact that information management on SNSs often goes beyond the “disclosure-withdrawal” dichotomy, the study investigates the relationships between the three SNS motives and privacy boundary management strategies (i.e., collective boundary and boundary turbulence management). An online survey with Facebook users (N = 305) finds that the three Facebook motivations are positively correlated to users’ self-extension to Facebook. The motivations for using Facebook are positively associated with the management of different layers of privacy boundaries (i.e., basic, sensitive, and highly sensitive), when Facebook self-extension is mediated. In addition, the three motives have indirect associations with potential boundary turbulence management mediated by Facebook self-extension. Extending the classic idea that privacy is deeply rooted in the self, the study demonstrates that perceiving an SNS as part of the self-system constitutes a significant underlying psychological factor that explains the linkage between motives for using SNSs and privacy management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 100223
Petra Staubach ◽  
Miriam Fritsch-Kümpel ◽  
Stefan Mattyasovszky ◽  
Caroline Mann

Zhang Rui

The article concludes that Kuprin's prose has some influence on Green's work. The biographical basis of their army prose, the similarity of the authors' positions in describing the dramatic fate of a soldier and his psychological trauma, the suppression of his individuality by the army system, the conflict between self-awareness and depersonalization, the fear factor of a person who is naturally incapable of a military regime are pointed out. The following differences are noted: Kuprin reinforces the motive of pity for the humiliated soldier at the expense of the motive of sympathy for him by a young military officer - a protogonist and reasoner; in Green's stories, the characters don’t have double identities; Green's social revolutionary views led to the appearance of a rebel soldier in his stories, but the soldier is a passive character in Kuprin's stories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (131) ◽  
pp. 110-135
Raad Handal Al-Jubouri ◽  
Shuaib Ahmed ◽  
Methaq Hatif Al-Fatlawi ◽  
Hashem Fawzi Al-Abadi

2021 ◽  
Panteha Farmanesh ◽  
Pouya Zargar

While leadership studies have tackled the concept in various ways, it can be said that often basic psychological elements are overlooked. In this sense, the notion of trust is focused in this chapter to highlight, elaborate, and provide a thorough understanding on the vitality of trust between leader and his/her followers. Whether a business achieves success or not is highly dependent on leadership of the firm. Mutual trust among staff and their managers is a crucial matter that can hinder or enhance the process of success. With the existence of trust, workplace and environment of company become soothing for individuals, leading to positive psychological outcomes, and improved wellbeing. Therefore, we argue that building, and gaining trust should be the focus of leaders regardless of their style for it will improve performance, and thus, organizational outcome while simultaneously benefiting the staff via psychological elements. This becomes more vivid in modern business world as wellbeing of individuals and their mental health are more emphasized. Both leaders and scholars can benefit from this manuscript.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-19
Attila Csóka

Outflow itself and the turnover of personnel are natural phenomena and occur in any organisation. The motivational factors influencing outflow can be classified as financial, medical and psychological factors. Compared with the two other factors, the psychological factor is the most complex one. In the research, the author examined these psychological factors among the soldiers of the HDF 93rd CBRN Battalion in 2008 and in 2018 and compared the differences. The author also analysed the relationship between salary-motivated outflow and age, defining a key amount that should be taken into consideration in order to prevent the mass outflow.

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