cognitive skill
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Youth unemployment is one of the most difficult problem threatening economic development of many nations. Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) is therefore increasingly recognized all over the world, as a panacea to ameliorate the menace of unemployment. Any country that attaches special importance or gives special attention to entrepreneurship stands a better chance of reducing unemployment and improved economy. This study therefore seeks to examine the impact of EDP on the menace of unemployment in Osun state, Nigeria. The specific objective seeks to examine the impact of National Directorate of Employment (NDE) on youth empowerment; and determine the effect of N-power on poverty reduction in Osun state. The study adopted survey research design, using item structured instrument to elicit information from the respondents, for a true representation of the whole population of twenty-five and seventeen thousand (25,000 & 17,000) from both NDE and N- power respectively. The sample of four hundred (400) and two hundred and fifty (250) from both NDE and N -power respectively, making a total of six hundred and fifty (650) respondents was drawn from the population using Taro Yamane (1967) formula for estimating sample. A total of 650 questionnaires were administered out of which six hundred and thirty-two (632) were properly filled and returned. The formulated hypotheses were tested using multiple regression with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS…Version20). The finding of the study revealed that NDE programmes have significant impact on job creation. with the R2 of 0.598. The study also revealed that N-power significantly address poverty reduction, most especially in Osun State, with R2 value of 0.687, which indicate that technical skills which comprises of cognitive and non-cognitive skill actually reduced unemploment. Therefore, It was recommended that, in other to produce a typical entrepreneurs that will not only be self-employed but employ more other unemployed youth, government should make it as a point of duty that beneficiaries are given practical training and ensure they acquire technical skills, both cognitive and non- cognitive skill during and after the programme. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP), Skills, National Directorate of Employment (NDE), N-power, Youth Empowerment

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 1-46
Oswald Barral ◽  
SÉbastien LallÉ ◽  
Alireza Iranpour ◽  
Cristina Conati

We study the effectiveness of adaptive interventions at helping users process textual documents with embedded visualizations, a form of multimodal documents known as Magazine-Style Narrative Visualizations (MSNVs). The interventions are meant to dynamically highlight in the visualization the datapoints that are described in the textual sentence currently being read by the user, as captured by eye-tracking. These interventions were previously evaluated in two user studies that involved 98 participants reading excerpts of real-world MSNVs during a 1-hour session. Participants’ outcomes included their subjective feedback about the guidance, and well as their reading time and score on a set of comprehension questions. Results showed that the interventions can increase comprehension of the MSNV excerpts for users with lower levels of a cognitive skill known as visualization literacy. In this article, we aim to further investigate this result by leveraging eye-tracking to analyze in depth how the participants processed the interventions depending on their levels of visualization literacy. We first analyzed summative gaze metrics that capture how users process and integrate the key components of the narrative visualizations. Second, we mined the salient patterns in the users’ scanpaths to contextualize how users sequentially process these components. Results indicate that the interventions succeed in guiding attention to salient components of the narrative visualizations, especially by generating more transitions between key components of the visualization (i.e., datapoints, labels, and legend), as well as between the two modalities (text and visualization). We also show that the interventions help users with lower levels of visualization literacy to better map datapoints to the legend, which likely contributed to their improved comprehension of the documents. These findings shed light on how adaptive interventions help users with different levels of visualization literacy, informing the design of personalized narrative visualizations.

S. Elakkiya ◽  
M. Asokhan

Entrepreneurship skills are an individual’s ability to make business in a profitable way. The study focused on to develop a tool to measure the entrepreneurial skill among the agripreneurs by reviewing of literature. Item selection and scoring procedure had been included in this study. Based on the reliability and validity testing, this study finalized the instruments to yielding seven indicators, namely, marketing dimension, psychological magnitude, managerial skill, behavioural skill, technical skill, communication competency, cognitive skill. It is recommended that future researchers apply and thereby extend the developed measure by cross-examining the instruments presented in this study across different entrepreneurs study. The results obtained will be helpful in planning and implementing the capacity development programmes. Among seven indictors and the respective sub indicators, the indicators and sub indicators having above 0.75 relative weightage score had taken for final index. The study found that marketing skill (0.88), psychological magnitude (0.89), behavioural skill (0.79), technical skill (0.83), communication competency (0.93) and cognitive skill (0.89) were the major skill of the agri entrepreneurs, should possess to run their business effectively and efficiently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Fynn Bergmann ◽  
Rob Gray ◽  
Svenja Wachsmuth ◽  
Oliver Höner

Facilitating players' skill acquisition is a major challenge within sport coaches' work which should be supported by evidence-based recommendations outlining the most effective practice and coaching methods. This systematic review aimed at accumulating empirical knowledge on the influence of practice design and coaching behavior on perceptual-motor and perceptual-cognitive skill acquisition in soccer. A systematic search was carried out according to the PRISMA guidelines across the databases SPORTDiscus, PsycInfo, MEDLINE, and Web of Science to identify soccer-specific intervention studies conducted in applied experimental settings (search date: 22nd November 2020). The systematic search yielded 8,295 distinct hits which underwent an independent screening process. Finally, 34 eligible articles, comprising of 35 individual studies, were identified and reviewed regarding their theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches and quality, as well as the interventions' effectiveness. These studies were classified into the following two groups: Eighteen studies investigated the theory-driven instructional approaches Differential Learning, Teaching Games for Understanding, and Non-linear Pedagogy. Another seventeen studies, most of them not grounded within a theoretical framework, examined specific aspects of practice task design or coaches' instructions. The Downs and Black checklist and the Template for Intervention Description and Replication were applied to assess the quality in reporting, risk of bias, and the quality of interventions' description. Based on these assessments, the included research was of moderate quality, however, with large differences across individual studies. The quantitative synthesis of results revealed empirical support for the effectiveness of coaching methodologies aiming at encouraging players' self-exploration within representative scenarios to promote technical and tactical skills. Nevertheless, “traditional” repetition-based approaches also achieved improvements with respect to players' technical outcomes, yet, their impact on match-play performance remains widely unexplored. In the light of the large methodological heterogeneity of the included studies (e.g., outcomes or control groups' practice activities), the presented results need to be interpreted by taking the respective intervention characteristics into account. Overall, the current evidence needs to be extended by theory-driven, high-quality studies within controlled experimental designs to allow more consolidated and evidence-based recommendations for coaches' work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (07) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Samaher Khalil IBRAHIM ◽  
Mohammad Saadi LAFTA

The current research problem was established through the following question: What are the characteristics of technical integration (cognitive, skill, and behavioral)? What are the mechanisms for applying it to art education teachers? As the current research aims to identify the characteristics of technical integration (cognitive, skill, and behavioral) of art education teachers from the point of view of the supervisors specialization. The research community consisted of the art education supervisors in the Karkh side, who were (35) supervisors. A sample of (20) supervisors with a specialization in art education on (the Karkh) side were selected, who could be reached through electronic communication means. To achieve the goal of the current research, the researcher built her research tool represented by the questionnaire, which consisted of (4 domains and 41 paragraphs), as it covered all the characteristics of technical integration (cognitive, skill, and behavioral) that the art education teacher is supposed to display. The most important conclusions are: 1.the majority of art education teachers use the most appropriate methods and decoration. 2.Art education teachers have school exhibitions involving learners to display paintings.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-66

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report the results of newborn hearing screening performed in 2017-2020 at the Kastamonu Education and Research Hospital, Turkey. Material and Method: Six thousand seven hundred and ninety newborns undergoing hearing screening between January 2017 and December 2019 at the Kastamonu Education and Research Hospital were included in this retrospective study. The screening ABR test was performed with all babies. Test findings retrieved from our hospital and the central database were subjected to analysis. Results: 4701 babies passed the 1st test, 1920 babies passed the 2nd test, 139 babies passed the 3rd test. Of the 30 babies who could not pass these 3 screening ABR tests and were referred to the reference center, 19 passed the test. Of the remaining 11 babies (0.162%), 7 (0.103%) had unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and 4 (0.058%) had bilateral SNHL. Conclusion: It is very important for hearing loss to be detected via screening tests in the first three months and for treatment and rehabilitation to be started within six months at the latest. These babies can thus acquire normal hearing and not lag behind their peers in terms of linguistic, social, and cognitive skill development.

2021 ◽  
Elia Gatto ◽  
Olli J. Loukola ◽  
Christian Agrillo

AbstractQuantitative abilities are widely recognized to play important roles in several ecological contexts, such as foraging, mate choice, and social interaction. Indeed, such abilities are widespread among vertebrates, in particular mammals, birds, and fish. Recently, there has been an increasing number of studies on the quantitative abilities of invertebrates. In this review, we present the current knowledge in this field, especially focusing on the ecological relevance of the capacity to process quantitative information, the similarities with vertebrates, and the different methods adopted to investigate this cognitive skill. The literature argues, beyond methodological differences, a substantial similarity between the quantitative abilities of invertebrates and those of vertebrates, supporting the idea that similar ecological pressures may determine the emergence of similar cognitive systems even in distantly related species.

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