cross infection
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Meltem Tekbaş-Atay ◽  
Mediha Büyükgöze-Dindar

Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the patient’s knowledge, attitude, and practice of cross-infection control in dentistry. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Dentistry, Trakya University. In this study, 250 patients (134 female and 116 male) aged 18 years and older (35.5±13.9) participated and data were collected using a questionnaire containing questions to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to cross-infection and infection control. Required personal and socio-demographic data were obtained. A chi-square test was conducted for categorical variables. Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare questionnaire scores (p <0.05). Results: Most of the participants (30.5%) reported that their sources of information on dental infection control were social media. Knowledge scores of females were statistically significantly higher than males (p=0.005) and participants living in the city were significantly higher than those living in the town (p=0.015). Knowledge scores of health-care workers were significantly higher than both other workers and unemployed/students (p=0.001, p=0.004, respectively). Regarding participants’ attitudes and practices, only 29.2% of the participants questioned the dentists about the contagious disease, and only 36% asked about the sterilization method of the dental instruments. Most of the participants perceived that wearing gloves, masks, eyewear, and face shield would protect both patients and dentists. Conclusion: Participants in this study seem to have a satisfactory level of knowledge about cross-infection and infection control methods in the nowadays’ pandemic condition. However, dental health professionals should make additional efforts to educate and encourage dental patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yaoping Zhang ◽  
Yanning Zhang ◽  
Xiaojun Huang

In the past 20 years, several magnetically controlled capsule endoscopes (MCCE) have been developed for the evaluation of gastric lesions, including NaviCam (ANKON), MiroCam-Navi (Intromedic), Endocapsule MGCE (Olympus and Siemens), SMCE (JIFU), and FAMCE (Jinshan). Although limited to observing esophageal and duodenal lesions and lacking the ability of biopsy, MCCE has the advantages of comfort, safety, no anesthesia, no risk of cross-infection, and high acceptability. Several high-quality RCTs showed that the diagnostic accuracy of MCCE is comparable to the traditional gastroscopy. Due to the nonnecessity of anesthesia, MCCE may be more suitable for the elderly with obvious comorbidities as well as children. With more evidences accumulated and more innovative technologies developed, MCCE is expected to be an important tool for screening of early gastric cancer or the diagnosis of gastric diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (04) ◽  
pp. 249-254
Ayesha Zafar ◽  
Samira Adnan ◽  
Naseer Ahmed ◽  
Maria Shakoor Abbasi ◽  

OBJECTIVE: To assess the perception of patients visiting a dental OPD in Karachi regarding cross infection control measures that should be taken in dental practice. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the OPD of Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine from January to August 2020. A total of 546 patients aged 20-75 years of either gender coming for routine dental check-ups were included in the study using non-probability convenience sampling. A well-structured and validated questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of patients regarding cross infection measures that should be present in dental practices. SPSS-25 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics was used to calculate frequency and percentage of qualitative (gender, socioeconomic and education status, knowledge attitude and practice levels of patients) and quantitative variables (age groups). Chi-square test was used to detect the relation of patient's knowledge levels with potential factors like the age groups, gender, socioeconomic and education status. The p-value of (< 0.05) was considered as significant. RESULTS: Out of the total participants, 79.1% had good knowledge about cross infection control measures in dental practice. Majority of the patients (84.6%) agreed that dentists should wear gloves during treatment, though majority were of the opinion that a dentist can treat several patients with the same set of gloves. About 4.9% of the patients said that they ask the dentist to wear face mask and gloves while treating them, and only 3.3% said that they ask the dentist about sterilization of instruments. The knowledge level of patients showed variation with their education status but not with respect to socioeconomic status, age and gender. CONCLUSION: Although overall the patients visiting dental clinics had good perception and showed positive attitudes towards cross infection control, the dental health practitioners need to disseminate basic technical information about the infection-control practices required for safe dental practice to dental patients and the community at large. KEYWORDS: cross infection, knowledge, dentist, dental patients, perception

2021 ◽  
Yuanyuan Cheng

AbstractBackgroud: Since 2021, all outbreaks of COVID-19 within mainland China have been associated with imported cases from abroad. The outbreak in Putian, Fujian province, occurred without obvious loopholes in the implementation of epidemic prevention, indicating loopholes in the current epidemic prevention strategies in mainland China. The loopholes should be identified and the epidemic prevention strategies should be improved as soon as possible.Methods: Is there a need to further extend the medical observation period and community health surveillance period for key populations? Is there a need to increase the number of nucleic acid screenings? Is there a need to change the methods of extraction of nucleic acid screening samples? Is there a need to expand the scope of the population for routine epidemic prevention surveillance? The analysis of these questions would contribute to the improvement of the COVID-19 epidemic prevention strategies.Results: There are larger outbreaks following the current intensive isolation medical observation period and community health surveillance period, the phenomenon shows that the loopholes in the assessment of cross-infection risk and health surveillance in China's current COVID-19 prevention and control strategies, especially during health surveillance after the entry of undetected infected individuals into the community when they emerge during isolation medical observation, and during health surveillance in the community for those who regain positive status after case cure.Conclusions: The key points to improve epidemic prevention strategies includ that a scientific and rational assessment around the mean incubation period, cross-infection risk, and surveillance efficiency of COVID-19, and updating routine epidemic prevention surveillance measures for key populations, recently cured patients of COVID-19, and immersion populations. Keywords: COVID-19, epidemic prevention strategy, incubation period, cross-infection

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-109
Ni Kadek Ari Astuti ◽  
Sumantri Sumantri ◽  
Iyan Anugrah Nasir ◽  

ntroduction: Dental impression material is one of the agents of infection transmission in the dentist's work environment. Cross infection can occur through the interaction of microorganisms and impression material. To prevent cross infection, it is necessary to disinfect alginate impressions. One of the effective natural ingredients that can be used as a disinfectant is betel leaf. The effect of using disinfectant can affect the dimensional stability of the alginate mold. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of disin- fection by spraying a decoction of 25% betel leaf and 0.2% chlorhexidine on the dimensional stability of alginate molds. Materials and Methods: The research method used was an experimental laboratory with a post-test only control g roup design using 2 7 samples consisting of three treatments (negative control group, positive control group, and treatment group) which were measured using a digital caliper. The technique us ed in this study is the spraying technique on the sample with a st orage time of 10 minutes. Results and discussion: This 25% betel leaf de coction (infusion) can be used as an alternative to disinfecting alginate impressions because there is no difference in effect between spraying 25% betel leaf decoction (infusion) and 0.2% chlorhexidine on alginate molds on changes in model physiological dimen- sions. Conclusion: the dimensional changes that occur are still within tolera- ble limits in alginate molds which were disinfected by spraying 25% betel leaf decoction and 0.2% chlorhexidine solution so that both can be used as disinfection materials for alginate impression materials

Assam Assam

Aims: As wild birds interact with poultry the likelihood of exchange of external parasites between wild birds and poultry highlights the need to understand wild bird parasites so as to reduce cross infection at the wild bird-poultry interface. There is paucity of data on external parasites of wild birds in Kaduna State, Nigeria. This study investigated the prevalence and diversity of external parasites among wild birds in Kaduna State. Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out in Kaduna State, Nigeria between March, and June 2012. Methodology: Wild birds were captured and examined for external parasites by visual and microscopic examination. The data were analyzed using Quantitative Parasitology software. Results: Of the 233 wild birds representing 56 species and 25 families examined, the ectoparasite prevalence was 10.7% (25/233). The ectoparasites identified were Menacanthus spp (0.9%), Amblyomma variegatum (0.9%), Argas persicus (3.4%), Gonides gigas (2.1%) and Rhipicephalus spp (2.6%). Streptopelia senegalensis and Chalcomitra senegalensis were infested with Amblyomma varigatum while Numida meleagris and Ploceus cucullatus had Rhipicephalus spp. Conclusion: This is the first report to the best of our knowledge of hard tick infestation of free flying birds in Kaduna State. This study establishes baseline data for future study of wild bird host-parasite interaction in Nigeria. There is need for more studies on external parasites of wild birds to understand their impact on the survival of wild bird species in Nigeria.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3190
Rongjian Lv ◽  
Hua Li ◽  
Qiubai Sun

Emotion plays an important role in decision making. In an emergency, panic can spread among crowds through person-to-person communications and can cause harmful effects on society. The aim of this paper is to propose a new theoretical model in the context of epidemiology to describe the spread of panic under an emergency. First, according to divisions in personality in the context of psychology, groups are divided into a level-headed group and an impatient group. Second, individuals in the two groups have unique personalities. Thus, the level-headed group only infects within the group, while the impatient group considers emotional infection within the group and cross infection between the groups. Then, a nonlinear infection rate is used to describe the probability of infection after an infected person contacts a susceptible person, which is more in line with the real situation. After that, the level-headed group–impatient group nonlinear SIRS panic spreading model is developed. Stable analysis of the model is obtained using the Lyapunov function method to study the stability of the panic-free equilibrium and panic-permanence equilibrium. Finally, simulations are carried out to dynamically describe the spread process of group emotional contagion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 880
Fery AM Mendrofa ◽  
Umi Hani ◽  
Yuni Nurhidayat

A pandemic of a novel coronavirus-infected disease is currently ongoing in the world. Most patients have to be isolated due to the treatments. This study aimed to make sense of how patients with coronavirus-infected disease understand and experience infectious isolation. The research used a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted with in-depth interviews of nine patients with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) confirmed who had been in the isolation room. The analysis was conducted on interview transcripts by organizing keywords found into categories, sub-themes, and themes based on Colaizzi's approach. The results indicated that the participants experienced fright due to the isolation and attempted to integrate their isolation experiences. Isolation highlighted a sense of threat posed by cross-infection, a threat that participants experienced as originating from others and from themselves to others. Participants described feeling changes experienced after several days of treatment. Participants reported various symptoms of the disease and received careful care while in isolation. They still communicate with family. Isolated patients are able to deal with the treatment by improving their coping strategies. Participants reported the most support from their families, even from a distance. Future research could explore experiences of isolation from family and staff perspectives and identify the psychological aspect in caring for the COVID-19 patients.

João Felipe Besegato ◽  
Priscila Borges Gobbo de Melo ◽  
Patrícia Eriko Tamae ◽  
Ana Paula Aparecida Raimundo Alves ◽  
Luis Felipe Rondón ◽  

L.‐W Zhang ◽  
L.‐X. Fu Li ◽  
W.‐J. Wang ◽  
T. Chen

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