moora method
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Shaikh Juned

Abstract: This review paper focus on Parametric optimization in Metal inert gas welding by using MOORAS method. MIG is arc welding process. Parameters optimization can be done by Multi-objective optimization on basis of ratio analysis and analytical Heriachy process. Ranking of alternatives determine by attributes weight or related importance given between attributes and on the values of the selected attributes,MOORA method is very fast and robust. It needs minimum Mathematical calculations and calculations time. Review paper endeavor process to illustrate problem by MOORAS method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4A) ◽  
Alparslan Serhat Demir ◽  
Mine Büşra Gelen ◽  

Flowshop scheduling problems constitute a type of problem that is frequently discussed in the literature, where a wide variety of methods are developed for their solution. Although the problem used to be set as a single purpose, it became necessary to expect more than one objective to be evaluated together with increasing customer expectation and competition, after which studies started to be carried out under the title of multiobjective flowshop scheduling. With the increase in the number of workbenches and jobs, the difficulty level of the problem increases in a nonlinear way, and the solution becomes more difficult. This study proposes a new hybrid algorithm by combining genetic algorithms, which are metaheuristic methods, and the Multi-MOORA method, which is a multicriterion decision-making method, for the solution of multiobjective flowshop scheduling problems. The study evaluates and tries to optimize the performance criteria of maximum completion time, average flow time, maximum late finishing, average tardiness, and the number of late (tardy) jobs. The proposed algorithm is compared to the standard multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA), and the Multi-MOORA-based genetic algorithm (MBGA) shows better results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 1177
Tundo Tundo ◽  
Wisnu Dwi Nugroho

<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengrajin kayu di Dongkelan, Krapyak, Yogyakarta dalam menentukan kayu terbaik untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan gitar, karena sering terjadi keluhan dari para pembeli bahwa bahan yang dijadikan bahan gitar cepat lapuk dan kusam dari segi warnah. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dicari suatu solusi dengan menggunakan metode <em>Decision Support System</em> <em>Multi Objective Optimization on the basic of Ratio Analysis</em><em> </em>(MOORA) serta dibantu oleh pakar dalam menentukan kriteria yang tepat berkaitan penentuan kayu terbaik yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan gitar, setelah berdiskusi panjang ditemukan hasil kriteria yang tepat berdasarkan permasalahan, berupa kriteria kekuatan kayu, serat kayu, tekstur, dan berat kayu. Semua kriteria tersebut, kemudian diproses dengan menggunakan metode MOORA, dengan data yang digunakan sebanyak 29 jenis data kayu, yang diperoleh dari pengrajin yang ada di wilayah tersebut. Setelah diproses, diperoleh hasil 3 kayu terbaik yang layak untuk digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan gitar secara berurutan dalah kayu Bubinga dengan nilai 18,36785, kayu Bocote dengan nilai 17,33385, dan kayu Eboni dengan nilai 17,33385   dari beberapa pilihan alternatif  kayu yang ada. Membuktikan hasil dari metode MOORA<em>, </em>maka dilakukan responden secara langsung dengan memberikan hasil metode kepada pakar pembuat gitar. Dari 15 pakar pembuat gitar, 13 mengatakan setuju dengan peringkat 3 terbesar, dan 2 mengatakan kurang setuju. Sehingga ditemukan tingkat akurasi berdasarkan penilaian pakar sebesar 86,67 %.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><div><p><em>This study aims to assist wood craftsmen in Dongkelan, Krapyak, Yogyakarta in determining the best wood to be used as guitar material, because there are frequent complaints from buyers that the material used for guitar is rotten quickly and is dull in terms of color. Based on these problems, a solution was sought using the Multi Objective Optimization on the basic of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Decision Support System method and assisted by experts in determining the right criteria related to determining the best wood used in making guitar materials, after a long discussion found the results. the right criteria based on the problem, in the form of wood strength criteria, wood grain, texture, and wood weight. All of these criteria are then processed using the MOORA method, with the data used as much as 29 types of wood data, which are obtained from craftsmen in the area. After processing, the 3 best woods that are suitable for use as a guitar-making material are Bubinga wood with a value of 18.36785, Bocote wood with a value of 17.333385, and Eboni wood with a value of 17.333385 from several alternative wood choices. . Proving the results of the MOORA method, the respondents directly gave the results of the method to guitar-making experts. Of the 15 expert guitar makers, 13 said they agreed with the third largest ranking, and 2 said they disagreed. So that it found the level of accuracy based on expert judgment of 86.67%. </em></p></div><p><strong><br /></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Labuan Nababan ◽  
Jernih Donda Sinurat ◽  
Lamtiur Sinambela ◽  
Jane Elnovreny ◽  
Frinto Tambunan ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Hajra Rasmita Ngemba ◽  
Rudy Reynold Richardo ◽  
Rosmala Nur ◽  
Muhammad Rusydi ◽  
Christian Lopo ◽  

Introduction:  This study aims to build an application that can carry out the selection process for prospective recipients of contribution assistance so that it is easier and becomes an alternative choice for the Village Government in determining eligible residents for BPJS Health contribution assistance in Loru Village, Sigi Regency. Methods: This decision support system application is web-based using the Hypertext Prepocessor (PHP) programming language with the Multi Objective Optimization method On The Basis Of The Ratio Analysis (MOORA), using sublime text 3 software and also MySQL as the database. In this study, 444 households were used as data for heads of households. With the system, orders will be carried out objectively and in detail. To determine which residents are truly entitled to receive assistance, this is done by compiling citizen data by considering the value of the MOORA method formula for each of the specified criteria. Result: The results that have been carried out by this author are a solution to determine the recipients of BPJS Health contribution assistance in Loru Village, Sigi Regency, so that the selection process can be more effective in terms of time and operation. Conclutions:  Based on manual calculations as a comparison with the calculation of the system built, the same results were obtained. This shows that the system built can process the selection of potential recipients of contribution assistance. The result of the system process using the MOORA method is the ranking of PBI candidates with the highest rank to the lowest rank.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-128
Nurleli Idayati ◽  
Hidayatullah Hidayatullah ◽  
Cecep Maulana

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus drugs using Decision Support System (DSS) techniques. The DSS method used is the Multi Objective Optimization method on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA). The data used in the study are data sourced from BPS in ther Kisaran city area. Application development uses web and MySQL database as a help tool to test the ranking results on the selection of Diabetes mellitus drugs. The results of this study are expected to provide better results in helping to determine the best Keywords : Decision Support System;MOORA Method;Diabetes mellitus;Drug Selection;Kisaran City Abstrak: obat Diabetes melitus dengan menggunakan teknik Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK). Metode SPK yang digunakan adalah metode Multi Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data bersumber dari BPS di wilayah kota Kisaran. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan web dan database MySQL sebagai perangkat bantuan untuk menguji hasil perangkingan pada pemilihan obat Diabetes melitus. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam membantu menentukan obat diabetes terbaik Kata Kunci : Sistem Pendukung Keputusan;Metode MOORA;Diabetes mellitus;Pemilihan Obat;Kota Kisaran

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Sultan Chaeruddin ◽  
Icih Sukarsih ◽  
Respitawulan Respitawulan

AbstrakPandemi COVID-19 telah melanda hampir di seluruh dunia. Pandemi ini juga merupakan sebuah masa dimana masyarakat dituntut melaksanakan kebiasaan baru atau dikenal dengan New Normal. Kebiasaan baru ini juga mempengaruhi cara masyarakat dalam berbelanja khususnya berbelanja di marketplace. Dengan memilih marketplace yang tepat maka masyarakat atau konsumen dapat memenuhi kebutuhan seperti produk kesehatan dan rumah tangga yang paling dicari di masa pandemi. Metode Multi Objective Optimization on The Basis of Ratio Analysis atau MOORA adalah salah satu metode dari Multi Attribute Decision Making. Metode MOORA dapat digunakan untuk menentukan rekomendasi marketplace di masa pandemi COVID-19. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah diperoleh alternatif terbaik berdasarkan penilaian masyarakat dan perhitungan menggunakan metode MOORA sehingga dapat terlihat pula perilaku konsumen di masa pandemi dan menjadi masukkan bagi perusahaan marketplace di masa yang akan datang.Kata kunci - Pandemi COVID-19; Marketplace; MOORAThe COVID-19 pandemic has hit almost all over the world. This pandemic is also a period when people are required to carry out new habits, known as the New Normal. This new habit also affects the way people shop, especially shopping in the marketplace. By choosing the right marketplace, the community or consumers can meet needs such as health and household products that are most sought after during a pandemic. The Multi Objective Optimization method on The Basis of Ratio Analysis or MOORA is one of the methods of Multi Attribute Decision Making. The MOORA method can be used to determine marketplace recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The expected result is that the best alternative is obtained based on community assessment and calculations using the MOORA method so that consumer behavior can also be seen during the pandemic and become input for marketplace companies in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ashis Mitra

Purpose Selection of fabrics for particular purposy-e has created lots of research interest over the years, and the said problems have been addressed by several researchers using various multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight a maiden approach to handle one such fabric selection problem using multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis (MOORA) as a simple yet potent MCDM tool. Design/methodology/approach Two approaches of MOORA method (namely, ratio system and reference point) have been demonstrated for ranking of 13 candidate fabrics based on four fabric attributes, namely, fabric cover, thickness, areal density and porosity. Findings In both the approaches, candidate fabric F3 secures rank 1 (the best alternative) whereas fabric F6 occupies rank 13 (the worst alternative). Moreover, ranking orders of these two approaches are alike and also show very high level of congruence with those of other approaches reported by earlier researchers, as evidenced from extremely high rank correlation coefficients (Rs > 0.89). During sensitivity analysis, each of the ranking results obtained from the four simulated weight sets do demonstrate very high degree of correlation (Rs > 0.90 for ratio system, and Rs > 0.81 for reference point). Besides, no occurrence of rank reversal is observed even when the initial decision-making matrix is changed. Originality/value Most the methods adopted so far for fabric selection purpose involve huge mathematical equations, complex computation and/or logic. The uniqueness of the MOORA method is that it involves minimal and thus very simple mathematical operations although possesses higher level of robustness and reliability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Hassan Ahmadi Choukolaei ◽  
Mustafa Jahangoshai Rezaee ◽  
Peiman Ghasemi ◽  
Morteza Saberi

In Iran, location is usually done by temporary relief organizations without considering the necessary standards or conditions. The inappropriate and unscientific location may have led to another catastrophe, even far greater than the initial tragedy. In this study, the proposed locations of crisis management in the region and the optimal points proposed by the Geographic Information System (GIS), taking into account the opinions of experts and without the opinion of experts, were evaluated according to 18 criteria. First, the optimal areas have been evaluated according to standard criteria extracted by GIS and the intended locations of the region for accommodation in times of crisis. Then, the position of each place is calculated concerning each criterion. The resulting matrix of optimal options was qualitatively entered into the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Evaluation (PROMETHEE) for analysis. The triangular fuzzy aggregation method for weighting and standard classification of criteria for extracting optimal areas using GIS and integrating entropy and the Multiobjective Optimization Based on Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method for prioritizing places in the region are considered in this research. Finally, by applying constraints and using net input and output flows, optimal and efficient options are identified by PROMETHEE V. Among the research options, only four options were optimal and efficient. A case study of the Tehran metropolis is provided to show the ability of the proposed approach for selecting the points in three modes, with/without applying weights and applying crisis management.

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