force calculation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2148 (1) ◽  
pp. 012040
Guangming Zhai ◽  
Yuwei Wang ◽  
Liu Liu ◽  
Pan Guo

Abstract In the construction process of box culvert form-work without tie rod, the stress state of its supporting system is of great importance. Based on a construction project for the box culvert without tie rod form-work, this paper studied the force characteristics of diagonal braces during the concrete pouring of the box culvert. The force calculation theory of the support system was analyzed and the force was analyzed using the finite element software Midas Civil. The results showed that when the distance between the connection point of the diagonal brace and the foundation was 1 m, the diagonal brace cannot provide effective support for the template, and when the distance between the connection point of the diagonal brace and the template is 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m, the diagonal brace can provide effective support. It was recommended that the diagonal brace connection point is 3 m away from the template as the optimal diagonal brace layout position. It is recommended to strengthen the area of increased local deformation of diagonal braces to a certain extent according to the calculation results of this finite element analysis to improve the safety performance of the entire structure. The research results of this paper can provide reference for follow-up similar construction problems.

Aprizal Eka Putra ◽  
Leslie Tan Le Ying ◽  
Naura Fortuna Mushollin ◽  
Siti Nursyamira Salleh ◽  

Resultant force caused by the pressure loading of a liquid acting on submerged surfaces are known as Hydraulic force. Calculating the hydrostatic force is necessary to design a building that can resist forces due to its fluid. There are 2 conditions of the submerged surface, those are fully submerged and partly submerged. In this study, three scenarios will be used for developing computer-based program for calculating hydrostatic force and will be compared to manual calculation. The numerical analysis will be conducted using GNU Octave, version 6.2.0. The scenarios are fully submerged plane with 90°, fully submerged plane with inclination angle and partially submerged plane with inclination angle. Overall, from scenario one to three, the percentage differences are 0%, with the mean percentage difference of the program is 0%. Hence, it satisfies all the elements that need to be checked based on the hydrostatic force calculation in Fluid Mechanics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
A Abdukarimov ◽  
I Saidakulov

Abstract This article discusses the dynamics of a ten-link tooth-lever differential transmission mechanism. The force analysis of the transmission mechanism is given in order to find the dependence for determining the reaction in kinematic pairs and the balancing moment of the pair of forces and to show some features of the tooth-lever transmission mechanism. The force calculation was carried out taking into account the accelerated movement of links since their acceleration in modern high-speed machines is very significant. To obtain a more accurate concept of the external forces and moments loading the transmission mechanism in the accelerated movement of the links, the dynamics of the transient process of roller technological machines was considered. Cases of feeding the processed material were considered both from the side of the intermediate gears and from the side opposite to the parasitic gears. Dependencies were obtained to determine the force characteristics of this mechanism. Cases of pressure unloading and overloading on the processed material from the side of the free shaft, depending on the location of the transmission mechanism are shown. The dependence of the reaction force of intermediate gears on their own axes of rotation on the angle between the levers is shown. With an increase in the angle between the levers, the reaction of the intermediate gears on the axis of rotation increases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Mazda Farshad ◽  
Pascal Raffael Furrer ◽  
Florian Wanivenhaus ◽  
Lukas Urbanschitz ◽  
Marco Senteler

Abstract Study design A retrospective, single center, case-control study was performed. Objective The present study employed patient-specific biomechanical modeling to find potential biomechanical differences after spinal fusion at L4/5 in patients with and without subsequent development of adjacent segment disease (ASD). Methods The study population comprised patients who underwent primary spinal fusion at L4/5 and were either asymptomatic during > 4 years of follow-up (CTRL; n = 18) or underwent revision surgery for ASD at L3/4 (n = 20). Landmarks were annotated on preoperative and follow-up lateral radiographs, and specific musculoskeletal models were created using a custom-built modeling pipeline. Simulated spinal muscle activation and lumbar intervertebral shear loads in unfused segments were analyzed in upright standing and forward flexion. Differences between the pre- and postoperative conditions were computed for each patient. Results The average postoperative muscle activity in the upright standing posture was 88.4% of the preoperative activity in the CTRL group (p <  0.0001), but did not significantly change from pre- to postoperatively in the ASD group (98.0%). The average shear load magnitude at the epifusional joint L3/4 during upright standing increased from pre- to postoperatively in the ASD group (+ 3.9 N, +/− 17.4 (n = 18)), but decreased in the CTRL group (− 4.6 N, +/− 23.3 (n = 20); p <  0.001). Conclusion Patient-specific biomechanical simulation revealed that spinal fusion surgery resulted in greater shear load magnitude and muscle activation and therefore greater forces at the epifusional segment in those with ASD compared with those without ASD. This is a first report of patient-specific disc load and muscle force calculation with predictive merits for ASD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Wanli Yang ◽  
Sijing Li ◽  
Junling Liu ◽  
Wenbo Wu ◽  
Hui Li ◽  

AbstractSolitary wave is often used to simulate tsunami propagating in deep water and breaking solitary wave is often used to simulate tsunami bore propagating in shallow water or on land. The breaking solitary wave force on box-girder, which has been widely used in bridge engineering in coastal areas of China, receives few attentions. This study aims to investigate characteristics and generation mechanism of breaking solitary wave force on box-girder numerically. A numerical wave flume with a 1:20 slope was built firstly, then the solitary wave generation ability, wave deformation and wave breaking on the slope, as well as wave force calculation precision, are validated. The water depth 0.6 m, the slope gradient 1:20 and the distance between slope top and box-girder 2.0 m remain unchanged, while the wave height and clearance changes in different cases. The time histories of horizontal force and vertical force on box-girder can be divided into three and four stages respectively according to their characteristics. The surface of box-girder is decomposed into a series of panels to facilitate exploring tsunami bore force generation mechanism. Results show horizontal force is dominated by static pressure on upstream vertical panels and vertical force is mainly contributed by static pressure on upstream horizontal panels and on panels in the chambers. Tsunami bore overtopping the box-girder deck impacts the top panel vigorously and results in the peak value of negative vertical force.

2021 ◽  
Yurong Ma ◽  
Yuyi Zhang ◽  
Qianwen Han ◽  
Feng Wang ◽  
Yaqiong Jiang ◽  

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