customs unions
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Serhii Perepolkin

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to submit to the discussion of domestic international lawyers a proposal to introduce the use in scientific and educational works of the classification of the implementation of the principles, norms and standards of international customs law into two types: individual and overall. Methodology. In order to achieve the goal of the study, have been analyzed scientific approaches to understand the implementation of international law and the classification of its types. In article have been studied an Implementation articles developed under the auspices of the Customs Agreements Cooperation Council; recommendations and resolutions, conventions of the Member States of the European Union, current international agreements and other acts of Ukrainian legislation on customs matters. Results. In the article it was substantiated that individual implementation along with the states can be carried out also by separate customs territories which have full autonomy in the realization of foreign trade; customs unions; economic unions; international organizations and other participants in international customs relations. The joint implementation of the principles, norms, and standards of international customs law is carried out by two or more of its subjects simultaneously. To achieve this goal, the subjects of international customs law can use a wide range of law-making, organizational, coordination, information and control tools. Scientific novelty. It was proved that the classification of the implementation of principles, norms, and standards of international customs law into individual and overral, in contrast to its differentiation into domestic and international, most accurately reflects all types of subjects of international customs law capable of participating in such activities. Practical significance. The introduction of the classification of the implementation of principles, norms, and standards into individual and joint, will contribute to the further development of research in this area, as well as the development of a clear understanding of the implementation of officials of public authorities of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Mihails Silovs ◽  
Olga Dmitrijeva ◽  

The mandatory requirements for the fishery and aquaculture products, their production and sale in force in the territory of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union (CU EAEU) arise from the regulatory and legal acts of the Eurasian Economic Union and its predecessor - the Customs Union - and apply in a package approach similar to the law of the European Union pertaining to the food safety area. The requirements of the EAEU technical regulations have been analysed taking into account that European exporting enterprises are first of all obliged to comply with the requirements of the listed EU regulatory and legal acts applicable to their production process and products. The aim of this paper was to run a comparative analysis on the mandatory requirements of the food legislation of the European and Customs Unions regarding fishery and aquaculture products, their production and sale. The issues of certification of certain product categories are analysed separately, the requirements for canned fish being highlighted. The analysis is relevant for all fish processing companies which may consider the possibility of starting export to the countries of the CU EAEU and are intended to reduce costs associated with products’ entry into these markets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-281
Philippe De Lombaerde ◽  
Dominik Naeher ◽  
Takfarinas Saber

2021 ◽  
Giovanni Facchini ◽  
Peri Silva ◽  
Gerald Willmann

Abstract We develop a political economy model to study the decision of representative democracies to join a preferential trading agreement (PTA), distinguishing between free trade areas (FTA) and customs unions (CU). Our theoretical analysis shows that bilateral trade imbalances and income inequality are important factors determining the formation of PTAs, whereas the patterns of geographic specialisation explain whether a CU or an FTA will emerge. Our empirical analysis - using a comprehensive panel dataset spanning 187 countries over the period 1960-2015 - provides strong support for these predictions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-31
Fabian Bickel

2021 ◽  
Fabian Bickel

2021 ◽  
pp. 261-271
Fabian Bickel

2021 ◽  
pp. 161-165
Tatyana Viktorovna Shchedrina ◽  
Valeria Nikolaevna Orobinskaya ◽  
Dmitry Sergeevich Sedykh

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 01034
Vladimír Müller ◽  
Peter Terem

Research background: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the shape of economic globalization as well as the position of world trade within it. Nation states and several customs unions will have to update their trade policy accordingly to the changing situation. The need for trade policy update is especially related to the EU as one of the most important actors in the world economy. Purpose of the article: This article deals with the priorities of EU trade policy during the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors assess what kind of changes occurred to EU’s trade policy during the first eight months (February to September 2020) since the outbreak of the COVID-19 in Europe. Furthermore, the authors also assess the penetration of unusual protectionist measures into the practical execution of EU’s trade policy. Methods: Our approach is built on a content analysis of various trade policy documents from EU and WTO. In this undertaking we also critically reflect on specific trade policy measures already adopted by the European Commission since the global outbreak of COVID-19. Findings & Value added: The article aims to be one of the first of its kind to analyze the changes caused by COVID-19 to the formation of EU trade policy. The paper concludes that during the first eight months of the pandemic, the EU trade policy followed the liberal path and protectionist measures were applied scarcely. However, in the future, EU will have to deal with increasing protectionist pressures from both internal and external environment.

Andranik Muradyan ◽  

One of the natural stages of development of the enterprise is the desire to expand its business abroad. Globalization, global trade integration, technology development, the emergence of political, economic, customs unions, the existence of international courts of arbitration, the emergence of elements of world culture and other factors reduce the barriers between potential investors and countries to internationalization. This phenomenon has a positive impact on the decisions of companies in diff erent parts of the world about the expansion abroad. The main goal of a foreign investor who plans to internationalize is making the most optimal choice of a foreign market where prevailing realities on business environment will enable the achievement of competitive advantage. Because of this, before internationalization, foreign investors should evaluate the investment attractiveness of all potential directions of internationalization in order to be able to realistically assess their own capabilities in these markets and assess all the risks and opportunities that may arise during the operation. The quality of the analysis which assess the level of investment attractiveness of potential directions has a large impact on the success of the company abroad. The article presents the procedure of comparative analysis taking as an example former USSR countries at the macro level.

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