adductor longus
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Arthroskopie ◽  
2022 ◽  
Özgür Korkmaz ◽  
Uğur Onur Kasman ◽  
Osman Rodop

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Hong Zhang ◽  
Zhenfeng Li ◽  
Jianmin Li ◽  
Lei Zhu ◽  
Yakubu Ibrahim

Introduction: Reconstruction surgeries of the inguinal area pose a challenge for oncological and orthopedic surgeons, especially after radical local resection (RLR), radical inguinal lymph node dissection (RILND), or both. Although numerous surgical procedures have been reported, there is no report about a pedicle adductor longus flap method. The aim of this work is to show our experience about inguinal reconstruction with pedicled adductor longus flap and associated outcomes.Patients and Methods: A retrospective study of 16 patients with localized inguinal region interventions and reconstructed by adductor longus flap from March 2016 to July 2020. Patients' average age was 60.0 years (range = 38–79 years) and had postoperative follow-up of 10 months (ranging 2–19 months). All patients had unilateral inguinal region involvement—seven cases on the left and nine cases on the right. The patients' clinical course, operative course, and postoperative follow-up data were evaluated.Results: All 16 patients recovered well post-operatively and did not require any re-intervention. Four patients experienced negligible discomfort around the groin area. Five patients experienced a minor strength deficit in thigh adduction compared with that of preoperative strength in the same or contralateral leg. The aforementioned complications resolved during the postoperative course and had no functional impact on their activity of daily living. All adductor longus flaps survived, completely filled the inguinal dead space, and wounds healed uneventfully within 3 weeks except for three patients who suffered delayed wound healing for more than 4 weeks. Other common complications such as infection, seroma, or wound dehiscence were not encountered in this series.Conclusion: The adductor longus flap is a reliable alternative method for inguinal region reconstruction following radical local resection (RLR), radical inguinal lymph node dissection (RILND), or both.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Winthrop Charles Lockwood ◽  
Zachary R. Wuthrich ◽  
Lorenzo Silvestri

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 584-587
Raffaele Iorio ◽  
Carlo Massafra ◽  
Edoardo Viglietta ◽  
Daniele Mazza ◽  
Andrea Ferretti

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 232596712110420
Lasse Lempainen ◽  
Iftach Hetsroni ◽  
Jussi A. Kosola ◽  
Jaakko J. Sinikumpu ◽  
Stefano Mazzoni ◽  

Background: The optimal treatment for complete avulsions of the proximal adductor longus (AL) is still debatable, and different operative and nonoperative treatment options have been suggested. Purpose: To report surgical techniques and functional outcomes of a series of athletes who were treated operatively for proximal AL tears. Study Design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: A retrospective evaluation of patients who underwent surgical repair of complete proximal AL tear with concomitant distal fascial release with or without lesions of the neighboring soft tissue structures was performed. This included preinjury Tegner score, age, number of tendons involved, time interval from injury to surgery, and postoperative complications. Self-reported outcomes were defined based on the ability to regain sports activities (excellent, good, moderate, fair, or poor). Between-group comparisons were performed to identify factors associated with improved outcomes. The Mann-Whitney nonparametric test was used for comparing continuous variables, and the Fisher exact test was used for comparing nominal variables. Results: A total of 40 male athletes were included in the evaluation, with an average follow-up of 11 months (range, 6 months-8 years). Self-reported outcome was excellent in 23 (57.5%), good in 13 (32.5%), and moderate in 4 (10%) patients. Comparisons between patients with excellent versus good/moderate outcomes revealed nonsignificant differences regarding age at injury and preinjury Tegner score. Athletes with excellent outcomes received surgery sooner after the injury compared with athletes with good/moderate outcomes (2.4 ± 1.8 vs 11.4 ± 11.0 weeks, respectively; P < .01). Conclusion: Surgical repair for complete proximal AL tears with a concomitant distal fascial release resulted in outcomes rated as good or excellent in 90% of the cases. This treatment should be considered particularly in high-level athletes with a clear tendon retraction and within the first month after the injury. Further research is nevertheless needed to compare these outcomes with other treatment alternatives to better define criteria advocating surgery.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109928
Benjamin Dallaudiere ◽  
Bise Sylvain ◽  
Nicolas Poussange ◽  
Gilles Reboul ◽  
Alain Silvestre ◽  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255035
Yuki Nakai ◽  
Masayuki Kawada ◽  
Takasuke Miyazaki ◽  
Sota Araki ◽  
Yasufumi Takeshita ◽  

The importance of an interaction between trunk stability muscles and hip muscle function has been suggested. However, reported exercises rarely act on the trunk and hip muscles simultaneously. Here, we devised an abdominal oblique and hip muscle exercise, the Self-oblique exercise (SOE). We examined whether SOE activated abdominal and hip muscles in the supine and half-kneeling positions, compared with abdominal crunch (AC) and plank exercises; and whether participants could modulate the exercise load. Participants were 20 healthy males with some sports experience such as football and baseball on average 10.5 ± 4.0 years. Participants applied self-pressure to their right thighs using the contralateral upper limb with 40% or 70% of the maximum force in Supine SOE and Half- kneeling SOE. The following abdominal and hip muscles were measured using surface electromyography: bilateral external obliques (EO), bilateral internal obliques (IO), right rectus abdominis, right gluteus medius (GMed), and right adductor longus (ADD). All evaluated muscle groups showed significant differences between exercises (p < 0.001). Supine SOE-70% showed 80.4% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for left EO (p < 0.017), 61.4% MVC for right IO (p < 0.027), 24.3% MVC for GMed (p < 0.002), and 42.4% MVC for ADD (p < 0.004); these were significantly greatest among all exercises. Muscle activity during Supine SOE-70% was greater than that during Supine SOE-40%. Similarly, Half-kneeling SOE-40% promoted abdominal and hip muscle exertion, and showed more significant activity in GMed (p < 0.006) and ADD (p < 0.001) than AC and plank. SOE could activate abdominal and hip muscles depends on the pressure applied by upper limb. Also, SOE allows participants to modulate the exercise load in a self-controlled step by step manner. Modulation of the exercise load is difficult in AC or plank compared to SOE, and AC or plank cannot obtain simultaneous oblique and hip muscle activity. SOE could be practiced anywhere, in various positions, without any tools.

2021 ◽  
pp. 036354652110159
Andreas Serner ◽  
Per Hölmich ◽  
Javier Arnaiz ◽  
Johannes L. Tol ◽  
Kristian Thorborg ◽  

Background: Complete avulsions of the adductor longus tendon are serious injuries, yet we have few data to inform clinical decisions on management. Previous studies are limited by a lack of detailed follow-up. Purpose: To describe detailed clinical and imaging measures 1 year after complete proximal adductor longus avulsion injuries in athletes who received exercise-based treatment. Study Design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: A total of 16 adult male competitive athletes were included in this study <7 days after an acute adductor longus tendon avulsion injury. All athletes were advised to complete a supervised standardized criterion-based rehabilitation protocol. Standardized clinical examination, a modified Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS), the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Overuse Injury Questionnaire (OSTRC-O), and detailed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment were performed after inclusion, on the day of completion of the treatment protocol (return to sport), and at 1-year follow-up after injury. Results: One player was lost to follow-up. Median return-to-sport time was 69 days (interquartile range [IQR], 62-84). One player had an early reinjury and performed an additional rehabilitation period. One-year follow-up was completed a median from 405 days (IQR, 372-540) after injury. The median HAGOS score was 100 for all subscales (IQRs from 85-100 to 100-100), and the median OSTRC-O score was 0 (IQR, 0-0). The median range of motion symmetry was 100% (IQR, 97%-130%) for the bent-knee fall-out test and 102% (IQR, 99%-105%) for the side-lying abduction test. Side-lying eccentric adduction strength symmetry was 92% ± 13% (mean ± SD), and median supine eccentric adduction strength symmetry was 93% (IQR, 89%-105%). MRI results at 1-year follow-up showed that from the original complete discontinuity in all cases, 10 athletes (71%) had partial tendon continuity, and 4 (29%) had complete tendon continuity. Conclusion: Nonsurgically treated athletes with a complete acute adductor longus avulsion returned to sport in 2 to 3 months. At the 1-year follow-up after injury, athletes had high self-reported function, no performance limitations, normal adductor strength and range of motion, and signs of partial or full tendon continuity as shown on MRI. This indicates that the primary treatment for athletes with acute adductor longus tendon avulsions should be nonsurgical as the time to return to sport is short, there are good long-term results, and there is no risk of surgical complications.

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