gromov boundary
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Jonas Beyrer ◽  
Elia Fioravanti

AbstractMany geometric structures associated to surface groups can be encoded in terms of invariant cross ratios on their circle at infinity; examples include points of Teichmüller space, Hitchin representations and geodesic currents. We add to this picture by studying cocompact cubulations of arbitrary Gromov hyperbolic groups G. Under weak assumptions, we show that the space of cubulations of G naturally injects into the space of G-invariant cross ratios on the Gromov boundary $$\partial _{\infty }G$$ ∂ ∞ G . A consequence of our results is that essential, hyperplane-essential, cocompact cubulations of hyperbolic groups are length-spectrum rigid, i.e. they are fully determined by their length function. This is the optimal length-spectrum rigidity result for cubulations of hyperbolic groups, as we demonstrate with some examples. In the hyperbolic setting, this constitutes a strong improvement on our previous work [4]. Along the way, we describe the relationship between the Roller boundary of a $$\mathrm{CAT(0)}$$ CAT ( 0 ) cube complex, its Gromov boundary and—in the non-hyperbolic case—the contracting boundary of Charney and Sultan. All our results hold for cube complexes with variable edge lengths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (3) ◽  
Qingshan Zhou ◽  
Liulan Li ◽  
Antti Rasila

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a Gromov hyperbolic, $\varphi$-length John domain. We show that there is a uniformly continuous identification between the inner boundary of $\Omega$ and the Gromov boundary endowed with a visual metric, By using this result, we prove the boundary continuity not only for quasiconformal homeomorphisms, but also for more generally rough quasi-isometries between the domains equipped with the quasihyperbolic metrics.

Álvaro Martínez-Pérez ◽  
José M. Rodríguez

AbstractWe study in this paper the relationship of isoperimetric inequality and hyperbolicity for graphs and Riemannian manifolds. We obtain a characterization of graphs and Riemannian manifolds (with bounded local geometry) satisfying the (Cheeger) isoperimetric inequality, in terms of their Gromov boundary, improving similar results from a previous work. In particular, we prove that having a pole is a necessary condition to have isoperimetric inequality and, therefore, it can be removed as hypothesis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Tomohiro Fukaya ◽  
Shin-ichi Oguni ◽  
Takamitsu Yamauchi

We introduce the notion of controlled products on metric spaces as a generalization of Gromov products, and construct boundaries by using controlled products, which we call the Gromov boundaries. It is shown that the Gromov boundary with respect to a controlled product on a proper metric space is the ideal boundary of a coarse compactification of the space. It is also shown that there is a bijective correspondence between the set of all coarse equivalence classes of controlled products and the set of all equivalence classes of coarse compactifications.


Abstract We prove a combination theorem for hyperbolic groups, in the case of groups acting on complexes displaying combinatorial features reminiscent of non-positive curvature. Such complexes include for instance weakly systolic complexes and C'(1/6) small cancellation polygonal complexes. Our proof involves constructing a potential Gromov boundary for the resulting groups and analyzing the dynamics of the action on the boundary in order to use Bowditch’s characterisation of hyperbolicity. A key ingredient is the introduction of a combinatorial property that implies a weak form of non-positive curvature, and which holds for large classes of complexes. As an application, we study the hyperbolicity of groups obtained by small cancellation over a graph of hyperbolic groups.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-50
Adrien Boyer

We investigate properties of some spherical functions defined on hyperbolic groups using boundary representations on the Gromov boundary endowed with the Patterson–Sullivan measure class. We prove sharp decay estimates for spherical functions as well as spectral inequalities associated with boundary representations. This point of view on the boundary allows us to view the so-called property RD (also called Haagerup’s inequality) as a particular case of a more general behavior of spherical functions on hyperbolic groups. We also prove that the family of boundary representations studied in this paper, which can be regarded as a one parameter deformation of the boundary unitary representation, are slow growth representations acting on a Hilbert space admitting a proper 1-cocycle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (758) ◽  
pp. 1-66
Jeffrey Brock ◽  
Christopher Leininger ◽  
Babak Modami ◽  
Kasra Rafi

AbstractGiven a sequence of curves on a surface, we provide conditions which ensure that (1) the sequence is an infinite quasi-geodesic in the curve complex, (2) the limit in the Gromov boundary is represented by a nonuniquely ergodic ending lamination, and (3) the sequence divides into a finite set of subsequences, each of which projectively converges to one of the ergodic measures on the ending lamination. The conditions are sufficiently robust, allowing us to construct sequences on a closed surface of genus g for which the space of measures has the maximal dimension {3g-3}, for example.We also study the limit sets in the Thurston boundary of Teichmüller geodesic rays defined by quadratic differentials whose vertical foliations are obtained from the constructions mentioned above. We prove that such examples exist for which the limit is a cycle in the 1-skeleton of the simplex of projective classes of measures visiting every vertex.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 434-453 ◽  
Sascha Troscheit

AbstractThe Assouad dimension of a metric space determines its extremal scaling properties. The derived notion of the Assouad spectrum fixes relative scales by a scaling function to obtain interpolation behaviour between the quasi-Assouad and the box-counting dimensions. While the quasi-Assouad and Assouad dimensions often coincide, they generally differ in random constructions. In this paper we consider a generalised Assouad spectrum that interpolates between the quasi-Assouad and the Assouad dimension. For common models of random fractal sets, we obtain a dichotomy of its behaviour by finding a threshold function where the quasi-Assouad behaviour transitions to the Assouad dimension. This threshold can be considered a phase transition, and we compute the threshold for the Gromov boundary of Galton–Watson trees and one-variable random self-similar and self-affine constructions. We describe how the stochastically self-similar model can be derived from the Galton–Watson tree result.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (9) ◽  
pp. 2453-2466 ◽  

We show that if a hyperbolic group acts geometrically on a CAT(0) cube complex, then the induced boundary action is hyperfinite. This means that for a cubulated hyperbolic group, the natural action on its Gromov boundary is hyperfinite, which generalizes an old result of Dougherty, Jackson and Kechris for the free group case.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (742) ◽  
pp. 187-239 ◽  
Joseph Maher ◽  
Giulio Tiozzo

Abstract Let G be a countable group which acts by isometries on a separable, but not necessarily proper, Gromov hyperbolic space X. We say the action of G is weakly hyperbolic if G contains two independent hyperbolic isometries. We show that a random walk on such G converges to the Gromov boundary almost surely. We apply the convergence result to show linear progress and linear growth of translation length, without any assumptions on the moments of the random walk. If the action is acylindrical, and the random walk has finite entropy and finite logarithmic moment, we show that the Gromov boundary with the hitting measure is the Poisson boundary.

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