implementation technique
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2021 ◽  
Dara Lenetha Ayanna Modeste

<p><b>Domestic courts are often confronted with circumstances in which their interpretation of municipal legislation which purports to implement an international treaty differs significantly from that of other jurisdictions that have implemented that same treaty. States parties often come to realise these differences when they are called upon to cooperate in facilitating the execution of the relevant treaty. This is clearly undesirable as it defeats the purpose of treaty negotiation which is to attain consistency in approach amongst states parties.</b></p> <p>This dissertation proposes a solution to that problem. It is based on the hypothesis that uniformity in the drafting techniques used to implement different types of international treaties will eliminate, or at least reduce, the incidence of domestic legislation's deviating from the true intentions of the treaty it proposes to implement. The dissertation tests this hypothesis by examining the approach taken by different jurisdictions in implementing selected treaties. The study reveals that there is merit to the hypothesis. However, there are several factors which determine which drafting technique will best implement the terms of a treaty in a particular jurisdiction. Therefore, the same implementation technique may not be suitable for all contracting states. What is required is a structured approach to treaty implementation. This comes with an appreciation of the factors that will indicate and should be used to determine which drafting technique is the most suitable.</p> <p>By way of solution to the problem posed, a guide is formulated. It provides a set of best practices for treaty implementation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Dara Lenetha Ayanna Modeste

<p><b>Domestic courts are often confronted with circumstances in which their interpretation of municipal legislation which purports to implement an international treaty differs significantly from that of other jurisdictions that have implemented that same treaty. States parties often come to realise these differences when they are called upon to cooperate in facilitating the execution of the relevant treaty. This is clearly undesirable as it defeats the purpose of treaty negotiation which is to attain consistency in approach amongst states parties.</b></p> <p>This dissertation proposes a solution to that problem. It is based on the hypothesis that uniformity in the drafting techniques used to implement different types of international treaties will eliminate, or at least reduce, the incidence of domestic legislation's deviating from the true intentions of the treaty it proposes to implement. The dissertation tests this hypothesis by examining the approach taken by different jurisdictions in implementing selected treaties. The study reveals that there is merit to the hypothesis. However, there are several factors which determine which drafting technique will best implement the terms of a treaty in a particular jurisdiction. Therefore, the same implementation technique may not be suitable for all contracting states. What is required is a structured approach to treaty implementation. This comes with an appreciation of the factors that will indicate and should be used to determine which drafting technique is the most suitable.</p> <p>By way of solution to the problem posed, a guide is formulated. It provides a set of best practices for treaty implementation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Prahoro Yudo Purwono ◽  
Fikky Ardiansyah ◽  
Syahrul Gunawan

The COVID-19 outbreak has the potential to change the economic situation which is marked by a change in the trade map, in addition to causing the cessation of various business fields, global trade performance will certainly be disrupted due to the slow improvement in manufacturing performance. On the other hand, the problem of distributing ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah and Waqaf) has not been evenly distributed. Therefore, Gubuk ZISWAF is proposed. The purpose of this research is to describe the concept and implementation of Gubuk ZISWAF as a solution for community living financing scheme based on local empowerment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is qualitative research with literature review approach. The result shows that the implementation technique  will be carried out to realize the Gubuk ZISWAF starts from the planning stage, where is related to the formulation of policies by the government and collaboration with related parties, then continued with research and coordination between related parties and the government, development stage, socialization program, and comprehensive implementation (with a ball pick-up system). The results of the implementation of the Gubuk ZISWAF in each of these villages have had a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. In addition to suppressing the rate of poverty in the midst of a pandemic, the possibility of social crimes and the stalling of the economy as well as the spread of COVID-19 can also be prevented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2089 (1) ◽  
pp. 012066
Rajeev Shrivastava ◽  
Mangal Singh ◽  
RakhiThakur ◽  
Kalluri Saidatta Subrahmanya Ravi Teja

Abstract Steganography can be described as approach of masking an undisclosed message with a normal message which is known as the Carrier message signal. DSP techniques, such as LSB encoding, have historically been implemented for secret information hiding. Utilization ofsteganography functions of deep neural networks for voice data is something this paper will present. This paper also demonstrate that the steganography techniques suggested for vision are less suitable for speech signals this paper present a implementation technique that involves the use of ISTFT and STFT as differentiablelayers in the network. Empirically, the efficacy of the proposed methods based on multiple datasets of speech should be demonstrated and the outcome are examined quantitatively and qualitatively. Using of multiple decoders or a single conditional decoder helps to hide multiple signals in a single carrier signal. Finally, under various channel distortion situations, this model Qualitative studies indicate that human listeners cannot detect changes made to the carrier and hence the decoded messages are highly intelligible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sumiarti ◽  
Masnipal Marhun ◽  
Dinar Nur Inten

Abstract. Efforts to improve the ability to say numerically using a number card game in Group B Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah, West Bandung Regency Sumiarti. NPM 10030216079. The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of the teacher's efforts to improve children's ability to numerate using number card games in group B Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency.The ability to count in this study is the ability of children to recognize numbers, mention numbers, sort numbers and match numbers.This research is a classroom action research. The subjects of this study were group B students, amounting to 16 children, consisting of 9 girls and 7 boys. Data collection techniques carried out by observation, performance and documentation. The research instrument is the observation guide. Analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive quantitative with a percentage.The results showed that the ability to count among group B children Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah in West Bandung could be improved using a number card game. The effective steps of this research in an effort to improve the ability of children in group B Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah West Bandung, namely (1) teachers change the implementation technique classically divided into two groups, (2) provide rewards in the form of asterisks for children who are able to count well, (3) the size of the number card is made with a size of 15 × 10 cm. Keywords: numeracy ability, games, number cards. Abstrak. Upaya meningkatkan Kemampuan Membilang Menggunakan Permainan Kartu Angka di Kelompok B Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat Sumiarti. NPM 10030216079.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang upaya guru meningkatkan kemampuan membilang anak menggunakan permainan kartu angka di kelompok B Paud Nur Insani Kecamatan Ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kemampuan membilang dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan anak dalam mengenal angka, menyebutkan angka, mengurutkan angka dan mencocokkan angka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelompok B yang berjumlah 16 anak, yang terdiri dari 9 anak perempuan, dan 7 anak laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, unjuk kerja dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian yakni panduan observasi. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan presentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membilang pada anak kelompok B Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah Bandung Barat dapat ditingkatkan menggunakan permainan kartu angka. Langkah-langkah yang efektif penelitian ini dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan membilang anak kelompok B Paud Nur Insani Ngamprah Bandung Barat, yaitu (1) guru mengubah teknik pelaksanaan secara klasikal dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, (2) memberikan reward berupa tanda bintang untuk anak yang mampu membilang dengan baik, (3) ukuran kartu angka dibuat dengan ukuran 15×10 cm. Kata Kunci: kemampuan membilang, permainan, kartu angka.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-175
Resty Wahyuni ◽  

The aim of the research are (1) to know an influence on the development of Adobe-Flash multimedia programs on the ability of students to improve vocabulary skills in English. (2) to find the percentage of the influence of the development of multimedia programs on the ability of students to improve vocabulary skills in English. This research is an experimental research. The program implementation technique for this research is a preliminary test used to measure students' vocabulary abilities of the material being taught while the final test is carried out to determine student learning outcomes after being treated using Multimedia-based Object-Oriented Programming (AdobeFlash) learning methods in English. Keywords: Multimedia-Based Learning Method, Vocabulary Skills, English.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Noor Khamidah ◽  
Sri Utaminingsih ◽  
Mohammad Kanzunnudin

ABSTRACTThis study aims to develop Pop-Up learning media based on local wisdom for the fourth grade of elementary school, Theme of 8 “Daerah Tempat Tinggalku” and to test whether the media developed is more effective than the media that teachers have applied so far in learning The research method used is Research and Development according to Borg & Gall. The research was carried in seven steps which was divided into 4 stages of research, these are preliminary research, planning and media development; validation, revision, and evaluation; and media implementation. Technique of collecting data used in this research is observations, interviews, questionnaires and tests. Based on the research data, it shows that the results of the needs analysis obtained based on preliminary research are very necessary for the development of learning media that can be used for the fourth grade in learning, that is the need to develop Pop Up media based on local wisdom. The media developed in this research is Pop Up media based on local wisdom. The media developed has passed the validity test of experts and peers. It can be concluded that the development of Pop Up media based on local wisdom is effective and worthy of use in improving the learning outcomes of fourth grade elementary school students in Kudus district

2021 ◽  
Ajinkya Desai ◽  
Ashutosh Gupta ◽  
Mayur Jambhale ◽  
Vinit Chavan

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