hadamard matrices
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2022 ◽  
pp. 242-250
L. R. Vermani

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
A. P. Batuwita ◽  
N. T. S. G. Gamachchige ◽  
P. G. R. S. Ranasinghe ◽  
A. A. I. Perera

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
pp. 17-40
Mikhail V. Kharinov ◽  

In this paper, aiming to develop the group and out-of-group formalization of the symmetry concept, the preservation of a matrix symmetry after row permutation is considered by the example of the maximally permutable \emph{normalized} Hadamard matrices which row and column elements are either plus or minus one. These matrices are used to extend the additive decomposition of a linear operator into symmetric and skew-symmetric parts using several commuting operations of the Hermitian conjugation type, for the quaternionic generalization of a vector cross product, as well as for creating educational puzzles and other applications.

Anton Vostrikov

Introduction: The Kronecker product of Hadamard matrices when a matrix of order n replaces each element in another matrix of order m, inheriting the sign of the replaced element, is a basis for obtaining orthogonal matrices of order nm. The matrix insertion operation when not only signs but also structural elements (ornamental patterns of matrix portraits) are inherited provides a more general result called a "vitrage".  Vitrages based on typical quasi-orthogonal Mersenne (M), Seidel (S) or Euler (E) matrices, in addition to inheriting the sign and pattern, inherit the value of elements other than unity (in amplitude) in a different way, causing the need to revise and systematize the accumulated experience. Purpose: To describe new algorithms for generalized product of matrices, highlighting the constructions that produce regular high-order Hadamard matrices. Results: We have proposed an algorithm for obtaining matrix vitrages by inserting Mersenne matrices into Seidel matrices, which makes it possible to expand the additive chains of matrices of the form M-E-M-E-… and S-E-M-E-…, obtained by doubling the orders and adding an edge. The operation of forming a matrix vitrage allows you to obtain matrices of high orders, keeping the ornamental pattern as an important invariant of the structure. We have shown that the formation of a matrix vitrage inherits the logic of the Scarpi product, but is cannot be reduced to it, since a nonzero distance in order between the multiplicands M and S simplifies the final regular matrix ornamental pattern due to the absence of cyclic displacements. The alternation of M and S matrices allows you to extend the multiplicative chains up to the known gaps in the S matrices. This sheds a new light on the theory of a regular Hadamard matrix as a product of Mersenne and Seidel matrices. Practical relevance: Orthogonal sequences with floating levels and efficient algorithms for finding regular Hadamard matrices with certain useful properties are of direct practical importance for the problems of noise-proof coding, compression and masking of video data.

Asaf Ferber ◽  
Vishesh Jain ◽  
Yufei Zhao

Abstract Many problems in combinatorial linear algebra require upper bounds on the number of solutions to an underdetermined system of linear equations $Ax = b$ , where the coordinates of the vector x are restricted to take values in some small subset (e.g. $\{\pm 1\}$ ) of the underlying field. The classical ways of bounding this quantity are to use either a rank bound observation due to Odlyzko or a vector anti-concentration inequality due to Halász. The former gives a stronger conclusion except when the number of equations is significantly smaller than the number of variables; even in such situations, the hypotheses of Halász’s inequality are quite hard to verify in practice. In this paper, using a novel approach to the anti-concentration problem for vector sums, we obtain new Halász-type inequalities that beat the Odlyzko bound even in settings where the number of equations is comparable to the number of variables. In addition to being stronger, our inequalities have hypotheses that are considerably easier to verify. We present two applications of our inequalities to combinatorial (random) matrix theory: (i) we obtain the first non-trivial upper bound on the number of $n\times n$ Hadamard matrices and (ii) we improve a recent bound of Deneanu and Vu on the probability of normality of a random $\{\pm 1\}$ matrix.

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