education and outreach
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2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (Autumn 2021) ◽  
Scott Hardy ◽  
Jill Bartolotta

This study looks at the role of Extension in helping local officials reduce plastic bag use at farmers markets in three Lake County, OH communities. We distributed free reusable bags to shoppers and conducted an education and outreach program. We then took observations to determine if the free reusable bags were being used. We also invited shoppers to take a voluntary survey about their environmental attitudes, why or why not they use the reusable bags, and how best to reduce plastic bag use moving forward. Results from the study suggest that supplying free reusable bags at farmer markets is not an effective strategy for Extension professionals attempting to reduce plastic bag use. Instead, we recommend working with local officials to develop financial incentives and disincentives tied to the type of bag option shoppers use, implement plastic bag bans at markets, and conduct locally-focused education and outreach. Although shoppers’ environmental literacy and desire for sustainability is high, it is shown that behavior change is unlikely to occur without financial or policy incentives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 1359-1367
Aras Mulyadi ◽  
Efriyeldi ◽  
Rasoel Hamidy ◽  

Natural disasters that occur in the city of Dumai such as degradation of mangrove forests, coastal abrasion and tidal flooding can be mitigated by maintaining the existence of mangrove forests. Mangrove forests have important benefits on the coast of the city of Dumai, so they need to be protected together. One of the efforts to maintain the existence of mangroves can be through the use of mitigation-based mangrove ecotourism, especially in the Bandar Bakau area of Dumai City. The data collection technique in this study used a quadratic transect and added secondary data from the relevant agencies. Based on the results of the study found 9 types of mangroves that have a role as mitigation in ecotourism locations and there are biota supporting tourism, namely 13 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles and 16 species of molluscs. To maintain the sustainability of the ecotourism area of Bandar Bakau, several disaster mitigations have been carried out for retaining cliffs (revetment), reforestation of mangroves, construction of facilities that adapt to the environment, coastal education, and outreach to the community. In addition, it is very potential to develop several other forms of mitigation such as: beach nourishment, breakwater or construction of embankments to minimize abrasion, as well as construction of diversion canals and tidal flood control gates, strengthening regulations. legislation, making land use policies, policies on flood and wave resistant building standards, policies on exploration and community economic activities, promoting local cultural wisdom of maritime communities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152483992110498
Myia S. Williams ◽  
Alyson K. Myers ◽  
Vidhi H. Patel ◽  
Lyndonna Marrast ◽  
Naomi I. Maria ◽  

As communities of color are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, there is an urgent need for dissemination of timely and accurate information to community members. In this article, we describe a stakeholder approach for the implementation, evaluation, and lessons learned from COVID-19 Conversations, a program developed and delivered virtually by researchers and academics at Northwell Health. The goal of the program was to address the mental, physical, and psychosocial needs of community members. The program used Zoom/Facebook Live to deliver interactive discussions on topics ranging from health education on COVID-19 and mental health to resources for unmet social needs. This interprofessional, cross-sector collaboration highlights the importance of public health interventions aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 through easy online access and culturally relevant community education and outreach.

2021 ◽  
Brett D. Dufour ◽  
Lilia Albores‐Gallo ◽  
Jose Luna‐Muñoz ◽  
Randi Hagerman ◽  
Amaya Miquelajauregui ◽  

2021 ◽  
Beata E. Mierzwa ◽  
David S. Goodsell

Artistic methods have been used throughout the history of science as a tool for research, dissemination, education and outreach. Traditional artistic approaches provide the flexibility to explore and integrate ideas, promoting hypothesis generation and inspiring creative thinking. We describe two artistic approaches that we have applied in our own research: the use of intuitive metaphors to make new connections and present scientific subjects in an interpretable manner, and an integrative approach that synthesizes diverse sources of data into a self-consistent image. The process of creating artistic renderings inspires us to examine scientific data from new angles and capture the current state of knowledge within a broader context. Artistic hands-on activities and non-traditional media like fashion and video games have the power to engage new communities, sparking curiosity for science and increasing public understanding. Overall, translating scientific concepts into art is a powerful tool for exploring scientific data as part of research, as well as bridging the gap between the scientific community and the general public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 01-06
Sari Aldilawati ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat

This community service is carried out as a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, community service with the theme of the importance of vaccination and implementing 5M in preventing the transmission of covid-19 is not without reason but seeing the tendencies and habits of the people who always ignore health protocols, besides that this service is in the form of counseling. The purpose of this service is to educate the public about the impact and influence of Covid-19. The method of implementing community service with direct counseling techniques to the community. The results of the service, in general the counseling participants said that their knowledge of covid-19 was increasing and they were committed to complying with the Health protocol. The conclusion of this service is the importance of continuous education and outreach to the community regarding the effects and dangers of Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Livia Giacomini ◽  
Caterina Boccato ◽  
Gianluigi Filippelli ◽  
Stefano Sandrelli

<p>In the last year, the world experimented a world crisis that changed the approach to science communication and the needs of the worldwide audiences. EduINAF, the online monthly magazine of the National Institute for Astrophysics, dedicated in Italy to science education and public outreach, reacted to this pandemic undergoing a process of deep restructuring that led to new, effective forms and approaches to science communication, education and outreach.<br /><br />In this talk we will analyze EduINAF's last year of activity, showing the increase in online readers and analyzing them in detail, focusing on the substantial changes in their requests, expectations and reactions due to lockdown and to a changed school and society.<br />We will also present and analyze some of the innovative and interactive educational initiatives and tools and new editorial contents that have been proposed as an opportunity for this changing world and that we will continue to use in the future. </p> <p>In this presentation we will present the online archive of thematic online educational resources that was born with pandemic and that now hosts more than 200 resources. We will describe in detail the competitions and collaborative online calls to readers that, in the last year, have seen the participation of thousands of wanna-be astronomers, poets and artists from our audience. We will focus on innovation in education, both talking about innovative approaches to education and about innovative technical solutions and tools, such as Virtual Reality and how it can be used in astronomy education. Finally, we will also introduce INAF Online Labs, the outreach hands-on laboratories that were born in EduINAF as an answer to online Science Festivals.<br />Many of the tools and initiatives introduced in this talk will be presented more in deep in related talks at EPSC 2021.</p>

Syamsurizaldi Syamsurizaldi ◽  
Oktariza Putri A ◽  
Ananda Syafitri ◽  
Rihadatul Aisy ◽  
Shelina Aulia Nasyrah ◽  

Pademi global Covid-19 telah menyebar ke banyak Negara dan benua, termasuk Indonesia. Salah satu Provinsi yang menerapkan PSBB dalam mengurangi dampak penyebaran Covid-19 adalah Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Dalam penangaanannya tidak hanya bisa dilakukan oleh Pemerintah sendirian dan mesti melibatkan berbagai element masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi di lingkungan masing-masing. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberdayakan masyarakat melalui partisipasi komunitas peduli warga terdampak Covid-19 di Nagari Pulakek Koto baru Kecamatan Sungai Pagu Kabupaten Solok Selatan.  Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi sosialisasi, edukasi dan pengumpulan serta penyerahan donasi kepada warga terdampak. Hasil kegiatan yaitu terlaksananya persiapan pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu pertemuan dengan wali nagari, relawan desa dan perwakilan komunitas peduli. Pengumpulan donasi yang berasal dari warga peduli sebanyak  Rp. 6.000.000.- dan penyerahan paket sembako kepada warga terdampak  sebanyak 60 paket sembako kepada 60 kepala keluarga terdampak yaitu 56 KK dari warga sekitar komplek perumahan bukit pematang permai Jorong Mantirai Indah dan 4 KK berasal dari luar Jorong Mantirai Indah namun sehari-sehari bekerja di keluarga yang tinggal di Perumahan Bukit Pematang Permai. Bantuan diserahkan seminggu sebelum Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441 H sehingga terasa sangat bermanfaat bagi warga terdampak.  Disamping penerahan donasi juga dilakukan edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada warga terdampak tentang pentingnya mematuhi protocol kesehatan.       Kata kunci: Partsipasi, Peduli Warga Terdampak, Covid-19  ABSTRACT The Covid-19 global academy has spread to many countries and continents, including Indonesia. One of the provinces that have implemented the PSBB in reducing the impact of the spread of Covid-19 is West Sumatra Province. The handling is not only done by the Government alone and must involve various elements of society to participate in their respective environments. This community service activity aims to empower the community through community participation in caring for residents affected by Covid-19 in Nagari Pulakek Koto baru, Sungai Pagu District, South Solok Regency. Methods of implementing activities include socialization, education and collection and delivery of donations to affected residents. The result of the activity is the implementation of preparations for the implementation of activities, namely meetings with the village guardian, village volunteers and representatives of the caring community. The collection of donations from caring residents is Rp. 6,000,000.- and the handover of 60 basic food packages to the affected residents to 60 affected families, namely 56 families from residents around the Jorong Mantirai Indah Pematang hill housing complex and 4 families from outside Jorong Mantirai Indah but working daily in family who live in Bukit Pematang Permai Housing. The aid was handed over a week before Idul Fitri 1441 H, so it was very beneficial for the affected residents. Apart from distributing donations, education and outreach was also carried out to affected residents about the importance of complying with health protocols. Keywords: Participation, Care for Affected Citizens, Covid-19

A. S. Kumar ◽  
S. R. Reyes

Abstract. Capacity Building in promoting Geo-information science and technology (GIST) has its significance in ensuring good governance and resources management at local, regional and global scales. To emphasize this strongly in young generation, the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) has been engaged for more than 18 years by having an exclusive Technical Commission on Education and Outreach elements. Every 4 years, this Commission has been addressing different aspects of GIST by setting up theme specific Working Groups (WGs).ISPRS Technical Commission V (TC-V) on Education and Outreach (2016–2022) has constituted eight theme WGs with international experts to promote as well as explore new methods of capacity development relevant to GIST. These WGs have made significant contributions by engaging actively workshops and new scientific initiatives in past five years. ISPRS Student Consortium (SC) is part of the Commission, and promotes the profession to the youth. The Consortium serves as a platform of communication and information exchange among members, enabling professional networking and fostering collaborations.We are happy to note that for ISPRS Congress 2021, there were 18 submissions of research papers on Education and Outreach. Of these, 7 were accepted for Archives and 3 for Annals. In these, 3 papers were submitted and accepted under the Youth Forum track. All these papers were reviewed by selected experts. The Youth Forum papers include the use of Google Earth Engine for agricultural drought, InSAR data for deriving digital elevation model and free and open-source platforms for image processing and the potential of radar remote sensing in image classification and topographic mapping. several disciplines covering expanded Body of Knowledge for geoinformatics, software design tool for remote sensing image processing, design of a terrestrial laser scanner simulator as an educational tool, the use of UAV based photogrammetry suite for providing location based services to highly vulnerable communities, machine learning based tools in WebGIS, and survey based gender inequality in academic career in GIST.Besides these technical papers, there was one paper entitled “55 years in ISPRS: The Ambassador of our Profession” highlighting the illustrious journey and pioneering contributions of Dr. Gottfried Konecny in the field of GIST. Dr. Gottfried is also presently serving as Co-Chair of TCV WG on Innovative technologies in training civil engineers and architects. Another paper by Student Consortium members describes how public-private cooperation models would mutually benefit the two communities in accessing and exploiting geospatial data for societal and business applications.We sincerely thank all the reviewers and acknowledge strong efforts made by Area Chairs to ensure quality of all accepted papers. We greatly appreciate the perseverance and dedication of the Scientific and Organizing Committee. We are confident that the present 2021 virtual edition of ISPRS Congress Proceedings will serve as platform for discussion on the current research efforts on the Education and Outreach themes cutting across different disciplines.

A. S. Kumar ◽  
S. R. Reyes

Abstract. Capacity Building in promoting Geo-information science and technology (GIST) has its significance in ensuring good governance and resources management at local, regional and global scales. To emphasize this strongly in young generation, the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) has been engaged for more than 18 years by having an exclusive Technical Commission on Education and Outreach elements. Every 4 years, this Commission has been addressing different aspects of GIST by setting up theme specific Working Groups (WGs).ISPRS Technical Commission V (TC-V) on Education and Outreach (2016–2022) has constituted eight theme WGs with international experts to promote as well as explore new methods of capacity development relevant to GIST. These WGs have made significant contributions by engaging actively workshops and new scientific initiatives in past five years. ISPRS Student Consortium (SC) is part of the Commission, and promotes the profession to the youth. The Consortium serves as a platform of communication and information exchange among members, enabling professional networking and fostering collaborations.We are happy to note that for ISPRS Congress 2021, there were 18 submissions of research papers on Education and Outreach. Of these, 7 were accepted for Archives and 3 for Annals. In these, 3 papers were submitted and accepted under the Youth Forum track. All these papers were reviewed by selected experts. The Youth Forum papers include the use of Google Earth Engine for agricultural drought, InSAR data for deriving digital elevation model and free and open-source platforms for image processing and the potential of radar remote sensing in image classification and topographic mapping. several disciplines covering expanded Body of Knowledge for geoinformatics, software design tool for remote sensing image processing, design of a terrestrial laser scanner simulator as an educational tool, the use of UAV based photogrammetry suite for providing location based services to highly vulnerable communities, machine learning based tools in WebGIS, and survey based gender inequality in academic career in GIST.Besides these technical papers, there was one paper entitled “55 years in ISPRS: The Ambassador of our Profession” highlighting the illustrious journey and pioneering contributions of Dr. Gottfried Konecny in the field of GIST. Dr. Gottfried is also presently serving as Co-Chair of TCV WG on Innovative technologies in training civil engineers and architects. Another paper by Student Consortium members describes how public-private cooperation models would mutually benefit the two communities in accessing and exploiting geospatial data for societal and business applications.We sincerely thank all the reviewers and acknowledge strong efforts made by Area Chairs to ensure quality of all accepted papers. We greatly appreciate the perseverance and dedication of the Scientific and Organizing Committee. We are confident that the present 2021 virtual edition of ISPRS Congress Proceedings will serve as platform for discussion on the current research efforts on the Education and Outreach themes cutting across different disciplines.

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