land saving
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Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Tongsuo Guo ◽  
Wei Zhou ◽  
Zhaolin Li ◽  
Chuanwei Zhang ◽  
Qingxiang Cai ◽  

This study presents different land saving and loss reducing schemes. Comprehensively compare the economic benefits of the schemes. It is shown that the optimal scheme can recover tons of coal resources on the south slope, creating significant economic benefits. Numerical simulation was utilized to analyze the changes of slope stability, deformation, and shear strain increment in the process of land saving and loss reducing. Results found that the slope stability decreases rapidly, and the toe of the slope has to be internally discharged in time to compress the slope. Timely follow-up of in-slope rows can improve slope stability. The position of the slope shear exit changes with the increase of the distance of the inner row, and its stability increases gradually. When the distance of the lower inner row exceeds 120 m, the increase of the internal row distance has little influence on the slope stability. When the inner distance exceeds 60 m in the process of internal dumping of upper platform, the position of potential sliding plane gradually changes from the lower dump to the upper and lower dump with the increase of inner dumping distance. It shows that the stability of the dump will be damaged if the upper dump continues to be discharged. Therefore, the distance between the upper and lower dump sites is more important than 60 m. The stability of the south slope is good in the process of mining and internal drainage, and the overall stability of the south slope is controllable, based on slope radar monitoring.

Alf Hornborg

This chapter argues that energy technologies should be understood in terms of asymmetric global resource transfers and environmental load displacements. The fossil fuel technologies inaugurated during the Industrial Revolution and the renewable energy technologies designed to replace them are similarly entangled with such societal asymmetries. Both represent social strategies of time-space appropriation within a highly unequal world-system generated by the polarizing logic of all-purpose money. The dependence of modern technology on asymmetric flows of embodied labour time, land, matter, and energy is effectively obscured in mainstream economics by the exclusive focus on prices and market mechanisms. Given the land-saving logic of the turn to fossil energy, it is pertinent to ask whether a turn to renewables would imply a return of land constraints. To perceive modern technologies simply as politically neutral instruments for harnessing natural forces, disregarding their demands on land and other resources beyond the technological infrastructure itself, is an example of fetishism.

Urs Weber

AbstractThis chapter examines how Taiwan’s written media justified the state’s introduction of funeral reforms in the second half of the twentieth century. Situating this case study within the broader sociopolitical context of contemporary Taiwan, it illustrates how discourse analysis can be used as a tool for studying change. The state-led reforms induced changes in a field in which religious rituals play an important role, as state authorities operated with priorities differing from ritual practice. Instead, they were concerned with measures for land saving and popularized practices such as cremation or natural burials. The discourse analysis reveals that the justifications brought forward for reforms appeared with a high degree of consistency starting from the late 1970s in Taiwanese press articles. Following Michel Foucault’s understanding of discursive formations, four sub-formations can be distinguished, which all have in common that they are aimed at problematizing ritual practices prevalent at funerals. These sub-formations consisted of considerations concerning the quantitative limits of available cemetery land for graves, arguments referring to the economic advantages of cremation, articulations of the ideal of green cemeteries designed in a park-like fashion, and a critique of geomancy in labeling it superstitious. The discursive voices emerging in the sub-formations were state and local authorities, as well as experts and journalists commenting on reform measures. These priorities and justifications for reforms appeared to be incompatible with religious funeral rituals and are analyzed as changes in terms of a secularization process of Taiwan’s funerary practice. An important finding is that the secular reform measures were, to a large extent, inspired by similar reforms in other regions in the world, and are as such part of a global pattern.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 016-026
Haruhiro Doi ◽  
Yanwei Chai ◽  
Peiwei Xu ◽  
Xinxing Wang

Abstract The land use for the deceased is not only for the dead but also for the living relatives. It competes with land use for living populations in urban areas through occupying a specific space of land. This article looks at this shared interest in humankind by mapping the land use for the deceased in the mid-twentieth century and modern Beijing and address the sustainability of future land use for dead in Beijing. Specifically, it clarifies the change of its area and location in the urban–regional structure and also considers the background factors. In the 1930s, the spatial distribution of cemeteries in the mid-twentieth century was mapped using the old topographic maps and also mainly using city government materials for modern times. A comparison of land use between the two periods shows that the spatial land use for the deceased continues to be the characteristics of traditional funeral values, Feng Shui philosophy, spatial separation of the dead, and the population, such as public cemeteries surrounding the built-up area. The city government reduced the pressure on land resources by encouraging land-saving burial such as undersea burial, which affects the value of funerals for citizens, resulting in an area of cemetery per urban population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Steisi A. Mamesah ◽  
Mex Frans Lodwyk Sondakh ◽  
Yolanda Pinky Ivanna Rori

This study aims to determine the value of land that has been released whether it affects the value of land and determine the use of money from land acquisition in Tonsewer Selatan Village, Tompaso Barat Sub-district. This research was conducted in three months, from September to November 2019. The sampling method in this study uses a non-probability sampling technique or census sampling. The samples used in this study were 13 respondents, namely all farmers who own agricultural land who have sold their land so that land conversion has occurred. In this study using primary data obtained from direct interviews with respondents using a list of questions that have been prepared. Secondary data obtained from relevant agencies. The results showed that the value of the land acquired was higher in value than the present land value. This means that the value of land that has been acquired affects the current value of land. The money from the land acquisition has been used for various purposes, namely: for business capital, buying new land, saving, buying vehicles, renovating houses, and for daily needs.*eprm*

2020 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 04065
Ke Yao ◽  
Zhichao Sun ◽  
Mengyue Li ◽  
Qingqing Fan ◽  
Guojun Hao

This article analyzes how to implement green construction in highway construction around six aspects of highway green construction management, construction material saving, water saving, energy saving, land saving and environmental protection. According to the control and non-control work, this article studies how to evaluate the implementation effect of highway green construction from the aspects of sub-elements, sub-batches, sub-project categories and sub-stages. The proposed implementation plan, evaluation method and evaluation organization of highway green construction can provide technical reference for the implementation of highway green construction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 01031
Eugeny Kurehin ◽  
Mark Hellmer

Opencast mining of coal deposits is a priority in Russia, while providing coal to the domestic and foreign markets. Despite reasonable concerns about air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, coal use will continue to be significant in the future. Consequently, it is necessary to introduce less polluting and more efficient technologies in the industry in the coming decades. Coal deposits are being developed by the open method with a limited deposit length. An indicator for estimating volumes is proposed -the ratio of sediment fraction in a quarry. The dependence of the sediment fraction in the quarry on the pit depth, thickness and angle of incidence of the formation of coal seams (with an oblique and steep fall) is established. Recommendations on the use of land-saving dumping for the open-cast mining of coal deposits have been developed. The structure of complex mechanization on dumping is proposed depending on the properties of rocks (soft or bedrock) and types of transport.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Qizhi Zhang

With the continuous development and progress of China's social economy, the construction speed of our construction industry is also accelerating. Compared with the traditional cast-in-place reinforced concrete and masonry building, it has been unable to meet the requirements of the construction industry and the development of the times. Because the prefabricated building has the advantages of fast speed, water saving, land saving, noise reduction, material saving and energy saving in installation. Compared with traditional buildings, the prefabricated building is more energy efficient and practical. Therefore, the new type of precast assembly architecture is constantly highlighted and has become the mainstream of the development of the future construction industry. However, the technology started late in China, and the immature technology and imperfect supporting standards led to slow progress and even stagnation in China's construction industry. Through the analysis of the present situation and problems of the waterproof and sealing of the prefabricated building exterior walls, the suggestions for the healthy development of the construction industry in China are put forward in time.

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