cervical collar
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Tim Nutbeam ◽  
Rob Fenwick ◽  
Barbara May ◽  
Willem Stassen ◽  
Jason Smith ◽  

Abstract Background Motor vehicle collisions remain a common cause of spinal cord injury. Biomechanical studies of spinal movement often lack “real world” context and applicability. Additional data may enhance our understanding of the potential for secondary spinal cord injury. We propose the metric ‘travel’ (total movement) and suggest that our understanding of movement related risk of injury could be improved if travel was routinely reported. We report maximal movement and travel for collar application in vehicle and subsequent self-extrication. Methods Biomechanical data on application of cervical collar with the volunteer sat in a vehicle were collected using Inertial Measurement Units on 6 healthy volunteers. Maximal movement and travel are reported. These data and a re-analysis of previously published work is used to demonstrate the utility of travel and maximal movement in the context of self-extrication. Results Data from a total of 60 in-vehicle collar applications across three female and three male volunteers was successfully collected for analysis. The mean age across participants was 50.3 years (range 28–68) and the BMI was 27.7 (range 21.5–34.6). The mean maximal anterior–posterior movement associated with collar application was 2.3 mm with a total AP travel of 4.9 mm. Travel (total movement) for in-car application of collar and self-extrication was 9.5 mm compared to 9.4 mm travel for self-extrication without a collar. Conclusion We have demonstrated the application of ‘travel’ in the context of self-extrication. Total travel is similar across self-extricating healthy volunteers with and without a collar. We suggest that where possible ‘travel’ is collected and reported in future biomechanical studies in this and related areas of research. It remains appropriate to apply a cervical collar to self-extricating casualties when the clinical target is that of movement minimisation.

Prasad Krishnan ◽  
Grandhi Aditya

AbstractCervical collars are routinely applied in neurosurgical units following trauma or cervical spine operations. We describe a case of florid allergic contact dermatitis that developed as a complication following collar application in a postoperative patient.

Trauma Care ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Naif Bazaie ◽  
Ibrahim Alghamdi ◽  
Naif Alqurashi ◽  
Zubair Ahmed

Purpose: Although the use of a cervical collar in the prehospital setting is recommended to prevent secondary spinal cord injuries and ensure spinal immobilization, it is not known what effects this has on raising intracranial pressure (ICP) in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. In the absence of studies measuring ICP in the prehospital setting, the aim of this study was to systematically review the data related to ICP changes measured after presentation at the hospital in patients who had arrived wearing cervical collars. Methods: We searched Medline (PubMed), Embase, CINAHL, and Google Scholar for studies that investigated in-hospital ICP changes in TBI patients arriving at the hospital wearing collars. Titles, abstracts, and full texts were then searched for inclusion in the study. A narrative synthesis, as well as a meta-analysis, was performed. Results: Of the 1006 studies identified, only three met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The quality of the three included studies was moderate and the risk of bias was low. All three studies used the Laerdal Stifneck collar, but all studies showed an increase in ICP after application of the collar. A further three studies that measured ICP but did not fit the systematic search were also included due to low patient numbers. A meta-analysis of the pooled data confirmed a significant increase in ICP, although between the four studies, only 77 patients were included. The meta-analysis also confirmed that after removal of the collar, there was a significant decrease in ICP. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the use of a cervical collar increases ICP in TBI and head injury patients, which may have detrimental effects. However, due to the extremely low sample size from all six studies, caution must be exercised when interpreting these data. Thus, further high-quality research is necessary to unequivocally clarify whether cervical collars should be used in patients with TBI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 622
Ramakrishna Narra ◽  
Suseel Kumar Kamaraju

Background: Proximal “Hirayama” disease (PHD) is characterized by proximal upper extremity atrophy. It is a rare variant of Hirayama disease (HD) which involves the proximal upper limb. Recognition of PHD’s unique magnetic resonance (MR) findings is critical as the treatment options differ versus classical HD. Case Description: A 17-year-old male presented with gradual progressive upper extremity weakness and atrophy. On MR, PHD was demonstrated by C4-C5 kyphosis with a posterior epidural soft-tissue mass compressing the C4-C5 cord resulting in gliosis. As the patient declined surgery, he was followed for 1 year with a cervical collar during which time his deficit stabilized. Conclusion: PHD, characterized by proximal upper extremity weakness and atrophy, has characteristic MR findings of kyphosis associated with cord compression and ischemia/gliosis. Select patients as the one we described who decline surgery may stabilize radiographically and clinically with the protracted utilization of a cervical collar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. e001157
Michael J Callaghan ◽  
Tom Hughes ◽  
John Davin ◽  
Russell Hayes ◽  
Neil Hough ◽  

When immobilisation after a cervical spine or head injury is required, the role of the rigid cervical collar is unclear and controversial. There is a need for further studies investigating the use of a rigid cervical collar when head and neck trauma occurs in sport. This study will compare present practice (immobilisation with a cervical collar) to the same procedure without a collar during a simulated spinal immobilisation and extraction scenario from the field of play to the side-line in football (soccer). It will use a prospective cohort within-subjects cross over randomised, controlled trial design. Healthy participants will assume the role of players with a head or neck injury. Clinical practitioners will perform the immobilisation and extrication procedure according to current clinical guidelines. Three dimensional linear and angular acceleration profiles of the head and torso will be measured and the time taken to complete the procedure. The interventions will be a ‘cervical collar’ or ‘no collar’ in random order. Data from the IMUs will be transferred wirelessly to a computer for analysis. Accordingly, within-subject differences between each condition (collar vs no collar) will be assessed with parametric or non-parametric inferential statistics. Statistical significance will be set at p<0.05.Trial registration number:ISRCTN16515969

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0260414
Matthias K. Jung ◽  
Gregor V. R. von Ehrlich-Treuenstätt ◽  
Andreas L. Jung ◽  
Holger Keil ◽  
Paul A. Grützner ◽  

Background Along with the growing geriatric population, the number of odontoid fractures is steadily increasing. However, the effectiveness of immobilizing geriatric odontoid fractures using a cervical collar has been questioned. The aim of the present study is to analyze the physiological and pathological motion in odontoid fractures and to assess limitation of motion in the cervical spine when applying a cervical collar. Methods Motion analysis was performed with wireless motion tracker on unfixed geriatric human cadavers. First, a new geriatric type II odontoid fracture model was developed. In this model, the type II odontoid fracture is operated via a transoral approach. The physiological and pathological flexion and lateral bending of the cervical spine resulting from this procedure was measured. The resulting motion after external stabilization using a cervical collar was analyzed. Results The new geriatric type II odontoid fracture model was successfully established using seven unfixed human cadavers. The pathological flexion of the cervical spine was significantly increased compared to the physiological flexion (p = 0.027). Furthermore, the flexion was significantly reduced when a cervical collar was applied. In case of flexion the mean remaining motion was significantly reduced (p = 0.0017) from 41° to 14°. For lateral bending the mean remaining motion was significantly reduced (p = 0.0137) from 48° to 18°. Conclusions In case of type II odontoid fracture, flexion and lateral bending of the cervical spine are increased due to spinal instability. Thus, if an odontoid fracture is suspected in geriatric patients, the application of a cervical collar should always be considered since external stabilization can significantly reduce flexion and lateral bending.

2021 ◽  
Tim Nutbeam ◽  
Rob Fenwick ◽  
Barbara May ◽  
Willem Stassen ◽  
Jason Smith ◽  

Abstract Background:Motor vehicle collisions remain a common cause of spinal cord injury. Biomechanical studies of spinal movement often lack “real world” context and applicability. Additional data may enhance our understanding of the potential for secondary spinal cord injury. We propose the metric ‘travel’ (total movement) and suggest that our understanding of movement related risk of injury could be improved if travel was routinely reported. We report maximal movement and travel for collar application in vehicle and subsequent self-extrication.Methods:Biomechanical data on application of cervical collar with the volunteer sat in a vehicle were collected using Inertial Measurement Units on 6 healthy volunteers. Maximal movement and travel are reported. These data and a re-analysis of previously published work is used to demonstrate the utility of travel and maximal movement in the context of self-extrication.Results:Data from a total of 60 in-vehicle collar applications across three female and three male volunteers was successfully collected for analysis. The mean age across participants was 50.3 years (range 28–68) and the BMI was 27.7 (range 21.5–34.6). The mean maximal anterior-posterior movement associated with collar application was 2.3mm with a total AP travel of 4.9mm. Travel (total movement) for in-car application of collar and self-extrication was 9.5mm compared to 9.4mm travel for self-extrication without a collar. Conclusion:We have demonstrated the application of ‘travel’ in the context of self-extrication. Total travel is similar across self-extricating healthy volunteers with and without a collar.We suggest that where possible ‘travel’ is collected and reported in future biomechanical studies in this and related areas of research. It remains appropriate to apply a cervical collar to self-extricating casualties when the clinical target is that of movement minimisation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 524
Enyinna Nwachuku ◽  
Confidence Njoku-Austin ◽  
Kevin P. Patel ◽  
Austin W. Anthony ◽  
Aditya Mittal ◽  

Background: Occipital condyle fractures (OCFs) have been reported in up to 4–16% of individuals suffering cervical spine trauma. The current management of OCF fractures relies on a rigid cervical collar for 6 weeks or longer. Here, we calculated the rate of acute and delayed surgical intervention (occipitocervical fusion) for patients with isolated OCF who were managed with a cervical collar over a 10-year period at a single institution. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis performed on all patients admitted to a Level 1 Trauma Center between 2008 and 2018 who suffered traumatic isolated OCF managed with an external rigid cervical orthosis. Radiographic imaging was reviewed by several board-certified neuroradiologists. Demographic and clinical data were collected including need for occipitocervical fusion within 12 months after trauma. Results: The incidence of isolated OCF was 4% (60/1536) for those patients admitted with cervical spine fractures. They averaged 49 years of age, and 58% were male falls accounted for the mechanism of injury in 47% of patients. Classification of OCF was most commonly classified in 47% as type I Anderson and Montesano fractures. Of the 60 patients who suffered isolated OCF that was managed with external cervical orthosis, 0% required occipitocervical fusion within 12 months posttrauma. About 90% were discharged, while the remaining 10% sustained traumatic brain/orthopedic injury that limited an accurate neurological assessment. Conclusion: Here, we documented a 4% incidence of isolated OCF in our cervical trauma population, a rate which is comparable to that found in the literature year. Most notably, we documented a 0% incidence for requiring delayed occipital-cervical fusions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Matthias K. Jung ◽  
Gregor V. R. von Ehrlich-Treuenstätt ◽  
Holger Keil ◽  
Paul A. Grützner ◽  
Niko R. E. Schneider ◽  

AbstractThe aim of this study was to compare the remaining motion of an immobilized cervical spine using an innovative cervical collar as well as two traditional cervical collars. The study was performed on eight fresh human cadavers. The cervical spine was immobilized with one innovative (Lubo Airway Collar) and two traditional cervical collars (Stifneck and Perfit ACE). The flexion and lateral bending of the cervical spine were measured using a wireless motion tracker (Xsens). With the Weinman Lubo Airway Collar attached, the mean remaining flexion was 20.0 ± 9.0°. The mean remaining flexion was lowest with the Laerdal Stifneck (13.1 ± 6.6°) or Ambu Perfit ACE (10.8 ± 5.8°) applied. Compared to that of the innovative Weinmann Lubo Airway Collar, the remaining cervical spine flexion was significantly decreased with the Ambu Perfit ACE. There was no significant difference in lateral bending between the three examined collars. The most effective immobilization of the cervical spine was achieved when traditional cervical collars were implemented. However, all tested cervical collars showed remaining motion of the cervical spine. Thus, alternative immobilization techniques should be considered.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 1363
Firas Mourad ◽  
Giacomo Rossettini ◽  
Erasmo Galeno ◽  
Alberto Patuzzo ◽  
Giuseppe Zolla ◽  

Purpose: Although the use of soft cervical collars in the emergency department (ED), for whiplash-associated disorders (WAD), is controversial, it is still widely adopted. The purpose of our study was to investigate the impact of the early use of soft cervical collars on the return to the ED, within three months of a road traffic collision. Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational study on WAD patients from two EDs in Verona (Italy). Patients in the earlier acute phase of WAD (within 48 h from the trauma) were included; those with serious conditions (WAD IV) were excluded. As an end point, we considered patients who returned to the ED complaining of WAD symptoms within three months as positive outcome for WAD persistence. Results: 2162 patients were included; of those, 85.4% (n = 1847/2162) received a soft cervical collar prescription. Further, 8.4% (n = 156/1847) of those with a soft cervical collar prescription, and 2.5% (n = 8/315) of those without a soft cervical collar (p < 0.001) returned to the ED within three months. The use of the soft cervical collar was an independent risk factor for ED return within three months, with an OR, adjusted for possible clinical confounders, equal to 3.418 (95% CI 1.653–7.069; p < 0.001). After the propensity score matching, 25.5% of the patients (n = 25/98) using the soft cervical collar returned to the ED at three months, compared to the 6.1% (n = 6/98) that did not adopt the soft cervical collar. The use of a soft cervical collar was associated with ED return with an OR = 4.314 (95% CI 2.066–11.668; p = 0.001). Conclusions: Our study shows that the positioning of the soft collar in a cohort of patients with acute WAD, following a rear-end car collision, is an independent potential risk factor to the return to the ED. Clinically, the use of the collar is a non-recommended practice and seems to be related to an increased risk of delayed recovery. There is a need to inform healthcare providers involved in the ED of the aim to limit the use of the soft cervical collar. A closer collaboration between clinicians (e.g., physicians, physical therapists, nurses) is suggested in the ED. Future primary studies should determine differences between having used or not having used the collar, and compare early physical therapy in the ED compared with the utilization of the collar.

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