clay type
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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 401
Maria Minodora Marin ◽  
Raluca Ianchis ◽  
Rebeca Leu Alexa ◽  
Ioana Catalina Gifu ◽  
Madalina Georgiana Albu Kaya ◽  

The fabrication of collagen-based biomaterials for skin regeneration offers various challenges for tissue engineers. The purpose of this study was to obtain a novel series of composite biomaterials based on collagen and several types of clays. In order to investigate the influence of clay type on drug release behavior, the obtained collagen-based composite materials were further loaded with gentamicin. Physiochemical and biological analyses were performed to analyze the obtained nanocomposite materials after nanoclay embedding. Infrared spectra confirmed the inclusion of clay in the collagen polymeric matrix without any denaturation of triple helical conformation. All the composite samples revealed a slight change in the 2-theta values pointing toward a homogenous distribution of clay layers inside the collagen matrix with the obtaining of mainly intercalated collagen-clay structures, according X-ray diffraction analyses. The porosity of collagen/clay composite biomaterials varied depending on clay nanoparticles sort. Thermo-mechanical analyses indicated enhanced thermal and mechanical features for collagen composites as compared with neat type II collagen matrix. Biodegradation findings were supported by swelling studies, which indicated a more crosslinked structure due additional H bonding brought on by nanoclays. The biology tests demonstrated the influence of clay type on cellular viability but also on the antimicrobial behavior of composite scaffolds. All nanocomposite samples presented a delayed gentamicin release when compared with the collagen-gentamicin sample. The obtained results highlighted the importance of clay type selection as this affects the performances of the collagen-based composites as promising biomaterials for future applications in the biomedical field.

2021 ◽  
Reza Satria Nugraha ◽  
Oliver Esteva Tumbarinu

Abstract Stratigraphic correlation is crucial for reservoir characterization; therefore, it requires more advanced methods and techniques to reduce the stratigraphic correlation uncertainty, especially when variation in lateral facies is high. The studied formations from bottom to top consist of fluvial to marginal marine X Formation, shallow marine Y Formation, and fluvial distributary channels to estuarine Z Formation. Spectral gamma-ray logs give additional consistent information on lithological composition that can support identification of boundary between formations within the stratigraphic framework. Wells with a full section of Y Formation, core, palynology, and spectral gamma-ray were selected as key wells. The top and base of the Y Formation were picked using conventional logs refined by a thorium/potassium (Th/K) ratio log and cross plot with core and palynology data as validations. The internal Y Formation markers were also picked with the aid of the Th/K cross plots. The top picking criteria from the key wells was implemented to the rest of the wells across the field with consistency. The uniform low Th/K ratio log (<3.5) across the Y Formation indicates illite as the dominant clay type, confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) data with an average of more than 80%. The character is consistent with the interpreted depositional environment. This character makes the Y Formation stand out from the overlying Z and the underlying X formations. The change from X to Y Formation is defined by the decrease of the Th/K ratio log, from high kaolinite content to illite dominated environment. Inversely, the top of the Y Formation (base of Z) is indicated by the increase of the Th/K ratio log moving from shallow marine Y Formation to the fluvial-influenced Z Formation. The Th/K cross plot indicates different clusters amongst the studied formations and the internal Y zonation. The X Formation is located in the high Th and low K area where kaolinite is predominant, related to fluvial environment. The case is similar for the Z Formation but with more influence of mixed-clay type. The Y Formation shows clear clustering along the mixed-clay and illite window. Internal Y zonation displays, from bottom to top, an increasing K value within the clusters. This method provides a semi-quantitative interpretation to define the studied formations boundaries and the Y Formation internal zonation. This study has increased the consistency of the studied formations’ stratigraphic and structural framework. This consistency has, in turn, fine-tuned the structural framework and aided field development through better geosteering and lateral well placements. These results are a valuable starting point to refine and extend the work to other areas.

Marwa Ahmed ◽  
M. F. Abadir ◽  
Ayman Yousef ◽  
K. A. M. El-Naggar

Abstract Aluminum slag waste generated from the smelting process of bauxite was used to prepare roof tiles samples. Clay was substituted by slag waste in percentages reaching 40% in the basic mix and the plasticity of the obtained mud was determined. This was followed by pressing the mud in steel molds and drying. The effect of waste addition on drying shrinkage was subsequently assessed. Firing of the green bodies was carried out at three temperatures (900, 1000 and 1100oC) and hour soaking at each temperature. Fired roof tile properties improved on increasing the percentage of alumina sludge and firing temperature possibly because of the presence of high amounts of fluxing oxides in aluminum slag. This caused a drop in porosity that increased the mechanical strength of tiles. The results showed that the substitution of clay by 40% waste and firing at 1100oC resulted in products conforming to ASTM C-1167 for clay type roof tiles. Cold water absorption dropped to 12%, below the maximum permissible limit of 15%, the value of Saturation Coefficient was 0.83, below the 0.86 limit and the obtained breaking strength of 3370N significantly exceeded the minimum requirement of 890N.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Darmansyah Tjitradi ◽  
Eliatun Eliatun ◽  
Oktafianus Steven Tjitradi

The soil in Banjarmasin City is of soft clay type having a very low bearing capacity. Hence, it is normal for buildings in this area to have gelam wooden piles as part of the foundation. Foundations based on gelam wooden piles rely on friction which results in the building experiencing differential settlement, tilt, and cracks on the structural elements. This foundation settlement will be modeled using ANSYS software involving fifteen building structural models with brick walls under loads according to SNI 1727:2013 and due to settlement at the support. The modeling aims at understanding the effects of using tie beams on the pattern of structural damage in buildings that experience differential settlement on soft soil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tie beam pada pondasi pada tanah lunak berpengaruh terhadap pola kerusakan. Pada tanah keras, ini tidak membawa efek seperti itu tetapi sebaliknya, itu meningkatkan tingkat ketidaktentuan statis struktur. Dalam kasus portal bentang tunggal, pola retakan menyerupai huruf "V" terbalik jika penurunan terjadi pada tumpuan samping. Di portal bentang ganda, di sisi lain, pola retakan dinding bata menyerupai huruf "V" jika penurunan terjadi pada penyangga samping, dan "V" terbalik jika terjadi di antara penyangga.

2021 ◽  
pp. 885-895
Chee-Ming Chan ◽  
Abdul Rashid Ahmad Nasri ◽  
Poi-Cheong Tan ◽  
Danny Ng

2021 ◽  
Meisam Goudarzy ◽  
Debdeep Sarkar ◽  
Wolfgang Lieske ◽  
Torsten Wichtmann

AbstractThe paper presents an experimental study on the effect of plastic fines content on the undrained behavior and liquefaction susceptibility of sand–fines mixtures under monotonic loading. The results of undrained monotonic triaxial compression tests conducted on mixtures of Hostun sand with varying amount (0–20%) and type (kaolin and calcigel bentonite) of plastic fines are presented. The specimens were prepared with different initial densities using the moist tamping method and consolidated at two different isotropic effective stresses. The results demonstrate that for both types of plastic fines, an increase in the fines content leads to a more contractive response and lower values of mobilized deviatoric stress. Despite similar relative density and fines content, the sand–kaolin mixtures showed a more contractive behavior than the sand–calcigel specimens. The steady-state lines (SSLs) in e–p´ space generally move downwards with increasing clay content. While the slopes of the SSLs for the clean Hostun sand and the mixtures with 10 and 20% kaolin are quite similar, the SSL lines for the specimens containing 10% or 20% calcigel run steeper or flatter, respectively. The inclination of the SSL in the q–p′ plane was found independent of clay type and content. The sand–kaolin mixtures were observed to be more susceptible to instability and flow liquefaction than the sand–calcigel mixtures.

A.V. Nekipelova ◽  
E.V. Sokol ◽  
S.N. Kokh ◽  
P.V. Khvorov

Abstract —The mineralogy and contents of major and trace elements (including REE+Y) in bulk samples and separate size fractions of caviar-like ironstones from the Kamysh-Burun deposit (Kerch iron province) are studied to estimate the contributions of different REE+Y species to the total budget. The analyzed ore samples contain MREE adsorbed on Fe3+-(oxy)hydroxides, as well as LREE authigenic phosphates. The predominant rhabdophane-type (Ce(PO4)⋅nH2O) phases are enriched in La, Pr, Nd, and Ca, depleted in Ce, and free from Th. The REE carriers belong to solid solution series of two main types: LREE(PO4)·nH2O – (Ca,Ce,Th)(PO4)·H2O (rhabdophane-like phase and brockite) or LREE(PO4)·nH2O – (Ca,U,Fe3+)((PO4),(SO4))·2H2O (rhabdophane-like phase and tristramite). REE phosphates occur most often in the ≤ 0.25 mm fractions of ironstones, where average and maximum ΣREE contents (Xav = 606–1954 ppm; Xmax = 769–3011 ppm) are comparable with the respective amounts in the Chinese industrial clay-type REE deposits. The Kerch ores are commercially attractive unconventional resources of highly demanded Pr and Nd: they can be extracted at relatively low costs, due to high Pr/Ce and Nd/Ce ratios, while low Th and U reduce the environmental risks from stockpiled wastes.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 703
Rebeca Leu Alexa ◽  
Horia Iovu ◽  
Bogdan Trica ◽  
Catalin Zaharia ◽  
Andrada Serafim ◽  

The present study investigated the possibility of obtaining 3D printed composite constructs using biomaterial-based nanocomposite inks. The biopolymeric matrix consisted of methacrylated gelatin (GelMA). Several types of nanoclay were added as the inorganic component. Our aim was to investigate the influence of clay type on the rheological behavior of ink formulations and to determine the morphological and structural properties of the resulting crosslinked hydrogel-based nanomaterials. Moreover, through the inclusion of nanoclays, our goal was to improve the printability and shape fidelity of nanocomposite scaffolds. The viscosity of all ink formulations was greater in the presence of inorganic nanoparticles as shear thinning occurred with increased shear rate. Hydrogel nanocomposites presented predominantly elastic rather than viscous behavior as the materials were crosslinked which led to improved mechanical properties. The inclusion of nanoclays in the biopolymeric matrix limited hydrogel swelling due the physical barrier effect but also because of the supplementary crosslinks induced by the clay layers. The distribution of inorganic filler within the GelMA-based hydrogels led to higher porosities as a consequence of their interaction with the biopolymeric ink. The present study could be useful for the development of soft nanomaterials foreseen for the additive manufacturing of customized implants for tissue engineering.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 238
Chuan Li ◽  
Zilong Li ◽  
Tao Wu ◽  
Yaqin Luo ◽  
Jun Zhao ◽  

A newly discovered Naomugeng lithium mineralization area is located to the east of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The lithium is hosted in the volcanic rocks of the Manketou’ebo Formation. The altered volcanic rocks mainly consist of quartz, orthoclase, chlorite, montmorillonite, calcite, and dolomite. Here, we present integrated studies of petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the altered volcanic rocks (with an average Li2O content of 0.43 wt.%) collected from the drilling hole and trail trench to systematically investigate the occurrence of lithium, the mineralizing processes, and the metallogenic mechanisms. The secondary minerals of the core samples are montmorillonite, chlorite calcite, and dolomite, while the secondary minerals from the earth surface ones are montmorillonite, chlorite, and calcite. The mass change calculation and isocon analysis show that the rocks received MnO, P2O5, Co, Ni, Cu, and Li and lost Na2O, K2O, MgO, rare earth elements (REE), and Rb in the alteration process. However, other elements such as Fe, V, Co, and Ca of the core samples increased while those of the earth surface ones did not change by much. Hence, there are two zones of alterations, i.e., the montmorillonization-chloritization zone and the montmorillonization-chloritization-carbonatization zone. Lithium enrichment occurs in the zone where montmorillonization and chloritization occur. The lithium is probably enriched in altered minerals such as montmorillonite and chlorite in the forms of interlayered or adsorbed ions. The slightly negative to positive Eu anomalies of the rocks can be explained by the metasomatism of hydrothermal fluid that enriched Eu. We suggest that the Naomugeng deposit is a clay-type lithium deposit and formed under a caldera setting. The meteoric and hydrothermal fluids leach the lithium from the volcanic materials and then alter the host rocks (e.g., tuff or sediments) in the caldera basin, which forms the type of lithium clay deposit. This study analyzed the migration behavior of elements in the Naomugeng lithium deposit during a hydrothermal process, which shows that the mass balance calculation has good application in reflecting the mineralization process of clay type deposit. This study also reveals the great exploration potential of the Naomugeng deposit and has important significance for further prospecting of clay-type lithium deposits in central Inner Mongolia.

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