product selection
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Pooja Rani

Abstract: The wearing of metal parts might be defined as a gradual decay or breakdown of the metal. When a part becomes so deformed that it cannot perform adequately, it must be replaced or rebuilt. While the end results of wear are similar, the causes of wear are different. It is essential to understand the wear factors involved before making a hard surfacing product selection. It would be easy to select a surfacing alloy if all metal components were subjected to only one type of wear. However, a metal part is usually worn by combinations of two or more types of wear. This makes an alloy selection considerably more complicated. A hard surfacing alloy should be chosen as a compromise between each wear factor. The initial focus should centre on the primary wear factor and then the secondary wear factor(s) should be examined. For example: upon examining a worn metal part, it is determined that the primary wear factor is abrasion and the secondary wear factor is light impact. The surfacing alloy chosen should have very good abrasion resistance but also have a fair amount of impact resistance. Keywords: Welding, Hard Facing Electrodes, Alloys, Afrox 300.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-104
Dewi Indriani Jusuf

Know the effect of the consumer behavior of online shop, Easy Shopping Indonesia on the consumers’ buying decision. The quantitative approach, descriptive and verified design are used. As much as 100 consumers of Essay Shopping in Bandung are selected as respondents using a purposive method. The instrument of data collection is questionnaire. The data analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling based on Partial Least Square (PLS SEM). The research results show that the consumer behavior of Easy Shopping online shop affects the consumer buying decision significantly.  The biggest effect of the consumer behavior dimension on the buying decision variable is a personal factor; the second one is a psychological factor; the third one is a social factor and the fourth one is a cultural factor. The biggest effect of the consumer behavior variable is on the dimension of payment method; then the second one is distribution selection; the third one is on brand selection; the fourth one is on buying time and the last one is on product selection. Those findings are the antecedents of the online buying decision which finally affect the changes of the buying decision from the conventional buying process into the online one. Key Words : consumer behavior, cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors, buying decision, product selection, brand selection, distribution selection, payment method and timing.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Jennie Burch

With 205 000 people in the UK with a stoma, it is likely that community nurses will need to consider which stoma products are most appropriate to use with this group of patients. This article explores the three output stomas, what stoma appliances are most commonly used for each type of stoma and why. Understanding how often stoma appliances should be changed empowers the community nurse in their decision-making process to ascertain whether changes to current care are needed. There is also information available about some of the more commonly used stoma accessories and when these may be necessary. With so many stoma-related products available, it can be difficult to know what to use and when; therefore, this article seeks to offer data to aid stoma care in the community.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Recommender systems are extensively used today to ease out the problem of information overload and facilitate the product selection by users in e-commerce market. Both privacy and security are two major concerns of the user in these systems. For the protection of the user’s rating, there are several existing works on the basis of encryption or randomization methodologies. This paper proposes a methodology that not only protects the privacy of ratings but also provides better accuracy. After applying fuzzification on the user ratings, random rotation and perturbation methods are used before being fed to the collaborative filtering system. In this process, similar users are grouped into clusters by which recommendation is made. By considering different cluster size on four different datasets, the proposed fuzzified k-Mode clustering method provides less MAE and RMSE value as compared to other k-Means and k-Mode clustering approach and also achieves the better privacy than randomized perturbation method by obtaining IVDM value i.e. 0.67, 0.61, 0.55 and 0.7.

2021 ◽  
pp. 112972982110504
Paul Bainbridge ◽  
Paul Browning ◽  
Stéphanie F Bernatchez ◽  
Casey Blaser ◽  
Guido Hitschmann

Background: Catheter insertion sites are commonly covered by transparent film dressings, offering protection of the insertion site from external contaminants and securement of the catheter while allowing site observation through a clear window. Currently, there is considerable focus on creating IV film dressings with ever-increasing moisture vapor transmission rates (MVTR) to prevent the accumulation of moisture under the film and reduce the risk of infection. These increasingly high MVTR IV dressings are often promoted as superior to IV dressings with lesser MVTR values. Methods: Since there are different methods to determine MVTR, we chose to test a series of commercially available dressings with two standard methods to compare the results and better understand the information provided by this measurement. We used European Standard EN 13726 to test the MVTR of seven different IV dressings with two different methods (upright and inverted). Results: We measured a range of MVTR values from 773 to 2838 g/m2/day for the upright method and from 845 to 30,530 g/m2/day for the inverted method for the seven IV dressings tested. Three dressings showed statistically different MVTR values with the two test methods. Conclusions: The MVTR test method (upright or inverted) used and considered for IV dressing product selection matters because the results obtained can be very different. We suggest that the upright method is better suited for IV dressings because they are not in constant contact with fluid. We conclude that the inverted method alone is not adequate to compare IV dressings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Marlou Damen ◽  
Iris Van Hest ◽  
Bart Wernaart

The digital transformation of marketing leads to new forms of interaction with consumers. It has been established and well known that auditory stimuli generally affect human behavior. However, in the field of sensory marketing, only limited attention has been paid to the role and effects of audition in online marketing. In this research, we will further explore how sound influences consumer product selection in a digitalized setting. We have designed and performed an experiment in which respondents in a webshop environment were asked to select a bottle of wine from two different countries while hearing stereotypical music samples representing one of these countries. Our conclusion: In an online setting, auditory stimuli strongly influence consumer selection. In the case of constructed preferences, this effect was considerably stronger compared to well-defined preferences. These insights can help to further develop the effective use of sound stimuli in new forms of sensory marketing, such as virtual reality and other digital experiences in the marketing and sales context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-146
Ndidi C. Ngwuluka ◽  
Ibironke M. Akindele ◽  
Nelson A. Ochekpe

The Nigerian health system is fraught with inadequate personnel, weak logistics systems and poor service delivery. The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) report on mapping of partners’ procurement and supply management systems for medical products with its recommendations was evaluated. An assessment of Supply Chain Management (SCM) of health facilities as well as the different categories of personnel that manage them was conducted. The study indicated 79.5% of the facilities received free antimalarials, 46.2% received free ARV and 23.1% received free antituberculosis. Facilities (94.9%) were not involved in the product selection as it was undertaken by providers. Also, 65.4% of the facilities received expiring drugs, 87.2% did not have well trained and efficient staff. In addition, 88.5% admitted that supplies were sometimes delayed and they (65.4%) are usually not intimated of the reasons, 66.2% do not calculate average monthly consumption, 59.5% submit LMIS report monthly while 60.0% do not have inventory control system. The study indicated that stock out and supply interruptions still exist several years after FMoH survey and recommendations. This study found that logistic challenges still exist at the SDPs implying that either FMoH recommendations were not implemented or implementation was ineffective in addressing the challenges. Keywords: inventory management, logistics, procurement and supply management, supply chain management

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Xia Liang ◽  
Jie Guo ◽  
Yan Sun ◽  
Xiaoxiao Liu

With the rapid development of information technology and market economy, global e-commerce platform develops rapidly. Recently, online reviews are widely available on e-commerce platforms to express customers’ experience of products. When ranking alternative products based on online reviews, how to make full use of the information in online reviews to represent the sentiment analysis results of online reviews is an important prerequisite for decision analysis. To this end, we propose a method for measuring the time utility and support utility of online reviews. Then a method for representing the sentiment analysis results of online reviews in the form of linguistic distribution is proposed. In addition, in view of the attributes and their weights being unknown, we propose a method for extracting product attributes from online reviews by using the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) algorithm; and the objective weights of attributes are determined through the Criteria Importance through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) method. Additionally, in order to highlight the differences between the alternatives, the roulette wheel selection algorithm is first used to randomly select product attributes. Then the alternative products can be ranked by the extended Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison (MABAC) method with mixed information. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of the proposed method through a case study of selecting a 5G mobile phone and simulation experiment.

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