planar growth
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Xukun Zhu ◽  
Lokwing Wong ◽  
Xiulian Fan ◽  
Jiong Zhao ◽  
Yu Zhou ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 2010987
Di Yang ◽  
Chunyu Zhao ◽  
Ruqian Lian ◽  
Lin Yang ◽  
Yizhan Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Daniela N. Ferreira ◽  
Vander de Freitas Melo ◽  
Pablo Vidal-Torrado ◽  
Jairo Calderari Oliveira

Kaolinite (Kt) is the most studied mineral, being widely used in the ceramic, pharmaceutical and cellulose industries, in addition to being the main soil mineral in the world. Found in different parts of the planet, it differs in genesis and may be formed as a result of local weathering of the rocks, occurring in the silt fraction; and also due to the mineral's neogenesis with a predominance of clay-sized particles. The plain of upper Iguaçu river has the largest kaolinitic deposit in the south of Brazil and it’s formation raised doubts if this kaolin was transported or formed in situ due the high organic matter in the alluvial plain. To elucidate the origin of kaolin deposits, we sampled a possible font of the mineral, in the mountains of Serra do Mar and sampled two tubes that reach 4 m depth in the upper Iguaçu plain. We performed textural analysis, organic carbon, X-ray diffraction, Kt crystallography in silt and clay fractions, thermal analysis (TDA/TG) to quantify Kt and Gb in the clay fraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDS). The TDA/TG analysis demonstrated that saprolite has 66% of the kaolinite found in the plain. The XRD analysis shows a significant presence of mica (Mc) in all samples of the silt fraction, both in Serra do Mar and in the plain. In SEM/EDS, crystals with planar growth are observed, and the presence of pseudomorphic Mc-Kt in the silt fraction of all analyzed samples, with emphasis on the tubes sample with the crystal having almost twice the size of that observed in the saprolite sample from Serra do Mar, allowing to infer that the Kt of the silt fraction of the wetland soils were formed on site by the diagenesis of mica particles. The results obtained in this work indicate that the kaolinitic material found in the wetland of the upper Iguaçu plain is the result of weathering processes in the wetland itself, evidenced by the large pseudomorphs found, even greater than those observed in Serra do Mar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Giovannimaria Murari ◽  
Nathalie Bock ◽  
Huan Zhou ◽  
Lei Yang ◽  
Teresa Liew ◽  

Abstract Polydopamine (PDA) has been recently used as a versatile priming layer for further functionalization of a biomaterial surface, particularly in biomimetic mineralization of biomaterials. Yet most of the existing literature is on inorganic substrates and the underlying effects of the PDA layer coatings on the nucleation and mineralization process and the mineral-substrate interface have not been clearly identified. Here we aimed to investigate the effects of the PDA layer on the nucleation and growth and interfacial morphology of calcium phosphate mineral layer (CaP) from 10× simulated body fluid (10× SBF) on polymeric substrates. It is found that the nucleation of CaP on PDA-coated surface favors a mixed “islanding” and planar growth mode (Stranski–Krastanov) while the “islanding” mode (Volmer–Weber) was observed on the surface without PDA. This different early nucleation stage of mineralization was found to correlate with a more “bonded” interface between the mineral layer and the PDA-coated substrates, a slight increase in the interfacial strength and a different delamination mode. This study therefore provided new insights on how polydopamine priming layer influenced the mineralization process and the interface between the mineral layer and the substrate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 1055-1065 ◽  
Peter J Edmunds ◽  
Steve S Doo ◽  
Robert C Carpenter

Abstract In this study, fore reef coral communities were exposed to high pCO2 for a year to explore the relationship between net accretion (Gnet) and community structure (planar area growth). Coral reef communities simulating the fore reef at 17-m depth on Mo’orea, French Polynesia, were assembled in three outdoor flumes (each 500 l) that were maintained at ambient (396 µatm), 782 µatm, and 1434 µatm pCO2, supplied with seawater at 300 l h−1, and exposed to light simulating 17-m depth. The communities were constructed using corals from the fore reef, and the responses of massive Porites spp., Acropora spp., and Pocillopora verrucosa were assessed through monthly measurements of Gnet and planar area. High pCO2 depressed Gnet but did not affect colony area by taxon, although the areas of Acropora spp. and P. verrucosa summed to cause multivariate community structure to differ among treatments. These results suggest that skeletal plasticity modulates the effects of reduced Gnet at high pCO2 on planar growth, at least over a year. The low sensitivity of the planar growth of fore reef corals to the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on net calcification supports the counterintuitive conclusion that coral community structure may not be strongly affected by OA.

В.Г. Дубровский ◽  
И.В. Штром

A kinetic equation is obtained which describes the elongation rate of planar semiconductor nanowires growing via the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism in the substrate plane. Theoretical analysis of different regimes depending on the nanowire radius and epitaxial conditions shows that planar growth of nanowires can be limited by either the Gibbs-Thomson effect in a catalyst droplet (for small droplet size) or surface diffusion of adatoms (for larger nanowire radii. Diffusion-like dependence of the growth rate on the nanowire radius R has the form R^(-m), where the power exponent equal 1, 3/2 or 2 depending on the mechanism of surface diffusion transport.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1903945 ◽  
Ying Sun ◽  
Taige Dong ◽  
Linwei Yu ◽  
Jun Xu ◽  
Kunji Chen

PLoS Biology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. e3000427 ◽  
Karen J. I. Lee ◽  
Claire Bushell ◽  
Yohei Koide ◽  
John A. Fozard ◽  
Chunlan Piao ◽  

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