loss of appetite
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Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 356
Brandy-Joe Milliron ◽  
Lora Packel ◽  
Dan Dychtwald ◽  
Cynthia Klobodu ◽  
Laura Pontiggia ◽  

Individuals living with cancer often experience multiple nutrition-related side effects from cancer treatment, including changes in taste and smell, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and pain during eating. These side effects can profoundly impact nutritional status and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to explore experiences with nutrition-related cancer treatment side effects among cancer patients and their family caregivers, the way they manage such side effects, and the resulting changes in food preferences and behaviors. Structured surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted. Interviews focused on the presence and management of treatment side effects, how those changes influenced food preferences, and the extent to which they interfered with quality of life. Most patients (72%) reported treatment side effects; 61% reported that these side effects impacted their eating and drinking. Common side effects included fatigue (58%), dry mouth (30%), nausea (24%), constipation (20%) and diarrhea (20%). Six overarching qualitative themes were identified: Spiral of side effects; Pain of eating; Burden of eating; Loss of taste/change in taste; Symptom management; and Solutions. The authors conclude with implications for food and nutrition practice—moving beyond traditional recommendations of what to eat or avoid—to consider the overall patient and caregiver experience.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Javad Sharifi-Rad ◽  
Cristina Quispe ◽  
Manoj Kumar ◽  
Muhammad Akram ◽  
Mewish Amin ◽  

The genus Hyssopus is widespread in central Asia, East Mediterranean, and Mongolian areas. It has six main species which are used as herbal remedies, such as Hyssopus officinalis which is used as a condiment and flavoring agent in food industry. The other five species are H. ambiguus, H. cuspidatus, H. latilabiatus, H. macranthus, and H. seravschanicus. Its species are used in the treatment of various ailments such as cold, cough, loss of appetite, fungal infection, and spasmodic condition. Its constituents especially essential oils are popularly used as an additive in beverages, foods, and cosmetics. The volatile constituents are used for aroma in the food industry, cosmetic industry, and household products. The important active constituents in its essential oils are β-pinene, pinocamphone, isopinocamphone, and other terpenoids. Hyssopus genus is also bundled with other secondary metabolites including flavonoids luteolin, quercetin, apigenin, and their glucosides, as well as phenolic compounds including ferulic, p-hydroxy-benzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, chlorogenic, and caffeic acid. Combinedly, the extracts of Hyssopus are reported to have potential antiviral and antifungal activities proven using in vitro studies, whereas in vivo investigations have reported the crucial role of Hyssopus extracts in plasma membrane relaxation, cytotoxic, and sedative effects. This plant is believed to be relatively safe at levels commonly used in foods; nevertheless, more studies are needed to determine the safety profile.

2022 ◽  
pp. jnnp-2021-328331
Johannes Dorst ◽  
Judith Doenz ◽  
Katharina Kandler ◽  
Jens Dreyhaupt ◽  
Hayrettin Tumani ◽  

ObjectiveThere is growing evidence that the course of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be influenced beneficially by applying high-caloric food supplements (HCSs). However, it is unknown which composition of nutrients offers optimal tolerability and weight gain.MethodsWe conducted a randomised controlled study (Safety and Tolerability of Ultra-high-caloric Food Supplements in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); TOLCAL-ALS study) in 64 patients with possible, probable or definite ALS according to El Escorial criteria. Patients were randomised into four groups: a high-caloric fatty supplement (HCFS; 405 kcal/day, 100% fat), an ultra-high-caloric fatty supplement (UHCFS; 810 kcal/day, 100% fat), an ultra-high-caloric, carbohydrate-rich supplement (UHCCS; 900 kcal/day, 49% carbohydrates) and an open control (OC) group without any supplement. The primary endpoint was tolerability. Patients were followed up over 4 weeks.ResultsGastrointestinal side effects were most frequent in the UHCFS group (75.0%), while loss of appetite was most frequent in the UHCCS group (35.3%). During intervention, patients gained +0.9 kg/month of body weight (IQR −0.9 to 1.5; p=0.03) in the HCFS group and +0.9 kg/month (IQR −0.8 to 2.0; p=0.05) in the UHCFS group. A non-significant trend for weight gain (+0.6 kg/month (IQR −0.3 to 1.9; p=0.08)) was observed in the UHCCS group. Patients in OC group continued to lose body weight (−0.5 kg/month, IQR −1.4 to 1.3; p=0.42).InterpretationThe findings suggest that HCSs frequently cause mild to moderate tolerability issues in patients with ALS, most notably gastrointestinal symptoms in high-fat supplements, and loss of appetite in high-carbohydrate supplements. All three HCSs tested are suited to increase body weight.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-173
Afnur Imsya ◽  
Yuanita Windusari ◽  
Laila Hanum ◽  
Hikayati Hikayati

One of the problems that occur in buffalo farms in tanjung pering village is that buffaloes often experience health problems caused by parasites. The results of initial observations showed that livestock showed symptoms such as dry skin, hair loss, loss of appetite, lethargy and finally decreased productivity and even death. This disease often appears during the transition from the rainy season to the dry season. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on faecal samples of swamp buffalo in the villages of tanjung pering and tanjung senai, the identification of the presence of parasite eggs of cestode, nematode and trematode. This activity aims to provide knowledge innovation to the farming community in tanjung pering village about the methods and importance of biological control as an alternative to controlling the spread of parasitic diseases. The methods used in this activity are counseling, training in the form of demonstrations and activity evaluations. The results of the extension activities show that there is an increase in the understanding of farmers about the causes and symptoms of the disease, how to handle and biological control of parasites by using the nematophagus fungus. The conclusion of this activity is the existence of continuous application of disease control using biological agents to suppress livestock populations experiencing parasitic infections.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
S. Nagaraj

Loss of appetite (LOA) may have a negative impact on a patient’s well-being owing to loss of nutrition and associated conditions. The current study assessed the effects of an appetite-stimulating medication containing multivitamins, lysine, and zinc in Indian patients with a history of LOA. Using an investigator-initiated, single-center, open-label, single-arm design, we evaluated the effectiveness and safety of the appetite-stimulating medication (15 mL) in 50 male or female patients (18–55 years old) attending the outpatient department, with a confirmed diagnosis of LOA after two weeks of therapy and assessed the change in Council on Nutrition Appetite Questionnaire (CNAQ) score and safety of the medication after two weeks of treatment. CNAQ scores were presented as mean (standard deviation (SD)). The mean age of patients was 42.1 years, with the majority (66%) being males. At weeks 1 and 2, a statistically significant improvement was observed in the mean CNAQ scores of 25.48 (5.10) and 25.48 (4.29), respectively, vs. baseline (22.08 (2.76); P  ≤ 0.0001 both). Majority of the patients had CNAQ appetite scores of 17–28 at baseline (94%), week 1 (66%), and week 2 (78%) of treatment. For patients with acute and chronic illness, a statistically significant improvement was observed in the mean CNAQ score at week 1 (26.75 (3.69), P  = 0.0256; 25.24 (5.33), P  = 0.0004) and at week 2 (26.63 (3.46), P  = 0.0027; 25.26 (4.43), P  ≤ 0.0001) from baseline (21.88 (3.31) and 22.12 (2.69), respectively). No serious adverse events were reported during the study. The study findings suggest that appetite-stimulating medication containing multivitamins, lysine, and zinc could be a suitable treatment option for the management of LOA with no significant safety concerns.

P. Sharmila Nirojini

Abstract: COVID- 19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) is a quite contagious disease this is derived from Orthocoronavirinae family. SARS-CoV-2 viruses are single-stranded, plus-stranded RNA virus that infect numerous animal species, inclusive of humans, and cause respiration, neurological, and liver illnesses. SARS-CoV-2 is generally transferred through respiration droplets during close contact including speaking, coughing, sneezing, and shouting. Typical common symptoms of COVID-19 include respiratory symptoms like Fever and cough, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and neurological manifestations. COVID-19 has currently been recognized using a viral nucleic acid RT-PCR test primarily based totally on affected person nasopharyngeal and throat swabs. The CT score could play a important function in the prognosis of COVID-19 infected patients if the RT-PCR test for swabs became negative at an early stage. COVID-19 patients with comorbidites like Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Asthma, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Cardio Vascular Disease, Obesity, Renal Disease, Liver Disease and other comorbidities can develope life-threatening situation. Remdesvir is the primary preference of medication, an antiviral agent that works via way of means of inhibiting viral replication in the body. There is a higher death rate in men while in comparison to women, hypothetically because of sex-based immunological or gendered differences. Vaccines are regarded as the maximum efficient way to halt the pandemic. Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, RT-PCR, comorbity, treatment, vaccine.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Jadwiga Hamulka ◽  
Joanna Frackiewicz ◽  
Beata Stasiewicz ◽  
Marta Jeruszka-Bielak ◽  
Anna Piotrowska ◽  

The study aimed at identifying the socioeconomic, eating- and health-related limitations and their associations with food consumption among Polish women 60+ years old. Data on the frequency of consumption of fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, water and beverages industrially unsweetened were collected with the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA®) and were expressed in the number of servings consumed per day or week. Three indexes: the Socioeconomic Status Index (SESI), the Eating-related Limitations Score (E-LS) and the Health-related Limitations Score (H-LS) were developed and applied. SESI was created on the base of two variables: place of residence and the self-reported economic situation of household. E-LS included: difficulties with self-feeding, decrease in food intake due to digestive problems, chewing or swallowing difficulties, loss of appetite, decrease in the feeling the taste of food, and feeling satiety, whereas H-LS included: physical function, comorbidity, cognitive function, psychological stress and selected anthropometric measurements. A logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the socioeconomic, eating-, and health-related limitations of food consumption. Lower socioeconomic status (vs. higher) was associated with a lower chance of consuming fruit/vegetables ≥2 servings/day (OR = 0.25) or consuming dairy ≥1 serving/day (OR = 0.32). The existence of multiple E-LS limitations (vs. few) was associated with a lower chance of consuming fruit/vegetables ≥2 servings/day (OR = 0.72), consuming dairy ≥1 serving/day (OR = 0.55) or consuming water and beverages industrially unsweetened ≥6 cups/day (OR = 0.56). The existence of multiple H-LS limitations was associated with a lower chance of consuming fruit/vegetables ≥2 servings/day (OR = 0.79 per 1 H-LS point increase) or consuming dairy ≥1 serving/day (OR = 0.80 per 1 H-LS point increase). Limitations found in the studied women were related to insufficient consumption of selected groups of food, which can lead to malnutrition and dehydration. There is a need for food policy actions, including practical educational activities, to eliminate barriers in food consumption, and in turn to improve the nutritional and health status of older women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Qin Xiao-ling ◽  
Du Yin-zhen ◽  
Liu Xue-kui ◽  
Li Xue ◽  
Cheng Gang ◽  

Objective. To investigate the association between gender and gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunctions, as well as gender and other motor symptoms/nonmotor symptoms, in a sample of PD patients. Methods. 186 patients with PD were recruited into this study and divided into male PD group (M-PD) and female PD group (FM-PD). Demographic and PD-related clinical information of the participants were collected by the same neurologist. PD patients were objectively assessed by a spectrum of rating scales of motor symptoms and nonmotor symptoms (including GI dysfunctions). The data were analyzed by SPSS 20 statistical software. Results. Totally 95 cases (51.08%) were in the M-PD group and 91 cases (48.92%) in the FM-PD group. There were no significant differences in age, BMI, and lifestyles between the two groups (P > 0.05). Males had higher educational level (P = 0.002). Females were more likely to have early satiety and loss of appetite (P = 0.025, P = 0.001). There were no significant differences in LED disease duration, age of motor symptoms onset, types of motor symptoms onset, location of motor symptoms onset, and phenotype of motor symptoms between the two groups (P > 0.05). Females had significantly higher UPDRS-III and HAMD scores than males (P = 0.037, P = 0.034). There were no significant differences in PQSI, ESS, RLS, RBD, HAMA, HAMD, and MoCA scores between the two groups. Gender was associated with HAMD (OR = 0.682, P = 0.019). Conclusions. Gender is a risk factor for depression, but not for GI dysfunctions in patients with PD.

2021 ◽  
Vol In Press (In Press) ◽  
Farshid Abedi ◽  
Frozan Salguqie ◽  
Effat Alemzadeh

Background: Human brucellosis, also known as Malta fever, is an acute systemic zoonotic disease in several parts of the world. The most pathogenic Brucella specie is Brucella melitensis that occurs in the human population of all age groups and of both sexes. Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate human Brucella infection in Afghanistan. Methods: The participants in this cross-sectional study were 44 patients diagnosed with Brucella infection during eight months and confirmed using Wright test by physicians of Iran Clinic Hospital. For data analysis, a statistical model was used through SPSS. Results: The most affected patients were female housewives (40.9%) and students (18.18%). The most frequent clinical manifestations were recurrent attacks of fever (95.34%), weight loss (81.39%), loss of appetite (79.06%), musculoskeletal pain (69.76%), boredom (67.44%), and lethargy (60.46%). A total of 41 (93.18%) patients mentioned the consumption of unpasteurized milk as the source of infection. Conclusions: The study results revealed that the main route of Brucella transmission in Afghanistan is the consumption of contaminated dairy products. The highest prevalence of brucellosis was observed among the young and middle-aged populations and housewives.

Sonali Wavare ◽  
Dharti Meshram ◽  
Kanchan Bokade ◽  
Pranali Wagh

Background: The hard palate is a thin horizontal bony plate made up of two bones of the facial skeleton, located on the roof of the mouth. The bones are the palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone. The hard palate spans the alveolar arch formed by the alveolar process that holds the upper teeth (when these are developed). If cancer is detected early, the overall 5-year survival rate for all persons is 85 percent. If cancer has progressed to other tissues or organs, as well as regional lymph nodes, the overall 5-year survival rate is 67%. Objective: Want to highlight the importance of primary prevention; education on risks of alcohol/tobacco use and oral hygiene. Secondary prevention; Early biopsy of any ulceration of the hard palate that does not regress with medical treatment. This would allow early diagnosis and minimal treatment with less morbidity and better survival chances. Case Presentation: A male of 58 yrs. old came with Pain in the mouth, difficulty in breathing, difficulty in mastication, difficulty in deglutition, balm application, change in voice tooth exfoliation, lack of appetite. Aggravates on mastication, difficulty in deglutition for 2 months, burning sensation on the consumption of spicy food for 2 months change in voice, nasal discharge, loss of appetite, weight loss, tooth exfoliation in the upper front region of jaw, and balm application (2-3episodes, 15 days back). All necessary investigations were carried out such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan, a biopsy of the tissue sample, and diagnosed Carcinoma on the Hard Palate. Treatment of this patient received antiemetic, analgesic, antibiotic, vitamin supplementary. Prognosis: After treatment, the patient shows great improvement. Conclusion: The therapeutic management for malignant tumors of the hard palate is essentially surgical, with or without postoperative radiotherapy, discussed on a case-by-case basis. The survival rate depends on several factors, including early diagnosis, histological characteristics and appropriate management. When ca of the palate is detected primary, the management is very effective.

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