intrachromosomal asymmetry
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PhytoKeys ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 187 ◽  
pp. 207-227
Elizaveta Yu. Mitrenina ◽  
Andrey S. Erst ◽  
Lorenzo Peruzzi ◽  
Mikhail V. Skaptsov ◽  
Hiroshi Ikeda ◽  

Comparative karyomorphological analyses of six out of the eight white-flowered species of Eranthis sect. Shibateranthis have been carried out. All studied specimens of E. byunsanensis, E. lobulata, E. pinnatifida, and E. stellata had a somatic chromosome number 2n = 16 with basic chromosome number x = 8. On the contrary, E. tanhoensis and E. sibirica had a basic chromosome number x = 7. The specimens of E. tanhoensis were diploid with 2n = 14, while the specimens of E. sibirica were polyploid with 2n = 42. Monoploid chromosome sets of the investigated diploid species had 4–5 metacentric chromosomes and 2–4 submetacentric/subtelocentric/acrocentric chromosomes. The highest level of interchromosomal asymmetry, estimated via CVCL, was found in E. byunsanensis and E. pinnatifida. The highest levels of intrachromosomal asymmetry (MCA) and heterogeneity in centromere position (CVCI) were found in E. lobulata and E. byunsanensis, while E. sibirica had the most symmetric karyotype. A multivariate PCoA analysis of basic karyotype parameters (2n, x, THL, CVCL, MCA, and CVCI) highlighted no overlap among species accessions, which was also confirmed by LDA. The average absolute monoploid DNA content (1Cx) of the 23 investigated samples of six Eranthis species varied from 9.26 ± 0.25 pg in E. sibirica to 15.93 ± 0.32 pg in E. stellata. Overall karyological affinity was highlighted between E. lobulata and E. stellata, on one side, and between E. byunsanensis and E. pinnatifida, on the other side. Interestingly, there was no significant correlation between total haploid (monoploid) chromosome length (THL) and 1Cx values in these species.

Berk Benlioglu

Background: Vicia sativa L. is variable genus comprised of several subspecies. Close relative species and subspecies of the cultivated species are easily usable gene sources because they have gained resistance against a wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses. The main objectives of this study are to identify and describe the cytogenetical and karyological characteristics of subspecies in the Vicia sativa complex.Methods: The research material consisted of multiple entries collected from the five subspecies of nine taxa. All cytological observations made from root tips. Six chromosomal parameters (chromosome length, relative length, long arm length, short arm length, arm ratio and centromeric index) and five karyotype asymmetric parameters (difference in relative length, total form percentage, intrachromosomal asymmetry index, interchromosomal asymmetry index and mean centromeric asymmetry) were determined.Result: It was determined that the chromosome number of subspecies were 2n =10-12. The haploid chromosome lengths of subspecies were 15.86-33.88 µm and the average chromosome lengths varied between 2.64-5.65 µm. According to the intrachromosomal karyotype asymmetry index analysis, subsp. segetalis was the most asymmetric karyotype and subsp. sativa “Antalya” was the most symmetric karyotype. According to the interchromosomal karyotype asymmetry index analysis, subsp. angustifolia was the most asymmetric karyotype and subsp. nigra was the most symmetric karyotype.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 408 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-194

Datura stramonium (Solanaceae) is an annual weed found in most temperate and subtropical regions of the world. The taxonomic identity of this species is still under debate since Linnaeus first published the name. Early on, many varieties and forms were recognized. In Egypt, D. stramonium presents in two forms: the white-flowered ‘stramonium’ form and violet-flowered ‘tatula’ form. Some authors treated D. stramonium and D. tatula as two distinct species, while others included D. tatula within D. stramonium as either a variety or forma. The present study aimed to elucidate the taxonomic identity of both the white ‘stramonium’ and the violet ‘tatula’ forms based on morphological, palynological and cytogenetic studies extended to karyotyping. A taxonomic study of these forms was carried out using 75 morphological and pollen characters. Significant morphological differences were observed; the most important ones were flower and stem colour, in addition to flower and fruit dimensions. The anatomical examination of juvenile-fruit in acropetal transverse sections, revealed the gradual displacement of parietal placentation at the fruit base to axile at the fruit apex. Pollen of both forms showed no significant differences. Cytogenetic results revealed the presence of a diploid chromosome number (2n=2x=24) in both forms, with minor aneuploidy in the ‘tatula’ form. According to the karyotyping, notable differences were found between the two studied forms, including the centromeric index, total genomic length, and intrachromosomal asymmetry index. Morphological and cytogenetic data revealed that the two forms are different enough to be treated taxonomically as two distinct varieties, namely D. stramonium var. stramonium and D. stramonium var. tatula.

2014 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 251 ◽  
Rocío Deanna ◽  
Gloria E. Barboza ◽  
Marisel A. Scaldaferro

Somatic chromosomes of 12 samples belonging to seven Larnax Miers species and three Deprea Raf. species are studied. Chromosome number and karyotype analysis of both genera are reported for the first time. All taxa have 2n = 24. The most frequent haploid karyotype formula (8 of 12 samples) is 9 metacentric (m) + 3 submetacentric (sm) chromosomes, whereas L. glabra (Standl.) N.W. Sawyer and Larnax sp. display 10 m + 2 sm. Karyotypes of L. nieva S. Leiva & N.W. Sawyer and D. cuyacensis (N.W. Sawyer & S. Leiva) S. Leiva & Lezama are remarkable for the highest number of sm chromosome pairs, with 7 m + 5 sm and 5 m + 7 sm, respectively, presenting the highest intrachromosomal asymmetry index (A1), whereas Larnax sp. and L. glabra show the lowest A1. Most samples (9 of 12) examined have only one pair of chromosomes with nucleolar organiser regions (NOR), whereas L. glabra, Larnax sp., and D. cuyacensis possess two pairs of NOR. Systematic considerations about the monophyly of Larnax and Deprea are provided. The different karyotype parameters obtained, together with morphological characters, are discussed to single out the species.

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