location privacy protection
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Manxiang Yang ◽  
Baopeng Ye ◽  
Yuling Chen ◽  
Tao Li ◽  
Yixian Yang ◽  

AbstractK-anonymity has been gaining widespread attention as one of the most widely used technologies to protect location privacy. Nevertheless, there are still some threats such as behavior deception and service swing, since utilizing distributed k-anonymity technology to construct an anonymous domain. More specifically, the coordinate of the honest node will be a leak if the malicious nodes submit wrong locations coordinate to take part in the domain construction process. Worse still, owing to service swing, the attacker increases the reputation illegally to deceive honest nodes again. To overcome those drawbacks, we propose a trusted de-swinging k-anonymity scheme for location privacy protection. Primarily, we introduce a de-swinging reputation evaluation method (DREM), which designs a penalty factor to curb swinging behavior. This method calculates the reputation from entity honesty degree, location information entropy, and service swing degree. Besides, based on our proposed DREM, a credible cloaking area is constructed to protect the location privacy of the requester. In the area, nodes can choose some nodes with a high reputation for completing the construction process of the anonymous domain. Finally, we design reputation contracts to calculate credit automatically based on smart contracts. The security analysis and simulation results indicate that our proposed scheme effectively resists malicious attacks, curbs the service swing, and encourages nodes to participate honestly in the construction of cloaking areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Dongdong Yang ◽  
Baopeng Ye ◽  
Wenyin Zhang ◽  
Huiyu Zhou ◽  
Xiaobin Qian

Protecting location privacy has become an irreversible trend; some problems also come such as system structures adopted by location privacy protection schemes suffer from single point of failure or the mobile device performance bottlenecks, and these schemes cannot resist single-point attacks and inference attacks and achieve a tradeoff between privacy level and service quality. To solve these problems, we propose a k-anonymous location privacy protection scheme via dummies and Stackelberg game. First, we analyze the merits and drawbacks of the existing location privacy preservation system architecture and propose a semitrusted third party-based location privacy preservation architecture. Next, taking into account both location semantic diversity, physical dispersion, and query probability, etc., we design a dummy location selection algorithm based on location semantics and physical distance, which can protect users’ privacy against single-point attack. And then, we propose a location anonymous optimization method based on Stackelberg game to improve the algorithm. Specifically, we formalize the mutual optimization of user-adversary objectives by using the framework of Stackelberg game to find an optimal dummy location set. The optimal dummy location set can resist single-point attacks and inference attacks while effectively balancing service quality and location privacy. Finally, we provide exhaustive simulation evaluation for the proposed scheme compared with existing schemes in multiple aspects, and the results show that the proposed scheme can effectively resist the single-point attack and inference attack while balancing the service quality and location privacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2138 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
Xiaobei Xu ◽  
Huaju Song ◽  
Kai Zhang ◽  
Liwen Chen ◽  
Yuwen Qian

Abstract To resolve the communication overhead problem of anonymous users, we propose a location privacy protection method based on the cache technology. In particular, we first place the cache center on edge server nodes to reduce interaction between servers and users. In this way, the risk of privacy leaks can be reduced. Furthermore, to improve the caching hit rate, a prediction system based on Markov chain is designed to protect the trajectory privacy of mobile users. Simulations show that the algorithm can protect the privacy of users and reduce the transmission delay.

2021 ◽  
Alisson R. Svaigen ◽  
Azzedine Boukerche ◽  
Linnyer B. Ruiz ◽  
Antonio A. F. Loureiro

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