gill net
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2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Rogério Barroso Souza ◽  
Jonatas da Silva Castro ◽  
Rayssa de Lima Cardoso ◽  
Thiago Campos de Santana ◽  
Erivânia Gomes Teixeira

No litoral ocidental maranhense a pesca apresenta grande relevância social e econômica. Neste artigo objetivou-se caracterizar a pesca artesanal do município de Carutapera (Maranhão, Brasil), realizando aplicações de 50 questionários, voltados ao entendimento sobre o perfil socioeconômico dos pescadores e pescadoras, das estruturas de pesca e da comercialização do pescado. Os resultados revelaram que 70% eram do gênero masculino com média de idade de 43 anos. No que concerne ao nível de escolaridade dos pescadores e pescadoras entrevistados, 36% relataram ter ensino fundamental completo, dos quais 28% iniciaram o ensino médio e não terminaram; e 36% possuíam apenas o ensino fundamental incompleto. O índice de analfabetos foi de apenas 2%. A pesca era praticada com exclusividade por 52% deles, enquanto outros exerciam atividades como: construção civil (27%), conserto de redes de pesca (13%), agricultura (6%) e carpintaria (2%). Em relação à naturalidade, 60% eram naturais do estado do Maranhão e 40% do estado do Pará. O apetrecho de pesca mais utilizado nas capturas foi a rede de emalhar (24%) e os menos utilizados a zangaria (2%) e a faca (2%), esse último usado principalmente para a remoção de ostras. Quanto ao tipo de embarcação, a maioria dos pescadores e pescadoras artesanais faziam uso de canoas motorizadas e barcos de pequeno porte a motor, com comprimento variando de 8 metros a 11 metros. Entre as espécies mais capturadas está a pescada amarela (Cynoscion acoupa), espécie que tem um alto valor comercial, porém outras como a cururuca (Micropogonias furnieri) e peixe-pedra (Genyatremus luteus) são espécies capturadas durante todo o ano com boa produção. Um dos grandes problemas relatados é a falta de estrutura organizacional, evidenciando o descaso que se encontra a pesca artesanal no município.AbstractIn western coast of Maranhão, fishing has great social and economic relevance. In this article, aimed to characterize the artisanal fishing in the municipality of Carutapera (Maranhão, Brazil), using 50 questionnaires to understand the socioeconomic profile of fishermen and fisherwomen, fishing structures and fish trade. The results showed that 70% where male with an average age of 43 years. Regarding education level, 36% reported having completed elementary school, of which 28% started high school but did not complete it; and 36% had only incomplete primary education. The illiteracy rate was 2%. Fishing was practiced exclusively by 52% of them, while others had activities such as: civil construction (27%), repairing fishing nets (13%), agriculture (6%) and carpentry (2%). Regarding naturalness, 60% were from Maranhão state and 40% were from Pará state. The most used fishing tackle in the catches was the gill net (24%) and the least used were the zangraria (2%) and the knife (2%), the latter mainly used for the removal of oysters. Regarding type of vessel, most fishermen and fisherwomen used motorized canoes and small motor boats, with a length ranging from 8 meters to 11 meters. Among the most caught species is acoupa weakfish (Cynoscion acoupa), a species that has a high commercial value, but others such as whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) and torroto grunt (Genyatremus luteus) are species captured throughout the year with suitable production. One of the major problems reported is the lack of organizational structure, showing the neglect of artisanal fishing in the municipality. 

Ketut Tika Suariningsih ◽  
I Wayan Restu ◽  
Made Ayu Pratiwi

PPI Kedonganan is a fish landing base located in Kedonganan Village, Kuta District, Badung Regency. One of the fish commodities that landed at PPI Kedonganan is Lemuru Fish (Sardinella lemuru). The high rate of catching Lemuru must be balanced with proper management so that Lemuru Fish Resources remain sustainable. This study was conducted to determine the status of the utilization of Lemuru fish resources. The study was conducted from January 2021 to March 2021. Data collection was carried out by observation and interviews. Data analysis of each indicator was carried out using a multi-criteria analysis approach with composite index assessment and visualization by flag model. Indicators were observed the trends of fish size, the proportion of juvenile fish were caught, the species composition, range collapse of fish resources, Endangered, Threatened, and Protected species. The status assessment of the Lemuru resource domain which landed at PPI Kedonganan is in the good category with a composite value of 66.7. Results of the trend indicators of fish size is relatively fixed, the proportion of fish juvenile caught about 90%, the composition of species caught was 100% of the target fish i.e, lemuru that caught by using gill net, range collapse of fish resources as much as 57% of fishermen expressed relatively fixed in looking for fishing grounds, and ETP species not found. Keywords: EAFM; Lemuru Fish; Fisheries Management; PPI Kedonganan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-80
Evi Susilawati

Bondet Coastal Fishery Port (PPP) is located in Cirebon Regency, which is adjacent to Grogol Village, Gunung Jati District, Cirebon Regency, where Grogol Village is one of the villages as a center for fishing fishermen with fishing gear mostly rampus nets. The rampus net (bottom gill net) is one of the fishing gear that can generate a source of income for fishermen in Grogol Village, Gunungjati District, Cirebon Regency which can be operated and produce fish almost every month. The purpose of this study is to explain the welfare of fishermen which can be analyzed in terms of income and expenditure. Bottom gill net fishermen. The method used in this research is descriptive method. This study uses a survey technique, which is a way of collecting data from a number of units or individuals at the same time. The data obtained were analyzed through financial analysis of the fishing business using rampus nets at the Coastal Fishery Port (PPP) Bondet, Cirebon Regency. The results showed that there was income inequality among Bottom Gill Net fishermen in Grogol village with a Gini coefficient value (inequality) of 0.24. Based on welfare indicators, according to BPS and the results of the summation of scores, it is known that bottom gill net fishermen in Grogol village have a high level of welfare (scores 20-24) with a total score of 23, and based on statistical analysis using NTN, the NTN value for bottom gill net fishermen in Grogol village is equal to 9,6 %, where NTN > 1, it can be stated that all Bottom Gill Net fishermen respondents are prosperous. There is no difference in the final result of the level of welfare according to BPS and NTN.

2021 ◽  
Hollie Booth ◽  
Muhammad Ichsan ◽  
Rizky Fajar Hermansyah ◽  
Lailia Nur Rohmah ◽  
Kusuma Banda Naira ◽  

Fisheries bycatch is the greatest threat to migratory, long-lived marine animals. Managing bycatch can be particularly problematic in small-scale mixed-species fisheries, where perceptions of target and non-target vary widely, and all catches have economic or subsistence value. Such fisheries are ubiquitous throughout the world’s oceans, and represent a cross-disciplinary challenge for biodiversity, food security and livelihoods. We offer a novel approach for addressing this challenge, drawing on well-established theories from behavioural and social sciences. We first typify bycatch as a spectrum rather than a clearly delineated component of catch, where the position of a species on this spectrum depends on fishers’ beliefs regarding the outcomes of bycatch-relevant behaviour. We then outline an approach to diagnose the underlying socio-psychological drivers of bycatch, based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Finally, we illustrate the approach using an empirical case study, exploring fishers’ beliefs regarding bycatch-relevant behaviour for three endangered species in a small-scale gill net fishery in Indonesia. We show how a socio-psychological approach can help to identify conflicts and synergies between bycatch mitigation and fishers’ beliefs, thus informing more effective and socially-just interventions for marine megafauna conservation. We emphasize the need to understand human dimensions of bycatch, especially in SSFs, where technical fixes alone will be insufficient to change behaviour. Rather, interdisciplinary approaches are needed to align fishers’ needs with conservation objectives. Our spectrum and approach could be widely applied for disentangling drivers of bycatch in other SSFs, and designing interventions which support effective and equitable marine conservation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 210-224
Winda Eka Putri ◽  
Tri Rima Setyawati ◽  
Diah Wulandari Rousdy

Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) merupakan biota akuatik yang memiliki komoditas ekonomi dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pesisir mangrove Kecamatan Batu Ampar, sehingga perlu mendapat pengawasan keberadaannya di alam. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengetahui kepadatan, pola sebaran, dan mengetahui korelasi karakteristik habitat rajungan dengan kepadatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama bulan Desember 2019-Februari 2020.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun penelitian menggunakan gill net berukuran 4 inchi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis meliputi kepadatan dan pola sebaran. Korelasi karakteristik habitat dianalisis menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Pengaruh stasiun dan waktu penangkapan dianalisis menggunakan Anova dua jalur. Kepadatan rajungan berkisar 222-2581 ind/km2 dan berbeda selama bulan Desember-Februari. Pola Sebaran pada bulan Desember dan Januari termasuk seragam dan mengelompok, bulan Februari memiliki sebaran seragam dan acak. Stasiun penelitian tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepadatan rajungan, sedangkan waktu penelitian di Pesisir Batu Ampar memberikan pengaruh. Kepadatan populasi rajungan dan pola sebaran rajungan berkorelasi positif terhadap kedalaman, kecerahan, salinitas, pH air, kecepatan arus air, kecepatan angin, suhu air, DO, dan CO2 bebas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Sapto Andriyono ◽  
Agustin Sukistyanawati

A single specimen of saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus Schneider, 1801 (1.50 cm in length) was captured and photographed by a local fisherman by gill net at fishpond around mangrove ecosystem of east coast Surabaya on December 2020. The location where the estuarine crocodile caught is an important wetland area in Surabaya with an excellent mangrove cover. Wonorejo mangrove location is about 10 km from the centre of Surabaya, the second-largest city in Indonesia. This finding is considered as a first reported of C. porosus in Surabaya, and at the same time is proof of the importance of the mangrove area on the east coast of Surabaya as a habitat for wildlife that must be conserved appropriately. Routine monitoring of mangrove areas, including their wildlife, is essential so that they are not displaced by the development of the city which changes the land function to become a residential area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
Herry Boesono ◽  
Fadhila Surya Layli ◽  
Agus Suherman ◽  
Bogi Budi Jayanto ◽  
Arief Yudhi Susanto

The study aimed to determine the breaking strength and elongation of polyamide monofilament 0.44 mm in dry condition after treating with open and close storage. This study was an experimental study that refers to SNI ISO 1805: 2010 method. Data collection was done in the dry condition with two yarn samples from different treatments and one sample as a control. Each treatment was done 10 times of repetition. The test material was collected in one mesh. Then the locking distance was adjusted with the mesh size. The breaking strength and elongation score were tested using an autograph. The study found the breaking strength on polyamide nets stored closely was higher than open storage samples. On the other, the elongation value on monofilament polyamide nets stored closely was lower than open storage samples. There was an effect on different storage methods against polyamide breaking strength (sig 0.00), which was lower than α (0.05). Different storage methods also affected the elongation score of polyamides (sig 0.00) < α (0.05). In conclusion, there was an effect on different storage methods, open or close storage, against breaking and elongation strength of polyamide monofilament 0.4 mm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Dwi Nindra Saputra ◽  
I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Ria Puspitha

Tuna is one of the main catching commodities in the waters of Southeast Karangasem. Fishers in the Southeast waters of Karangasem used drift gillnet operations to find pelagic fish such as mackerel. This study aims to determine the composition of fish catches using different net sizes and determine the effect of different gill nets on the catch of tuna fish in the southeast waters of the Karangasem Regency. The study was conducted for one month from mid-October to mid-November 2017 by following fishers' fishing trips. The fishing gear used was gill nets with differences, namely 2' 2.5 and 3 inches. The data was taken directly by operating the gill net, which has three different mesh sizes then the data was analyzed by ANOVA. Based on the research found four types of fish, namely Tuna (Euthynnus sp.), ikan kembung (Restrelliger kanagurta), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), and Manta sp. with details on 2.5 sized nets, three species (cobs, mackerel, barracuda), while sediment nets with a size of 2 (tuna and mackerel), and 3 (tuna and manta rays). Each gets two types of fish. Based on the ANOVA test, the calculated F results in this study are (7.7608) and F table (3.4668). The difference in the size of the gill nets significantly affects the catch of tongkol fish. The F test value shows that the F count was greater than the F table.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-266
Most Farida Parvin ◽  
Md Yeamin Hossain ◽  
Md Ashekur Rahman ◽  
Most Shakila Sarmin ◽  
Zoarder Faruque Ahmed

The present study revealed on temporal variations of length, weight and condition of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794) in the Ganges River, Northwestern Bangladesh. Total 1161 individuals of H. fossilis were caught by various habitual fishing gears such as seine net, cast net and gill net during January to December 2019. For every specimen, body weight (BW) was taken by digital balance to the accuracy of 0.01 g and total length (TL) was taken using a measuring board. Relative condition factor (KR) was assessed by KR = W/(a×Lb), where W is the BW in g, L is the TL in cm and a and b are length-weight relationships parameters. The value of KR ~ 1 specifies good health, >1 specifies over bodyweight as compared to length, whereas <1 suggests a fish in poor condition. The TL varied from 8.5-28.7 cm whereas the BW was 37.17–2250 g. The overall KR for H. fossilis was 0.99-1.06 in the Ganges River. The highest KR was observed in May while the lowest was in January. The KR was significantly correlated with BW in the Ganges River. The outcomes of the study will be helpful for future management of this fish in the Ganges river ecosystem as well as adjacent water bodies. Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.8(2): 259-266, August 2021

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