poisson problem
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2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-36
Cécile Daversin-Catty ◽  
Chris N. Richardson ◽  
Ada J. Ellingsrud ◽  
Marie E. Rognes

Mixed dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs) are equations coupling unknown fields defined over domains of differing topological dimension. Such equations naturally arise in a wide range of scientific fields including geology, physiology, biology, and fracture mechanics. Mixed dimensional PDEs are also commonly encountered when imposing non-standard conditions over a subspace of lower dimension, e.g., through a Lagrange multiplier. In this article, we present general abstractions and algorithms for finite element discretizations of mixed domain and mixed dimensional PDEs of codimension up to one (i.e., n D- m D with |n-m| ≤ 1). We introduce high-level mathematical software abstractions together with lower-level algorithms for expressing and efficiently solving such coupled systems. The concepts introduced here have also been implemented in the context of the FEniCS finite element software. We illustrate the new features through a range of examples, including a constrained Poisson problem, a set of Stokes-type flow models, and a model for ionic electrodiffusion.

2021 ◽  
Ruanui Nicholson ◽  
Matti Niskanen

Abstract We consider the problem of simultaneously inferring the heterogeneous coefficient field for a Robin boundary condition on an inaccessible part of the boundary along with the shape of the boundary for the Poisson problem. Such a problem arises in, for example, corrosion detection, and thermal parameter estimation. We carry out both linearised uncertainty quantification, based on a local Gaussian approximation, and full exploration of the joint posterior using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. By exploiting a known invariance property of the Poisson problem, we are able to circumvent the need to re-mesh as the shape of the boundary changes. The linearised uncertainty analysis presented here relies on a local linearisation of the parameter-to-observable map, with respect to both the Robin coefficient and the boundary shape, evaluated at the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates. Computation of the MAP estimate is carried out using the Gauss-Newton method. On the other hand, to explore the full joint posterior we use the Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA), which requires the gradient of the log-posterior. We thus derive both the Fréchet derivative of the solution to the Poisson problem with respect to the Robin coefficient and the boundary shape, and the gradient of the log-posterior, which is efficiently computed using the so-called adjoint approach. The performance of the approach is demonstrated via several numerical experiments with simulated data.

Silvia Bertoluzza ◽  
Ilaria Perugia ◽  
Daniele Prada

In this paper, we introduce a new stabilization for discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Poisson problem on polygonal meshes, which induces optimal convergence rates in the polynomial approximation degree [Formula: see text]. The stabilization is obtained by penalizing, in each mesh element [Formula: see text], a residual in the norm of the dual of [Formula: see text]. This negative norm is algebraically realized via the introduction of new auxiliary spaces. We carry out a [Formula: see text]-explicit stability and error analysis, proving [Formula: see text]-robustness of the overall method. The theoretical findings are demonstrated in a series of numerical experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Jérôme Droniou ◽  
Liam Yemm

Abstract We design a Hybrid High-Order (HHO) scheme for the Poisson problem that is fully robust on polytopal meshes in the presence of small edges/faces. We state general assumptions on the stabilisation terms involved in the scheme, under which optimal error estimates (in discrete and continuous energy norms, as well as L 2 L^{2} -norm) are established with multiplicative constants that do not depend on the maximum number of faces in each element, or the relative size between an element and its faces. We illustrate the error estimates through numerical simulations in 2D and 3D on meshes designed by agglomeration techniques (such meshes naturally have elements with a very large numbers of faces, and very small faces).

Mitja Jancic ◽  
Jure Slak ◽  
Gregor Kosec

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Rainer Schneckenleitner ◽  
Stefan Takacs

Abstract In this paper, we develop a convergence theory for Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting (IETI-DP) solvers for isogeometric multi-patch discretizations of the Poisson problem, where the patches are coupled using discontinuous Galerkin. The presented theory provides condition number bounds that are explicit in the grid sizes ℎ and in the spline degrees 𝑝. We give an analysis that holds for various choices for the primal degrees of freedom: vertex values, edge averages, and a combination of both. If only the vertex values or both vertex values and edge averages are taken as primal degrees of freedom, the condition number bound is the same as for the conforming case. If only the edge averages are taken, both the convergence theory and the experiments show that the condition number of the preconditioned system grows with the ratio of the grid sizes on neighboring patches.

A. Giunti

AbstractWe consider the homogenization of a Poisson problem or a Stokes system in a randomly punctured domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We assume that the holes are spherical and have random centres and radii. We impose that the average distance between the balls is of size $$\varepsilon $$ ε and their average radius is $$\varepsilon ^{\alpha }$$ ε α , $$\alpha \in (1; 3)$$ α ∈ ( 1 ; 3 ) . We prove that, as in the periodic case (Allaire, G., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 113(113):261–298, 1991), the solutions converge to the solution of Darcy’s law (or its scalar analogue in the case of Poisson). In the same spirit of (Giunti, A., Höfer, R., Ann. Inst. H. Poincare’- An. Nonl. 36(7):1829–1868, 2019; Giunti, A., Höfer, R., Velàzquez, J.J.L., Comm. PDEs 43(9):1377–1412, 2018), we work under minimal conditions on the integrability of the random radii. These ensure that the problem is well-defined but do not rule out the onset of clusters of holes.

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