holomorphic continuation
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G. Khudayberganov ◽  
J.Sh. Abdullayev

The question of the possibility of holomorphic continuation into some domain of functions defined on the entire boundary of this domain has been well studied. The problem of describing functions defined on a part of the boundary that can be extended holomorphically into a fixed domain is attracting more interest. In this article, we reformulate the problem under consideration: Under what conditions can we extend holomorphically to a matrix ball the functions given on a part of its skeleton? We describe the domains into which the integral of the Bochner—Hua Luogeng type for a matrix ball can be extended holomorphically. As the main result, we present the criterion of holomorphic continuation into a matrix ball of functions defined on a part of the skeleton of this matrix ball. The proofs of several results are briefly presented. Some recent advances are highlighted. The results obtained in this article generalize the results of L.A. Aizenberg, A.M. Kytmanov and G. Khudayberganov.

Paul M. Gauthier

2011 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-276 ◽  
Driss Essouabri ◽  
Kohji Matsumoto ◽  
Hirofumi Tsumura

Abstract We prove the holomorphic continuation of certain multi-variable multiple zeta-functions whose coefficients satisfy a suitable recurrence condition. In fact, we introduce more general vectorial zeta-functions and prove their holomorphic continuation. Moreover, we show a vectorial sum formula among those vectorial zeta-functions fromwhich some generalizations of the classical sum formula can be deduced.

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