residential environment
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Gerontology ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ayako Takaesu ◽  
Kazuhiko Hanashiro ◽  
Koshi Nakamura

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Evidence for what diseases occur more commonly in older people from a poor residential environment (PRE) is limited. <b><i>Objective:</i></b> We investigated characteristics, especially the underlying reason (disease) for visiting an emergency department (ED), of older people from a PRE in ED settings. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A cross-sectional study was conducted on people aged ≥65 years who presented to the EDs of 2 hospitals in Okinawa, Japan, between 2015 and 2019. PRE cases were identified by searching relevant words, such as a house overflowing with garbage from hoarding or housing squalor (<i>gomi-yashiki</i> in Japanese), in electric medical records. Controls (2 controls per case) were randomly selected from those without a PRE, with both living at home and matching each PRE case for age and sex. Characteristics of interest between cases and controls were compared using a χ<sup>2</sup> test. <b><i>Results:</i></b> PRE cases (<i>n</i> = 67), compared with controls (<i>n</i> = 134), were more often transported by ambulance (79.1% vs. 61.9%; <i>p</i> = 0.01). A family member or relative (43.4%) or professional supporter (20.8%) called an ambulance for most PRE cases. PRE cases were more likely to visit the ED due to injury/fracture (16.4% vs. 8.2%), rhabdomyolysis (11.9% vs. 1.5%), undernutrition/dehydration (10.4% vs. 1.5%), and cancer (9.0% vs. 5.2%) than controls (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001). PRE cases had a higher prevalence of being underweight (35.4% vs. 14.9%), dementia (41.8% vs. 16.4%), decubitus ulcer (29.9% vs. 8.2%), living alone (73.1% vs. 23.1%), and receiving public welfare assistance (35.8% vs. 9.0%) than controls (all <i>p</i> ≤ 0.001). <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> In EDs, older people from a PRE exhibited certain diseases and characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-101
Sung-Bok Lee ◽  
Mi-Jeom Kim ◽  
Hye-Jeong Kim

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 286
Tita Cardiah ◽  
Irwan Sudarisman ◽  
Egha Fauzia Natasya ◽  
Amelya Rahmadani Putri ◽  
Alif Nurrahiim Senawianto ◽  

Abstract: Learning activities for school children during the Covid-19 pandemic were carried out using the Distance Learning method. Distance learning indirectly changes children's behavior both while studying and playing. The restriction of activities and play space for school children during Distance Learning method is a change that all children must face, including children living in housing. Pattern of Space and environmental settings, especially the residential environment, have a major influence on children's playing behavior. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which is to analyze through comparison of survey data and direct observation from two different residential environment settings. The result of the research is that different spatial patterns will affect children's play behavior patterns during distance learning, children's responses to spatial patterns, structure and character of environmental settings in play activities. The behavior and responses of different children become the design reference and produce basic data about the effect of pattern of greeting on children's playing behavior. Subsequent research on elements of the playroom in the New Normal.Abstrak: Kegiatan pembelajaran anak-anak sekolah pada masa pandemik Covid 19 ini dilaksanakan dengan metode Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ).  Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh secara tidak langsung merubah perilaku anak baik saat belajar maupun saat bermain. Pembatasan kegiatan dan ruang bermain anak-anak sekolah selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh merupakan suatu perubahan yang harus dihadapi  semua anak-anak termasuk anak-anak yang tinggal di Perumahan. Pattern of Space dan setting lingkungan khususnya lingkungan perumahan berpengaruh besar terhadap perilaku bermain anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menganalisis melalui komparasi data hasil survey dan observasi langsung dari dua setting lingkungan perumahan yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian adalah pola ruang yang berbeda akan mempengaruhi pola perilaku bermain anak-anak selama pembelajaran jarak jauh, respon anak-anak terhadap pola ruang, struktur dan karakter setting lingkungan dalam kegiatan bermain. Perilaku dan respon anak-anak yang berbeda menjadi acuan desain dan menghasilkan dasar data tentang pengaruh pattern of sapace terhadap perilaku bermain anak.  Penelitian selanjutnya mengenai elemen ruang bermain dimasa New Normal. 

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