procedural components
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Мария Эдуардовна Паатова ◽  
Дана Зурабовна Хашхова ◽  
Наталья Михайловна Сажина ◽  
Елена Юрьевна Шебанец

Одной из важнейших и социально значимых задач государства является правовая и социальная поддержка лиц, освободившихся из мест лишения свободы. Граждане после освобождения из исправительного учреждения нуждаются в помощи специалистов различных областей, в том числе социальной. У каждого из них потеряны социально-значимые связи, имеются хронические заболевания, создаются психологические барьеры и т.д. В связи с этим специалистам социальной сферы необходимо организовать комплексную работу по адаптации в социуме данной категории граждан. Из числа всех проблем, с которыми сталкиваются бывшие осужденные, наиболее значимой является проблема, связанная с их трудоустройством после освобождения. Данная категория граждан не подготовлена к началу трудовой деятельности в открытом социуме, у большинства отсутствует мотивация к трудоустройству. Цель исследования - теоретически обосновать и разработать технологию социальной работы по формированию готовности к трудоустройству лиц, освободившихся из мест лишения свободы. В статье представлены результаты констатирующего эксперимента на начальном этапе опытно-экспериментальной работы. Респондентами выступили безработные граждане, имеющие судимость. В исследовании приняло участие 10 респондентов мужского пола в возрасте от 35 до 55 лет. В процессе исследования была теоретически обоснована и разработана технология социальной работы по формированию готовности к трудоустройству лиц, освободившихся из мест лишения свободы. Технология представлена содержательными и процессуальными компонентами и предполагает поэтапное формирование готовности к трудоустройству лиц, освободившихся из мест лишения свободы. Для каждого этапа определяются задачи, содержание и методы. Решение задач предыдущего этапа создает условия для возможности перехода на новый этап. One of the most important and socially significant tasks of the state is the legal and social support of persons released from institutions of confinement. These persons need the help of specialists in various fields, including social ones. Each of them has lost socially significant connections, has chronic diseases, psychological barriers, etc. In this regard, specialists in the social sphere need to organize a comprehensive work on adaptation in society of this category of citizens. Of all the problems faced by former convicts, the most significant is the problem associated with their employment after release. This category of citizens is not prepared to start working in an open society, and the majority of them have no motivation for finding employment. The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate and develop the technology of social work for the formation of readiness for employment of persons released from prison. The paper presents the results of ascertaining experiment at the initial stage of experimental work. The respondents were unemployed citizens with a criminal record. The study involved 10 male respondents aged 35 to 55 years. In the course of the research, the technology of social work was theoretically justified and developed to form the readiness for employment of persons released from prison. The technology is represented by substantive and procedural components and involves the gradual formation of readiness for employment of persons released from prison. Tasks, content and methods are defined for each stage. Solving the tasks of the previous stage creates conditions for the possibility of moving to a new stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 15-30
P. S. Lomasko ◽  
A. L. Simonova ◽  
D. A. Barkhatova ◽  
L. B. Khegay

The purpose of the research is to determine the needs of teachers and concretize the structural, content, technological and ergonomic characteristics of the new regional platform for the implementation of additional subject training of schoolchildren in the Krasnoyarsk region, functioning in a digital society. Despite the fact that today online education resources are gaining more and more popularity, providing unlimited access to sources of knowledge for all segments of the population, their use in the real educational process, including additional subject training of schoolchildren, is not gaining such popularity as among the adult contingent of students. This fact is due to the characteristics of the younger generation, as well as such characteristics of existing platforms as rigid fixation of content and procedural components, mass character without the possibility of adjusting to the needs of a particular student, school, program or the author’s position of a real teacher. In this regard, there is a need to develop such a platform that will meet the needs of school teachers, and innovative teachers, interested in the development and productive use of digital educational resources in the multilevel training of schoolchildren in the context of distance education will participate in its development and filling. It seems that such an environment will increase the innovative potential of the Krasnoyarsk region in the field of general education, positively affect the image and competitiveness among other regions of the Russian Federation.Materials and methods. The paper analyzes psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature and scientific works devoted to the research topic. The results of a questionnaire survey conducted by the authors are analyzed in order to determine the attitude of teachers of the Krasnoyarsk region to the idea of developing a new regional platform for additional subject training of schoolchildren and identifying the requests of its potential users in the field of structure, design, functional and technological characteristics.Results. The empirical data obtained in the course of the study confirmed the fact that the search for new ways and means of effective organization and implementation of additional subject training of schoolchildren is today an urgent and significant task for both pedagogical theory and educational practice. As the main characteristics of the educational platform, requested by the respondents, such as the ability to transform content according to the needs of the teacher and the student, clustering of content according to didactic tasks and subject content, the use of cognitive visualization, activation of independent activity of students, visualization of learning progress and an intuitive interface, meeting the main focus and the needs of the target audience were identified.Conclusion. The results of the research made it possible to determine the needs of teachers and to concretize the structural, substantive, technological and ergonomic characteristics of the new regional platform for the implementation of additional subject training of schoolchildren of the Krasnoyarsk region, functioning in a digital society. The data obtained are the basis for the development of training courses-transformers with open access to informative units for innovative teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3C) ◽  
pp. 613-618
Oleksandra Tsybanyuk ◽  
Tetiana Zavgorodnia ◽  
Nataliia Hnes ◽  
Tetiana Doronina ◽  
Inna Strazhnikova ◽  

The main purpose of the study is to analyze the role of public associations in the implementation of out-of-school education. The system of out-of-school education is characterized by the purposeful functioning of teaching, upbringing, development and socialization of the individual in his free time, with its special structures, connections and relationships between elements. Out-of-school education is a systemic object both in its content and in its procedural aspects. The semantic components of out-of-school education are culture, society, nature, people. The procedural components of out-of-school education include the family, educational institutions, libraries, clubs, children's, student and organizations, societies, and the media. As a result, the role of public associations in the implementation of out-of-school education was determined.

Оксана Браславська ◽  
Людмила Озерова

The necessity of professional motivation formation as an important component of future teachers' professional training has been substantiated in the article. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the factors that influence future professionals' positive professional motivation formation in the field of education. The results of the work are a description of the basic concepts of the motivation of the future teacher's professional-personal development, outlining their main features and defining the tasks and ways of professional growth of the students of higher education pedagogical institution. The proper motivation of the future teacher is nothing but a skilful internal stimulation of the individual's activity in the process of working on himself, is an encouragement to his own development and improvement. Formation of motivational sphere implies education of future ideals and teachers of professional ideals, value orientations, and pedagogical orientation. The motivational realm of professional development consists of many indicators that are constantly changing and interacting with one another. In the structure of motivation, the resultant and procedural components have been distinguished. The meaning of human activity is but is not limited to, the result. After all, the activity itself also makes sense: the process of activity itself, not its result, drives the subject. Each person has his or her own relatively stable system of motives for activity, depending on his (her outlook, orientation, personality traits, self-consciousness, life and professional experience, intelligence, psychophysiology).

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 136-141
Niraj Ranjeet ◽  
Pratyenta Raj Onta ◽  
Krishna Sapkota ◽  
Pabin Thapa ◽  
Upendra jung Thapa ◽  

Background: Nowadays, Wide Awake Local Anesthesia No Tourniquet (WALANT) technique has gained popularity among surgeons because of its use in variety of surgical procedures because it provides excellent hemostasis, eliminating the need of tourniquet, sedation and the risk and cost of general anesthesia. Aims and Objective: In this study, we wanted to evaluate its efficacy and the experiences of the patients and surgeons in different hand surgeries. Materials and Methods: We had 108 patients who underwent various hand surgeries under WALANT technique. Patients and surgeons were requested to fill a questionnaire after the procedure. The procedure was evaluated in terms of the pain compared to a dental procedure, duration of the anesthesia, amount of bleeding and patients’ satisfaction. Results: The mean age of our patients was 42.7 years. A variety of hand surgery was performed in our study. The mean local anaesthetic volume used was 16.5 ml. The Tang grading system was used to evaluate the levels of surgeon’s experience; 75% of surgeons were a Level 2, 18% Level 3 and 7% Level 4. Sixty-four patients experienced WALANT to be less than, 30 patients equivalent to and 8 had more pain compared to a dental procedure. There was a significant correlation between volume of local anesthetic used, duration of surgery and number of procedural components repaired. Both pain and anxiety levels were significantly less intra-operatively and postoperatively as compared to the level at the time of injection. Eighty-seven patients considered it to be better than expected, and would prefer it in the future in case they have to undergo surgery. Conclusion: We observed that our patients were satisfied with their experience on WALANT technique and the surgical procedures, and we recommend the use of this for a variety of hand surgery procedures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-258

This article is devoted to theoretical research problems of interaction and correlation material-legal and procedural components in the structure of such a phenomenon as the actual upbringing of a child and the legal consequences that it entails. The “semilegal” regime of this type of relationship, associated with the legislative non-obviousness of their subjects, as well as the criteria for the occurrence of legal consequences of such education, introduces significant features to procedural relations. The authors make one of the few scientific attempts to investigate these features. The subject of theoretical analysis involves essential signs of relationships for the actual upbringing of a child and tools judicial knowledge of this category of cases: logic for the purpose of establishing the content reliability of the studied post-facts, reception reconstruction of past events in the relations of the disputing parties; judicial interpretation, judicial discretion, analogy of the law. In conclusion, the idea is put forward that the problem of proper child-rearing should not be covered by the problem of evaluative concepts. This problem is more of a methodological one, and its effective resolution should start not so much from a protective cross-section of the topic of childhood, where there is room for parental delinquency and the destructive notion of “inappropriate child-rearing” with its extreme cases of infringement of children’s rights and interests, but from a positive-regulative aspect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Kerstin Spanhel ◽  
Sumeyye Balci ◽  
Felicitas Feldhahn ◽  
Juergen Bengel ◽  
Harald Baumeister ◽  

AbstractProviding accessible and effective healthcare solutions for people living in low- and middle-income countries, migrants, and indigenous people is central to reduce the global mental health treatment gap. Internet- and mobile-based interventions (IMI) are considered scalable psychological interventions to reduce the burden of mental disorders and are culturally adapted for implementation in these target groups. In October 2020, the databases PsycInfo, MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Web of Science were systematically searched for studies that culturally adapted IMI for mental disorders. Among 9438 screened records, we identified 55 eligible articles. We extracted 17 content, methodological, and procedural components of culturally adapting IMI, aiming to consider specific situations and perspectives of the target populations. Adherence and effectiveness of the adapted IMI seemed similar to the original IMI; yet, no included study conducted a direct comparison. The presented taxonomy of cultural adaptation of IMI for mental disorders provides a basis for future studies investigating the relevance and necessity of their cultural adaptation.PROSPERO registration number: CRD42019142320.

S. Biloshchytska ◽  
A. Biloshchytskyi ◽  
S. Omirbayev ◽  
A. Mukhatayev ◽  
A. Faizullin ◽  

The article formulates the aims of HEI's activities, as well as approaches to managing all actions that ensure the achievement of the stated aims. The process approach is defined as the main one in the university management system. It is shown that the main directions of improving the activities of the university are the transition to the application of the process approach to the management of HEI and its informatization. On this basis, it is necessary to develop new, more modern university management systems that meet the contemporary requirements for the governance of multifunctional facilities and implement them in the form of process systems. We propose a conceptual model of the implementation of the functions to plan the educational process. The effects on planning functions are presented and the interrelation of these functions in the traditional form of planning is described. The tasks are formulated that need to be solved for modeling and optimizing business processes of planning and monitoring the academic workload to create an effective information technology for automating the functions of information processing. We propose a structural model for the implementation of information and procedural components of IT for planning and monitoring the educational environment. The implementation of this model in software provides the calculation of the optimal planned workload of students and teachers, considering the conditions in which the educational process is implemented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-223
A. Azizova ◽  

The relevance of the topic is justified by the many existing interpretations of the cognitive interest of students. The authors note the lack of scientific and methodological research on the problem of the development of the cognitive abilities in the study of computer science and propose to focus on only one aspect of the research. The aim of the study is to develop the content and procedural components of the educational process using the project method to develop the cognitive interest of students in teaching the omputer science. Research objectives: determination of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the project method for the development of students' cognitive interests in teaching and studying computer science; development of a structural and functional model of the project; development of a methodology for organizing project activities of students in teaching computer science. The article presents the results of the experiment, which testify to the successful use of the project method in teaching informatics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-114
О.G. О.G. ◽  

The article is devoted to suchnew direction of research as creating textbooks that provide competency-based approach to teaching Chemistry. A brief description of the results of the analysis of scientific literature on the research topic is presented. Based on them, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop a concept for creating Chemistry textbooks that would allow realizing the competence potential of academic subject. The main pro-visions of the author's concept are stated. According to them, the textbook should equally present its content and procedural components, which can ensure the formation of students’ key and subject competencies. The author’s rubrication of the textbooks is presented: “After mastering the material of the unit, you will be able...”, “Remember! Pay attention!”, “Chemistry is life: a naturalist’s page”, “Briefly about the main thing”, “Erudite page”, “Work in groups”, “We work with media sources”, “We know, we understand”, and “We apply”. The design of the units is briefly described. The embodiment of the conceptual provisions in school Chemistry textbooks for grades 8–11 created by the author is revealed on specific examples.

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