system of parameters
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Md. Shajedul Islam ◽  
M. G. Mostafa

Abstract There are many irrigation water quality indices used to assess water suitability, despite some of their limitations. Hence, it is imperative to develop a water quality index to evaluate the irrigation water more accurately. This study has aimed to emerge an Integrated Irrigation Water Quality Index (IIWQIndex) using the sub-index and aggregated equations. This proposed index model was considered to be improved and updated in four aspects: the verified desirable and permissible value of parameters, maximum hazard class, used a modified rating system of parameters, and diversified parameters were considered. The proposed IIWQIndex model classified irrigation water into five categories, i.e., rejection, poor, moderate, good, and excellent. This model assessed two types of water to justify the model by categorizing the irrigation waters. The calculated results showed that the index values were 75.77 and 36.51, and the water category fell under ‘good’ and ‘rejected’ for the calcite (Ca-HCO3) and sodic (Na-Cl) water, respectively. Besides, this index model satisfactorily evaluated different types of water datasets of eight geographic locations in the world. The study illustrated that the IIWQIndex evaluated values and water categories were rational and exhaustive to predict the suitability of irrigation water.

T.V. Smirnova

The article discusses the methodology of applying the expert-analytical research method for the analysis of the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures at the state and regional levels. The concepts of the subject and object of corrupt practices, the level of corruption as well as the main directions of existing anti-corruption measures are clarified. The purpose of expert-analytical research is revealed as the identification of problematic relationships, the effectiveness of regulation and law enforcement in the provision of state and municipal services to business entities in the regions of Russia. The author believes that the main tasks of an expert-analytical study are the following: comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the provision of state and municipal services to business entities by federal, regional and municipal authorities; measuring the level of corruption and corruption risks in the fulfillment of state (municipal) functions by the authorities and administration and in the provision of state (municipal) services in the field of entrepreneurial activity. It is concluded that, within the framework of an expert-analytical study of the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures, it is advisable to use a complex instrumental indicator of the "effectiveness of legal regulation" (ELR*), which is calculated as the average sum of its constituent local indicators of the effectiveness of normative legal acts regulating the procedure for providing state (municipal) services to business entities, including the completeness and quality of legal regulation, the duration of the period and the optimality of the procedure. The methodology for calculating average indicators and indices of the effectiveness of legal regulation (ELR*) is shown, which makes it possible to determine for each state (municipal) service a system of parameters (coordinates), relative to which, taking into account the signs of the effectiveness of law enforcement and the level of corruption, the priority of choice and the sequence of specialized anti-corruption examination of the relevant services of the authorities are carried out.

Iryna V. Fedulova Fedulova ◽  
Anastasiia Y. Havryliuk ◽  
Karl Ricketts

Creating a risk management culture is an important task for any enterprise in a changing and unpredictable external environment. The purpose of this study is to consider the theoretical foundations of determining the essence of the risk management culture and practical aspects of its creation in the enterprise. The article discusses the methodological provisions of the creation of a risk management culture at the enterprise, according to which a system of parameters for risk management is built: a list of key success factors and risk management indicators in the context of the main risk groups, the activity scope of the company under study, and the areas of influence on risks. Risk management culture is considered a complex concept that determines how much all employees of an enterprise are aware of the values within the risk management system and how much the results of their activities are associated with achieving the lowest risk targets. For that purpose, the company must provide risk identification, risk analysis, risk response, and risk control. The creation of a risk management culture involves combining all these stages into an united company management chain. The methodology for creating a risk management culture was tested at MNS Investment LLC. As a result of the analysis, a risk rating was constructed in terms of the degree of their impact on the main key success indicators. The relationship of identified risks with the main activity fields of the company and the areas of influence on risks is analysed. It was discovered that the greatest risk to the company's activities in terms of impact on the purpose achievement is the risk of violating the reliability and financial status of suppliers. The use of this methodological approach is of practical value since it allows integrating the stages of risk management into the company's activities

Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Pavlo Dudko

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. To build an effective market economy and democratic society, Ukraine needs to create a platform for dialogue between the government, business and civil society. Social responsibility of business is one of the key factors for building such a dialogue. The main problem of modern information support of social responsibility of business is the lack of a mechanism for its formation, which served as the basis for the improvement of methodological foundations for the formation of information support of social responsibility of business.METHODS. The proposed system of parameters and criteria is the basis of a survey (using the method of hierarchy analysis), to assess the state of information support for social responsibility of business in the enterprises of the Kyiv region (Ukraine).FINDINGS. A conceptual approach to the development of social responsibility in business has been formed, the implementation of which is based on the development of a methodological framework in three areas. The first one is implemented in the work by adapting the provisions of international standards of social responsibility. The second direction is represented by the development of the mechanism of formation of information support of social responsibility of business, which provides, on the one hand, monitoring in the implementation of quality assessment of information support of social responsibility of business, and, on the other hand, optimization of the process of formation of information on social responsibility of the enterprise for stakeholders. The third direction of the conceptual approach is implemented in the work through the formation of the relationship between financial and social reporting indicators, which promotes consistent disclosure of non-financial and financial information in social reporting for stakeholders, which in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is of particular importance.CONCLUSION. The formation of information support for social responsibility of business should be seen as a combination of three pillars: theoretical, structural and process. The implementation of the mechanism is aimed at unifying the structure and content of social reporting and meeting the information needs of stakeholders, the implementation of international standards of social responsibility of business, based on the results of evaluation of their provisions and the development of terminology of the fundamental categories of the "open society". Implementation of the methodological approach will allow to form the enterprise's development priorities in terms of social responsibility of business, minimise conflicts of stakeholders and ensure the formation of interrelation between financial and social reporting indicators.

Zh. B. Rakhmetulina ◽  
A. S. Kulmaganbetova

The purpose of the article is to consider the organization of the information system of the innovative potential of enterprises. The management of innovative potential of the country is a research, development, and use of the innovative potential of each enterprise, which aims to maximize the synergistic effect of their development, meeting the objectives of the state's innovation policy. In the article, the authors have developed an information system for monitoring the level of innovation potential of the country as a system of parameters of a web service necessary for data processing, implementing the methodology for calculating the main indicators of the level of innovation potential at the macro and micro levels in the online mode. In this paper, the authors give practical recommendations for the functioning of this information system for monitoring innovation potential at the country level. The advantage of the information system is the possibility of using the method developed by the authors of the integrated assessment of the level of innovative potential of the enterprise and updating the data obtained. The mechanism of information support for monitoring the innovative potential of enterprises is formed on the basis of the data of the Passport of Innovative Development. The structure of the Passport and its content are designed to form an information base for monitoring the innovation potential in the strategic planning system of the enterprise.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-47
K.H. Isayev ◽  
B.Kh. Bekirova ◽  
E.Sh. Garagozov ◽  
S.A. Ilyasov ◽  

Nowadays, it is necessary to consider non-financial aspects in the models of efficiency evaluation towards the estimation of business success in all respects. With this purpose, the paper presents multi-criteria models for the elimination of shortcomings and drawbacks of traditional efficiency estimation systems. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to create balanced system of parameters considering importance of multi-dimensional models for efficiency evaluation. The criterion specified by OGPD for Balanced Scorecard almost reach the values forecasted from the aspects of financies, consumers and staff training and development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Yuliia Rohozian ◽  
Daria Zablodska ◽  
Pavlo Liashenko

Introduction. The issues of increasing the local territories competitiveness in recent years have gained great importance, given the dynamics of trends in the economic ties localization. For Ukrainian territorial communities, especially suffering from the consequences of hostilities in the east of the country, an important task is to form their positive and attractive image by using such a marketing tool as the territory positioning. This process bases on the identification of unique economic, social and environmental characteristics that can create the foundation for the formation of a positive and attractive community image in order to increase its competitiveness. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodical dominants evaluation for the positioning results of territorial communities in the eastern Ukraine to form their positive image and increase competitiveness. This aim reveals through the prism of tasks, which are to substantiate the architectonic foundations for positioning territorial communities, defining archetypal components for assessing the results of positioning territories and conducting their rating assessment. Results. The analysis of foreign and domestic scientific and theoretical heritage demonstrates an insufficient level of research into the issues of theoretical and methodical support for assessing the results of the territorial communities positioning. It made possible to substantiate their architectonic theoretical and methodical dominants with the allocation of a basic and auxiliary level to obtain a positive effect. The article proposes the archetype of community positioning parameters, which display in 17 indicators in terms of sustainable development. This system of parameters formed the basis for the rating assessment of positioning results by defining quantified and reference indicators reflecting the current economic, social and environmental positions of the local territory. Conclusions. The results of the rating assessment using the example of the Bilovodsk community confirmed the imbalance of its positioning between economic, social and environmental positions, with the latter being given priority. It proposes to solve this problem by adjusting the economic and social parameters of the community's positioning, changing the emphasis on those indicators of socio-economic development, that better characterize its unique features, which will help attract potential consumers and increase the level of its competitiveness.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 624
Jarosław Stryczek ◽  
Piotr Stryczek

Gerotor technology is an important research area in the field of hydraulics which attracts the attention of both academic scientists and industry. Despite the numerous publications announced by academics, as well as a considerable number of projects made by industry, the subject has not been exhausted. This paper presents a new approach to gerotor technology which has been formed by gathering the authors’ knowledge of gerotors in a synthetic form. The following scientific and technical results have been obtained: (1) A uniform system of parameters and basic concepts regarding toothing and cycloidal gearing (z, m, λ, v, g) which is consistently used to describe the geometry, kinematics, hydraulics and manufacture of those elements; (2) description of the geometry and kinematics of the epicycloidal and hypocycloidal gears with the use of the adopted system of parameters. Additionally, the epicycloidal/hypocycloidal double gearing is presented, which is an original idea of the authors; (3) description of the hydraulics of the gerotor and orbital machines, and in particular: (i) determination of equations for delivery (capacity) q and irregularity of delivery (capacity) δ using the above-mentioned system of basic parameters; (ii) formulation of the principles of designing internal channels and clearances in the gerotor machines and presentation of the original disc distributor in the epicycloidal/hypocycloidal orbital motor; (iii) presentation of the methods of manufacturing the epicycloidal and hypocycloidal gearings with 12 examples of the systems implemented in practice; (4) presentation of the research methods applied for the examination of the gerotor machines, combining computer simulation and experimental research into a coherent and cohesive whole which results in the effect of research synergy. Such a synthesis of knowledge may serve the improvement, creation and investigation of gerotor and orbital machines carried out by academics and industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Magó László ◽  
Kosta Gligorević ◽  
Milan Dražić ◽  
Mićo Oljača

ISO organization ( in early 90s defined an industry standard for the communication protocol among electronic devices of different manufacturers of agricultural machines. After that, all of the market actors recognised that this technology would be very important for agricultural electronics. The appearance of ISOBUS products in the market was in the mid-2000s. ISOBUS description could be found in ISO-11783 ( Through the standards and the related technical background, the production processes and the operations could be followed and monitored by the extensive Data Management. Farmers' and users legitimate needs and developing goal is to elaborate a decision support systems that follow-up the utilisation of the machines and ensure the quality of operations. For this purpose, it is essential to determine which technical, economical, technological parameters detection, measurement, transmission, processing, and evaluation becomes necessary. In our work, we reviewed which mechanical characteristic, settings are monitored within the ISOBUS system by the major machine manufacturers. We developed the system of parameters and derived features that provide effective farm-, and land-management in case of attached equipment for spreading of input materials, plant protection and tillage implements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-81
Andrey A. Kovalev ◽  
Dmitriy A. Kovalev ◽  
Vladimir Panchenko ◽  
Valeriy Kharchenko

The use of methods for the biological conversion of organic waste with the production of biogas while solving environmental issues from pollution is an urgent task. The aim of this work is the development of intellectualized control system of parameters of anaerobic bioconversion of organic waste liquid, including parameters of heating supply system of a biogas plant with optimization of the combustion process of biogas, while using the method of optimization of the anaerobic bioconversion of organic waste due to the multiple supply substrate to the bioreactor, ensuring the efficiency and stability of anaerobic bioconversion of organic matter. The developed system allows optimizing the process of biogas combustion with obtaining the heat carrier in the required quantity and quality while minimizing emissions of biogas combustion. Maintaining the optimal rate of supply of the daily dose of the substrate in the bioreactor allows to increase the resistance to organic matter overload; to increase resistance to ammonium nitrogen overloads; to reduce pH fluctuations in the bioreactor.

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