pattern scale
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2021 ◽  
Tubanur Çetinarslan ◽  
Ece Gökyayla ◽  
Aylin Türel Ermertcan

Dermatoscopy is a useful, non-invasive method in the diagnosis of various dermatological diseases. Dermatoscopy of non-pigmented skin lesions shows additional morphologic features, such as cutaneous vascular pattern, scale color and scale distribution pattern, and background color. Dermatoscopy can be useful tool in differential diagnosis in palmoplantar dermatoses. The most specific dermatoscopic features of hand eczema include yellowish-orange globules, yellowish scales and yellowish crusts. Light red background color, regular vascular distribution pattern, dotted vessels and white scale color have been reported in previous studies as dermatoscopic features of palmoplantar psoriasis. Dotted vessels can be seen in various dermatoses, such as psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, porokeratosis and keratodermas. The distribution pattern and color of the scales are also important in the differential diagnosis of palmoplantar dermatoses. Previous studies have shown that scales are mainly localized in skin furrows in patients with tinea manum. Patchy distributed, homogeneous, structureless, orange areas were reported in palmar keratoderma due to pityriasis rubra pilaris. Amber scales, white-to-pinkish background; sparse whitish scales were reported in palmar keratoderma due to mycosis fungoides. Dermatoscopical findings of palmoplantar area can help in the differential diagnosis of various dermatoses.

2021 ◽  
Yuval R. Zelnik ◽  
Matthieu Barbier ◽  
David W. Shanafelt ◽  
Michel Loreau ◽  
Rachel M. Germain

Ecology is a science of scale, which guides our description of both ecological processes and patterns, but we lack a systematic understanding of how process scale and pattern scale are connected. Recent calls for a synthesis between population ecology, community ecology, and ecosystem ecology motivate the integration of phenomena at multiple levels of organization. Furthermore, many studies leave out the scaling of a critical process: species interactions, which may be non-local through mobility or vectors (resources or species) and must be distinguished from dispersal scales. Here, we use simulations to explore the consequences of different process scales (i.e. species interactions, dispersal, and the environment) on emergent patterns of biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and their relationship, in a spatially-explicit landscape. A major result of our study is that the spatial scales of dispersal and species interactions have opposite effects: a larger dispersal scale homogenizes spatial biomass patterns, while a larger interaction scale amplifies their heterogeneity. We find that an interesting interplay between process scales occurs when the spatial distribution of species is heterogeneous at large scales, i.e., when the environment is not too uniform and dispersal not very strong. Interestingly, the specific scale at which scales of dispersal and interactions begin to influence landscape patterns depends on the environmental heterogeneity of the landscape -- in other words, the scale of one process allows important scales to emerge in other processes. Finally, contrary to our expectations, we observe that the spatial scale of ecological processes is more clearly reflected in landscape patterns (i.e. distribution of local outcomes) than in global patterns such as Species-Area Relationships or large-scale biodiversity-functioning relationships.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ridhoyanti Hidayah ◽  
Aan Trisnayanti ◽  
Septi Dewi Rachmawati

Profesi Ners yang merupakan tahap lanjutan dari pendidikan sarjana keperawatan merupakan salah satu stresor terbesar yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi respon stres adalah tipe kepribadian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe kepribadian, tingkat stres dan menganalisis hubungan antara tipe kepribadian dengan tingkat stres mahasiswa profesi ners di Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelasional, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 36 responden. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan behavior pattern scale dan student nurse stress index yang telah dimodifikasi oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan Chi-Square. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa profesi ners memiliki tipe kepribadian B (63,9%) dan mengalami stres sedang (61,1%), dengan nilai p sebesar 0,036. Kesimpulannya adalah terdapat hubungan antara tipe kepribadian dengan tingkat stres pada mahasiswa profesi ners di Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami tipe kepribadian dan manajemen stres untuk mencegah terjadinya stres berlebihan selama menjalani praktik profesi.

2021 ◽  
Lucy E Smith

<p>This research considers the educational role of art in finding pathways towards accessing mathematics and science, particularly those abstract concepts usually only accessible to people with an advanced algebraic vocabulary.</p><p>In the light of the narrowing of the school curriculum in recent decades, and particularly the reduction in timetabling of art and music in English schools, this research actively explores the use of topic overlap between sciences and art to investigate how abstract concepts can be made tangible through visual and aural stimulation.</p><p>Kinetic sculpture is employed that visibly and audibly demonstrates particular phenomena, e.g. wavelike behaviour, harmonic ratios or resonance. The sculpture encompasses two or more tangible aspects such as shape, pattern, scale, sound, resonant frequencies, motion, recorded film that illuminates differences in different latitudes, and reversed or translated perspectives.</p><p>Feedback is sought through exhibitions of the sculpture. Through observation, survey and interview, key metrics are captured and analysed. These include the degree to which interest has been captured, curiosity aroused, and particularly comprehension aided by the art designed to maximise observation, questioning, critical thinking and learning.</p><p>The longer term goal of the research is to initiate a conversation in the wider public domain as to the value of art in accessing abstract concepts. It will bring to the broadest forum the value of art in its uniqueness, breadth of language, immediacy and power of communication by visibly and audibly shedding light on physical phenomena and enabling people the potential for greater success and enjoyment in learning.</p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10401-1-10401-20
Jing Wang ◽  
Jana Zujovic ◽  
June Choi ◽  
Basabdutta Chakraborty ◽  
Rene van Egmond ◽  

Abstract The authors explore the influence of the structure of a texture image on the perception of its color composition through a series of psychophysical studies. They estimate the color composition of a texture by extracting its dominant colors and the associated percentages. They then synthesize new textures with the same color composition but different geometric structural patterns. They conduct empirical studies in the form of two-alternative forced choice tests to determine the influence of two structural factors, pattern scale and shape, on the perceived amount of target color. The results of their studies indicate that (a) participants are able to consistently assess differences in color composition for textures of similar shape and scale, and (b) the perception of color composition is nonveridical. Pattern scale and shape have a strong influence on perceived color composition: the larger the scale, the higher the perceived amount of the target color, and the more elongated the shape, the lower the perceived amount of the target color. The authors also present a simple model that is consistent with the results of their empirical studies by accounting for the reduced visibility of the pixels near the color boundaries. In addition to a better understanding of human perception of color composition, their findings will contribute to the development of color texture similarity metrics.

Shefali ◽  
Vijita Singh Aggarwal

This article revolves around the validation of family communication pattern scale along with its subsequent influence on child influence in family purchase decisions. The perceptions of parents of 6-12 years old children in Delhi NCR were taken into consideration to carry out research. Both primary and secondary studies were conducted to complete the research process. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to validate family communication patterns scale and multiple linear regression was used to find the influence of family communication patterns on children influence in purchase decisions across product categories. The findings resulted in four factors of family communication patterns with an excellent fit. Also, there was a significant influence of family communication patterns on children influence on child goods and services and not on family-related goods.

2019 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Xin Ren ◽  
Fang Cheng Liu ◽  
Xiang Yu Zhang ◽  
Yi Min Xie

Purpose This paper aims to study the tensile performance, deformation characteristics, auxeticity and stability of different auxetic tubular structures generated by cutting method and pattern scale factor (PSF) method using validated finite element analysis. Design/methodology/approach Two types of auxetic tubular structures were designed by a coordinate transformation method and the PSF adjustment method, respectively. ABAQUS/explicit solver was used for the large deformation analysis and the displacement of key nodes was extracted to calculate Poisson’s ratio value and evaluate the deformation of tubular structures. Findings The random cut method was not suitable for designing auxetic tubular structures. Vertical and horizontal cut approach was suitable, but the change of the tubular diameter was lower than the tubular structures generated by the PSF adjustment method. Research limitations/implications Simple ways to generate auxetic tubular structure, which can be made into intelligent and foldable equipment, such as annuloplasty rings, angioplasty stents and oesophageal stents. By combined with shape memory polymer, various smart tubular materials and structures with various functions can be designed, especially in medical scaffold and other medical equipment fields. Originality/value The auxetic characteristic of tubular structure designed by using random cut method has been investigated for the first time. The outcome of this study would be very useful design tubular structures with better mechanical properties.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Adrian Widisono ◽  
Yusfan Adeputera Yusran ◽  
Antariksa Antariksa

Zaman Kerajaan Majapahit merupakan cikal bakal munculnya Gapura. Pada zaman tersebut gapura memiliki fungsi sebagai pintu masuk menuju kerajaan. Pergeseran masa menunjukkan pergeseran fungsi terhadap gapura yang saat ini menjadi penanda menuju masuknya suatu kota termasuk Kota Malang. Gapura perbatasan pintu masuk di Kota Malang teridentifikasi memiliki karakter yang mirip dengan salah satu candi peninggalan Majapahit yaitu Gapura Wringin Lawang yang terletak di Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memvisualisasikan kesesuaian karakter visual gapura perbatasan di Kota Malang dengan Gapura Wringin Lawang. Penyandingan empat gapura perbatasan dengan Gapura Wringin Lawang dianalisis dengan mengidentifikasi elemen desain, prinsip desain, dan ciri fisik gapura. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kesesuaian secara visual pada gapura pintu masuk di Kota Malang dengan Gapura Wringin Lawang. Kesesuaian elemen desain meliputi: garis, bentuk, massa, ruang, dan tekstur. Pada prinsip desain persamaan terdapat pada keseimbangan, kontras dan penekanan, bentuk, koneksi, makna, simbol, dan citra, pola, skala dan proporsi, ritme dan variasi. Pada bagian ciri fisik terdapat pula kesamaan yaitu bagian kepala, badan, dan kaki gapura.Kata-Kata Kunci: karakteristik, visual, gapura, penanda, batas kota VISUAL CHARACTERISTIC OF GAPURA WRINGIN LAWANG ON THE GATES OF MALANG CITY’S BOUNDARY AbstractThe era of the Majapahit Kingdom was the forerunner to the appearance of the Gapura (gate). At that time, the Gapura was built as the entrance to the kingdom. Over time, the function has shifted as a signifier of a city boundary, as found in Malang City. The boundary gate of Malang City identified has a character similar to the Majapahit heritage temples, namely the Wringin Lawang Gate located in Mojokerto, East Java. This study aims to visualize the suitability of the visual characteristics of the border gate in the northern, eastern, western and southern of Malang City with the Wringin Lawang Gate. The comparison of the four gates with Wringin Lawang Gate was analyzed by identifying its elements, principles, and physical characteristics. The results of this study indicate the visual suitability. The suitability of elements found in lines, shapes, mass, space, and textures. On the principle of design, equality identified in balance, contrast and emphasis, form, connection, meaning, symbol, and image, pattern, scale and proportion, rhythm and variation. While in the physical characteristics, there are also similarities in the part of the head, body, and leg of the gate.Keywords: characteristics, visual, gate, signifier, city’s boundary REFERENCESAlston, W. (1964). Psychoanalytic Theory and Theistic Belief’ in J. Hick (ed.) Faith and the Philosophers. New York: St. Martin’s Press.Adenan, K., Budi, B. S., & Wibowo, A. S. (2012). Karakter Visual Arsitektur Karya A.F. Aalbers di Bandung ( 1930-1946 )-Studi Kasus : Kompleks Villa’s dan Woonhuizen. Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia, 1(1).Berry, W. (1980). Building Next to History. State: Historical society of Colorado: Good Neighbors.Dietrich, K. (2006). Raic Syllabus Thesis Submission A Design for Architectural Education. Canada: Raic Syllabus Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.Mohan, G. M. S. (2006). Principles of Architecture. india: Oxford University Press.Prasodjo, T., & Degroot, V. (2013). Magical Prambanan. PT (Persero) Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko.Rahadian, P. (2018). Eksistensi Candi Sebagai Karya Agung Arsitektur Indonesia di Asia tenggara. (R. Emmy, Ed.). D.I Yogyakarta: PT. Kaniskus.Rapoport, A. (1978). House Form and Culture. Milwaukee: University of Winconsin.Sosial, K., Kholisya, U., Maya, S., & Purnengsih, I. (2017). Karakteristik Gapura Di Kecamatan Kebakkramat Kabupaten Karanganyar Jawa Tengah (Kajian Sosial Budaya dan Ekonomi). Jurnal Desain, 04 No.02,(1957).Suwarna. (1987). Tinjauan Selintas berbagai Jenis gapura Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (0.2 Volume). D.I Yogyakarta: Cakrawala Pendidikan.Yudoseputro, W. (2008). Jejak-Jejak Tradisi Bahasa Rupa Indonesia Lama. Seni Visual Indonesia, 192.

2018 ◽  
Joshua R. Oltmanns ◽  
Thomas A. Widiger

Proposed for the ICD-11 is a dimensional model of personality disorder that, if approved, would be a paradigm shift in the conceptualization of personality disorder. The proposal consists of a general severity rating, five maladaptive personality trait domains, and a borderline pattern qualifier. The general severity rating can be assessed by the Standardized Assessment of Severity of Personality Disorder (SASPD), the trait domains by the Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (PiCD) , and the borderline pattern by the Borderline Pattern Scale (BPS), which is developed in the present study. To date, no study has examined the relations among all three components, due in part to the absence of direct measures for each component (until recently). The current study develops and provides initial validation evidence for the BPS, and examines the relations among the BPS, SASPD, and PiCD. Also considered is their relationship with the five-factor model of general personality as well as with two other measures of personality disorder severity (including the DSM-5 Level of Personality Functioning Scale [LPFS]). Further, an alternative trait-based coding of the DSM-5 LPFS is examined (modeled after the ICD-11 SASPD), suggesting that its coverage of diverse maladaptivity may not be because it assesses the core of personality disorder, but rather because it has items specific to the different domains of personality.

2018 ◽  
pp. 231-252 ◽  
Rob J. de Boer ◽  
Jan D. van der Laan ◽  
Pauline Hogeweg

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