bone mineralisation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Lucy N. W. Mungai ◽  
Zanuba Mohammed ◽  
Michuki Maina ◽  
Omar Anjumanara

Vitamin D is an important hormone that is known for the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults leading to poor bone mineralisation and can also lead to serious dental complications in the same population. Recent studies have shown vitamin D to work as a hormone needed not only in bone and teeth but also in other body organs from intrauterine life up to old age. It has been demonstrated that Vitamin D has various effects on biological processes that deal with cell growth, differentiation, cell death, immune regulation, DNA stability, and neuronal growth. Despite being readily formed in the body through the intervention of the sun, patients are still found to have low vitamin D levels. We review studies done to show how vitamin D works.

Liubov S. Kalinichenko ◽  
Christiane Mühle ◽  
Tianye Jia ◽  
Felix Anderheiden ◽  
Maria Datz ◽  

AbstractMental disorders are highly comorbid and occur together with physical diseases, which are often considered to arise from separate pathogenic pathways. We observed in alcohol-dependent patients increased serum activity of neutral sphingomyelinase. A genetic association analysis in 456,693 volunteers found associations of haplotypes of SMPD3 coding for NSM-2 (NSM) with alcohol consumption, but also with affective state, and bone mineralisation. Functional analysis in mice showed that NSM controls alcohol consumption, affective behaviour, and their interaction by regulating hippocampal volume, cortical connectivity, and monoaminergic responses. Furthermore, NSM controlled bone–brain communication by enhancing osteocalcin signalling, which can independently supress alcohol consumption and reduce depressive behaviour. Altogether, we identified a single gene source for multiple pathways originating in the brain and bone, which interlink disorders of a mental–physical co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse—depression/anxiety—bone disorder. Targeting NSM and osteocalcin signalling may, thus, provide a new systems approach in the treatment of a mental–physical co-morbidity trias.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1787
Núria Tous ◽  
Joan Tarradas ◽  
Maria Francesch ◽  
Maria Font-i-Furnols ◽  
Peter Ader ◽  

Phosphorus (P) is an essential mineral for growing piglets, which is poorly accessible in vegetable feedstuffs as it is stored as phytates. Thus, phytase supplementation is essential to increase P availability. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate a novel 6-phytase (EC in weaned pigs fed low-P diets. In each experiment, one hundred and twenty piglets were fed a positive control (PC; adequate in Ca and P), a negative control (NC; limiting in Ca and P), or NC supplemented with 125, 250, or 500 FTU/kg of phytase (NC125, NC250, and NC500, respectively). P content was lower in diets of Experiment 1 than diets of Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, piglets offered PC or phytase diets had higher growth and efficiency compared with NC diets. In Experiment 2, similar effects were obtained, but the effects were less significant. In both experiments, P and Ca ATTD and bone density were significantly increased with phytase supplementation. Moreover, PC and NC500 had higher P concentrations and lower alkaline phosphatase activity in plasma than NC. To conclude, supplementation with the new 6-phytase at doses up to 500 FTU/kg enhanced P utilization, growth performance, and bone density in piglets fed P-limiting diets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Eiko Sakai ◽  
Mari Sato ◽  
Nassirhadjy Memtily ◽  
Takayuki Tsukuba ◽  
Chikara Sato

AbstractChondrogenesis and angiogenesis drive endochondral ossification. Using the atmospheric scanning electron microscopy (ASEM) without decalcification and dehydration, we directly imaged angiogenesis-driven ossification at different developmental stages shortly after aldehyde fixation, using aqueous radical scavenger glucose solution to preserve water-rich structures. An embryonic day 15.5 mouse femur was fixed and stained with phosphotungstic acid (PTA), and blood vessel penetration into the hypertrophic chondrocyte zone was visualised. We observed a novel envelope between the perichondrium and proliferating chondrocytes, which was lined with spindle-shaped cells that could be borderline chondrocytes. At postnatal day (P)1, trabecular and cortical bone mineralisation was imaged without staining. Additional PTA staining visualised surrounding soft tissues; filamentous connections between osteoblast-like cells and osteocytes in cortical bone were interpreted as the osteocytic lacunar-canalicular system. By P10, resorption pits had formed on the tibial trabecular bone surface. The applicability of ASEM for pathological analysis was addressed using knockout mice of Keap1, an oxidative-stress sensor. In Keap1−/− femurs, we observed impaired calcification and angiogenesis of epiphyseal cartilage, suggesting impaired bone development. Overall, the quick ASEM method we developed revealed mineralisation and new structures in wet bone tissue at EM resolution and can be used to study mineralisation-associated phenomena of any hydrated tissue.

Kenny McCormick ◽  
Caroline King ◽  
Sara Clarke ◽  
Chris Jarvis ◽  
Mark Johnson ◽  

Infants born prematurely are often discharged from hospital before 37 weeks post-menstrual age. While breastfeeding will meet all the nutritional requirements of full-term infants, these preterm infants may need enhanced levels of protein, minerals and possibly energy to ensure optimum growth, bone mineralisation and neurological development. To meet these additional nutrient needs in the neonatal unit, it is currently recommended that multinutrient breast milk fortifier is added to maternal breast milk. There may also be benefits in continuing to provide fortified milk after discharge, potentially including improved growth and preserving breastfeeding, and this is increasingly becoming a recognised practice in some neonatal units. This article presents the discussion and consensus of a multidisciplinary panel of neonatologists, neonatal dietitians, a GP and a neonatal outreach sister. The aim is to develop guidance on providing safe and effective nutritional supplementation for preterm infants after discharge in order to maintain optimal growth. This guidance is aimed at community healthcare staff and is based on the limited evidence available, using shared best practice and expertise.

Bone ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 143 ◽  
pp. 115767
Kate R. Barratt ◽  
Rebecca K. Sawyer ◽  
Gerald J. Atkins ◽  
Rene St-Arnaud ◽  
Paul H. Anderson

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-33
Signe Monrad Nørgaard ◽  
Christine Dalgård ◽  
Malene Søborg Heidemann ◽  
Anders Jørgen Schou ◽  
Henrik Thybo Christesen

Abstract Vitamin D supplementation in infancy is recommended to prevent rickets. At the population level, its effects on bone mineralisation are largely unknown. We aimed to explore whether adherence to national vitamin D supplementation guidelines (10 µg/day up to age 2 years), supplementation at ages 5 and 7 years, and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (s-25(OH)D) at various time points associated with bone mineral density (BMD) at age 7 years in the Odense Child Cohort, Denmark (n=1,194). High adherence was defined as supplementation with 10 µg vitamin D 6-7 times per week during ≥ 80 % of the observation time. S-25(OH)D was analysed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Total-body-less-head (TBLH) BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. At median age 18.1 months, 53.9 % (n=475/881) reported high adherence. The median s-25(OH)D was 64.7, 78.8, 46.0, and 71.8 nmol/l in early pregnancy, late pregnancy, cord blood, and at 5 years, respectively. The mean (SD) TBLH BMD at median age 7.1 years was 0.613 (0.049) g/cm2 (z-score +0.363 (0.824)). In adjusted analyses, vitamin D supplementation up to 18 months, and at 5 and 7 years, was not associated with TBLH BMD. Similarly, no robust associations were found between TBLH BMD and s-25(OH)D at any time point. No associations were found for TBLH bone mineral concentration or bone area. In this population with relatively high s-25(OH)D concentrations, no consistent associations were found between adherence to vitamin D supplementation recommendations or vitamin D status in pregnancy or childhood, and bone mineralisation at age 7 years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 568
Mingyan Jing ◽  
Shusheng Zhao ◽  
Anna Rogiewicz ◽  
Bogdan A. Slominski ◽  
James D. House

Context Reducing the environmental impact of animal production is becoming a really hot topic, especially with raised concerns over excessive flows of nitrogen and phosphorus (P) to the environment. Aims The present study was conducted to determine the effects of phytase supplementation on growth, plasma biochemistry, bone mineralisation and P utilisation of pre-lay pullets fed varying levels of non-phytate P. Methods A total of 240 Lohmann pullet chicks were randomly allocated to one of six dietary treatments with eight replicate cages (5 birds per cage) per treatment. Six treatments included three phytase-free diets and three diets supplemented with 1000 U/kg phytase; the non-phytate P levels were 2.75–2.50–2.25, 3.75–3.50–3.25 and 4.75–4.50–4.25 g/kg in the former, and 1.75–1.50–1.25, 2.75–2.50–2.25 and 3.75–3.50–3.25 g/kg in the latter, for the age of 0–4, 4–8 and 8–16 weeks respectively. Key results No significant differences were found for growth performance, plasma biochemistry (calcium, P, alkaline phosphatase and albumin) and bone mineralisation among dietary treatments, but P retention (%) was different (P < 0.001). Analysis of planned contrasts showed that phytase supplementation increased phytate P retention (P < 0.001), and improving the utilisation of phytate P tended most efficiently under low P conditions. Total P retention rate was reduced slightly by phytase supplementation (P < 0.05). Conclusions The results indicated that dietary non-phytate P level could possibly be reduced to 1.75, 1.50 and 1.25 g/kg for 0–4, 4–8 and 8–16 weeks of age respectively after phytase supplementation, without compromising pullet growth and performance during the pre-laying period. Implications The results of this study will contribute to decreasing P excretion by poultry and reducing the potential environmental impact with land application of manure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 286-294
Elisabetta Barresi ◽  
Chiara Giacomelli ◽  
Laura Marchetti ◽  
Emma Baglini ◽  
Silvia Salerno ◽  

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