household waste management
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MEST Journal ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-59
Evgeny Safonov ◽  
Sergey Kirsanov ◽  
Galina Palamarenko

The problem of removing and neutralizing household waste is becoming more acute every year and occupies the main place for any city. This is explained by the fact that waste negatively affects the environment and the person who is the producer of this waste and causes great harm to the economy. On the other hand, the waste itself is the richest source of secondary resources, it is also a free energy carrier since household waste is a renewable energy raw material for fuel energy. The state of the environment on the territory of Russia is determined by a high technical load, as well as a long-term and sustained negative impact, including due to the formation and accumulation of production and consumption waste. Of all the garbage produced in Russia, the largest share falls on solid household waste - more than 25%. Only 3-5% of them are sent for recycling, and the rest - in a landfill. The situation in the field of waste management in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and the presence of many unauthorized dumps causes serious public concern. The article formulates recommendations to improve the efficiency of organization and management of municipal waste management, addressed to the heads of state and municipal authorities and management.

Facilities ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Andrew Ebekozien ◽  
Clinton Aigbavboa ◽  
Angeline Ngozika Chibuike Nwaole ◽  
Ibeabuchi Lawrence Aginah ◽  
Marvelous Aigbedion

Purpose In less than a decade to sustainable development goals (SDGs) there is a threat of household waste emanating from sub-urban sprawl especially in developing countries. Private approaches with government-enabling environments have been proved a successful platform for urban services such as housing provision and telecommunication in developing cities. Still private solid waste management (PSWM) seems different in Nigeria. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the possible perceived hindrances facing PSWM organisations and proffer feasible policies to enhance sustainable clean and healthy cities. Design/methodology/approach Seven communities within Benin City sub-urban environs were adopted as the study area to accomplish the research’s objectives via a phenomenology type of qualitative research design. The study analysed the collated data from the knowledgeable participants via a thematic approach. Findings Lax legislative, absence of institutional framework, inadequate economic motivation, inadequate technical operations, among others, emerged as the encumbrances faced by PSWM firms. Wastes dumped along unethical locations such as streets, roads, uncompleted buildings, culverts and drainage channels, and undeveloped plots emerged as the encumbrance outcomes. Findings show that proffering feasible policy solutions to tackle identified hindrances can promote the achievement of SDGs across semi-urban locations in Nigeria. Research limitations/implications This research is restricted to urban household waste management by PSWM within Nigeria. Also, the study identified the challenges and proffer policy solutions to enhance improved clean environment within the sub-urban and urban cities. Practical implications As part of this study’s implications, results from this research intend to guide government policymakers and PSWM firms to encourage collaboration in designing appropriate strategic and educational programmes for the householders (customers) in sub-cities. It will be achieved via feasible policies that are tailored towards achieving sustainable health and environment-friendly sub-urban locations. Originality/value This paper intends to enhance proper PSWM and create sustainable cities via collaboration. Also, the paper engaged key stakeholders via a qualitative research design to proffer possible solutions to the menace of sub-urban and urban household waste management.

2022 ◽  
pp. 197-213
Malini Mittal Bishnoi ◽  
Archana Verma ◽  
Anamika Kushwaha ◽  
Shivani Goswami

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (39) ◽  
pp. 77
Oumar Bah ◽  
Boubacar Sanogo ◽  
Mohamed Traore

Cet article est une étude expérimentale pour de connaitre la caractérisation et la quantification des déchets solides ménagers du quartier de Faladié dans la commune VI du District de Bamako. A Faladié, comme dans la plupart des communes de Bamako avec comme problématiques environnementales majeures, une insalubrité alarmante, qui accentue en partie les maladies comme : le paludisme, la fièvre typhoïde, le choléra, les infections respiratoires, les anémies, .... C’est dans ce contexte que la présente étude, voulant résorber l’épineuse problématique qu’est la gestion des ordures ménagères, a été coordonnée pour connaitre « la caractérisation des déchets ménagers au niveau des dépôts intermédiaires et finaux d’une part ; et de contribuer à la mise en place d’un système de tri adapté à Faladié d’autre part ». L’approche méthodologique d’échantillonnage utilisée pour déterminer la taille d’échantillon de déchets à trier est définie par la production journalière d’ordures ménagères d’un échantillon de la population totale par catégorie en satisfaisant à un niveau de confiance de 95 %. Ainsi, le tri manuel a porté sur le contenu de deux (2) bennes de 7m³, un total de 14m³ d’ordures ménagères, soit 7382,7 kg. Dans ces conditions, l’étude a permis de dégager la caractérisation des ordures ménagères et de différencier les types de déchets valorisables de Faladié. En outre, nous avons déterminé qu’il est généré chaque jour 0,27 kg par habitant (soit 0,27 kg/habitant/jour). A la suite de l’étude, des propositions stratégiques ont été formulées à la Mairie de la Commune VI dans le sens de mettre en place un comité de gestion intégrée des déchets. This article is an experimental study for the characterization and quantification of solid household waste in the Faladie neighborhood in the commune VI of the District of Bamako. In Faladie, as in most of the communes of Bamako with major environmental problems, an alarming insalubrity, which accentuates in part diseases such as: malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, respiratory infections, anaemia, It is in this context that the present study, aiming to solve the thorny problem of household waste management, was coordinated to find out « the characterization of household waste at the level of intermediate and final depots on the one hand; and to contribute to the setting up of an adapted sorting system in Faladie on the other hand». The methodological sampling approach used to determine the sample size of waste to be sorted is defined by the daily production of household waste of a sample of the total population by category at a 95% confidence level. Thus, the manual sorting involved the contents of two (2) 7m³ skips, a total of 14m³ of household waste, or 7382.7 kilograms. Under these conditions, the study allowed us to characterize the household waste and to differentiate between the types of recoverable waste in Faladie. In addition, we also determined that 0.27 kilogram per inhabitant is generated every day (i.e. 0.27 kilogram/inhabitant/day). Following the study, strategic proposals were formulated to the Commune VI Town Hall to set up an integrated waste management committee.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Nazatul Nazira Binti Azahar ◽  
Mohamed Zuhaili Bin Mohamed Najib ◽  
Hazlami Fikri Bin Basri ◽  
Muhammad Noor Hazwan Jusoh ◽  
Tuan Noor Hasanah Binti Tuan Ismail

Waste management issue has been a major threat and challenge due to the undergoing rapid industrialization and urbanization not only to Malaysia, but also other countries around the world. To tackle that, the first step starts at household level where people are encouraged to try to manage their wastes properly. The aim of this study was to review the current practises of household waste management, to assess household awareness of the health and safety risked posed by inadequate handling of special household waste and to identify future prospect and potential for effective waste management system in Kampung Parit Haji Siraj, Ayer Hitam, Johor. A survey questionnaire was used to collect complete information on the objectives stated and the data were analysed using SPSS software. Results showed that 97.2% of residents were aware about waste management and social media with 80% contributed the most in delivering information about waste management to the public. The most type of solid waste generated from household were food waste and plastic with 94.4% and 86.1%, respectively. 66.7% of residents emptied their waste container once in 2 days and about 63.9% of the residents dispose their household waste in a hole near their compound. Majority of the residents are aware of any health and safety risked posed by inadequate handling of household waste. Lastly, waste management system in the area can be improved by providing proper waste disposal place and educating proper disposal ways to guarantee that residents do not discard their waste in an indiscriminate manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 12960
Sophie Gudmann Knutsson ◽  
Therese Asplund ◽  
Gunnar Höst ◽  
Konrad J. Schönborn

The prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse of waste is promoted by the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but many countries lack both necessary resources and infrastructure for sound waste management. While literature pinpoints the need for an engaged public and suggests a range of factors and supportive actions that may impact citizens’ waste behaviour, qualitative in-depth studies for engaging in waste management practices remain scarce. This study aimed to investigate perceptions of waste management and underlying behaviours for waste practices in the context of household waste management in Sri Lanka. Six focus group interviews were held with 23 residents across 6 regions in Sri Lanka. A thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed perceptions of four waste management systems, together with five motivational aspects of waste practices in urban, suburban, and rural areas. The analysis further considers how the motivational aspects are interlinked with practices within citizens’ perceived systems. In addition to the novel thematic contribution to the field, the findings can be used as a foundation to inform strategies to communicate with selected target audiences about their local challenges for sustainable waste management practices, in an attempt to influence citizen behaviours.

2021 ◽  
Vol 894 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
V Zulfa ◽  
U Hasanah ◽  
P A Utami

Abstract This study aims to analyze the effect of environmental ethics knowledge on household waste management behaviour in Jatibening Village, Pondok Gede District, Bekasi City. The research data collection was conducted from October to November 2020. The data was collected using a questionnaire from 127 homemakers. Respondents were selected using a simple random sampling method. The data that has been collected is processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, namely simple linear regression. The simple linear regression analysis results indicate that Environmental Ethics Knowledge has a significant positive effect on Household Waste Management Behavior ((3 = 0.215, p <0.05). These results indicate that increasing knowledge about environmental ethics can improve the behaviour of homemakers in managing household waste. Thus, it is hoped that homemakers can increase their knowledge of environmental ethics to improve their behaviour in managing household waste.

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