male reproductive effort
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Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1023
Thomas E. Marler ◽  
L. Irene Terry

Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi invaded Guam in 2003, and the influence on survival and demography of the host Cycas micronesica K.D. Hill population has been well-studied. To more fully understand how A. yasumatsui has threatened the host cycad species, we determined the microstrobilus size and number of pollinators per microstrobilus from 2001 to 2021. The microstrobilus height and diameter were measured directly, and the volume was calculated. Microstrobili were 58 cm in height, 13 cm in diameter, and 4740 cm3 in volume prior to direct A. yasumatsui infestations. Microstrobili decreased in size immediately after direct infestations by A. yasumatsui, and then began to slowly increase in size until 2021. For example, the volume was 24% of pre-invasion volume in 2007, and was 57% of pre-invasion volume in 2021. Microstrobili were harvested; then, the number of pollinator pupae were counted after an incubation period. Pollinator pupae counts per microstrobilus declined to 66% of pre-invasion levels by 2007 and have remained similarly constrained through 2021. Our results revealed that A. yasumatsui damage to the host C. micronesica population is not limited to attrition of the extant plant population, but also includes a loss in male reproductive effort and the risk of coextinction of the insular pollinator.

2021 ◽  
Nora Villamil ◽  
Benoit Sommervogel ◽  
John R Pannell

Selection through pollinators plays a major role in the evolution of reproductive traits. However, herbivory can also induce changes in plant sexual expression and sexual systems, potentially influencing conditions governing transitions between sexual systems. Previous work has shown that herbivory has a strong effect on sex allocation in the wind-pollinated annual plant Mercurialis annua, likely mediated by resource loss. It is also known that many plants respond to herbivory by inducing signalling, and endogenous responses to it, via the plant hormone jasmonate. Here, we attempt to uncouple the effects of herbivory on sex allocation in M. annua through resource limitation (tissue loss) versus plant responses to jasmonate hormone signalling. We used a two-factorial experiment with four treatment combinations: control, herbivory (25% chronic tissue loss), jasmonate, and combined herbivory and jasmonate. We estimated the effects of tissue loss and defence-inducing hormones on reproductive allocation, male reproductive effort, and sex allocation. Tissue loss caused plants to reduce their male reproductive effort, resulting in changes in combined sex allocation. However, application of jasmonate after herbivory reversed its effect on male investment. Our results show that herbivory has consequences on plant sex expression and sex allocation, and that defence-related hormones such as jasmonate can buffer the impacts. We discuss the physiological mechanisms that might underpin the effects of herbivory on sex allocation, and their potential implications for the evolution of plant sexual systems.

Andrés Valenzuela‐Sánchez ◽  
Claudio Azat ◽  
Andrew A. Cunningham ◽  
Soledad Delgado ◽  
Leonardo D. Bacigalupe ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Caitlin R. Fong ◽  
Armand M. Kuris ◽  
Ryan F. Hechinger

AbstractSex can influence patterns of parasitism because males and females can differ in encounter with, and susceptibility to, parasites. We investigate an isopod parasite (Hemioniscus balani) that consumes ovarian fluid, blocking female function of its barnacle host, a simultaneous hermaphrodite. As a hermaphrodite, sex is fluid, and individuals may allocate energy differentially to male versus female reproduction. We predicted the relationship between barnacle size and female reproductive function influences the distribution of parasites within barnacle populations. We surveyed 12 populations spanning ~400 km of coastline of southern California and found intermediate-sized barnacles where most likely to be actively functioning as females. While it is unclear why larger individuals are less likely to be actively reproducing as females, we suggest this reduced likelihood is driven by increased investment in male reproductive effort at larger sizes. The female function-size relationship was mirrored by the relationship between size and parasitism. We suggest parasitism by Hemioniscus balani imposes a cost to female function, reinforcing the lack of investment in female function by the largest individuals. Within the subset of suitable (=female) hosts, infection probability increased with size. Hence, the distribution of female function, combined with selection for larger hosts, primarily dictated patterns of infection.

Human Nature ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-310 ◽  
Daniel P. Longman ◽  
Michele K. Surbey ◽  
Jay T. Stock ◽  
Jonathan C. K. Wells

2015 ◽  
Vol 141 ◽  
pp. 143-153 ◽  
Cédric Girard-Buttoz ◽  
Michael Heistermann ◽  
Erdiansyah Rahmi ◽  
Muhammad Agil ◽  
Panji Ahmad Fauzan ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 281 (1792) ◽  
pp. 20141291 ◽  
Ines Klemme ◽  
Carl D. Soulsbury ◽  
Heikki Henttonen

Across species, there is usually a positive relationship between sperm competition level and male reproductive effort on ejaculates, typically measured using relative testes size (RTS). Within populations, demographic and ecological processes may drastically alter the level of sperm competition and thus, potentially affect the evolution of testes size. Here, we use longitudinal records (across 38 years) from wild sympatric Fennoscandian populations of five species of voles to investigate whether RTS responds to natural fluctuations in population density, i.e. variation in sperm competition risk. We show that for some species RTS increases with density. However, our results also show that this relationship can be reversed in populations with large-scale between-year differences in density. Multiple mechanisms are suggested to explain the negative RTS–density relationship, including testes size response to density-dependent species interactions, an evolutionary response to sperm competition levels that is lagged when density fluctuations are over a certain threshold, or differing investment in pre- and post-copulatory competition at different densities. The results emphasize that our understanding of sperm competition in fluctuating environments is still very limited.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 20121078 ◽  
Catherine L. Hayes ◽  
Isobel Booksmythe ◽  
Michael D. Jennions ◽  
Patricia R. Y. Backwell

Theory suggests that reproductive effort generally increases with age, but life-history models indicate that other outcomes are possible. Empirical data are needed to quantify variation in actual age-dependence. Data are readily attainable for females (e.g. clutch per egg size), but not for males (e.g. courtship effort). To quantify male effort one must: (i) experimentally control for potential age-dependent changes in female presence; and, crucially, (ii) distinguish between the likelihood of courtship being initiated, the display rate, and the total time invested in courting before stopping (‘courtship persistence’). We provide a simple experimental protocol, suitable for many taxa, to illustrate how to obtain this information. We studied courtship waving by male fiddler crabs, Uca annulipes . Given indeterminate growth, body size is correlated with age. Larger males were more likely to wave at females and waved more persistently. They did not, however, have a higher courtship rate (waves per second). A known female preference for males with higher display rates explains why, once waving is initiated, all males display at the same rate.

2012 ◽  
Vol 279 (1748) ◽  
pp. 4740-4746 ◽  
Emily K. Copeland ◽  
Kenneth M. Fedorka

In recent years, studies have shown that reproductive effort decelerates in response to pathogenic infection. If infection substantially reduces a host's residual reproductive value (RRV), however, then an acceleration of effort may instead occur (e.g. terminal investment). Reproductive acceleration would theoretically allow hosts to maintain or exaggerate their sexual signal upon infection. This would create a deceptive message from the perspective of the chooser, who may unwittingly copulate with an infected mate to their detriment. Using the cricket Allonemobius socius , we assessed the potential for reduced RRV to accelerate male reproductive effort and create a dishonest signal. RRV was manipulated through male age and simulated pathogenic insult. Reproductive effort was measured as calling song energetics, mating success, latency to mate and nuptial gift size. We show that males adopted either an accelerated or decelerated reproductive strategy upon infection, and that this decision was probably mediated by RRV. Moreover, males who accelerated their effort produced a dishonest signal by increasing their song energetics while providing fewer paternal resources (i.e. smaller gifts). Our study is one of the few to document the existence of dishonest signals and relate dishonesty to a potential reduction in female fitness, underscoring the conflict inherent in sexual reproduction.

2012 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-433 ◽  
Michael Garratt ◽  
Francis McArdle ◽  
Paula Stockley ◽  
Aphrodite Vasilaki ◽  
Robert J. Beynon ◽  

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