shear instabilities
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
Yves-Marie Ducimetière ◽  
François Gallaire ◽  
Adrien Lefauve ◽  
Colm-cille P. Caulfield

Sean R. Haney ◽  
Alexandra J. Simpson ◽  
Jacqueline M. McSweeney ◽  
Amy F. Waterhouse ◽  
Merrick C. Haller ◽  

AbstractThe ocean is home to many different submesoscale phenomena, including internal waves, fronts, and gravity currents. Each of these processes entail complex nonlinear dynamics, even in isolation. Here we present shipboard, moored, and remote observations of a submesoscale gravity current front created by a shoaling internal tidal bore in the coastal ocean. The internal bore is observed to flatten as it shoals, leaving behind a gravity current front that propagates significantly slower than the bore. We posit that the generation and separation of the front from the bore is related to particular stratification ahead of the bore, which allows the bore to reach the maximum possible internal wave speed. After the front is calved from the bore, it is observed to propagate as a gravity current for ≈4 hours, with associated elevated turbulent dissipation rates. A strong cross-shore gradient of along-shore velocity creates enhanced vertical vorticity (Rossby number ≈ 40) that remains locked with the front. Lateral shear instabilities develop along the front and may hasten its demise.

Kenneth G. Hughes ◽  
James N. Moum ◽  
Emily L. Shroyer ◽  
William D. Smyth

AbstractIn low winds (≲2 m s−1), diurnal warm layers form but shear in the near-surface jet is too weak to generate shear instability and mixing. In high winds (≳8ms−1), surface heat is rapidly mixed downward and diurnal warm layers do not form. Under moderate winds of 3–5 m s−1, the jet persists for several hours in a state that is susceptible to shear instability. We observe low Richardson numbers of Ri ≈ 0.1 in the top 2 m between 10:00 and 16:00 local time (from 4 h after sunrise to 2 h before sunset). Despite Ri being well below the Ri = 1/4 threshold, instabilities do not grow quickly, nor do they overturn. The stabilizing influence of the sea surface limits growth, a result demonstrated by both linear stability analysis and two-dimensional simulations initialized from observed profiles. In some cases, growth rates are sufficiently small (≪1 h−1) that mixing is not expected even though Ri < 1/4. This changes around 16:00–17:00. Thereafter, convective cooling causes the region of unstable flow to move downward, away from the surface. This allows shear instabilities to grow an order of magnitude faster and mix effectively. We corroborate the overall observed diurnal cycle of instability with a freely evolving, two-dimensional simulation that is initialized from rest before sunrise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 144 ◽  
pp. 104108
J.A. Rodríguez-Martínez ◽  
A. Vaz-Romero ◽  
K.E. N’souglo ◽  
G. Vadillo

2020 ◽  
Vol 136 ◽  
pp. 169-181
Raphael R.C. Santos ◽  
Sávio S.V. Vianna

2020 ◽  
Vol 635 ◽  
pp. A133 ◽  
J. Park ◽  
V. Prat ◽  
S. Mathis

Context. Rotational mixing transports angular momentum and chemical elements in stellar radiative zones. It is one of the key processes for modern stellar evolution. In the past two decades, an emphasis has been placed on the turbulent transport induced by the vertical shear instability. However, instabilities arising from horizontal shear and the strength of the anisotropic turbulent transport that they may trigger remain relatively unexplored. The weakest point of this hydrodynamical theory of rotational mixing is the assumption that anisotropic turbulent transport is stronger in horizontal directions than in the vertical one. Aims. This paper investigates the combined effects of stable stratification, rotation, and thermal diffusion on the horizontal shear instabilities that are obtained and discussed in the context of stellar radiative zones. Methods. The eigenvalue problem describing linear instabilities of a flow with a hyperbolic-tangent horizontal shear profile was solved numerically for a wide range of parameters. When possible, the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin–Jeffreys (WKBJ) approximation was applied to provide analytical asymptotic dispersion relations in both the nondiffusive and highly diffusive limits. As a first step, we consider a polar f-plane where the gravity and rotation vector are aligned. Results. Two types of instabilities are identified: the inflectional and inertial instabilities. The inflectional instability that arises from the inflection point (i.e., the zero second derivative of the shear flow) is the most unstable when at a zero vertical wavenumber and a finite wavenumber in the streamwise direction along the imposed-flow direction. While the maximum two-dimensional growth rate is independent of the stratification, rotation rate, and thermal diffusivity, the three-dimensional inflectional instability is destabilized by stable stratification, while it is stabilized by thermal diffusion. The inertial instability is rotationally driven, and a WKBJ analysis reveals that its growth rate reaches the maximum value of √f(1 − f) in the inviscid limit as the vertical wavenumber goes to infinity, where f is the dimensionless Coriolis parameter. The inertial instability for a finite vertical wavenumber is stabilized as the stratification increases, whereas it is destabilized by the thermal diffusion. Furthermore, we found a selfsimilarity in both the inflectional and inertial instabilities based on the rescaled parameter PeN2 with the Péclet number Pe and the Brunt–Väisälä frequency N.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 163

In 1970, I established the first mineral physics laboratory in Australia at the Australian National University (ANU) under the auspices of A.E. (Ted) Ringwood. Over the next six years, we published 25 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, many of them in collaboration with graduate students, Ian Jackson and Leonie Jones. This research was focused on measurements of sound velocities in minerals (and their structural analogues) at high pressures and temperatures, as well as studies of melting and elastic shear instabilities in materials and applications of these experimental data to interpreting seismic models of the Earth’s interior.

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