action groups
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Sergio Andrés ◽  

Rural depopulation has become one of the central issues on the public agenda in the last decade in Spain. However, despite this visibility and the measures that are being developed, the process is still present. Within the policies against depopulation and rural development, the role of participation and empowerment of the affected populations has become particularly important. The objective is based on the fact that, through a more horizontal governance, they are the protagonists of the actions and measures that affect them, and that this governance becomes a means to avoid the depopulation of rural areas. The European Union's LEADER approach and the Local Action Groups have become the paradigm of this rural governance that favours their development and tackles depopulation. This article analyses the situation of rural governance in the case of a Spanish region such as La Rioja, which is affected by the depopulation of a large part of its rural areas. It starts with a theoretical framework that addresses the concept itself and how it is being articulated with issues such as social capital, territorial capital and participation, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the scenarios that are being generated, based on the differences between territories. Next, the frameworks of depopulation in Spain are presented, which are marking the very public policies on the issue. Finally, the situation in La Rioja is addressed, focusing on the role of the regional government's plans and strategies to tackle depopulation and the role of the Local Action Groups.

2021 ◽  
pp. 368-379
Nicoleta Ilie ◽  
Iulia Alexandra Oprea ◽  
Vlad Constantin Turcea ◽  
Vergina Chiritescu

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Marina Novikova ◽  

Over recent years, various approaches to assessing the impacts of social innovation (SI) have developed without a uniform method having arisen. There are some issues around how impacts can be assessed, connected with the questions on the nature of impacts, the levels of analysis and effects of a purely positivist approach to impact assessment. While attempting to assess such impacts, various SI initiatives face the diversity of challenges. To this end, the aim of the article is to investigate the experience of said initiatives promoting social innovation related to impact assessment of social innovation. The paper is based on an empirical study conducted with the local development associations and local action groups involved in social innovation projects in two rural regions of Austria and Portugal. The results indicate that, despite recognising the importance of impact assessment regarding social innovation activities and the opportunities it provides, local organisations in question face many challenges in assessing the impacts of social innovation, including conceptual and practical difficulties.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001312452110625
Janet Cohen ◽  
Miriam Billig

Community-based, Judaism-intensive action groups (Hebrew: Gar’inim Toraniim—GTs) are religiously motivated to settle in Israeli development towns, seeking to narrow social gaps through education. However, their influence has never been fully clarified. This study is grounded in the theory of educational gentrification and introduces the concept of Faith-Driven Gentrification. Until now research has lacked voice from local people forced to face the intervention of settlers driven by religion and their influence on urban school systems. The findings, based on institutional data and in-depth interviews, show that GTs alter the structure of educational systems and the dominant educational ethos. They drive achievement and strict religiosity; nevertheless, their actions impair disadvantaged groups and opponents of their religious lifestyle, intensifying segregation. By giving voice to these communities, this study claims that despite gentrifiers’ commitment to social justice in urban communities, they harm longtime residents through indirect displacement, fueled by religious and ethnic elitism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 360-360
Deborah O'Connor

Abstract Article 12 of the United Nations Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) affirms the rights of persons with physical and mental disabilities to be treated as equal, and deserving of state support to realize their full human potential. This focus on a ‘positive’ right to support (as opposed to the ‘negative’ right to non-interference) has established an important set of expectations around societal responses to people living with dementia(PLWD). This presentation examines the contributions of a rights-based approach to build community with and for PLWD. Data is drawn from Participatory Action Research (PAR) and bi-weekly online action groups with N=10 PLWD in urban and rural British Columbia. Two thematic targets were identified. First, it is important to bring together PLWD in ways that create a sense of solidarity and inclusion. Second, fostering community requires addressing the stigma and discrimination which often leave PLWD feeling isolated, excluded, and marginalized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 917 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
T A Wisudayati ◽  
Danu ◽  
D Octavia ◽  
K A Hendarto ◽  
R U D Sianturi ◽  

Abstract Establishing the Cempaka forestry partnership agroforestry demonstration plot in the Batutegi Forest Management Unit, Lampung Province, should increase small-scale farmers’ participation in planting and enhancing their welfare. They need facilitation and supporting programs to evolve continuously, grow business rapidly, and enable forest sustainability. From previous research, the existing training and the extension supporting programs focus on technological improvements in agroforestry demonstration plots, such as modern nurseries training and incentives awarding. There is minimal understanding of small-scale farmers about the broader market chain beyond their direct market. However, improving the market chain will be sustaining the process of innovation and environmental empowerment. The upscale market chain has an impact on poverty alleviation by enhancing institutional capacity and market linkages. Therefore, integrating a market chain perspective is a crucial priority for planning the demonstration plot capacity program. This research intends to design the procedures for linking small-scale farmers to the market chain using a three-sequence phase usually elaborated in the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA). The data were collected by applying a questionnaire, and then they were described by using a narrative-based qualitative method. The emerging results from this study are the policy implications for improving the performance of the market chain in a standard timeline, namely the assessment phase, the innovation phase, and the action phase. Ideally, policy leaders should pay attention to the assessment phase that identifies interactions among market chain actors. The innovation phase develops on-site learning exercises and tests shared innovation. The action phase promotes in topic meetings and action groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 11672
Vilma Atkociuniene ◽  
Sigitas Vaitkevicius ◽  
Egle Stareike

The study of the partnership organization mechanism (POM) aims to answer the question of how an organization manages the mechanical operation of the partnership and how the partnership system shapes itself in order to achieve a fairer balance across all junctions of the POM, through shafts connected into a single mechanism. The study has led to a deeper understanding of the empirical operation of the POM and has led to the identification of 20 POM configuration principles, the harmonization of which, in accordance with the principle of coherence, enables sustainability to be achieved and managed. The study is exploratory and therefore empirical facts supporting theoretical insights were sought. The information database of the study consists of 5-year observation data of Lithuanian local action groups, exploratory survey data and in-depth interviews for verification of the phenomenon. The empirical study allowed us to verify the theoretical operation of the POM and helped us to determine the content and purpose of the relationships between different groups of stakeholders in the region. A total of 10 POM empirical models have been detected, which confirmed the fundamental thesis of the study that sustainability can be managed by ensuring the harmonious operation of the system and by controlling the level of system coherence.

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