youth migration
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Elena Morozova ◽  
Oksana Kochneva

Youth migration is growing all over the world, including Russia and its regions. Migration is a natural process that cannot be stopped. However, excessive migration can deteriorate the socio-economic situation of the region that keeps losing its population. The research objective was to analyze the factors and motives behind the outflow of young people from the Kemerovo region, as well as to develop some measures that might help to reduce this process. The study was based on statistics and research data conducted by the Regional Sociological Center since 2015. The last two decades have seen a permanent decline in the local population, both due to natural causes and migration. The latter involves young people who leave their native region to study or work somewhere else in Russia or abroad. Potential migrants are driven by the lack of prospects for personal and professional development, the poor choice of attractive jobs, and their desire to live in larger and more comfortable cities. Young people flee from low salaries, bad ecology, poor conditions for cultural development, and low living standards. Therefore, young people believe that the migration can be stopped by higher salaries, more jobs, high-quality social services, better mortgage opportunities, more attractive conditions for self-development and leisure, a more stable economy, a better environmental situation, etc.

2021 ◽  
Jambo Dadi

Abstract Youth migration is becoming a world-wide pandemic. In developing countries like Ethiopia rural-urban migration is continuing to occur at high levels as people seek new opportunities in the city to escape from rural poverty. Young people leave their villages and even their countries because of the limited potential for development inside their community. The effects of this exodus of youth can simultaneously affects development in both urban and rural areas. To this end, this study was conducted to assess the effects of youth rural-urban migration on the socio-economic aspects of migrant sending rural households. In order to generate extensive data, the study was employed cross-sectional qualitative research design. Study participants were selected via purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Both primary and secondary data were employed; in-depth interview, key informant interview and focus group discussion were used to collect the first hand information from study participants. Data generated through different data collection instruments triangulated for their reliability and validity purpose and analyzed by using thematic analysis. Finding from this study reveals that youth rural-urban migration is a burden as well as opportunity for migrant sending rural households. Hence, the out flows of economically active people from rural agricultural sector reduce the availability labor force migrant households are experiencing shortage of labor which adversely affects their productivity. Moreover, rural youth migration put the life of rural elderly parents at risky as much as it takes away the care givers thereby exposes them for loneliness and depression. On the other side, youth rural outmigration is an opportunity for migrant sending households as much as the money sent back from migrants helped family left behind in improving their livelihood. It is recommended that in order to minimize the rate of rural youth migration social amenities should be provided by government and awareness should be given for migrant households on the best use of remittance to maximize its long-term benefits.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Seth Tweneboah ◽  
Edmond Akwasi Agyeman

Abstract This paper interrogates an unexamined component of the religion-migration nexus in Ghana. Using African Traditional Religion as a case in point, the paper examines the function shrines play in sustaining youth migration to Libya and across the Mediterranean to Europe. The paper relies on interviews and fieldtrips to migrant sending communities in the Nkoranza area of the Bono East region of central Ghana. The paper gives an account of the daily realities of prospective migrants, returnees and their families. Among other key findings, it is shown that there is an intricate connection between youth migration, the family system and the deities in sustaining the trans-Saharan migration. This migration, we observe, has become a livelihood strategy, the perpetuation of which reassures the survival of not only the people, but their gods as well.

2021 ◽  
Dariya Iskakova ◽  
Aruzhan Jussibaliyeva ◽  
Damira Iskakova

Migration processes, especially the migration of young people and labor resources, are among the important factors that affect the socio-economic situation both in the country as a whole and in its regions.The State pays considerable attention to migration issues. First of all, to neutralize the negative consequences and enhance the positive effect obtained as a result of migration processes, a broad system of national and interstate regulation has been created. However, the analysis shows that mechanisms for regulating youth migration, approaches to regulating educational and labor migration, and in general, migration processes in Kazakhstan need to be refined and improved.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-36
Natalia Anatolyevna Skobelina ◽  
Le Thi Thanh Tuyen

This article analyzes the scientific literature dedicated to migration of youth from the rural areas to cities. In the conditions of high growth dynamics of modern society, there are multiple issues to be discussed, which defines the relevance of this research. The sociological analysis of migration process from rural areas to cities requires implementing the strategy of integralism and outlining the theoretical approaches and concepts associated with the migration of rural youth in modern Vietnam. Analysis is conducted on the modern scientific literature, with emphasis on the economic, social, and political factors that affect the migration of modern Vietnamese youth from rural areas to cities. The novelty lies in determination of the key vectors in studying the migration process of rural youth to urban areas in modern Vietnam.  The conclusion is made that the  researchers of youth migration focus on the large-scale migration outflow of young people from rural areas to cities, factors of youth migration, nuances of rural community, level of income of rural population, quality of housing, job market and employment in rural areas. Vietnamese researchers of youth migration dedicate special attention to the educational strategies of youth, difficulties and advantages faced due to migration from rural areas to cities in modern Vietnamese society. However, the existing theories and concepts do not provide a holistic representation on the phenomenon in question; thus, it is proposed to use an integral approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 365-378
Sergii E. Sardak ◽  
Kateryna V. Shymanska ◽  
Alla P. Girman ◽  
Oleksandr P. Krupskyi

The article examines the global and regional issues of international youth migration. The obtained results are most interesting for those regions where the population is shrinking and aging with a rising need to involve youth for educational services and local labor markets, or vice versa, for those losing youth due to their emigration. It is emphasized that youth create an economically active social group, which volume and quality significantly affect the country’s development. During the global migration trends identification, the authors identified the international youth migration flows’ differences and features. The paper notes that the global trends in the international youth migration development include: increase in volume and percentage of youth in the overall number of migrants and the local population; growth of youth migrants in more developed regions and high-income countries; the dominance of migratory centers for youth in Oceania, North America, and Europe; formation of powerful centers of migration of intellectual young labor resources in the UAE, Canada, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand. The available formational policy in youth migration regulation, on the example of India, China, Taiwan, Japan, USA, and Western Europe, is studied. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international migration flows is considered, including changes in international migration in 2020. Based on the UN data analysis on age groups of migrants within geographical regions, it was determined that the prerequisite for such a structure of migration centers is a high level of migratory attractiveness. Such migration-center structure is also explained by the significant level of cross-regional migration, as in the localized regions, their factors of «attraction-repulsion» are formed. It is stressed out that increas- ing military and political instability has led to the uphill of forced youth migrants. The paper proposes the flow optimization directions of international youth migration by formulating the link between migration policy and elements of other integration policies on migrant youth (employment policy, social, educational, information and security policies).

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 156-168
V. Yu. Ledeneva ◽  
O. V. Lomakina ◽  
A. M. Dzhunusov ◽  
B. T. Begasilov

Educational migration largely determines the dynamics and nature of the country’s economic development and is viewed as a factor in increasing the country’s competitiveness and building up human capital. In this context, an increasing problem for Kazakhstan is the regulation of educational migration in the context of fierce competition in the international market of educational services.A review of publications showed that the issues of regulating educational migration from Kazakhstan are not widely covered in scientific discourse. There are practically no scientific works on the political and legal aspects of youth migration. But even if there are such publications, then, as a rule, they are devoted to the analysis of youth migration in Central Asia in general. The relevance of the study is determined by the gradual expansion of educational contacts of Kazakhstan with other countries and the need to identify the competitive advantages of foreign educational systems over the national higher education system of Kazakhstan.The purpose of the article is to consider the main motives, causes and consequences of educational migration from Kazakhstan, to analyze the activities of the authorities and ways of regulating youth migration, develop new effective methods for regulating external migration processes and provide recommendations on minimizing the risks associated with the outflow of young people from the country.In order to identify the main trends and development of educational migration from Kazakhstan, the study was carried out on the basis of collecting information through a questionnaire, as well as its detailed processing and content analysis. Kazakhstani students studying in Russia took part in the survey. The sample consisted of 183 people.As a result of the study, the main reasons for the dynamic growth of educational migration from Kazakhstan were identified, such as the high quality of education abroad, the availability of education in Russian universities, comfortable learning and living conditions for Kazakhstanis, etc. Recommendations for authorities on regulating educational migration that can be used by other countries facing the problem of the outflow of youth abroad in order to receive education. The results of this work can be useful to scientists and teachers engaged in research on various aspects of educational migration in Kazakhstan.

Peter Kisaakye ◽  
Abel Nzabona ◽  
Christian Kakuba ◽  
John Bosco Asiimwe ◽  
John Mushomi ◽  
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