ict development
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-22 ◽  
Rita Remeikiene ◽  
Ligita Gaspareniene ◽  
Aleksandra Fedajev ◽  
Vigita Vebraite

Ілля Дмитрієв ◽  
Оксана Дмитрієва

УДК 330.341; JEL Classification: O33   Мета: Метою статті є вивчення основних тенденцій розвитку цифрової економіки України та ідентифікація чинного законодавчого підґрунтя. Методика дослідження: В роботі використано методи аналізу та синтезу, системний підхід, порівняльний аналіз. Результати: Характерною ознакою сучасного етапу розвитку економіки є використання цифрових технологій, які стали каталізатором різкого збільшення мобільності товарних та фінансових потоків, забезпечують високу швидкість передачі інформації, внесли значний вклад в глобалізаційні та інтеграційні процеси світової економіки. Інформаційні технології стали невід’ємною частиною суспільних відносин та призвели до появи нових галузей господарства, ринків, конкурентних товарів та послуг. Одним із важливих параметрів, які на світовому рівні визначають якість та ступінь розвитку цифрової економіки, є світові рейтинги. Згідно з Концепцією розвитку цифрової економіки та суспільства України на 2018-2020 основними рейтинговими цілями її реалізації є досягнення визначених позицій у рейтингу. Для аналізу особливостей та тенденцій розвитку цифрової економіки України авторами проведено дослідження рейтингових індексів, що дають змогу оцінити її стан: Digital Economy and Society Index; Digital Evolution Index; Digital Adoption Index; ICT Development Index; Global Innovation Index; Networked Readiness Index; e-Intensity; IMD World Digital Competiveness Index; Global Competitiveness Index. В дослідженні проведено аналіз стану рівня використання та розвитку цифрових технологій в країні. Наукова новизна: існуючі нормативно-правові акти, що регламентують розвиток цифрової економіки України, актуалізують необхідність їх уніфікації та консолідації у вигляді Стратегії розвитку цифрової економіки України як стійкого законодавчого підґрунтя для забезпечення стратегічного розвитку цифрової економіки держави. Забезпечення розвитку цифрової економіки України передбачається через періодичне прийняття строкових програмних документів на у формі чинної Концепції розвитку цифрової економіки та суспільства України на 2018-2020 роки. Практична значущість: проведений аналіз та визначені особливості та тенденції розвитку цифрової економіки складають інтерес для органів державної влади, до відання яких належить регулювання цифрової економіки; для вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців, що ведуть дослідження з цього питання.

2021 ◽  
Mohamed Kinaanath

<p>This study sought to a) discover the specific factors that influence Information and Communications Technology (ICT) use in higher education teaching and learning in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as the Maldives; b) determine how ICT can be used within higher education in SIDS; c) develop a framework / model for ICT adoption in higher education in teaching and learning of SIDS; and d) use UNESCO’s continuum model of ICT development and the TOEG framework to ground these factors to produce a practical roadmap.  The Maldives was chosen as a representative case for SIDS in this research. The Maldives consists of 1,192 coral islands with 198 inhabited islands. Due to its small population densities spread over remote islands, distribution of higher education access has been a major impediment in the Maldives, calling for the use of ICT.  This research utilised an interpretive paradigm with qualitative research methods (interviews; focus group discussions; qualitative survey and document reviewing). The case research methodology provided a variety of perspectives; enabled multiple data collection techniques; and examined technology integration within a technology rich environment. The research participants were students, teachers, senior academic managers, education and information technology consultants / experts in the Maldives.  The findings revealed the specific factors that affect the ICT adoption within higher education teaching and learning in the context of the Maldives. An Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of ICT use in higher education in SIDS was developed using TAM theory, Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and a TOEG (Technology-Organisational-Environment-Geography) framework.  The technology context examined government support for Information Technology, ICT support for teachers, ICT Infrastructure, underutilisation of ICT resources, perception of benefits from the present ICT infrastructure and ICT policies. The organisational context included finance, centralisation, human resources, top management support, ICT confidence among teachers, and research. The environmental context contained social issues (drugs and overcrowding) and cultural issues (gender disparity, cultural homogeneity among students and teachers and no culture of using ICT in academic learning, and a spoon-feeding pedagogical tradition). Finally the geography context identified issues associated with geography, transportation and the digital divide between remote islands.  These factors impede the adoption of ICT in the higher education sector in SIDS such as the Maldives. A practical roadmap was formulated by utilising the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) continuum model of ICT development and the TOEG framework to recommend four broad stages in terms of adoption and use of ICT in higher education.  This study contributes to existing knowledge by providing a clear understanding of the present role of ICT as well as information on how ICT can be used in higher education in SIDS such as the Maldives. This research is important to gain a wider understanding of the future directions for adoption of ICT within higher education in SIDS. The research will fill critical gaps in the current research, expand the coverage of relatively neglected research areas in SIDS, contribute to practitioners and the academic community, and stimulate further debate.</p>

2021 ◽  
Mohamed Kinaanath

<p>This study sought to a) discover the specific factors that influence Information and Communications Technology (ICT) use in higher education teaching and learning in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as the Maldives; b) determine how ICT can be used within higher education in SIDS; c) develop a framework / model for ICT adoption in higher education in teaching and learning of SIDS; and d) use UNESCO’s continuum model of ICT development and the TOEG framework to ground these factors to produce a practical roadmap.  The Maldives was chosen as a representative case for SIDS in this research. The Maldives consists of 1,192 coral islands with 198 inhabited islands. Due to its small population densities spread over remote islands, distribution of higher education access has been a major impediment in the Maldives, calling for the use of ICT.  This research utilised an interpretive paradigm with qualitative research methods (interviews; focus group discussions; qualitative survey and document reviewing). The case research methodology provided a variety of perspectives; enabled multiple data collection techniques; and examined technology integration within a technology rich environment. The research participants were students, teachers, senior academic managers, education and information technology consultants / experts in the Maldives.  The findings revealed the specific factors that affect the ICT adoption within higher education teaching and learning in the context of the Maldives. An Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of ICT use in higher education in SIDS was developed using TAM theory, Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and a TOEG (Technology-Organisational-Environment-Geography) framework.  The technology context examined government support for Information Technology, ICT support for teachers, ICT Infrastructure, underutilisation of ICT resources, perception of benefits from the present ICT infrastructure and ICT policies. The organisational context included finance, centralisation, human resources, top management support, ICT confidence among teachers, and research. The environmental context contained social issues (drugs and overcrowding) and cultural issues (gender disparity, cultural homogeneity among students and teachers and no culture of using ICT in academic learning, and a spoon-feeding pedagogical tradition). Finally the geography context identified issues associated with geography, transportation and the digital divide between remote islands.  These factors impede the adoption of ICT in the higher education sector in SIDS such as the Maldives. A practical roadmap was formulated by utilising the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) continuum model of ICT development and the TOEG framework to recommend four broad stages in terms of adoption and use of ICT in higher education.  This study contributes to existing knowledge by providing a clear understanding of the present role of ICT as well as information on how ICT can be used in higher education in SIDS such as the Maldives. This research is important to gain a wider understanding of the future directions for adoption of ICT within higher education in SIDS. The research will fill critical gaps in the current research, expand the coverage of relatively neglected research areas in SIDS, contribute to practitioners and the academic community, and stimulate further debate.</p>

2021 ◽  
Samaneh Mahdavi ◽  
Sakineh Sojoodi

Abstract The impact of information and communications technologies (ICT) on the environment is a complex highly-debated subject. Indeed, ICT can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. While ICT tools and devices can be used to improve energy efficiency, which results in reduced CO2 emissions and environmental degradation, the manufacturing and use of ICT devices can become a major source of emission. Also, many ICT devices contain non-renewable and non-recyclable components that can cause significant environmental damage. Therefore, one may question that whether ICT improves environmental quality in countries with different income levels? To answer this question, this study investigated the environmental impacts of ICT in three groups of high, middle, and low-income countries from 2005 to 2019 using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The ICT Development Index (IDI) was used as the measure of ICT development. Empirical results showed that the use of ICT led to reduced total CO2 emissions, CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption, CO2 emissions damage, particulate emissions damage, and energy consumption in the studied countries. Therefore, ICT was found to have a generally negative (favorable) impact on environmental degradation in these countries. Considering this effect of ICT on environmental degradation and pollution, governments are recommended to pursue their energy consumption and emission objectives by promoting the use of ICT in the environmental sector and the implementation of green ICT projects.

Thita M. Mazya ◽  
Lala M. Kolopaking

2021 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 496-507
Qingji Fan ◽  
Paul Kuper ◽  
Yun Hyeong Choi ◽  
Seong-jin Choi

MUGABE Roger ◽  
Liu Shulin ◽  
Byringiro Enock

This study evaluates the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) investment and diffusion on Rwanda's economic growth. At the level we recommend, ICT imports greatly improve intermediate inputs to capital goods, resulting in increased economic growth. We use the most recent available data on technical innovation and investment for our empirical study, which spans the years 2005Q1 to 2020Q4. The results of regression analysis show that ICT development has little effect on Rwanda's economic growth. However, we notice a patchwork of information on ICT investment. We utilize ICT goods exports and imports as a proxy for ICT investment, based on previous research. Surprisingly, ICT goods exports have had no impact on Rwanda's economic growth. We do notice, however, that a 1% increase in ICT goods imports boosts economic growth by 3.9 percent. At this level, ICT goods import greatly boost the intermediate input to capital goods, resulting in increased economic growth. As a result, officials should ensure that ICT goods imports should be prioritized through supporting ICT investment to boost economic growth.

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