standard addition method
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Xiaoyu Fan ◽  
Qing Li ◽  
Ping Lin ◽  
Zhonggan Jin ◽  
Meizi Chen ◽  

Background Therapeutic monitoring of lithium (Li) is important because of its narrow therapeutic range and therapeutic index. Here, the authors present the evaluation of an accurate method for the determination of lithium in serum. Method Serum samples were diluted with 0.3% ultrapure nitric acid and were spiked with an internal standard germanium (Ge). The Li/Ge ratio was detected in He mode; we utilized standard addition method to quantify lithium in human serum. The new inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) assay was characterized for linearity, specificity, imprecision, trueness, accuracy, and comparison. Results The correlation coefficients (r) of linearity were all > 0.9999. The specificity proved to be good. The total coefficients of variation (CV) were 1.11% and 0.49% for the two serum samples. The mean bias from target values of standard reference materials (SRM 956d) was −0.71% for Level I, −017% for Level II, and 2.20 for Level III. External Quality Assessment Scheme for Reference Laboratories in Laboratory Medicine (RELA) gave satisfied results for the new method. Comparison with the ion-selective electrode routine method got reasonable results. Conclusion This high accuracy method is an attractive alternative for lithium measurement and can be used as a candidate reference method to improve quality of serum lithium in China.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (18) ◽  
pp. 5502
Laetitia Hackel ◽  
Elise Rotureau ◽  
Aoife Morrin ◽  
José Paulo Pinheiro

Electrochemical stripping techniques are interesting candidates for carrying out onsite speciation of environmentally relevant trace metals due to the existing low-cost portable instrumentation available and the low detection limits that can be achieved. In this work, we describe the initial analytical technique method development by quantifying the total metal concentrations using Stripping Chronopotentiometry (SCP). Carbon paste screen-printed electrodes were modified with thin films of mercury and used to quantify sub-nanomolar concentrations of lead and cadmium and sub-micromolar concentrations of zinc in river water. Low detection limits of 0.06 nM for Pb(II) and 0.04 nM for Cd(II) were obtained by the standard addition method using a SCP deposition time of 180 s. The SCP results obtained for Pb(II) and Cd(II) agreed with those of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The coupling of SCP with screen-printed electrodes opens up excellent potential for the development of onsite speciation of trace metals. Due to the low analysis throughput obtained for the standard addition method, we also propose a new, more rapid screening Cd(II) internal standard methodology to significantly increase the number of samples that can be analyzed per day.

2021 ◽  
pp. 77-85

Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of captopril and hydro-chlorothiazide in pharmaceutical formulations by the H-point standard addition method (HPSAM) is described. Absorbance at 211.5 and 230.3 nm was monitored upon the addition of standard solutions of captopril. The results showed that in prepared mixtures, captopril and hydrochlorothiazide can be determined simultaneously at concentration ratios varying from 1.0:0.8 to 2.5:1.5 μg/mL, respectively. Percentage recovery was found to be 95.33–104.37% for captopril and 96.8–105% for hydrochlorothiazide, with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 2.46%. The method was successfully used to evaluate the antihypertensive captopril drug in a binary combination of hydrochlorothiazide in real samples with high precision and accuracy within the recovery percentage.

Koutaro Hasegawa ◽  
Kayoko Minakata ◽  
Masasko Suzuki ◽  
Osamu Suzuki

Abstract Purpose In the quantitative forensic toxicological analyses using instruments, major methods to be employed are conventional matrix-matched calibration method (MMCM). However, nowadays, the needs for using the standard addition methods (SAM) are increasing. In spite of this situation, there are no reports of the guidelines for the validations of SAM. In this review, the principle, how to perform it, advantages, disadvantages, reported application data, and the details of validation procedures for the SAM are described. Methods Various databases such as SciFinder, Google and Google Scholar were utilized to collect relevant reports referring to the SAM. The long experiences of our research group on the SAM were also included in this review. Results Although the experimental procedures for the SAM are much more laborious than those of the MMCM, the SAM is essential to quantify target xenobiotic(s) in special matrices such as human solid tissues or biles, which remarkably interfere with the usual quantitative analyses. The validation methods for the SAM have been also proposed for the cases in the absence of the blank matrices. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first presentation of detailed SAM procedure and its validation, which will facilitate the use of the SAM in forensic toxicology. Especially for its validation, new simple methods have been proposed.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. e0247276
Takuyu Hashiguchi ◽  
Masatsugu Hashiguchi ◽  
Hidenori Tanaka ◽  
Koki Fukushima ◽  
Takahiro Gondo ◽  

Plant hormones have been identified to be versatile signaling molecules essential for plant growth, development, and stress response. Their content levels vary depending on the species, and they also change in response to any external stimuli. Thus, simultaneous quantification of multiple plant hormones is required to understand plant physiology. Sensitive and quantitative analysis using liquid chromatography-linked mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been used in detecting plant hormones; however, quantification without stable isotopes is yet to be established. In this study, we quantified seven representative plant hormones of Lotus japonicus, which is a model legume for standard addition method. Accurate masses for monoisotopic ions of seven phytohormones were determined for high-resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS). Selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode based on accurate masses was used in detecting phytohormones in the roots, stems, and leaves. Evaluation of matrix effects showed ion suppression ranging from 10.2% to 87.3%. Both stable isotope dilution and standard addition methods were able to detect plant hormones in the roots, stems, and leaves, with no significant differences in using both approaches and thus a standard addition method can be used to quantify phytohormones in L. japonicus. The method will be effective, especially when stable isotopes are not available to correct for matrix effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-154
Igor G. Zenkevich ◽  
Darina D. Barkhatova ◽  
Maria N. Belysheva ◽  
Nikita A. Kaminskii ◽  

Different algorithms for processing the quantitative gas chromato­gra­­phic ana­lysis data using the double standard addition method are compared for their accuracy. Three principal approaches are possible for such processing: I – simple comparison of values determined by sing­le and double standard additions, II – approximation of «peak area of ana­lyte» (S) – «mass of standard addition» (madd) depen­den­ce by the least squa­res method [linear reg­res­sion, m(S)], and III – independent quantification of analyte with both standard additi­ons follo­wed by the linear extrapolation of two sub-results on the so-cal­led «zero standard addi­tion», mx(madd ® 0). It is concluded that the quantitation results obtained using the various modes of the method are comparable in accuracy, but somewhat underestimated relative to the specified amounts of analytes. The principal reason of such systematic errors is the eva­po­ration of the solvent during the successive injecting of the same samples into the gas chroma­to­graph. Due to this reason the peak are­as, measured after the standard addition, appear to be slight­­ly increased and this leads to the systematic underestimation of the results. The second (less impor­tant) factor is the small increa­se of the samp­le volumes due to the addition of the compo­nents to be determined. It is confirmed that the systematic errors of different modes of standard addition are not exceeding the values of their random uncertainties. The op­ti­mal results (considering their signs of deviations) are provided using the double standard addition method with extrapolation of sub-results on «zero standard addition». In order to exclude the possible influence of «human factor» (increasing the re­sults precision during the series of analyses of similar samples due to the rising experience of analytical chemists) all parallel measurements have been per­for­med by bachelor students of the Chemistry Ins­titute of the St. Petersburg State University in the course of their laboratory practical works in chromatography. Such organization of experiments increases their credibility as it excluded the dependence of the results on the qualification of chemists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 632-636
A. Septiani ◽  
A. Anggraeni ◽  
A. Hardianto ◽  
D.R. Eddy ◽  
H.H. Bahti

Gadolinium is a potential T1 contrast agent because it provides a better image for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, as toxic gadolinium ions can be released from the coordination compounds, it is often encapsulated using silica. Silica-encapsulated gadolinium citrate is a colloid, therefore, encapsulation efficiency should be determined by the standard addition method, not the external standard, to minimize errors in the matrix. Silica-encapsulated gadolinium citrate (Gd-C6H5O7@SiO2) was prepared via the Stöber sol-gel method by mixing gadolinium citrate, ethanol, aqua proinjection, tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and ammonia, then the encapsulation efficiency was determined using the standard addition method. Particle size analysis revealed that the average size of Gd-C6H5O7@SiO2 particles was 1.53 μm having a encapsulation efficiency of 90.44%. ◽  
2020 ◽  
Takuyu Hashiguchi ◽  
Masatsugu Hashiguchi ◽  
Hidenori Tanaka ◽  
Koki Fukushima ◽  
Takahiro Gondo ◽  

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